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Isotope measurements (18O, D, 3H) indicate groundwater origin in the Lower Colorado River Valley (LCRV) and provide an alternative, or supplement, to the US Bureau of Reclamations proposed accounting surface method. The accounting surface method uses a hydraulic criterion to identify certain wells away from the flood plain that will eventually yield mainstream Colorado River water. New isotope data for 5 surface-water and 18 groundwater sites around Topock Marsh, Arizona, are compared with river-water data (1974–2002) from 11 sites between Utah and Mexico and with groundwater data from previous LCRV studies. Three groundwater sources are repeatedly identified in the LCRV: (1) local recharge derived from precipitation, usually winter rain, plots slightly below the global meteoric water line (GMWL) and has D values that are 20 greater than those of recent river water; (2) older (pre-1950) upper basin river-water plots on or near the GMWL, distinct from local rainfall and recent river water; and (3) recent (post-1950) Colorado River water, including Topock Marsh samples, plots below the GMWL along an evaporation trend. Large floods, as in 1983, complicate interpretation by routing less evaporated upper basin water into the LCRV; however, tritium content can indicate the age of a water. River-water tritium has declined steadily from its peak of 716 TU in 1967 to about 11 TU in 2002. Mixtures of all three groundwater sources are common.
Resumen Mediciones isotópicas (18O, D, 3H) indican cual es el origen del agua subterránea en el Valle Bajo del Río Colorado (LCRV) y aportan una alternativa, o complemento, para el método superficie de conteo propuesto por el Buró de Reclamación de Estados Unidos. El método superficie de conteo utiliza un criterio hidráulico para identificar ciertos pozos alejados de la planicie de inundación que eventualmente producirán agua a partir de la corriente principal del Río Colorado. Los nuevos datos isotópicos para 18 sitios de agua subterránea y 5 sitios de agua superficial cerca de los Pantanos Topock, Arizona, se comparan con datos de agua de río (1974–2002) provenientes de 11 sitios localizados entre Utah y México, y con datos de aguas subterráneas de estudios previos realizados en el LCRV. Se identifican reiteradamente tres fuentes de aguas subterráneas en el LCRV: (1) recarga local derivada de precipitación, generalmente lluvia de invierno, cuya composición cae ligeramente por debajo de la línea de agua meteórica global (GMWL) y tiene valores D que son 20 mayores que los reportados para agua de río reciente; (2) el agua de río más vieja (pre-1950) de la cuenca alta cuya composición cae sobre o cerca de la GMWL, diferente de la lluvia local y del agua de río reciente; (3) agua reciente (post-1950) del Río Colorado, incluyendo muestras de los Pantanos Topock, con composición por debajo de la GMWL a lo largo de una tendencia a la evaporación. Inundaciones grandes, como en 1983, complican la interpretación al transmitir menos agua evaporada de la cuenca alta hacia el LCRV; sin embargo, el contenido de tritio puede indicar la edad del agua. El contenido de tritio en agua de río ha disminuido constantemente desde la concentración pico de 716 TU en 1967 a cerca de 11 TU en 2002. Es común que exista mezclas de las tres fuentes de agua subterránea.

Résumé Les mesures isotopiques (d18O, dD, 3H) indiquent les origine de leaux souterraines dans la Vallée de la Rivière du Bas Colorado (LCRV) et sont une alternative, ou un supplément, à la méthode des bilans hydrologiques proposée par du «US Bureau of Reclamation». Cette méthode de bilan hydrologique utilise un critère hydraulique permettant didentifier certains puits hors de la plaine dinondation qui pomperaient une part non négligeable de leur eau dans la rivière Colorado. De nouvelles données isotopiques provenant de 5 sites deau de surface et 18 deaux souterraines autour de Topock Marsh en Arizona, sont comparées avec les données (1974–2000) de 11 sites localisés entre Utah et Mexico, ainsi que des données dautres études sur la LCRV. Ces sources deaux souterraines sont identifiées à plusieurs reprises dans la LCRV: (1) la recharge locale dérivant des précipitations, généralement les pluies hivernales, se retrouvent légèrement sous la ligne deau météoritique globale (GMWL) et possède des valeurs de dD 20% supérieures aux valeurs des eaux récentes de la rivière; (2) les eaux vieilles (pre-1950) du bassin supérieur de la rivière possèdent une valeurs très proches de la GMWL, distinctes des valeurs de la pluie locale et des eaux récentes de la rivière; et (3) les eaux récentes (post-1950) de la Rivière Colorado, incluant les échantillons de Topock Marsh, se positionnent à côté de la GMWL sur une droite dévaporation. Les grandes inondations, par exemple celle de 1983, compliquent linterprétation en reprenant dans la LCRV moins deaux marquées comme évaporées et provenant du bassin supérieur; par ailleurs le pic de tritium est descendu de 716 TU en 1967 à 11 TU en 2002. Les mélanges de ces trois sources sont assez fréquentes.
