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Geological observations in the Horoman area, south‐central Hokkaido, show that the Horoman peridotite complex of the Hidaka metamorphic belt is a tectonic slice about 1200 m thick. The peridotite slab is intercalated into a gently east‐dipping structure. The underlying unit is a Cretaceous–Paleogene accretionary complex. Riedel shear planes in the sedimentary layers of the accretionary complex near the structural bottom of the peridotite slab indicate top‐to‐the‐west (thrust) displacement. The overlying unit is composed of felsic–pelitic gneisses and mafic–felsic intrusive rocks (the Hidaka metamorphic rocks). The boundary surface between the peridotite complex and metamorphic rocks forms a domal structure. Microstructures of sheared metamorphic rocks near the structural top of the peridotite slab indicate top‐to‐the‐east (normal) displacement. The results combined with previous studies suggest that the Horoman peridotite complex was emplaced onto the Asian margin (Northeast Japan) during the collision between the Asian margin and the Hidaka crustal block.  相似文献   
Simultaneous energetic particle and magnetic field observations from the GEOTAIL spacecraft in the distant tail (XGSM -150 Re) have been analysed to study the response of the Earths magnetotail during a strong substorm (AE 680 nT). At geosynchronous altitude, LANL spacecraft recorded three electron injections between 0030 UT and 0130 UT, which correspond to onsets observed on the ground at Kiruna Ground Observatory. The Earths magnetotail responded to this substorm with the ejection of five plasmoids, whose size decreases from one plasmoid to the next. Since the type of magnetic structure detected by a spacecraft residing the lobes, depends on the Z extent of the structure passing underneath the spacecraft, GEOTAIL is first engulfed by a plasmoid structure; six minutes later it detects a boundary layer plasmoid (BLP) and finally at the recovery phase of the substorm GEOTAIL observes three travelling compression regions (TCRs). The time-of-flight (TOF) speed of these magnetic structures was estimated to range between 510 km/s and 620 km/s. The length of these individual plasmoids was calculated to be between 28 Re and 56 Re. The principal axis analysis performed on the magnetic field during the TCR encountered, has confirmed that GEOTAIL observed a 2-D perturbation in the X-Z plane due to the passage of a plasmoid underneath. The first large plasmoid that engulfed GEOTAIL was much more complicated in nature probably due to the external, variable draped field lines associated with high beta plasma sheet and the PSBL flux tubes surrounding the plasmoid. From the analysis of the energetic particle angular distribution, evidence was found that ions were accelerated from the distant X-line at the onset of the burst associated with the first magnetic structure.  相似文献   
The Southern Hemisphere westerly winds are an important component of the climate system at hemispheric and global scales. Variations in their intensity and latitudinal position through an ice-age cycle have been proposed as important drivers of global climate change due to their influence on deep-ocean circulation and changes in atmospheric CO2. The position, intensity, and associated climatology of the southern westerlies during the last glacial maximum (LGM), however, is still poorly understood from empirical and modelling standpoints. Here we analyse the behaviour of the southern westerlies during the LGM using four coupled ocean-atmosphere simulations carried out by the Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project Phase 2 (PMIP2). We analysed the atmospheric circulation by direct inspection of the winds and by using a cyclone tracking software to indicate storm tracks. The models suggest that changes were most significant during winter and over the Pacific ocean. For this season and region, three out four models indicate decreased wind intensities at the near surface as well as in the upper troposphere. Although the LGM atmosphere is colder and the equator to pole surface temperature gradient generally increases, the tropospheric temperature gradients actually decrease, explaining the weaker circulation. We evaluated the atmospheric influence on the Southern Ocean by examining the effect of wind stress on the Ekman pumping. Again, three of the models indicate decreased upwelling in a latitudinal band over the Southern Ocean. All models indicate a drier LGM than at present with a clear decrease in precipitation south of 40°S over the oceans. We identify important differences in precipitation anomalies over the land masses at regional scale, including a drier climate over New Zealand and wetter over NW Patagonia.  相似文献   
The finding that surface warming over the Arctic exceeds that over the rest of the world under global warming is a robust feature among general circulation models (GCMs). While various mechanisms have been proposed, quantifying their relative contributions is an important task in order to understand model behavior. Here we apply a recently proposed feedback analysis technique to an atmosphere–ocean GCM under two and four times CO2 concentrations which approximately lead to seasonally and annually sea ice-free climates. The contribution of feedbacks to Arctic temperature change is investigated. The surface warming in the Arctic is contributed by albedo, water vapour and large-scale condensation feedbacks and reduced by the evaporative cooling feedback. The surface warming contrast between the Arctic and the global averages (AA) is maintained by albedo and evaporative cooling feedbacks. The latter contributes to AA predominantly by cooling the low latitudes more than the Arctic. Latent heat transport into the Arctic increases and hence evaporative cooling plus large-scale condensation feedback contributes positively to AA. On the other hand, dry-static energy transport into the Arctic decreases and hence dynamical heating feedback contributes negatively to AA. An important contribution is thus made via changes in hydrological cycle and not via the ‘dry’ heat transport process. A larger response near the surface than aloft in the Arctic is maintained by the albedo, water vapour, and dynamical heating feedbacks, in which the albedo and water vapour feedbacks contribute through warming the surface more than aloft, and the dynamical heating feedback contributes by cooling aloft more than the surface. In our experiments, ocean and sea ice dynamics play a secondary role. It is shown that a different level of CO2 increase introduces a latitudinal and seasonal difference into the feedbacks.  相似文献   
