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The identification of Atlantic Ocean (AO) climatic drivers may prove valuable in long lead-time forecasting of streamflow in the Adour-Garonne basin in southwestern France. Previous studies have identified the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) as drivers of European hydrology. The current research applied the singular value decomposition (SVD) statistical method to AO sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) to identify the primary AO climatic drivers of the Adour-Garonne basin streamflow. Annual and seasonal streamflow volumes were selected as the hydrological response, while average AO SSTs were calculated for three different 6-month averages (January–June, April–September and July–December) for the year preceding streamflow. The results identified a region along the Equator as the probable driver of the basin streamflow. Additional analysis evaluated the influence of the AMO and NAO on Adour-Garonne basin streamflow.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor H. Aksoy

Citation Oubeidillah, A.A., Tootle, G. and Anderson, S.-R., 2012. Atlantic Ocean sea-surface temperatures and regional streamflow variability in the Adour-Garonne basin, France. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (3), 496–506.  相似文献   
The statistical distribution of the crest-to-trough heights of narrowband nonlinear sea waves is derived in a semi-closed form. A quantitative comparison of the resulting density and exceedance probability distributions with those of the linear theory is given. It is shown that the nonlinearity of waves, even with steepnesses typical of extreme sea states, has an insignificant influence on the distribution of crest-to-trough heights.  相似文献   
An abundant and diverse nannoflora occurs across the Cenomanian/Turonian (C/T) boundary at Tazra in the Tarfaya Basin of southern Morocco. The nannoflora of this sequence permits recognition of three biozones (CC10-CC12), three subzones (CC10a, CC10b and CC10c), and thirteen important nannolith bioevents previously reported from this interval elsewhere. The floral record shows erratic species abundance fluctuations that clearly vary with lithology and reflect at least in part preservational bias and diagenetic processes. In general, four dissolution resistant taxa are dominant: Watznaueria barnesae, Eiffellithus turriseiffelii, Eprolithus floralis, and Zeugrhabdotus spp. The late Cenomanian Zone CC10 marks a rapid excursion in ∂13C and is characterized by the successive extinction of four taxa, which are widely recognized as reliable biomarkers: Corollithion kennedyi, Axopodorhabdus albianus, Lithraphidites acutus, and Helenea chiastia. This interval is also marked by high species richness and high abundance of the tropical species Watznaueria barnesae, suggesting warm tropical waters. The subsequent ∂13C plateau and organic carbon-rich black shale deposition of the oceanic anoxic event (OAE2) is characterized by low species richness, but high nannofossil abundance, and peak abundance of the cool water and high productivity indicator Zeugrhabdotus spp., followed by the first peak abundance of cool water Eprolithus floralis. This interval correlates with the planktic foraminiferal diversity minimum and the Heterohelix shift, which marks the expansion of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). The C/T boundary is identified based on the FO of Quadrum gartneri, which is <1 m below the FO of the planktic foraminifer C/T marker Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica. In the early and middle Turonian, the two dominant species, tropical W. barnesae and cool water E. floralis, alternate in abundance and suggest fluctuating climatic conditions.  相似文献   
Geological, geochemical, and geochronological investigations of the upper volcanics (UV) of Lower allochthon (LA) of Mawat nappes (MN) were used to elucidate the geologic relationships between the LA, the Qulqula Rise (i.e., accretionary complex terrane (ACT)) and peripheral Foreland Basin Assemblage (FBA), (Maastrichtian–Paleogene). The 40Ar-39Ar geochronological data suggest that the Middle to Late Paleogene magmatic history of Late Walash arc volcanic activity of UV can be divided into an early phase of andesitic volcanism around 43.1?±?0.3 Ma and subsequent extensional arc phase magmatism of a time lapse between 40.1?±?0.3and 32.3?±?0.4 Ma. The geochemical data establish the existence of gradients in trace element ratios (i.e., Ba/La, Th/Yb, U/La, Ba/Th, Rb/Y, Ba/Y, and Nb/Y) throughout the studied samples and reflect differences in the degree of mantle wedge depletion influenced by addition of a considerable proportion of sedimentary derived input of the subducting Arabian slab. The trace, rare earth elements and isotopes of the studied samples have emphasized differences in the geochemical characteristics of andesites in comparison with other members of Walash. The andesites have subduction-related signature with the isotope (low Nd and high Sr isotope ratios) characteristic of a melt component input from cratonically-derived sediments. The diabases intruding in the basalts and andesites have a transitional composition from andesitic to