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New conventional and sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe zircon U-Pb dating has led to a new understanding of the subdivision and evolution of the Amazon Craton during Precambrian time, with major improvements and changes made to the previous Rb-Sr based model. The interpretation of U-Pb and Sm-Nd isotopic data identifies eight main Precambrian tectonic provinces in the Craton, with ages ranging from 3.1 to 0.99 Ga. Some of the provinces were generated by accretional, arc-related processes (Carajás, Transamazonic, Tapajós-Parima and Rondônia-Juruena) and others by recycling of continental crust (Central Amazon, Rio Negro and Sunsas). The exposed Archean crust is restricted to the east (Carajás and south Amapá in Brazil) and north (Imataca in Venezuela) of the craton, indicating that the Amazon Craton is largely a Proterozoic crust. The Carajás-Imataca (3.10–2.53 Ga) and Transamazonian (2.25–2.00 Ga) Provinces are composed predominantly of granite-greenstone terranes. The Tapajós-Parima (2.10–1.87 Ga) and Rondônia-Juruena (1.75–1.47 Ga) Provinces represent new crust added as orogenic belts, while the Rio Negro (1.86–1.52 Ga) and Sunsas (1.33–0.99 Ga) Provinces originated mainly by magmatic-tectonic recycling of the above two orogenic belts. The only zone with a prominent northeast trend is the poorly known K'Mudku Shear Belt, characterized by a 1.20 Ga shear zone which deforms the rocks of at least three different provinces (Rio Negro, Tapajós-Parima and Transamazonic). The Central Amazon Province comprises mostly Orosirian volcano-plutonic rocks (Uatumã Magmatism) and is a terrane in which the exposed crustal structure and deformation are pluton-related. The Sm-Nd TDM model ages and Nd suggest that the Central Amazon Province was generated by the partial melting of Archean continental crust (Carajás Province?), perhaps related to underplating that began at the end of the Tapajós-Parima Orogeny (1.88–1.86 Ga).  相似文献   
The Gould Belt is the local superassociation of star formation. The age of the Belt is some few 107 yr, henceforth, its population is dominated by luminous young OB associations and low mass pre-main sequence stars. Attempts to unveil the low mass population have been run making use of the ROSAT all-sky survey. The all sky ultraviolet survey run by the GALaxy Evolution eXplorer (GALEX) maps several regions in the Belt. In this contribution, we present the preliminary analysis of the UV stellar population towards the Taurus region, one of the nearest and best studied regions of star formation.  相似文献   
Pacific Islands are considered among the most vulnerable geographies and societies to the effects of climate change and variability (CCV). This study addresses the mismatch between global climate change narratives and local perceptions of environmental change in Moorea, French Polynesia. This study builds on CCV risk perception and adaptation research by analyzing how temporal and historical socio-economic, cultural, political, and ecological contexts shape local perceptions of environmental change among a sample of environmental stakeholders in Moorea. The data were collected prior to the widespread global narrative and social amplification of climate change risk and its particular impact on islands. As such, they offer an important portrait of environmental perceptions in French Polynesia prior to the influence of a circumscribed climate change narrative, which has since come to shape government and NGO responses to environmental change in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories. The data presented in this paper illustrate that perceptions of drivers and effects of environmental change and risk in Moorea are embedded in larger social processes of political economy and ecology, particularly related to contemporary environmental politics, contextualized within the histories of colonialism and tourism-led economic development. Integrating the complexity of local environmental risk perceptions into CCV policy will help to avoid maladaptation, social movements against CCV planning, and may help maximize government and donor investments.  相似文献   
A methodological procedure is proposed for determining the renewal period (RP), which expresses the ratio of total storage to recharge of carbonate aquifers, and it was applied to the overexploited moderate-size Becerrero carbonate aquifer (southern Spain). To this end, geological and subsurface data—time domain electromagnetic (TEM) soundings and borehole logs—were integrated to construct a three-dimensional (3D) geological model of the aquifer. The interconnected porosity was estimated by analyzing 73 rock samples. The resulting 3D geometrical model makes it possible to quantify the fractions of the aquifer having a confined or unconfined behaviour. Based on the total storage capacity (179?·?106–514?·?106 m3) and available aquifer recharge estimation (4.8?·?106–6.4?·?106 m3/year), an RP between 37 and 106 years is obtained. In view of the RP, an exploitation rate slightly lower than the average recharge of the system is recommended, so that the piezometric level will be stable but below the discharge head that is produced through the springs in natural conditions. The proposed methodology to obtain an aquifer RP and the management strategies designed accordingly are of broad interest, especially for carbonate aquifers, which are abundant in arid and semiarid regions.  相似文献   
