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An analysis of streamflow characteristics (i.e. mean annual and seasonal flows and extreme high and low flows) in current and future climates for 21 watersheds of north-east Canada covering mainly the province of Quebec is presented in this article. For the analysis, streamflows are derived from a 10-member ensemble of Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM) simulations, driven by the Canadian Global Climate Model simulations, of which five correspond to current 1970–1999 period, while the other five correspond to future 2041–2070 period. For developing projected changes of streamflow characteristics from current to future periods, two different approaches are used: one based on the concept of ensemble averaging while the other approach is based on merged samples of current and similarly future simulations following multiple comparison tests. Verification of the CRCM simulated streamflow characteristics for the 1970–1999 period suggests that the model simulated mean hydrographs and high flow characteristics compare well with those observed, while the model tends to underestimate low flow extremes. Results of projected changes to mean annual streamflow suggest statistically significant increases nearly all over the study domain, while those for seasonal streamflow show increases/decreases depending on the season. Two- and 5-year return levels of 15-day low flows are projected to increase significantly over most part of the study domain, though the changes are small in absolute terms. Based on the ensemble averaging approach, changes to 10- and 30-year return levels of high flows are not generally found significant. However, when a similar analysis is performed using longer samples, significant increases to high flow return levels are found mainly for northernmost watersheds. This study highlights the need for longer samples, particularly for extreme events in the development of robust projections.  相似文献   

