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水工隧洞应用日趋广泛,如何确定水工隧洞初期支护方案是设计中的重点课题。以北京市南水北调配套工程南干渠工程为背景,通过现场试验确定水工隧洞支护施工配合比,然后对网喷混凝土支护及钢纤维喷射混凝土两种初期支护结构进行数值模拟研究,并结合现场监测及现场施工效果,进行浅埋水工隧洞支护方案研究。研究结果表明:采用钢纤维喷射混凝土支护与网喷混凝土支护相比,钢纤维喷射混凝土支护更能保证施工安全。研究成果对于类似隧洞设计及施工具有借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   
位于中缅毗邻区的金腊铅锌银多金属矿田大地构造上处于保山—掸泰地块东缘,勐统—耿马—西盟元古宙—古生代被动大陆边缘活动带南段。与矿化有关的花岗岩(简称金腊花岗岩)包括老厂似斑状角闪二长花岗岩、勐林山似斑状黑云二长花岗岩和南腊碱长花岗斑岩。文中系统研究了上述岩石的主量元素、稀土元素、微量元素、成矿元素和锆石U-Pb同位素年龄等特征,从构造岩浆演化的角度,探讨上述岩体之间内在联系、成因演化以及与成矿的关系:(1)在金腊花岗岩三种岩石类型中,老厂似斑状角闪二长花岗岩和勐林山似斑状黑云二长花岗岩的锆石同位素U-Pb年龄皆为(45±1)Ma,形成于岩浆结晶分异早期阶段的深成环境,而南腊碱长花岗斑岩的锆石同位素U-Pb年龄为(43.41±0.78)Ma,形成于岩浆结晶分异晚期阶段的浅成环境。(2)主量元素和微量元素(稀土元素和某些微量元素(Zr/Hf、Nb/Ta、Rb/Sr、Rb/Ba、K/Rb、(Rb/Yb)N、Sr*、K*和Zr*)),结合U-Pb同位素定年研究表明,本区花岗岩形成于喜马拉雅同碰撞造山成矿作用末期局部拉张构造环境,并分别代表了构造岩浆演化过程中不同演化阶段岩浆分异结晶的产物。(3)上述三类花岗岩样品皆位于S型花岗岩区,但从老厂似斑状角闪二长花岗岩,勐林山似斑状黑云二长花岗岩,到南腊碱长花岗斑岩,样品分布逐渐远离"I"型花岗岩和"S"型花岗岩的分界线,这表明自老厂似斑状角闪二长花岗岩至勐林山似斑状黑云二长花岗岩,到南腊碱长花岗斑岩幔源组分逐渐减少。(4)相对中国花岗岩,南腊碱长花岗斑岩不仅更富集W、Cu、Bi、Sb、Mo、Sn、Ag、Pb和Au等成矿元素,而且还强烈富集F、B和As等矿化剂元素,因此,碱长花岗斑岩是最有成矿远景的岩体。  相似文献   
The oxygen isotopic composition of carbonate in lakes has been used as a useful indicator in Palaeolimnological research, and has made some important contributions to our understanding of lacustrine systems. For modern lakes in arid or cold areas, however, there are few data available to test the effect of lake salinity and temperature on the oxygen isotopic composition of various carbonate sources such as ostracod, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonate (< 60 μm). Here we examined the oxygen isotopic composition of ostracods, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonates, as well as that of coexisting water from Lake Qinghai and the smaller surrounding lakes and ponds on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Our investigation highlights three key effects. First, the oxygen isotopic composition of ostracods, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonate in the lakes and ponds shows a clear response to lake water δ18O values, and these vary with water salinity. The relationship between lake water δ18O and salinity is not only dominated by the evaporation/freshwater input ratios, but is also controlled by the distance to the mouth of the major rivers supplying to the lake. Second, the ostracod, bulk carbonate, and fine-grained carbonate show similar isotopic change trends in the study area, and oxygen isotopic differences between ostracods and authigenic carbonate may be explained by the different water temperatures and very small ‘vital offsets’ of ostracods. Finally, the effect of water depth on temperature leads to increasing δ18O values in carbonates as water depth increases, both in benthic ostracods living on the lake bottom, as well as in bulk carbonate precipitated at the water surface.For arid, high-altitude Lake Qinghai, our results suggest that variations in the δ18O values of carbonate in Lake Qinghai are mainly controlled by the oxygen-isotope ratio of the lake water changing with water salinity. As a secondary effect, increasing water depth leads to cooler bottom and surface water, which may result in more positive δ18O values of ostracod and bulk carbonate.  相似文献   
彭召海  曾小明 《铀矿地质》1990,6(2):116-120