N-type mid-ocean ridge basalts geochemistry with a noticeable subduction-related signature, and are interpreted to form in an extensional arc evolving into back arc basin setting. As evidenced from infant arc magmatism (Albian–Cenomenian), MN recorded protracted kinematic at convergent plate margins with a most notable was the development of the ACT (i.e., Qulqula Rise) adhered to the Arabian platform carbonates (Albian–Cenomenian) leading to the inception of peripheral FBA occurred by the erosion and unroofing of advancing ACT. Notably, the volcano flysch of Walash and Nummulite carbonate of Naopurdan were still accumulating on the remaining oceanic lithosphere further to the northeast and in part coeval with Paleogene molasses sedimentation on flexural FBA further to the southwest of the ACT.  相似文献   
Black shale samples were collected from Chimiari Khyber Pakthunkhawa region of Pakistan and were analyzed for elemental compositions. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) was utilized for the determination of elements in the digested solutions. The analysis of black shale was performed precisely with relative standard deviation (RSD) lower than 2%. Results showed that the samples contained high concentrations of Ca (11.98 %), Al (7.09%), Fe (3.03%), Mg (0.59%) and Ti (0.58%).  相似文献   
Rivers in the Mediterranean region often exhibit an intermittent character. An understanding and classification of the flow regimes of these rivers is needed, as flow patterns control both physicochemical and biological processes. This paper reports an attempt to classify flow regimes in Mediterranean rivers based on hydrological variables extracted from discharge time series. Long‐term discharge records from 60 rivers within the Mediterranean region were analysed in order to classify the streams into different flow regime groups. Hydrological indices (HIs) were derived for each stream and principal component analysis (PCA) and then applied to these indices to identify subsets of HIs describing the major sources of variations, while simultaneously minimizing redundancy. PCA was performed for two groups of streams (perennial and temporary) and for all streams combined. The results show that whereas perennial streams are mainly described by high‐flow indices, temporary streams are described by duration, variability and predictability indices. Agglomerative cluster analysis based on HIs identified six groups of rivers classified according to differences in intermittency and variability. A methodology allowing such a classification for ungauged catchments was also tested. Broad‐scale catchment characteristics based on digital elevation, climate, soil and land use data were derived for each long‐term station where these data were available. By using stepwise multiple regression analysis, statistically significant relationships were fitted, linking the three selected hydrological variables (mean annual number of zero‐flow days, predictability and flashiness) to the catchment characteristics. The method provides a means of simplifying the complexity of river systems and is thus useful for river basin management. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Oligocene–Miocene chronostratigraphic correlations within the Paratethys domain are still highly controversial. This study focuses on the late Early Miocene of the Swiss and S-German Molasse Basin (Late Burdigalian, Ottnangian–Karpatian). Previous studies have published different chronologies for this time interval that is represented by the biostratigraphically well constrained Upper Marine Molasse (OMM, lower and middle Ottnangian), Upper Brackish Molasse (OBM, Grimmelfingen and Kirchberg Formations, middle and upper Ottnangian to lower Karpatian, MN 4a–MN 4b) and Upper Freshwater Molasse (OSM, Karpatian–Badenian, MN 5). Here, we suggest a new chronostratigraphic framework, based on integrated magneto-litho-biostratigraphic studies on four sections and three boreholes. Our data indicate that the OBM comprises chrons 5D.1r and 5Dn (Grimmelfingen Fm), chron 5Cr (lower Kirchberg Fm) and the oldest part of chron 5Cn.3n (upper Kirchberg Fm). The OSM begins during chron 5Cn.3n, continues through 5Cn, and includes a long reversed segment that can be correlated to chron 5Br. The OMM-OSM transition was completed at 16.0 Ma in the Swiss Molasse Basin, while the OBM-OSM changeover ended at 16.6 Ma in the S-German Molasse Basin. As the lower Kirchberg Fm represents a facies of the Ottnangian, our data suggest that the Ottnangian–Karpatian boundary in the Molasse Basin is approximately at 16.8 Ma, close to the 5Cr–5Cn.3n magnetic reversal, and thus 0.4 Myr younger than the inferred age of 17.2 Ma used in recent Paratethys time scales. Notably, this would not be problematic for the Paratethys stratigraphy, because chron 5Cr is mainly represented by a sedimentation gap in the Central Paratethys. We also realise, however, that additional data is still required to definitely solve the age debate concerning this intriguing time interval in the North Alpine Foreland Basin. We dedicate this work to our dear friend and colleague Jean-Pierre Berger (8 July 1956–18 January 2012).  相似文献   
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