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This paper presents the results of a high‐resolution Late‐glacial chironomid stratigraphy from Hawes Water, a small carbonate lake in northern Lancashire. The samples were from a core taken from the terrestrialised margin of the present lake, which represents an intermediate depth between the true littoral and the profundal. The chironomid assemblage showed a high degree of sensitivity to both broad‐scale and short‐term temperature changes. Comparison with an existing proxy temperature record (δ18O) for the site confirmed the presence of four temperature inversions within the Late‐glacial Interstadial. A mean July air temperature inference model, derived from acid, soft‐water lakes in Norway and Svalbard, was applied to the data. Despite the absence of carbonate lakes within the Norwegian training set, there was a close similarity between trends in estimated July air temperature and the δ18O trace, with a particularly strong correspondence in the periods of clay deposition. This suggests that this model is highly robust. The inferred maximum Interstadial temperature was 13.4°C, dropping initially to 7.5°C in the Loch Lomond Stadial. Temperatures reach a maximum of nearly 10°C in this period, cool for a short period before rising rapidly to 13.2°C at the start of the Holocene. These temperatures are similar to but slightly higher than those estimated for Whitrig Bog, southeast Scotland, and lower than those inferred from coleopteran‐based models for sites in South Wales. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Characterization of complex geological features and patterns remains one of the most challenging tasks in geostatistics. Multiple point statistics (MPS) simulation offers an alternative to accomplish this aim by going beyond classical two-point statistics. Reproduction of features in the final realizations is achieved by borrowing high-order spatial statistics from a training image. Most MPS algorithms use one training image at a time chosen by the geomodeler. This paper proposes the use of multiple training images simultaneously for spatial modeling through a scheme of data integration for conditional probabilities known as a linear opinion pool. The training images (TIs) are based on the available information and not on conceptual geological models; one image comes from modeling the categories by a deterministic approach and another comes from the application of conventional sequential indicator simulation. The first is too continuous and the second too random. The mixing of TIs requires weights for each of them. A methodology for calibrating the weights based on the available drillholes is proposed. A measure of multipoint entropy along the drillholes is matched by the combination of the two TIs. The proposed methodology reproduces geologic features from both TIs with the correct amount of continuity and variability. There is no need for a conceptual training image from another modeling technique; the data-driven TIs permit a robust inference of spatial structure from reasonably spaced drillhole data.  相似文献   
Humans colonized the Balearic Islands 5–4 ka ago. They arrived in a uniquely adapted ecosystem with the Balearic mountain goat Myotragus balearicus (Bovidae, Antilopinae, Caprini) as the only large mammal. This mammal went extinct rapidly after human arrival. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the extinction of M. balearicus. For the present study ancient DNA analysis (Sanger sequencing, Roche-454, Ion Torrent), and pollen and macrofossil analyses were performed on preserved coprolites from M. balearicus, providing information on its diet and paleo-environment. The information retrieved shows that M. balearicus was heavily dependent on the Balearic box species Buxus balearica during at least part of the year, and that it was most probably a browser. Hindcast ecological niche modelling of B. balearica shows that local distribution of this plant species was affected by climate changes. This suggests that the extinction of M. balearicus can be related to the decline and regional extinction of a plant species that formed a major component of its diet. The vegetation change is thought to be caused by increased aridity occurring throughout the Mediterranean. Previous hypotheses relating the extinction of M. balearicus directly to the arrival of humans on the islands must therefore be adjusted.  相似文献   
Scrub rangelands support livestock grazing and provide ecosystem services to their inhabitants.The present study was conducted in Chakwal,an important tract of ...  相似文献   