本文综述了近十几年中三元络合物在光度法测钍中的进展及显色剂的应用。  相似文献   
关于全球变化研究的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
第四纪地质工作者面临全球变化研究的形势,应主动调整自身的研究战略,注重最近0.15Ma环境信息的提取,加强地质过程的研究,重视人类活动对环境的影响,强调模型的模拟和检验。  相似文献   
肖安  许爱华 《气象学报》2018,76(1):78-91
低层暖平流强迫类强对流发生前,地面经常伴有低于日变化的3 h变压。结合常规地面观测资料,定义低于日变化的3 h变压异常(超过一个标准差定义为异常)指数PCR(Pressure Change Range),讨论了中国中东部地区3 h变压标准差的气候分布特征;最后以3次强对流天气过程为例说明PCR指数的预报价值和时效。结果表明,与3 h变压均值相比,中国中东部地区的3 h变压标准差的日变化较小,PCR更适合作为变压异常程度的标准。东北、华北、华东-华中区域PCR冬春季节出现站次数偏多,夏秋季节偏少;华南区域除了冬春季外,夏季也偏多,秋季偏少。PCR主要集中在低级别强度上,但PCR级别越高,越有可能出现强对流天气。东北区域出现PCR的首要原因是受东北气旋的影响,且可能有TBB≤-52℃的云系相对应;华北、华东-华中、华南出现PCR的首要原因是冷高压变性或迅速东移,没有TBB≤-52℃的云系相对应;地面倒槽中出现的PCR全部有TBB≤-52℃的云系对应。3次强对流天气过程均发生在地面倒槽中;在发生前3 h左右,地面气压场上有较明显的负PCR中心出现,强对流天气中尺度云团有向负PCR中心移动的趋势。   相似文献   
黑龙江省“冷”“暖”冬时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用黑龙江省61个站1961~2006年冬季平均气温观测资料,首次采用月平均气温权重系数法确定了黑龙江省“冷”“暖”冬的标准,分析了黑龙江省“冷”“暖”冬的气候变化趋势和空间分布特征。结果表明:在1980年以后呈明显变暖趋势,冬季平均气温和暖冬指数的气候变率分别为0.568℃/10a、13%/10a,增暖高于全国平均水平;黑龙江省大部份地区冷暖冬权重系数指标的气候变率在0.4℃~0.8℃/10a之间,山区大于相对较湿润的平原。  相似文献   
B. Dewitte  J. Choi  S.-I. An  S. Thual 《Climate Dynamics》2012,38(11-12):2275-2289
Recent studies report that two types of El Ni?o events have been observed. One is the cold tongue El Ni?o or Eastern Pacific El Ni?o (EP El Ni?o), which is characterized by relatively large sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the eastern Pacific, and the other is the warm pool El Ni?o (a.k.a. ‘Central Pacific El Ni?o’ (CP El Ni?o) or ‘El Ni?o Modoki’), in which SST anomalies are confined to the central Pacific. Here the vertical structure variability of the periods during EP and CP is investigated based on the GFDL_CM2.1 model in order to explain the difference in equatorial wave dynamics and associated negative feedback mechanisms. It is shown that the mean stratification in the vicinity of the thermocline of the central Pacific is reduced during CP El Ni?o, which favours the contribution of the gravest baroclinic mode relatively to the higher-order slower baroclinic mode. Energetic Kelvin and first-meridional Rossby wave are evidenced during the CP El Ni?o with distinctive amplitude and propagating characteristics according to their vertical structure (mostly first and second baroclinic modes). In particular, the first baroclinic mode during CP El Ni?o is associated to the ocean basin mode and participates to the recharge process during the whole El Ni?o cycle, whereas the second baroclinic mode is mostly driving the discharge process through the delayed oscillator mechanism. This may explain that the phase transition from warm to neutral/cold conditions during the CP El Ni?o is delayed and/or disrupted compared to the EP El Ni?o. Our results have implications for the interpretation of the variability during periods of high CP El Ni?o occurrence like the last decade.  相似文献   
