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Dabrio Cristino J. Zazo Cari Lario Javier Goy José Luis Sierro Francisco J. Borja Francisco González José Ángel Flores José Abel 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1998,77(3-4):263-281
This first sedimentary interpretation of two incised-valley fills in the Gulf of Cádiz (southern Spain), which accumulated during the last fourth-order eustatic cycle in response to fluvial incision, changes of sea level, and correlative deposition, relates the filling of the estuarine basins and their barriers with four regional progradation phases, H1 to H4. The cases studied are the wave-dominated Guadalete, and the mixed, tide and wave-dominated Odiel-Tinto estuaries. The sequence boundary is a type-1 surface produced during the lowstand of the Last Glacial period ca. 18 000 14C yr BP. No fluvial lowstand deposits were found in the area. Due to rapid transgression the valley fills consist of transgressive and highstand sediments. The maximum landward advance of the estuarine barriers occurred ca. 6500–6000 14C yr BP during the maximum of the Flandrian transgression, but there is no evidence of sea level rising appreciably above the present. A large part of the estuaries was filled during H1 (ca. 6500–4400 14C yr BP) but ravinement by shifting tidal inlets destroyed most of the coeval barriers. During the H2 phase (ca. 4200–2550 14C yr BP) sedimentation was favoured by arid conditions and concentrated in the axial estuarine zones and the barriers. Between H2 and H3 prevailing winds changed from W to WSW, increasing spit growth to the east and south-east. Progradation of bay-head deltas and flood-plains during H3 (ca. 2300–800 14C yr BP) and H4 (500 yr ago to the present) further reduced the accommodation space in the largely-filled valleys, and sediment by-passed the estuaries and accumulated in the estuarine barriers as fast-growing spits. Arid conditions and increasing human activity have caused rapid coastal modifications. 相似文献
Surfaces of phosphorite nodules and pebbles from the “Cambridge Green Sand” (Cenomanian, South England) yielded several discernible types of scratches. These originated before the burial of nodules/pebbles as evidenced by fossil epibiotic oysters cemented to cover the scratches. The individual forms of scratches differ in size and shape; therefore, the set of “scratching instruments” also had to be different. The scratches described differ from scratches generated by glacial processes, namely by the regularity of length and intervals, parallel orientation, existence of recurrent forms and placement along the nodule edges. We interpret the scratches as trace fossils of the ichnogenus Machichnus. Three new species, namely M. normani, M. harlandi and M. jeansi, are erected for them herein. The series of scratches originated probably by teeth on a couple of jaws; the makers possibly scraped bacterial or algal film off the surface of nodules that were covered with the phosphate gel. Both homodont and heterodont animals (probably fish) were involved. 相似文献
Maria Teresa Gómez-Pugnaire Peter Ulmer Vicente López-Sánchez-Vizcaíno 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》2000,139(4):436-457
Mafic igneous rocks are widespread in the Nevado-Filábride Complex, the lowermost metamorphic unit of the internal zones
of the Betic Cordilleras. They form intrusive, small, discontinuous bodies, predominantly dikes with subordinate small lava
flows. The entire complex underwent alpine compressional metamorphism during the Paleogene continental collision, resulting
in eclogites and blueschists in the mafic bodies and high-pressure assemblages in the intruded metasediments. Locally, weakly
metamorphosed or completely unmetamorphosed igneous rocks with the same textural features occur as patches surrounded by eclogitized
igneous rocks. The bulk rock chemistry of unmetamorphosed and completely metamorphosed mafic igneous rocks is consistent with
an alkaline to transitional tholeiitic magmatism with typical within-plate geochemical characteristics. All but a few samples
are nepheline normative and display REE and trace element characteristics typical of continental, rift-related magmatism.
This conclusion is strongly supported by the mineral chemistry of the major constituents, in particular the calcic Ti-rich
character of clinopyroxene, the lack of orthopyroxene, and the occurrence of kaersutitic amphibole. Incompatible trace element
abundances and Sr and Nd isotopes support the provenance of these magmas from a variably metasomatized previously depleted
sub-continental lithospheric mantle source.
