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The evolution of depositional systems in multiphase rifts is influenced by the selective reactivation of faults between subsequent rift phases. The Middle Jurassic to Palaeocene tectonic history of the Lofoten margin, a segment of the North Atlantic rift system, is characterised by three distinct rift phases separated by long (>20 Myr) inter‐rift periods. The initial rift phase comprised a distinct fault initiation and linkage stage, whereas the later rift phases were characterised by selective reactivation of previously linked through‐going faults which resulted in immediate rift climax. Using 2‐D and 3‐D seismic reflection data in conjunction with shallow core data we present a 100 Myr record of shallow to deep marine depositional environments that includes deltaic clinoform packages, slope aprons and turbidite fans. The rapid re‐establishment of major faults during the later rift phases impacts on drainage systems and sediment supply. Firstly, the immediate localisation of strain and accumulation of displacement on few faults results in pronounced footwall uplift and possible fault block rotation along those faults, which makes it more likely for any antecedent fault‐transverse depositional systems to become reversed. Secondly, any antecedent axially‐sourced depositional systems that are inherited from the foregoing rift phase(s) are likely to be sustained after reactivation because such axial systems have already been directed around fault tips. Hence, the immediate localisation of strain through selective reactivation in the later rift phases restricts fault‐transverse sediment supply more than axial sediment supply, which is likely to be a key aspect of the tectono‐sedimentary evolution of multiphase rifts.  相似文献   
The Folk&Ward (F&W) and the log-hyperbolic methods are applied to a small - and easy to overlook - number of typical sand sized grain-size distributions from the Danish Wadden Sea. The sand originates from the same source, and the pattern of change in the grain-size distributions is, therefore, exclusively linked to dynamic sorting. In general, the F&W parameters reflect the observed grain-size trends far better than the corresponding log-hyperbolic parameters. The log-hyperbolic “typical log grain size”, ν, is sensitive to changes in skewness and cannot replace mean grain size, Mz, in grain-size trend analysis. The four log-hyperbolic parameters describing dispersion δ, τ− 1, κ− 1 and ζ are not able to give an unambiguous picture of spreading trends. The F&W sorting parameter, Sd, can therefore not be replaced by any of the log-hyperbolic parameters in grain-size trend analysis. In skewed grain-size distributions, there seems to be a general defect in the log-hyperbolic approximation of the best represented tail. This makes χ less sensitive to indicate the correct sign of slightly skewed grain-size distributions than Sk. However, when examining trends, the relative change between χ and Sk by and large seems to be the same. The log-hyperbolic peakedness parameter, ξ, is preferable to the F&W peakedness (kurtosis) parameter, Kg, because the latter is hypersensitive to small, insignificant variations in a grain-size distribution. By contrast, the concept of peakedness as defined by ξ, seems to relate more directly to sedimentary environmental conditions. In conclusion, the log-hyperbolic method has both advantages and disadvantages when compared with the F&W method. It is thus suggested that a sensible combination of the two methods could be advantageous to sediment trend analysis.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is first to provide empirical evidence of what can be seen as a rather remarkable change in EU’s position on the use of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions trading (ET) in climate policy, from the role of a sceptic in the run-up to Kyoto towards more of a frontrunner. The paper argues that there is a synergistic and multilevel mix of explanatory factors for this “U-turn”, including developments at the international, EU, Member State, sub-national, and even down to the personal level. Second, the paper explores and discusses the philosophy behind the Commission’s proposal for a directive on GHG ET. Third, the paper examines the prospects for ‘success’ of a scheme for EU-wide ET using a multifaceted set of metrics. In brief, we argue that output success—the chances for having a directive adopted—hinges on the resolution of two key issues. First, whether the preliminary phase is to be mandatory or voluntary, and second, incompatibilities with domestic ET schemes. Outcome success—steering and cost-effectiveness—will in turn depend on factors like the coverage of the scheme and inclusion of project-based credits, while more long-term political implications hinges on the successful adoption and operation of the scheme.
“The Proposal on emissions trading represents a major innovation for environmental policy in Europe. We are de facto creating a big new market, and we are determined to use market forces to achieve our climate objectives in the most cost-conscious way […]. The emissions trading system will be an important cornerstone in our strategy to reduce emissions in the most cost-effective way”.
Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström.  相似文献   
Estrogenic chemicals are known to have marked effects on the reproductive system of male fish. Finding useful markers of reproductive effects are therefore of great importance and interest. gamma-Glutamyl transpeptidase (gamma-GTP) is a possible marker of Sertoli cells in testes of fish. In the present study we have examined the relationship between the activity of gamma-GTP and the histological structure of the Sertoli cells in testes of five fish species (guppy, Poecilia reticulata; platyfish, Xiphophorus maculatus; eelpout, Zoarces viviparus; rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss; flounder, Platichthys flesus). In general we found that the more distinct the Sertoli cells the higher the activity of gamma-GTP.  相似文献   
During late Pliocene to Pleistocene times, prominent prograding wedges were deposited along the continental margin of NW Europe, resulting in seaward shelf break migration of up to 150 km. Much of the sediment accumulation occurred marginal to the former mid- to high-latitude ice sheets. The geographical distribution, and stratigraphical and chronological data may suggest that the instigation of the wedges was variously related to tectonic uplift as well as a response to the late Pliocene to Pleistocene climate deterioration and onset of major northern hemisphere glaciations. The onset of wedge growth on the NW UK and Irish margins was initiated at about 4 Ma in response to tectonic tilting of the margin in that region. However, glacially derived sediments here comprise a significant proportion of the wedges, especially since 0.44 Ma. For the Faroe margin, no detailed chronology is available; however, it may be inferred that onset of glacigenic wedge growth here did not post-date that observed on the NW UK and Irish margins. Offshore Norway, wedge growth has largely occurred since ca. 2.7 Ma in response to northern hemisphere glaciations, also recording a major change in sediments transport routes at 0.8–1.1 Ma (reflecting larger Fennoscandian Ice Sheets). Presently, it is uncertain whether the glacigenic wedge growth was preceded by a fluvial phase (in response to uplift) in this area. In the western Barents Sea, an early phase of wedge growth was (glacio) fluvial in character. Off western Spitsbergen, the development was similar to that of the Barents Sea although the glacigenic wedge-growth phase may have started somewhat earlier.The wedges commonly display gently inclined seaward prograding clinoforms, and transparent to chaotic internal acoustic facies. Sampling of their sediments reveals that they are mainly composed of glacigenic diamicton interbedded with marine and glaciomarine sediments that, to various extents, have been affected by bottom-current action. The clinoforms of these wedges vary in geometry from oblique to sigmoidal, and they also show varying degrees of aggradation throughout their development. The resulting stratal stacking pattern can be attributed to a combination of variations in sediment supply, sedimentary processes, and accommodation space, the latter being a function of tectonic movements and/or loading induced subsidence as well as eustatic sea-level fluctuations.  相似文献   
Salt tectonics is an important part of the geological evolution of many continental margins, yet the four-dimensional evolution of the minibasins, the fundamental building block of these and many other salt basins, remains poorly understood. Using high-quality 3D seismic data from the Lower Congo Basin, offshore Angola we document the long-term (>70 Myr) dynamics of minibasin subsidence. We show that, during the Albian, a broadly tabular layer of carbonate was deposited prior to substantial salt flow, diapirism, and minibasin formation. We identify four subsequent stages of salt-tectonics and related minibasin evolution: (i) thin-skinned extension (Cenomanian to Coniacian) driven by basinward tilting of the salt layer, resulting in the formation of low-displacement normal faults and related salt rollers. During this stage, local salt welding led to the along-strike migration of fault-bound depocentres; (ii) salt welding below the eastern part of the minibasin (Santonian to Paleocene), causing a westward shift in depocentre location; (iii) welding below the minibasin centre (Eocene to Oligocene), resulting in the formation of a turtle and an abrupt shift of depocentres towards the flanks of the bounding salt walls; and (iv) an eastward shift in depocentre location due to regional tilting, contraction, and diapir squeezing (Miocene to Holocene). Our study shows that salt welding and subsequent contraction are key controls on minibasin geometry, subsidence and stratigraphic patterns. In particular, we show how salt welding is a protracted process, spanning > 70 Myr of the salt-tectonic history of this, and likely other salt-rich basins. The progressive migration of minibasin depocentres, and the associated stratigraphic architecture, record weld dynamics. Our study has implications for the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of minibasins.  相似文献   
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