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Sierra Nevada forests transpire a significant amount of California's water resources, sparking interest in applying forest management to improve California's water supply. Determining the source water of evapotranspiration enables forest managers to make informed decisions. To this end, a significant interest in critical zone science is to develop new methods to work across time scales to predict subsurface water storage and use. In this study, forest vegetation accessed young water and switched sources depending on availability, suggesting that forest drought vulnerability may depend on the range of water sources available (rain, snowmelt and deeply stored water). This finding also suggests that changes in transpiration rates may have immediate effects on water sources in close proximity to vegetation, and delayed effects on storage and runoff. New δ18O, δ2H and 3H data were used to track precipitation, runoff, evapotranspiration and storage through the critical zone seasonally, including seasons where evapotranspiration and snowmelt were in phase (winter snowmelt) and out of phase (seasonally dry summer). The main source of this headwater catchment's runoff is derived from its meadow saturated zone water, which was dominated by snowmelt. Water that originated as snowmelt contributed to transpiration, unless other sources, such as recent rain, became available. In cases where xylem δ18O and δ2H signatures matched those of deeper saturated zone water, 3H data showed that xylem water was distinctly younger than the deep saturated zone water. During 2016, which experienced relatively normal snowpack in winter and seasonally dry summer conditions, mean summer saturated zone water and vegetation water were similar in δ18O, −12.4 ± 0.04 ‰ and − 12.5 ± 0.3 ‰, respectively, but were distinctly different in 3H, 5.5 ± 0.2 pCi/L and 13.7 ± 1.1 pCi/L, respectively. While δ18O shows that vegetation and meadow saturated zone water have similar origins, 3H shows they have dissimilar ages.  相似文献   
Gale Crater contains a 5.2 km-high central mound of layered material that is largely sedimentary in origin and has been considered as a potential landing site for both the MER (Mars Exploration Rover) and MSL (Mars Science Laboratory) missions. We have analyzed recent data from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to help unravel the complex geologic history evidenced by these layered deposits and other landforms in the crater. Results from imaging data from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) and Context Camera (CTX) confirm geomorphic evidence for fluvial activity and may indicate an early lacustrine phase. Analysis of spectral data from the CRISM (Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars) instrument shows clay-bearing units interstratified with sulfate-bearing strata in the lower member of the layered mound, again indicative of aqueous activity. The formation age of the layered mound, derived from crater counts and superposition relationships, is ∼3.6-3.8 Ga and straddles the Noachian-Hesperian time-stratigraphic boundary. Thus Gale provides a unique opportunity to investigate global environmental change on Mars during a period of transition from an environment that favored phyllosilicate deposition to a later one that was dominated by sulfate formation.  相似文献   
Perception about people’s behaviour during emergencies defines, to a large extent, the course of planning and resource allocation for community emergency response as well as development of mitigation measures. During the past decade, there has been a paradigm shift in the approach to disaster management. A recent trend has been to encourage more community participation as opposed to the top-down approach of the past. It is believed that community participation will bring about a comprehensive and accurate appreciation of people’s perception regarding hazards, risk, vulnerability, and resilience, and this research is an attempt to achieve just that. In order to accomplish our goal, we engaged a group of women that would typically fall into the category of “vulnerable group” in a focus group interview setting. The participants were mainly over 40 years old, the majority with little education, unemployed, facing language barriers, of low income, and reliant on public transit. Many participants identified that they lived in the vicinity of rivers, lakes, railways, or power plants, but did not seem to be aware of their exposure to potential threats—indicating a lack of education and awareness. The most common hazards and mitigation measures they were aware of, included floods (including basement flooding), fire, fire alarm, and smoke detectors. Additionally, illness and loneliness were mentioned as factors contributing to their increased vulnerability, hence reduced resiliency. With the help of the focus group members’ participation, we were able to discuss the importance of communities being aware of their surroundings, available resources and help, and permit them to voice their concerns in order to be able to cope during emergencies. We trust and hope that more community participation will lead to stronger and more resilient cities.  相似文献   
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) identifies marine angiosperms (seagrasses and saltmarshes) as one of the biological elements used to classify water body status. This paper concentrates on the saltmarsh classification tools currently under development in the UK and RoI by the Marine Plants Task Team (MPTT) of the UK Technical Advisory Group (UK TAG). Saltmarsh classification is presently focusing on habitat extent, zonation and species diversity in order to fulfil the requirements of the WFD normative definitions. One of the many issues is that the natural rates of erosion and/or accretion differ between locations - this spatial and temporal natural variation is difficult to quantify; the tools and reference conditions developed will need to take this into consideration. To accurately quantify the classification boundaries and natural variability has posed a number of challenges; possible solutions are identified in this paper. Novel future classifications may also include saltmarsh ecosystem functioning (e.g., as a marine fish nursery) which may be further developed in an integrated saltmarsh tool.  相似文献   