The conversion factor for specific rates of breakage, to change from results in a 200-mm diameter laboratory mill with 25.4-mm diameter balls, at Bond filling conditions, to a 4-m diameter production cement mill was found to be 2.75. The residence time distribution of the 10-m long, 2-compartment production mill was equivalent to 10 equal fully-mixed reactors in series, with a mean overall residence time of 5.58 min. A mathematical simulation of the mill circuit using experimental separator selectivity values gave a reasonably close match between simulated and experimental size distributions at various points in the circuit.The steady-state simulation model was used to predict how design schemes for different operation conditions would influence the product size distributions and output rates, assuming that the discharge diaphragm could be redesigned to preserve design mill filling conditions at different circulating loads. It was concluded that the increase of circuit output from the breakage view-point due to separation and rejects recycle was slight, and that improved separator efficiency to produce the same product would not result in significant increase in output, primarily because the size distribution of the finish product is close to that predicted from open-circuit operation.  相似文献   
The Alyavdin equation for batch grinding data is:
1 ? P(χ, t) = [1 ? P(χ, 0)]exp?c(x)tp]
where P(χ,t) is the weight fraction less than size χ after grinding time t, c (χ) is constant with t and p is a constant close to one. It is shown that this equation is illogical (except for a single size of feed) unless c (χ) varies with P(χ,0), which makes the equation of little utility. A new empirical equation is developed for finite size intervals:
1 ? P(χi+1, t) = exp? tKi1γ + ln11 ? P(χi+1,0)1γiγi
which reduces to the Alyavdin equation for a single size of feed, and which gives consistent computations for any feed size distribution. Techniques are given for determining Ki, γ values from sets of batch grinding data. The values are then used to predict size distributions for other times and other feed size distributions. The equation was quite successful in predicting size distributions in batch milling: (a) providing the feed size distribution was not un-natural, that is, not truncated or (b) if a truncated feed was used, the values of Ki and γ are determined from size distributions of grinding of the same type of feed. Thus, Ki, γ are not, unfortunately, completely independent of the starting feed size distribution.  相似文献   
The genus Vibrio, belonging to Gammaproteobacteria of the phylum Proteobacteria, is a genetically and ecologically diverse group of heterotrophic bacteria, that are ubiquitous in marine environments, especially in coastal areas. In particular, vibrios dominate, i.e. up to 10% of the readily culturable marine bacteria in these habitats. The distribution of Vibrio spp. is shaped by various environmental parameters, notably temperature, salinity and dissolved organic carbon. Vibriospp. may utilize a wide range of organic carbon compounds, including chitin (this may be metabolized by most Vibrio spp.), alginic acid and agar. Many Vibrio spp. have very short replication times (as short as ~10 min), which could facilitate them developing into high biomass content albeit for relatively short durations. Although Vibriospp. usually comprise a minor portion (typically ~1% of the total bacterioplankton in coastal waters) of the total microbial population, they have been shown to proliferate explosively in response to various nutrient pulses, e.g., organic nutrients from algae blooms and iron (Fe+) from Saharan dust. Thus, Vibrio spp. may exert large impacts on marine organic carbon cycling especially in marginal seas. Genomics and related areas of investigation will reveal more about the molecular components and mechanisms involved in Vibrio-mediated biotransformation and remineralization processes.  相似文献   
通过考察全球海洋环流数值模型以及TOPEX/Poseidon海洋测高数据,得到结论:1997/1998年后的部分J2异常变化可能来自海洋环流变化导致的质量重新分布,具体地说是太平洋环流变化导致的从高纬地区向低纬地区的质量迁移. 本工作表明来自于海洋内部温盐效应的变化对J2异常变化有重要贡献,进一步证实了卫星激光测距资料所得结果的可靠性.  相似文献   