Aerial perspective is an essential design principle for shaded relief that emphasizes high elevation terrain using strong luminance contrast and low elevations with low contrast. Aerial perspective results in a more expressive shaded relief and helps the reader to understand the structure of a landscape more easily. We introduce a simple yet effective method for adding aerial perspective to shaded relief that is easy to control by the mapmaker.  相似文献   
The Structure of Coral Communities at Hurghada in the Northern Red Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. The community structure of hard and soft corals, with an emphasis on hard corals, was determined by means of line-transects on 9 on-and off-shore reefs of different type and different wave exposure in the Northern Red Sea near Hurghada in Egypt. Coral communities were found to differentiate along a horizontal wind- and wave-exposure gradient. Exposed communities were dominated by Acropora species, sheltered communities by Porites species, and semi-exposed communities by Millepora species. Also, vertical within-reef zonations following a depth gradient were observed; these were unique for each exposure-determined community type. Average transect diversity was highest on semi-exposed reefs, lowest on sheltered reefs. Reef slopes were more diverse than other reef zones. The observed community structure was compared with data from the literature, and widely distributed, roughly comparable hard and soft coral communities were identified.  相似文献   
The virtual globe is the default visualization for Digital Earth applications, but it can only show one half of the Earth. This article introduces user-adjustable, on-the-fly projection of georeferenced raster images for web mapping and web GIS applications. This technique allows users to center a map on arbitrary locations, while still seeing the entire Earth surface. Modern web mapping libraries can apply map projection transformations to vector data in the browser, but they do not currently support the projection of raster images at interactive frame rates. We use the cross-platform WebGL (Web Graphics Library) graphics pipeline for hardware-accelerated projection of raster data in web browsers. Two algorithmic techniques – inverse per-fragment projection, and combined forward per-triangle and inverse per-fragment projection – for georeferenced raster imagery are documented. The resulting raster maps combine the ease of use and flexibility of interactive virtual globes with the ability to show the entire Earth. The adjustable projection of raster imagery allows users to observe global phenomena that are difficult to visualize on virtual globes or traditional maps with static projections.  相似文献   
The Brixenbach valley is a small Alpine torrent catchment (9.2 km2, 820–1950 m a.s.l., 47.45°, 12.26°) in Tyrol, Austria. Intensive hydrological research in the catchment since more than 12 years, including a hydrogeological survey, pedological and land use mapping, measurements of precipitation, runoff, soil moisture and infiltration as well as the conduction of rainfall simulations, has contributed to understand the hydrological response of the catchment, its subcatchments and specific sites. The paper presents a synthesis of the research in form of runoff process maps for different soil moisture states and precipitation characteristics, derived with the aid of a newly developed Soil-hydrological model. These maps clearly visualize the differing runoff reaction of different subcatchments. The pasture dominated areas produce high surface flow rates during short precipitation events (1 h, 86 mm) with high rainfall intensity, whilst the forested areas often develop shallow subsurface flow. Dry preconditions lead to a slight reduction of surface flow, long rainfall events (24 h, 170 mm) to a dominance of deep subsurface flow and percolation.  相似文献   
Helicopter-borne frequency-domain electromagnetic (HEM) surveys are used for fast high-resolution, three-dimensional resistivity mapping. Standard interpretation tools are often based on layered earth inversion procedures which, in general, explain the HEM data sufficiently. As a HEM system is moved while measuring, noise on the data is a common problem. Generally, noisy data will be smoothed prior to inversion using appropriate low-pass filters and consequently information may be lost.For the first time the laterally constrained inversion (LCI) technique has been applied to HEM data combined with the automatic generation of dynamic starting models. The latter is important because it takes the penetration depth of the electromagnetic fields, which can heavily vary in survey areas with different geological settings, into account. The LCI technique, which has been applied to diverse airborne and ground geophysical data sets, has proven to be able to improve the HEM inversion results of layered earth structures. Although single-site 1-D inversion is generally faster and — in case of strong lateral resistivity variations — more flexible, LCI produces resistivity — depth sections which are nearly identical to those derived from noise-free data.The LCI results are compared with standard single-site Marquardt–Levenberg inversion procedures on the basis of synthetic data as well as field data. The model chosen for the generation of synthetic data represents a layered earth structure having an inhomogeneous top layer in order to study the influence of shallow resistivity variations on the resolution of deep horizontal conductors in one-dimensional inversion results. The field data example comprises a wide resistivity range in a sedimentary as well as hard-rock environment.If a sufficient resistivity contrast between air and subsurface exists, the LCI technique is also very useful in correcting for incorrect system altitude measurements by using the altitude as a constrained inversion parameter.  相似文献   
Two different airborne electromagnetic methods were applied in the same area: the frequency-domain helicopter-borne electromagnetic (HEM) system operated by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany, and the time-domain SkyTEM system of the HydroGeophysics Group at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. For verification of and comparison with the airborne methods, ground-based transient electromagnetics and 2-D resistivity surveying were carried out. The target of investigation was the Cuxhaven valley in Northern Germany, which is a significant local groundwater reservoir. The course of this buried valley was revealed by drillings and the shape was determined by reflection seismics at several cross sections.We applied electrical and electromagnetic methods to investigate the structure of the valley filling consisting of gravel, sand, silt and clay. The HEM survey clearly outlines a shallow conductor at about 20m depth and a deeper conductor below 40m depth inside the valley. This is confirmed by 2-D resistivity surveying and a drilling. The thickness of the deeper conductor, however, is not revealed due to the limited investigation depth of the HEM system. The SkyTEM survey does not resolve the shallow conductor, but it outlines the thickness of the deeper clay layer inside the valley and reveals a conductive layer at about 180m depth outside the valley. The SkyTEM results are very consistent with ground-based transient electromagnetic soundings.Airborne electromagnetic surveying in general has the advantage of fast resistivity mapping with high lateral resolution. The HEM system is cost-efficient and fast, but the more expensive and slower SkyTEM system provides a higher depth of investigation. Ground-based geophysical surveys are often more accurate, but they are definitively slower than airborne surveys. It depends on targets of interest, time, budget, and manpower available by which a method or combination of methods will be chosen. A combination of different methods is useful to obtain a detailed understanding of the subsurface resistivity distribution.  相似文献   
ZusammenfassungStabilität einer Rutschscholle unter Einstau Die Elta, linker Seitenzufluß der Donau auf der Höhe Tuttlingen, sollte an der topografisch günstigsten Stelle zur Errichtung eines 12 Mio m3 großen Speichers abgesperrt werden. Die geologische Vorerkundung ergab Hinweise auf eine erfolgte Rutschung größerer Kubatur im linken Hangbereich. Die danach angesetzte Erkundung zeigte, daß eine Scholle aus Gesteinen des Weißen Jura unter Ausbildung einer Gleitfläche auf dem unterlagernden Braunen Jura abgeglitten war. Mit dem Teileinstau dieser Hangpartie mußte befürchtet werden, daß die Scholle erneut in Bewegung geraten und in das Becken gleiten würde (Vergleichssituation zu Vajont). Die bodenmechanische Berechnung ergab für den Lastfall der schnellen Senkung des Beckenspiegels eine nicht ausreichende Standsicherheit der Scholle, weshalb die Sperrstelle aufgegeben werden mußte.
SummaryStability of a Rock Slide in a Reservoir The Elta, left tributory river of the upper Danube should have been dammed up at the topographically most suitable location in order to erect a reservoir for water supply of 12 mio. m3 in volume. Since the topography of the valley part in consideration showed some peculiarities, a more detailed geological survey was undertaken. Due to geo-morphological aspects on the left slope part of the valley expecially in the area of the dam abutment in prospection a former landslide was indicated. More detailed ascertainments showed that a stratum of malm had performed a slideway on the dogger yielding the actual morphological position.In projecting the basin it had to be taken into consideration the possibility of a renewed sliding expecially in the state of lowering the water table (comparative situation to Vajont).Indeed the soil mechanical safety determination of the slope part in consideration verified a not sufficient stability in the state of repeated sudden drow down of the water table in the basin. Due to this result one had to renounce on the realization of the project.

RésuméStabilité d'un éboulement dans un bassin On devait construire un barrage sur la Elta (affluent gauche du Danube, à la hauteur de Tuttlingen), à l'endroit le plus favorable du point de vue topographique, afin de créer un réservoir de 12 Mio. m3. Le sondage géologique préalable a fourni des indications au sujet d'un glissement de cubage assez important, s'étant produit dans la région pentue gauche.Le sondage effectué par la suite montra qu'une masse de pierres du Jura Blanc s'était détachée en ferment une surface glissante sur le Jura Brun qui se trouve à la base. Avec le remplissage du bassin partiel il était à craindre que la masse ne se mît de nouveau en mouvement et ne glissât dans le bassin (Situation comparable à Vajont).Les calculs de la mécanique du sol n'ont pas révélé une sécurité suffisant de la stabilité de la masse, dans le cas d'une baisse rapide du niveau du bassin, c'est pourquoi on a dû renoncer à un barrage à cet endroit.

Mit 8 Abbildungen  相似文献   
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