Over the past few decades, substantial progress has been made to overcome the technical difficulties of continuously measuring volcanic SO2 emissions. However, measurements of CO2 emissions still present many difficulties, partly due to the lack of instruments that can directly measure CO2 emissions and partly due to its strong atmospheric background. In order to overcome these difficulties, a commonly taken approach is to combine differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) by using NOVAC scan-DOAS instruments for continuous measurements of crateric SO2 emissions, and electrochemical/NDIR multi-component gas analyser system (multi-GAS) instruments for measuring CO2/SO2 ratios of excerpts of the volcanic plume. This study aims to quantify the representativeness of excerpts of CO2/SO2 ratios measured by Multi-GAS as a fraction of the whole plume composition, by comparison with simultaneously measured CO2/SO2 ratios using cross-crater Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Two study cases are presented: Telica volcano (Nicaragua), with a homogenous plume, quiescent degassing from a deep source and ambient temperature, and Turrialba volcano (Costa Rica), which has a non-homogeneous plume from three main sources with different compositions and temperatures. Our comparison shows that in our “easier case” (Telica), FTIR and Multi-GAS CO2/SO2 ratios agree within a factor about 3 %. In our “complicated case” (Turrialba), Multi-GAS and FTIR yield CO2/SO2 ratios differing by approximately 13–25 % at most. These results suggest that a fair estimation of volcanic CO2 emissions can be provided by the combination of DOAS and Multi-GAS instruments for volcanoes with similar degassing conditions as Telica or Turrialba. Based on the results of this comparison, we report that by the time our measurements were made, Telica and Turrialba were emitting approximately 100 and 1,000 t day?1 of CO2, respectively.  相似文献   
World-wide controversy continues to surround the question of whether exposure to ionising radiations arising from nuclear power plants and radioactive fuel cycle facilities could increase the risk of cancer. The objective was to analyse cancer mortality in towns close to Spanish nuclear power plants and radioactive fuel cycle facilities by reference to their history of exposure to artificial radiation generated by such emissions. An ecological cancer mortality study was conducted to know the effect of artificial radiation, estimated taken into account the magnitude of emissions, in towns ≤30 km of any installation. A model of atmospheric and aquatic dispersion of radionuclides was used. As reference, towns within a 50–100 km radius were matched with exposed by socio-demographic characteristics. For analysis purposes, log-linear Poisson models were fitted. The cumulative effective dose was the measure of exposure. Mortality rates ratios were calculated for each tumour site. Natural radiation and socio-demographic matching variables were included in the models, with ‘installation’ as a random effects term. The estimated cumulative artificial radiation dose was below 350 μSv for all sites. For nuclear power plants overall, analysis showed no positive association with increases in the cumulative dose. In the joint analysis of radioactive fuel cycle facilities, however, mortality was observed to rise with increases in the estimated radiation dose in the case of lung, bone and colorectal cancer, and in breast cancer among women. These results would not appear to be due to exposure arising from the operation of the installations, since were not reproduced around installations of the same type.  相似文献   