Total hours of sunshine are one of the most important factors affecting climate and environment, and its long-term variation is of much concern in climate studies. Trends of temporal and spatial patterns in sunshine hours and related climatic factors over southwestern China are evaluated for the period 1961–2009 based on data from 111 standard meteorological stations. The results showed that southwestern China is experiencing a statistical decrease of sunshine hours, at the rate of 31.9 h/10a during 1961–2009. The decline was particularly strong in summer, whereas it is nonsignificant in winter. Spatially, statistically significant decreases of sunshine hours mainly occurred in lower altitude regions, especially in the Sichuan basin and Guizhou plateau. Sunshine hours have a high correlation with wind speed, relative humidity, precipitation, cloud cover, surface downwards solar radiation flux, and cloud water content, with wind speed showing the strongest relationship to sunshine hours, implicit in the close correlation (temporally and spatially) between the two variables. Changing water vapor and cloud cover influence sunshine hours in southwestern China. In addition, the increased surface downwards solar radiation flux also made some contribution to a rise of sunshine hours during 1991–2009. The larger decreasing trends of sunshine hours at urban stations than rural stations may reflect the effect of urbanization on sunshine hours. Variations are dominated by the comprehensive functions of multiple factors owing to the complex nature of effects on sunshine hours.  相似文献   
Summary The interannual variability of sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the tropical Indian Ocean is dominated mainly by a basin-scale mode (BM) and partly by an east–west contrast mode (zonal mode, ZM). The BM reflects the basin-scale warming or cooling and is highly correlated with El Nino with 3- to 6-month lags, while the ZM is marginally correlated with El Nino with 9-month lags.During an El Nino, large-scale anomalous subsidence over the maritime continent occurs as a result of an eastward shift in the rising branch of the Walker circulation suppresses convection over the eastern Indian Ocean, allowing more solar radiation over the eastern Indian Ocean. At the same time, the anomalous southeasterly wind over the equatorial Indian Ocean forces the thermocline over the western Indian Ocean to deepen, especially in the southern part. As a result, SST over the whole basin increases. As El Nino decays, the subsidence over the maritime continent ceases and so does the anomalous southeasterly wind. However, the thermocline perturbation does not quickly shoal back to normal because of inertia and it disperses as Rossby waves. These Rossby waves are reflected back as an equatorial Kelvin wave, causing deepening of the thermocline in the eastern Indian Ocean, and preventing SSTs from cooling in that region. Moreover, the weaker wind speed of the monsoon circulation results in less latent heat loss, and thus warms the eastern Indian Ocean. These two processes therefore help to maintain warm SSTs over the eastern Indian Ocean until fall. During the fall, the warm SST over the eastern Indian Ocean and the cold SST over the western Indian Ocean are enhanced by air–sea interaction and the ZM returns. The ZM dissipates through the seasonal reversal of the monsoon atmospheric circulation and the boundary-reflected Kelvin wave. In the same manner, a basin-scale cooling in the tropical Indian Ocean can induce the ZM warming in the west and cooling in the east.  相似文献   
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