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Climate Dynamics - A shallow mixed layer depth bias in Austral winter in the Subantarctic Zone is a common feature of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) models, including the Community...  相似文献   
Los Morteros (8?39′54″S, 78?42 ′00″W) is located in coastal, northern Peru, one of the six original centers of world civilization. The site consists of a large, sand-covered, isolated prominence situated on a Mid-Holocene shoreline, ~ 5 km from the present coast. Preceramic archaeological deposits (4040 ± 75 to 4656 ± 60 14C yr BP or ~ 3600–5500 cal yr BP) cap this feature, which has been identified by prior researchers as a sand-draped, bedrock-cored landform or a relict dune deposit. Because neither explanation is geomorphologically probable, we used ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and high-resolution mapping to assess the mound's interior structure. Our results indicate an anthropogenic origin for Los Morteros, potentially placing it among the earliest monumental structures in prehistoric South America. The extremely arid setting raises new questions about the purpose and the logistics of early mound construction in this region. This work demonstrates the value of an integrated Quaternary sciences approach to assess long-term landscape change and to understand the interaction between humans and the environment.  相似文献   
Flow transverse bedforms (ripples and dunes) are ubiquitous in rivers and coastal seas. Local hydrodynamics and transport conditions depend on the size and geometry of these bedforms, as they constitute roughness elements at the bed. Bedform influence on flow energy must be considered for the understanding of flow dynamics, and in the development and application of numerical models. Common estimations or predictors of form roughness (friction factors) are based mostly on data of steep bedforms (with angle-of-repose lee slopes), and described by highly simplified bedform dimensions (heights and lengths). However, natural bedforms often are not steep, and differ in form and hydraulic effect relative to idealised bedforms. Based on systematic numerical model experiments, this study shows how the hydraulic effect of bedforms depends on the flow structure behind bedforms, which is determined by the bedform lee side angle, aspect ratio and relative height. Simulations reveal that flow separation behind bedform crests and, thus, a hydraulic effect is induced at lee side angles steeper than 11 to 18° depending on relative height, and that a fully developed flow separation zone exists only over bedforms with a lee side angle steeper than 24°. Furthermore, the hydraulic effect of bedforms with varying lee side angle is evaluated and a reduction function to common friction factors is proposed. A function is also developed for the Nikuradse roughness (k s), and a new equation is proposed which directly relates k s to bedform relative height, aspect ratio and lee side angle.  相似文献   
We consider constraints on the planetesimal population residing in the discs of AU Microscopii (AU Mic), β Pictoris (β Pic) and Fomalhaut taking into account their observed thicknesses and normal disc opacities. We estimate that bodies of radius 5, 180 and 70 km are responsible for initiating the collisional cascade accounting for the dust production for AU Mic, β Pic and Fomalhaut's discs, respectively, at break radii from the star where their surface brightness profiles change slope. Larger bodies, of radius 1000 km and with surface density of the order of 0.01 g cm−2, are required to explain the thickness of these discs assuming that they are heated by gravitational stirring. A comparison between the densities of the two sizes suggests the size distribution in the largest bodies is flatter than that observed in the Kuiper belt. AU Mic's disc requires the shallowest size distribution for bodies with radius greater than 10 km suggesting that the disc contains planetary embryos experiencing a stage of runaway growth.  相似文献   

The role of the Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO) in producing active and break periods of the South American (SA) monsoon and the performance of the ECMWF and NCEP models in predicting these periods at multiweek lead times are assessed. Two monsoon indices, based on precipitation and wind, are proposed to characterize these periods. The models represent well the observed association of active and break monsoon days with large scale convection and circulation anomalies. Although reproducing approximately the distribution of active and break days proportions in each phase of the MJO cycle, models produce a phase shift between observed and simulated distributions because they establish the teleconnection between Central Pacific and South America, as well as its impacts, sooner than in observations. The predictive skill of both rainfall and wind anomalies is limited to about 2 weeks, with the monsoon wind index displaying higher correlation score till week 3. The forecast performance is apparently not affected by initialization on active or break monsoon days. However, it is higher for prediction of lower precipitation in break days than heavier rainfall in active days. Wind is much better predicted than rainfall for active days, which could be used for extreme rainfall events forecast. Although relatively small at shorter lead times, the MJO contribution is the major source of rainfall predictability after week 3. To improve the multiweek prediction of SA monsoon, models need not only to predict correctly the MJO phase, but also to reproduce in the right phase the MJO-related SA rainfall anomalies.

