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螺杆钻定向钻探技术研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
论述了螺杆钻定向钻探配套器具的研究、施工工艺及应用典型实例,提出了今后液项技术的发展方向。  相似文献   
本文通过研究区5个钻孔松散沉积岩心磁性地层的划分对比,获知布容与松山极性带的界线,南黄海和陆区北部位于80.0—99.5m。陆区的南部此界线于270.4m深处。松山和高斯极性带的界线,海区未揭露到,其沉积起始时间都小于1.7Ma。而陆区的南、北部分别位于117m和328.2m。高斯和吉尔伯特极性带的界线,陆区北部为140m,而南部区为460.15m。沉积起始时间为3.4Ma。吉尔伯特底界仅北部陆区所揭示,为190.5m。松散沉积层与下伏白垩纪(?)石灰岩接触面位于400.35m,沉积起始时间约17.0Ma。  相似文献   
白沙口潮汐电站的淤沙问题在1972年就由中国科学院海洋研究所与山东省水文总站合作进行了研究,并于1974年提出了研究结果和淤沙防治措施的建议。但由于某些原因有关建议未能得以实施。近几年来淤沙又有发展,严重威胁着潮汐电站(图1)的寿命。1983年9月国家科委海洋专业组与山东省科委决定对白沙口电站的淤沙问题开展进一步的研究。解决洄淤问题,不仅是白沙口潮汐电站的迫切任务,而且对开发我国潮汐资源也有着重要的意义。本文根据此项研究的成果撰写,主要阐明电站泥沙运动的基本规律,在此基础上提出防治措施的建议。  相似文献   
北极海冰的年代际转型与中国冻雨年代际变化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛璐  黄菲  周晓 《海洋学报》2015,37(11):105-117
基于1961-2013年HadISST海冰密集度资料,定义了北极海冰的季节性融冰指数,结果显示近几十年来北极季节性融冰范围呈显著的上升趋势,并分别在20世纪70年代末和90年代中期存在显著的年代际转型,相应地,中国冻雨发生频数总体上呈现出显著的减少趋势,但也存在显著的年代际转型。在20世纪70年代末之前,北极季节性融冰范围较小但显著增长,中国冻雨频数年际变化振幅较大,且主要受巴伦支海、喀拉海海冰的影响;20世纪70年代末至90年代中期北极季节性融冰范围维持振荡特征,没有显著的线性趋势,中国冻雨频数变化振幅减小,与北极海冰相关较弱,主要相关因子为北大西洋及北太平洋海表温度变化;而90年代中期以后,北极海冰融化加快,特别是2007年以后,季节性融冰范围大大增加,而中国冻雨频数处于低发时段,其变化与太平洋扇区海冰及堪察加半岛附近海温呈显著负相关,季节性融冰的显著区域也从东西伯利亚海逆时针旋转向波弗特海-加拿大群岛北部扩张,同时向北极中央区扩张。不同年代影响冻雨的海温或海冰关键海区不同,产生特定的大气环流异常响应,进而影响到我国冻雨。  相似文献   
We analyzed seafloor morphology and geophysical anomalies of the Southeast Indian Ridge(SEIR) to reveal the remarkable changes in magma supply along this intermediate fast-spreading ridge. We found systematic differences of the Australian-Antarctic Discordance(AAD) from adjacent ridge segments with the residual mantle Bouguer gravity anomaly(RMBA) being more positive, seafloor being deeper, morphology being more chaotic, M factors being smaller at the AAD. These systematic anomalies, as well as the observed Na_(8.0) being greater and Fe_(8.0) being smaller at AAD, suggest relatively starved magma supply and relatively thin crust within the AAD.Comparing to the adjacent ridges segments, the calculated average map-view M factors are relatively small for the AAD, where several Oceanic Core Complexes(OCCs) develop. Close to 30 OCCs were found to be distributed asymmetrically along the SEIR with 60% of OCCs at the northern flank. The OCCs are concentrated mainly in Segments B3 and B4 within the AAD at ~124°–126°E, as well as at the eastern end of Zone C at ~115°E. The relatively small map-view M factors within the AAD indicate stronger tectonism than the adjacent SEIR segments.The interaction between the westward migrating Pacific mantle and the relatively cold mantle beneath the AAD may have caused a reduction in magma supply, leading to the development of abundant OCCs.  相似文献   
近年来,东海频现对大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)大网捕获(吨级规模以上),引起了对衰退中的野生大黄鱼资源保护的担忧。为查明东海野生大黄鱼洄游规律,本文根据2020−2022年在浙江近海产卵场和外海越冬场采集的不同批次野生大黄鱼样本,利用激光剥蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱法(LA-ICP-MS)测定耳石微化学元素,结合聚类分析和主成分分析(PCA),对不同大黄鱼群体进行了划分,结合耳石的年轮特征,研究大黄鱼群体的栖息生境,推测大黄鱼洄游路线。结果表明,Ba/Ca $\leqslant$0.004 2时可以判定为海洋栖息生境,Ba/Ca $\geqslant$ 0 .008 1时可以判定为河口栖息生境,0.004 2 < Ba/Ca< 0.008 1时可以判定为混合栖息生境。根据该阈值范围,判定本次采样的大黄鱼的5种生境类型:(1)近海产卵,近海混合水域短暂栖息类型(占22.2%);(2)近海产卵,阶段性往复混合生境栖息类型(占15.6%);(3)近海产卵,河口水域育幼索饵,外海越冬栖息类型(31.1%);(4)河口产卵、混合水域育幼,外海越冬栖息类型(6.7%);(5)近海混合水域短暂产卵,绝大部分时间海洋生境栖息类型(24.4%)。对所有样本的Ba/Ca核心、峰值和边缘值进行PCA,5种栖息类型的样本均匀分布在第一轴的两侧,大部分时间都在海洋生境中的G1、G2和G5,以及受陆源影响较大的G3和G4。同时,PCA结果同时也显示,5种类型样本均会近同步地在近海岛礁处出现,这表明外海、近海和河口的群体由于洄游等因素的影响会出现混合,说明了舟山岛礁水域对大黄鱼产卵育幼的重要性。本研究为东海大黄鱼近海产卵场、索饵场和外海越冬场之间洄游履历,以及大黄鱼洄游路线推测提供一定依据。  相似文献   