The Gorny Altai region in southern Siberia is one of the key areas in reconstructing the tectonic evolution of the western segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). This region features various orogenic elements of Late Neoproterozoic–Early Paleozoic age, such as an accretionary complex (AC), high-P/T metamorphic (HP) rocks, and ophiolite (OP), all formed by ancient subduction–accretion processes. This study investigated the detailed geology of the Upper Neoproterozoic to Lower Paleozoic rocks in a traverse between Gorno-Altaisk city and Lake Teletskoy in the northern part of the region, and in the Kurai to Chagan-Uzun area in the southern part. The tectonic units of the studied areas consist of (1) the Ediacaran (=Vendian)–Early Cambrian AC, (2) ca. 630 Ma HP complex, (3) the Ediacaran–Early Cambrian OP complex, (4) the Cryogenian–Cambrian island arc complex, and (5) the Middle Paleozoic fore-arc sedimentary rocks. The AC consists mostly of paleo-atoll limestone and underlying oceanic island basalt with minor amount of chert and serpentinite. The basaltic lavas show petrochemistry similar to modern oceanic plateau basalt. The 630 Ma HP complex records a maximum peak metamorphism at 660 °C and 2.0 GPa that corresponds to 60 km-deep burial in a subduction zone, and exhumation at ca. 570 Ma. The Cryogenian island arc complex includes boninitic rocks that suggest an incipient stage of arc development. The Upper Neoproterozoic–Lower Paleozoic complexes in the Gorno-Altaisk city to Lake Teletskoy and the Kurai to Chagan-Uzun areas are totally involved in a subhorizontal piled-nappe structure, and overprinted by Late Paleozoic strike-slip faulting. The HP complex occurs as a nappe tectonically sandwiched between the non- to weakly metamorphosed AC and the OP complex. These lithologic assemblages and geologic structure newly documented in the Gorny Altai region are essentially similar to those of the circum-Pacific (Miyashiro-type) orogenic belts, such as the Japan Islands in East Asia and the Cordillera in western North America. The Cryogenian boninite-bearing arc volcanism indicates that the initial stage of arc development occurred in a transient setting from a transform zone to an incipient subduction zone. The less abundant of terrigenous clastics from mature continental crust and thick deep-sea chert in the Ediacaran–Early Cambrian AC may suggest that the southern Gorny Altai region evolved in an intra-oceanic arc-trench setting like the modern Mariana arc, rather than along the continental arc of a major continental margin. Based on geological, petrochemical, and geochronological data, we synthesize the Late Neoproterozoic to Early Paleozoic tectonic history of the Gorny Altai region in the western CAOB.  相似文献   
It has been almost four decades since the first launch of geostationary meteorological satellite by Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The specifications of the geostationary meteorological satellites have shown tremendous progresses along with the generations, which are now entering their third generation. The third-generation geostationary meteorological satellites not only yield basic data for weather monitoring, but also globally observe the Earth’s environment. The development of multi-band imagers with improved spatial resolution onboard the third-generation geostationary meteorological satellites brings us meteorological data in larger size than those of the second-generation ones. Thus, new techniques for domestic and world-wide dissemination of the observational big data are needed. In this paper, we develop a web-based data visualization for Himawari-8 satellite sensed images in real time and with full resolution. This data visualization is supported by the ecosystems, which uses a tiled pyramid representation and parallel processing technique for terrain on an academic cloud system. We evaluate the performance of our techniques for domestic and international users on laboratory experiments. The results show that our data visualization is suitable for practical use on a temporal preview of observation image data for the domestic users.  相似文献   
Takashikozo is a phenomenon of Quaternary sediments in Japan. They are cylindrical Fe-oxyhydroxide nodules that form as plaques round plant roots, where Fe is preferentially concentrated to develop a solid wall. Structural features suggest that after the roots have decayed, the central space where the roots were situated acts as a flow path for oxidized water. Analysis of microbial 16S rDNA extracted from the nodules identified iron-oxidizing bacteria encrusted round the roots where they are the likely initiators of nodule formation. Direct microscopic observation revealed an accumulation of Fe-oxyhydroxides that fill the pore spaces and is also likely to be linked with the encrusting microbial colonies. Geological history and nanofossil evidence suggest that these Fe-nodules may have been buried at a depth of up to several tens of meters for at least 105 years in reducing Quaternary sediments. Thus Fe-oxyhydroxide nodules that have formed in a geological environment at the interfaces between water and rock by microbial mediation can persist under reducing conditions. If this is the case, the phenomenon is significant as an analogue of post-closure conditions in radioactive waste repositories, since it could influence nuclide migration.  相似文献   
Geological observations indicate that there are only a few rocks of Archean Earth and no Hadean rocks on the surface of the present-day Earth. From these facts, many scientists believe that the primordial continents never existed during Hadean Earth, and the continental volume has kept increasing. On the other hand, recent studies reported the importance of the primordial continents on the origin of life, implying their existence. In this paper, we discussed the possible process that could explain the loss of the primordial continents with the assumption that they existed in the Hadean. Although depending on the timing of the initiation of plate tectonics and its convection style, subduction erosion, which is observed on the present-day Earth, might have carried the primordial continents into the deep mantle.  相似文献   
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