New Rb–Sr age determinations using macrocrystal phlogopite are presented for 27 kimberlites from the Ekati property of the Lac de Gras region, Slave Province, Canada. These new data show that kimberlite magmatism at Ekati ranges in age from at least Late Paleocene (61 Ma) to Middle Eocene time (45 Ma). Older, perovskite-bearing kimberlites from Ekati extend this age range to Late Cretaceous time (74 Ma). Within this age range, emplacement episodes at 48, 51–53, 55–56 and 59–61 Ma can be recognized. Middle Eocene kimberlite magmatism of the previously dated Mark kimberlite (47.5 Ma) is shown to include four other pipes from the east-central Ekati property. A single kimberlite (Aaron) may be younger than the 47.5 Ma Mark kimberlite. The economically important Panda kimberlite is precisely dated in this study to be 53.3±0.6 Ma using the phlogopite isochron method, and up to six additional kimberlites from the central Ekati property have Early Eocene ages indistinguishable from that of Panda, including the Koala and Koala North occurrences. Late Paleocene 55–56 Ma kimberlite magmatism, represented by the Diavik kimberlite pipes adjacent to the southeastern Ekati property, is shown to extend onto the southeastern Ekati property and includes three, and possibly four, kimberlites. A precise eight-point phlogopite isochron for the Cobra South kimberlite yields an emplacement age of 59.7±0.4 Ma; eight other kimberlites from across the Ekati property have similar Late Paleocene Rb–Sr model ages. The addition of 27 new emplacement ages for kimberlites from the Ekati property confirms that kimberlite magmatism from the central Slave Province is geologically young, despite ages ranging back to Cambrian time from elsewhere in the Slave Province. With the available geochronologic database, Lac de Gras kimberlites with the highest diamond potential are currently restricted to the 51–53 and 55–56 Ma periods of kimberlite magmatism.  相似文献   
The production rate and isotopic composition of H2 derived from radiolytic reactions in H2O were measured to assess the importance of radiolytic H2 in subsurface environments and to determine whether its isotopic signature can be used as a diagnostic tool. Saline and pure, aerobic and anaerobic water samples with pH values of 4, 7, and 10 were irradiated in sealed vials at room temperature with an artificial γ source, and the H2 abundance in the headspace and its isotopic composition were measured. The H2 concentrations were observed to increase linearly with dosage at a rate of 0.40 ± 0.04 molecules (100 eV)−1 within the dosage range of 900 to 3500 Gray (Gy; Gy = 1 J Kg−1) with no indication of a maximum limit on H2 concentration. At ∼2000 Gy, the H2 concentration varied only by 16% across the experimental range of pH, salinity, and O2. Based upon this measured yield and H2 yields for α and β particles, a radiolytic H2 production rate of 10−9 to 10−4 nM s−1 was estimated for the range of radioactive element concentrations and porosities typical of crustal rocks. The δD of H2 was independent of the dosage, pH (except for pH 4), salinity, and O2 and yielded an αDH2O-H2 of 2.05 ± 0.07 (αDH2O-H2 = (D/H)H2O to (D/H)H2), slightly less than predicted radiolytic models. Although this radiolytic fractionation value is significantly heavier than that of equilibrium isotopic exchange between H2 and H2O, the isotopic exchange rate between H2 and H2O will erase the heavy δD of radiolytic H2 if the age of the groundwater is greater than ∼103 to 104 yr. The millimolar concentrations of H2 observed in the groundwater of several Precambrian Shields are consistent with radiolysis of water that has resided in the subsurface for a few million years. These concentrations are well above those required to support H2-utilizing microorganisms and to inhibit H2-producing, fermentative microorganisms.  相似文献   
A Lagrangian particle method embedded within a 2-D finite element code, is used to study the transport and ocean–estuary exchange processes in the well-mixed Great Bay Estuarine System in New Hampshire, USA. The 2-D finite element model, driven by residual, semi-diurnal and diurnal tidal constituents, includes the effects of wetting and drying of estuarine mud flats through the use of a porous medium transport module. The particle method includes tidal advection, plus a random walk model in the horizontal that simulates sub-grid scale turbulent transport processes. Our approach involves instantaneous, massive [O(500,000)] particle releases that enable the quantification of ocean–estuary and inter-bay exchanges in a Markovian framework. The effects of the release time, spring–neap cycle, riverine discharge and diffusion strength on the intra-estuary and estuary–ocean exchange are also investigated.The results show a rather dynamic interaction between the ocean and the estuary with a fraction of the exiting particles being caught up in the Gulf of Maine Coastal Current and swept away. Three somewhat different estimates of estuarine residence time are calculated to provide complementary views of estuary flushing. Maps of residence time versus release location uncover a strong spatial dependency of residence time within the estuary that has very important ramifications for local water quality. Simulations with and without the turbulent random walk show that the combined effect of advective shear and turbulent diffusion is very effective at spreading particles throughout the estuary relatively quickly, even at low (1 m2/s) diffusivity. The results presented here show that a first-order Markov Chain approach has applicability and a high potential for improving our understanding of the mixing processes in estuaries.  相似文献   
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