A new procedure is proposed for joint strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment using simultaneous characterizations in the protected natural area studied to analyse the importance and extent of the impact of human activities within this area on the various natural resources. GIS techniques were used to define territorial models, including environmental information criteria in thematic layers to facilitate environmental diagnosis in the early planning stages in the areas of concern or of higher quality for conservation at different working levels (municipal, district, provincial or national). Traditional conventional environmental impact assessment methods were improved, using spatial analysis to compare scenarios based on the spatial and temporal variability of the impacts identified and their evaluation. This method was applied to the natural space of Las Batuecas-S. de Francia and Quilamas, where in an initial stage the different anthropogenic activities (landfills, etc.) with the potential to cause direct (sewage waters, etc.) or indirect (leachate, etc.) impacts were identified, using checklists and double-entry matrices to analyse actions likely to cause impacts, developing the cartography and identifying environmental impacts potentially damaging to the natural environment. Next, thematic and interpretive mappings were drawn up (surface water quality, aquifer vulnerability to pollution and vulnerability to municipal solid waste) to assess the effects upon resources (water, soil, air, etc.). Finally, by overlapping the impact identification and vulnerability mappings (municipal solid waste, pollution of aquifers and surface water quality) the impact characterization mapping was obtained, showing the absorption capacity of the different sectors to help the responsible bodies set out preventive and/or corrective measures. The essence of this paper is, in methodological terms, its use of two methods simultaneously (strategic environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment) in a protected natural area, allowing it to be extrapolated to any area where territorial management and planning studies need to be carried out.  相似文献   
Enhancing the value of an underground mine environment for tourist exploitation involves altering the physico-chemical balance of stone materials whose original mechanical properties guaranteed the structural stability of the site’s galleries and chambers. Humidity and temperature changes caused by the public exhibition of this kind of assets are the main causes of such disorders. After the intervention in the Agrupa-Vicenta mine in La Union (Spain) there were still runoff-water leaks into the mine. These water runoffs through the fault and schistosity planes of the enclosing rock mass give rise to salt precipitation over time. Adapting this mine and turning it into a museum have meant a decrease in relative indoors humidity and an increase in temperature. These variations have caused rocks, which were stable in the original conditions, to increase their rate of physico-chemical weathering due to the polycyclic supergene alteration of the metal sulfides they contain. The resulting release of sulfates into the solution and their subsequent precipitation as single and double salt efflorescence causes haloclasty, deteriorating the rock’s mechanical properties and diminishing the structural stability of the operation. This paper presents the results of characterizing the supergene mineral phases of salt efflorescence in the rock bed enclosing an underground sulfide mine value enhanced for tourist exploitation. Dangers for the structural stability of this type of architectural intervention, associated to the formation of efflorescences, are also identified; these efflorescences are caused by the weathering of rocks that make up its supporting structure.  相似文献   
Pulp and paper mills utilise huge amount of natural resources, inorganic and organic materials along with large volume of water in different stages of paper manufacturing, resulting in a significant volume of effluents. The aim of this work was to investigate the treatment of a bleaching effluent [effluent chlorine free (ECF)] from the cellulose industry with white-rot fungi in an air-lift bioreactor. This effluent was submitted to the biological treatment with three white-rot fungi, and, every 24 h for 120 h, analytical tests were performed to analyse the quality parameters of treatment (COD, phenols, colour, pH). Before and after treatment, the effluent was analysed as its molecular mass distribution and absorptivity in the UV/VIS. Lentinus edodes, Trametes versicolor and Trametes villosa promoted similarly significant reductions in the following characteristics: (a) effluent colour (40–44 %), (b) total phenol (30–51 %) and (c) COD (37–43 %). The UV/visible spectrometry reading of the effluent after the fungi treatment showed a reduction in the absorbance of all wavelengths between 260 and 500 nm. The size exclusion HPLC profile of the effluent was modified, and the treatment promoted changes in the intensity of the peaks associated with compounds of high and low molecular weight. Phenoloxidases were produced during the treatment. T. versicolor produced the highest levels of laccase, and L. edodes was the only fungus that produced peroxidases.  相似文献   
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