Reanalyses, based on numerical weather prediction methods assimilating past observations, provide continuous precipitation datasets and represent interesting options for assessing the climatology of regions with sparse station networks (e.g., northern Canada). However, reanalysis series cannot be used directly because of possible biases and mismatch between their spatial and temporal resolutions with that needed for local applications. To address these issues, a Stochastic Model Output Statistics (SMOS) approach was selected to post-process precipitation series simulated by the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) across Canada. This approach uses CFSR precipitation as a covariate and is based on two regression models: the first one is a logistic regression that deals with precipitation occurrence, and the second is a vector generalized linear model for precipitation intensity. At-site post-processed daily precipitation series are randomly generated using the SMOS approach, and selected climate indicators from the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices, which is jointly sponsored by the Commission for Climatology of the World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) World Climate Data and Monitoring Programme, the Climate Variability and Predictability Programme of the World Climate Research Programme, and the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (CCI/CLIVAR/JCOMM) are estimated and compared with corresponding observed and CFSR values. The two models in the SMOS approach, in addition to adequately correcting systematic biases, produced better predictions than the climatology of the wet and dry and intensity sequences. Additionally, the SMOS generally yields consistent climate indices when compared with those from CFSR without post-processing, though there is still room for improvement for specific indices (e.g., annual maximum of cumulative wet days).  相似文献   
The Paris Agreement, which entered into force in 2016, sets the ambitious climate change mitigation goal of limiting the global temperature increase to below 2°C and ideally 1.5°C. This puts a severe constraint on the remaining global GHG emissions budget. While international shipping is also a contributor to anthropogenic GHG emissions, and CO2 in particular, it is not included in the Paris Agreement. This article discusses how a share of a global CO2 budget over the twenty-first century could be apportioned to international shipping, and, using a range of future trade scenarios, explores the requisite cuts to the CO2 intensity of shipping. The results demonstrate that, under a wide range of assumptions, existing short-term levers of efficiency must be urgently exploited to achieve mitigation commensurate with that required from the rest of the economy, with virtually full decarbonization of international shipping required as early as before mid-century.

Key policy insights

  • Regulatory action is key to ensuring the international shipping sector’s long-term sustainability.

  • For the shipping industry to deliver mitigation in line with the Paris Agreement, virtually full decarbonization needs to be achieved.

  • In the near term, immediate and rapid exploitation of available mitigation measures is of critical importance.

  • Any delay in the transition will increase the risk of stranded assets, or diminish the chances of meeting the Paris Agreement's temperature commitments.

We investigate the use of quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating for determining fluvial overbank sedimentation rates over decades to centuries. For the study we took 11 samples from three cores from an embanked floodplain along the River Waal (Rhine) near Neerijnen (The Netherlands). We propose a measurement protocol for young fluvial quartz based on the single-aliquot regenerative dose procedure. Parameters for the protocol are chosen to isolate the fast OSL component, eliminate an ultrafast OSL component and avoid thermal transfer. The protocol shows excellent dose recovery and recycling ratios. For each sample, a Gaussian is fitted to the lower part of the equivalent dose distribution to obtain an estimate of the burial dose. We discuss the validity of the OSL ages using internal and external controls, and conclude that there is no evidence for large systematic offsets in the OSL ages. OSL based sedimentation rates are between ~3 and 8 mm/a, in line with previous estimates.  相似文献   
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