Rapid development of shrimp farming may lead to unrecognized and undesirable changes of land cover/land use patterns in coastal areas. Of special concern is the loss of mangrove forest in coastal areas such as Quang Ninh, Vietnam, which is adjacent to the World Heritage-listed Ha Long Bay. Understanding the status and changes of land cover/land use for coastal shrimp farms and mangrove forests can support environmental protection and decision-making for sustainable development in coastal areas. Within this context, this paper uses the 1999/2001 Landsat ETM+ and the 2008 ALOS AVNIR-2 imagery to investigate the contraction and expansion of shrimp farms and mangrove forests in coastal areas of Ha Long and Mong Cai, which now have a high concentration of intensive and semi-intensive shrimp farms. Images were separately analyzed and classified before using post-classification comparisons to detect land cover/land use changes in the study area. The results of this study found that the area of mangrove forest has been reduced by an estimated 927.5 ha in Ha Long and 1,144.4 ha in Mong Cai, while shrimp farming areas increased by an estimated 1,195.9 and 1,702.5 ha, respectively, over the same period. The majority of shrimp farms in Mong Cai were established at the expense of mangrove forest (49.4 %) while shrimp farms in Ha Long were mainly constructed on areas previously occupied by bare ground (46.5 %) and a significant proportion also replaced mangroves (23.9 %). The remarkable rate of mangrove loss and shrimp farming expansion detected in this study, over a relatively short time scale indicate that greater awareness of environmental impacts of shrimp farm expansion is required if this industry is to be sustainable, the important estuarine and coastal marine ecosystems are to be protected over the long term, and the capturing and storing of carbon in mangrove systems are to be enhanced for global climate change mitigation and for use as carbon offsets.  相似文献   
Carbon content (0.02–0.68% organic), carbonate content (0–69.7%) and carbonate 13C abundances (?7.5?+2.3‰) were obtained on samples from the Swaziland sediments of South Africa, which are among the oldest known sedimentary rocks on earth (> 3·109 years old). The carbon chemistry of these sediments may serve as evidence for early life and/or for products of chemical evolution. The variation of organic and carbonate carbon concentrations in different sedimentary horizons seems to be controlled by differences in depositional and diagenetic histories. The carbonate δ 13C values did not vary significantly from the ordinary range of Phanerozoic limestone values.  相似文献   
Seven coprolites of the extinct Shasta ground sloth (Nothrotheriops shastense) were recently discovered in the Los Angeles County Museum collection from Shelter Cave, New Mexico. Three dung balls provided radiocarbon ages of 11,330, 12,330 and 12,430 yr B.P. Packrat (Neotoma) middens disclose a xeric juniper woodland at Shelter Cave during the sloth's occupation. Plant cuticles from the dung indicate that the ground sloth had a diet dominated by mormon tea (Ephedra) and other xerophytic shrubs. Pollen spectra from the coprolites have high representations of anemophilous plants and low representations of the dietary items shown in the cuticle analysis.Fifteen radiocarbon dates of sloth dung obtained since 1974 strengthen the hypothesis that sloth extinction occurred about 11,000 yr B.P. Paleoenvironmental studies indicate that ground sloths lived in juniper woodlands and montane conifer communities. Nothrotheriops commonly dined on shrubs that are still present in these habitats. It is difficult to explain the demise of the Shasta ground sloth by climatic change or dietary stress. Human predation remains as a possible explanation; ground sloth extinction appears to coincide with the time of Clovis mammoth hunters.  相似文献   
Austin Zwick 《GeoJournal》2018,83(4):679-691
The competitive pressures of neoliberal economies have compelled employers to devolve responsibilities to contractors and subcontractors. The rise information technology platforms have significantly accelerated this trend over past decade. “Sharing economy” companies have such widespread adoption of neoliberalism’s industrial relations that a new moniker—“the Gig Economy”—has taken root. Although shareholders and consumers have benefited, middle-class jobs have been squeezed in the process. This paper uses Uber as a case study to discuss how Sharing Economy entities are merely the latest iteration of companies to enact the neoliberal playbook, including (a) (mis)classifying workers, (b) engaging in regime shopping, and (c) employing the most economically vulnerable, rather than giving rise to a new world of work altogether. The result is a crowding out of middle-class employment by precarious ‘gigs’ that lack legal protections and benefits.  相似文献   
Terminal oxidation of plant carbohydrates has been compared in Southampton Water and in the Vellar Estuary on the south-east Indian coast. Rates of glucose breakdown are higher in temperate than in tropical waters. The high rates of bacterial activity in Southampton Water may be due to urban bacterial pollution.  相似文献   
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