We developed a new semi-analytical source zone depletion model (SZDM) for multicomponent light nonaqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) and incorporated this into an existing screening model for estimating cleanup times for chemical spills from railroad tank cars that previously considered only single-component LNAPLs. Results from the SZDM compare favorably to those from a three-dimensional numerical model, and from another semi-analytical model that does not consider source zone depletion. The model was used to evaluate groundwater contamination and cleanup times for four complex mixtures of concern in the railroad industry. Among the petroleum hydrocarbon mixtures considered, the cleanup time of diesel fuel was much longer than E95, gasoline, and crude oil. This is mainly due to the high fraction of low solubility components in diesel fuel. The results demonstrate that the updated screening model with the newly developed SZDM is computationally efficient, and provides valuable comparisons of cleanup times that can be used in assessing the health and financial risk associated with chemical mixture spills from railroad-tank-car accidents.  相似文献   
Progradation is an important mechanism through which sedimentary systems fill sedimentary basins. Although a general progradational pattern is recognized in many basins, few studies have quantified system scale spatial changes in vertical trends that record fluvial system progradation. Here, we provide an assessment of the spatial distribution of vertical trends across the Salt Wash distributive fluvial system (DFS), in the Morrison Formation SW, USA. The vertical distribution of proximal, medial and distal facies, and channel belt proportion and thickness, are analysed at 25 sections across approximately 80 000 km2 of a DFS that spanned approximately 100 000 km2. The stratigraphic signature of facies stacking patterns that record progradation varies depending on location within the basin. An abrupt and incomplete progradation succession dominates the proximal region, whereby proximal deposits directly overlie distal deposits. A more complete succession is preserved in the medial region of the DFS. The medial to distal region of the DFS are either simple aggradational successions, or display progradation of medial over distal facies. Spatial variations in facies successions patterns reflects preservation changes down the DFS. A spatial change in vertical trends of channel belt thickness and proportion is not observed. Vertical trends in channel belt proportion and thickness are locally highly variable, such that systematic up‐section increases in these properties are observed only at a few select sites. Progradation can only be inferred once local trends are averaged out across the entire succession. Possible key controls on trends are discussed at both allocyclic and autocyclic scales including climate, tectonics, eustasy and avulsion. Eustatic controls are discounted, and it is suggested that progradation of the Salt Wash DFS is driven by upstream controls within the catchment.  相似文献   
The Kundelungu foreland, north of the Lufilian arc in the Democratic Republic of Congo, contains a number of various vein-type and stratiform copper mineralisations. The geodynamic context and metallogenesis of these mineral occurrences remain enigmatic. Currently, the vein-type Cu–Ag ore deposit at Dikulushi is the most significant deposit in the region. Mineralisation at Dikulushi comprises two major styles: 1) a polysulphide assemblage (Zn–Pb–Fe–Cu–As) within brecciated rocks along an anticlinal closure; and 2) a vein-hosted Cu–Ag assemblage. Petrographic and fluid inclusion studies indicate that the early Zn–Pb–Fe–Cu–As assemblage formed from a high-salinity Ca–Na–Cl fluid of modest temperature (135–172 °C). The later, economically more significant vein-related Cu–Ag mineralisation formed from intermediate salinity, lower temperature (46–82 °C) Na–Cl fluids. Weathering of the sulphide minerals resulted in a supergene enrichment with the formation of secondary Cu-minerals.  相似文献   
The sediments of the Madeira Abyssal Plain, east of Great Meteor Seamount, are dominated by distal turbidite deposition. While the turbidites exhibit a wide compositional range (25–80% CaCO3), individual examples can be correlated over a wide area and are relatively homogenous. Organic C oxidation, by bottom water oxygen, proceeds from the turbidite tops downwards after emplacement in pelagic conditions, and the progress of this oxidation front is marked by a sharp colour contrast in the sediments (Wilsonet al., 1985). In turbidites with Corg ? 0.5%, redistribution of authigenic U occurs to form a concentration peak (4–9 ppm U), just below the oxidation front or colour change. Several tens μg U/cm2 may be mobilised, and in all examples studied ?60% of the remobilised U is relocated into the peak. Following burial by subsequent turbidites, such U concentration peaks are persistent as relict indicators of their extinct oxidation fronts for at least 2 × 105 years. In the case of thin turbidites where labile Corg is almost exhausted, the U peaks may be located in underlying sedimentary units because of their relationship to the oxidation front. A redox mechanism for U peak formation is suggested from these data rather than a complexation with organic matter.  相似文献   
The M w=9.3 megathrust earthquake of December 26, 2004 off the coast of Sumatra in the Indian Ocean generated a catastrophic tsunami that caused widespread damage in coastal areas and left more than 226,000 people dead or missing. The Sumatra tsunami was accurately recorded by a large number of tide gauges throughout the world's oceans. This paper examines the amplitudes, frequencies and wave train structure of tsunami waves recorded by tide gauges located more than 20,000 km from the source area along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of North America.  相似文献   
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