Received: 5 July 1999 / Accepted: 28 February 2000 相似文献
Large-scale ancient landslides of the area of more than 5 km2 and volume exceeding 200 × 106 m3 are characteristic features of the valleys incised in the northern periphery of the Crimean Mountains (Ukraine). The largely
affected area is located in the outermost cuesta range of the Crimean Mountains which consists of rigid Sarmatian limestones
overlying weak Middle Miocene and Upper Palaeogene deposits. A giant landslide arose in the Alma water gap as a reflection
of several coincident preparatory factors such as suitable bedrock stratification, smectite-rich bedrock exposed to swelling
activity, presence of faults parallel to the valley trend, and river capture event which preceded the landslide event. The
occurrence of such ancient megaslides is particularly interesting in the area which is characterized by low precipitation
(<500 mm/year) and weak contemporary seismicity. It probably reflects a more dynamic environment in humid phases of the Holocene;
however, seismic triggering along the Mesozoic suture zone cannot be rejected. Compressional features such as gravitational
folds in the central and distal parts of the landslide, which probably correlate with the whole landslide genesis or its significant
reactivation, arose, according to the radiocarbon dating, during the Holocene climatic optimum in the Atlantic period. The
slope deformation has been relatively quiescent since that time, except minor historic reactivization which took place in
the frontal part of the landslide. We suppose that the studied landslide could be classified as a transitional type of slope
deformation with some signs of spreading and translational block slides. 相似文献
Soil, mine tailing, and waste dump profiles above three mesothermal gold deposits in the Bohemian Massif with different anthropogenic histories have been studied. Their mineralogical, major element, and arsenic (As) contents and the contents of secondary arsenic minerals were analyzed. The As-bearing minerals were concentrated and determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, the Debye-Scherrer powder method, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive microanalysis (EDAX). The amorphous hydrous ferric oxides (HFO), As-bearing goethite, K-Ba- or Ca-Fe- and Fe- arsenates pharmacosiderite, arseniosiderite, and scorodite, and sulfate-arsenate pitticite were determined as products of arsenopyrite or arsenian pyrite oxidation. The As behaviour in the profiles studied differs in dependence on the surface morphology, chemical and mineralogical composition of the soil, mine wastes or tailings, oxidation conditions, pH, presence of (or distance from) primary As mineralization in the bedrock, and duration of the weathering effect. Although the primary As mineralization and the bedrock chemical composition are roughly similar, there are distinct differences in the As behaviour amongst the Mokrsko, Roudný and Kaperské Hory deposits. 相似文献
This paper presents the development and utilisation of an automated image processing algorithm for detection and analysis
of grains. Using optical polarising microscopy, a set of colored images are collected from an area on a thin section. A filtering
operation, using rotation of a morphological alternating sequence filter (based on a structuring element), is used to remove
twinning features within individual grains. Filtering is followed by the watershed segmentation technique to determine grain
boundaries. The method is used for the identification of calcite grains in marble and the subsequent analysis of morphological
anisotropy. 相似文献
Işık Yilmaz Marian Marschalko David Lamich Marián Drusa Jiří Machačík Silvie Heviánková Miroslav Kyncl Eva Lacková Iva Bestová David Krčmář Egon Stutz Martin Bednárik 《Environmental Earth Sciences》2014,72(8):2947-2955
In engineering geology a number of factors affecting foundation conditions are taken into consideration during engineering-geological investigations. This article deals with the factor of heat sourced from a structure (brick kiln) as a restrictive factor in foundation engineering in clay soils and introduces a documentation of soil deformation observations as an impact of the heat transmission into the geological environment. It was carried out in Southern Moravia in the Czech Republic, where the dominant foundation soils are Neogeneous clays where differential settlements of a tunnel kiln structure occurred as a result of ignoring the boundary conditions of temperature changes in the soil environment. The brick kilns caused heterogeneous spatial changes in the subsoil temperatures. This consequently resulted in differential settlements due to temperature changes originating from the kilns. The differential settlements reached as much as 150 mm. The major objective of the article is to highlight the importance of the heat transmission from buildings into the geological environment as a factor which should be considered in engineering geology and its application in planning. A new procedure for reducing or elimination of ground movements sourced from underlying clayey soils depending on the heat changes was also suggested in this context. 相似文献
Jan Šafanda Philipp Heidinger Helmut Wilhelm Vladimír Čermák 《Hydrogeology Journal》2007,15(2):423-428
As part of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), the 1.5-km-deep borehole Yaxcopoil-1, located in the Chixculub meteor impact structure in Mexico, has undergone further study after drilling operations ceased. Temperature logs were repeated ten times at intervals 0.3–0.8, 15, 24 and 34 months after borehole shut-in. The logs bear a distinct signature of transient heat transfer by groundwater flow manifested by a gradual distortion of the linear temperature profile when a cold wave of 0.8–1.6°C amplitude was detected propagating downward from 145 to 312 m at a rate of 4–6 m/month. To understand the nature of this moving anomaly, a 20-day monitoring of the cold wave was carried out at a depth of 307 m that showed further cooling of 0.6°C during the first 16 days of the passage followed by temperature stabilisation. As an explanation of this unusual phenomenon, a theory is proposed, whereby the drilling mud has accumulated within the overlying and cooler highly porous and permeable karstic rocks during the drilling and migrates downward. The observed migration rate suggests a permeability higher than 10?11 m2. This indicates a high vulnerability to contamination of the only freshwater aquifer in the Yucatan region. 相似文献