We report the Balmer broad absorption lines (BALs) in the quasar SDSS J2220 + 0109 discovered from the SDSS data, and present a detailed analysis of the peculiar absorption line spectrum, including the He I* multiplet at λλ3189, 3889 arising from the metastable 23s-state helium and the Balmer Hα and Hβ lines from the excited hydrogen H I of n = 2 level, which are rarely seen in quasar spectra, as well as many absorption lines arising from the excited Fe II* of the levels 7 955 cm−1, 13 474 cm−1 and 13 673 cm−1 in the wavelength range 3100∼3300 Å. Ca II H, K absorption line doublets also clearly appear in the SDSS spectrum. All absorption lines show a similar blueshifted velocity structure of Δv ≈ − 1500 ∼ 0 km·s−1 relative to the quasar's systematic redshift determined from the emission lines. Detailed analysis suggests that the Balmer absorption lines should arise from the partially ionized region with a column density of NHI ≈ 1021 cm−2 for an electron density of ne ∼ 106 cm−3; and that the hydrogen n = 2 level may be populated via collisional excitation with Lyα pumping.  相似文献   
裴春传  曾琴 《天文学报》1998,39(1):103-105
使用紫金山天文台青海观测站13.7米毫米波射电望远镜,于1996年12月10日至1997年1月2日和1997年3月25日至1997年4月4日对海尔-波普彗星的CO分子J=1—0转动跃迁谱线(频率为115.27120GHz)进行了观测.观测谱线表明,CO分子相对于地心的速度比彗星整体相对于地心的速度要小些,即有蓝移现象.这反映了CO分子是由该彗星迎着太阳的面以一定的速度产生出来的.从观测谱线中还初步估算了该彗星CO分子的产生速率.  相似文献   
The time evolution behaviour of the superhumps of the dwarf nova1RXS J232953.9+ 062814 is investigated with the wavelet analysis method. On the basis of two nights CCD photometry performed during its first superoutburst as well as other published brightness data, we reveal the superhump's time-dependence as a function of periods and time. Our light curves, which phased in the rapid decay ending portion of the superoutburst and in the dawn of a following normal outburst, are important to help trace the superhump evolution for the star. Both the superhump period and the orbital period of the binary system are detected in the present data. We obtain P sh=0.0458±0.0002d and P orb=0.0450±0.0002d. They agree with those existing values. The two periods exchanged their roles during the superhump evolution. The general profile of brightness fading over the outbursts roughly followed an exponential decay law or a form of a five-order polynomial. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Estimates of AGN Black Hole Mass and Minimum Variability Timescale   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Black hole mass is one of the fundamental physical parameters of active galactic nuclei (AGNs), for which many methods of estimation have been proposed. One set of methods assumes that the broad-line region (BLR) is gravitationally bound by the central black hole potential, so the black hole mass can be estimated from the orbital radius and the Doppler velocity. Another set of methods assumes the observed variability timescale is determined by the orbital timescale near the innermost stable orbit around the Schwarzschild black hole or the Kerr black hole, or by the characteristic timescale of the accretion disk. We collect a sample of 21 AGNs, for which the minimum variability timescales have been obtained and their black hole masses (Mσ) have been well estimated from the stellar velocity dispersion or the BLR size-luminosity relation. Using the minimum variability timescales we estimated the black hole masses for 21 objects by the three different methods, the results are denoted by Ms, Mk and Md, respectively. We compared each of them with Mσindividually and found that: (1) using the minimum variability timescale with the Kerr black hole theory leads to small differences between Mσand Mk, none exceeding one order of magnitude, and the mean difference between them is about 0.53 dex; (2) using the minimum variability timescale with the Schwarzschild black hole theory leads to somewhat larger difference between Mσand Ms: larger than one order of magnitude for 6 of the 21 sources, and the mean difference is 0.74 dex; (3) using the minimum variability timescale with the accretion disk theory leads to much larger differences between Mσand Md, for 13 of the 21 sources the differences are larger than two orders of magnitude; and the mean difference is as high as about 2.01 dex.  相似文献   
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