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Waves carried in the borehole can be measured by the use of controlled sources inside the borehole and receivers located in the same borehole as well. This article gives the theoretical background and develops a new method to determine rock-physical parameters out of such controlled measurements of waves carried inside the borehole. Theoretical dispersion curves of the group velocities are matched to dispersion analyses of registrations obtained in the borehole. This inversion process intends to determine the in situ porosity and permeability of the rock.  相似文献   


In aerodynamic levitation, solids and liquids are floated in a vertical gas stream. In combination with CO2-laser heating, containerless melting at high temperature of oxides and silicates is possible. We apply aerodynamic levitation to bulk rocks in preparation for microchemical analyses, and for evaporation and reduction experiments.  相似文献   
Kohala revisited     
We present new isotopic data for Sr and Nd in basalts and alkalic volcanics from Kohala volcano, Hawaii, which had previously been described by Feigenson et al. (1983). These data complement our own isotopic data presented in that paper and those given in the companion paper by Lanphere and Frey (1986). We show that in spite of appearances to the contrary, there is no significant analytical bias in our previously published analyses. Accidental sampling bias and one erroneous value prevented us from recognizing the isotopic heterogeneity in our previously published data. The new data both confirm the Sr-isotopic distinction between Pololu and Hawi volcanics discovered by Lanphere and Frey and narrow the gap between them significantly. The two data sets agree for the Hawi samples, but the mean 87Sr/86Sr=0.703651±13 for our Pololu basalts is significantly lower than the mean 87Sr/86Sr= 0.703748±18 found by Lanphere and Frey. The Ndisotopic ratios are also heterogeneous, but they overlap for the two formations. We agree with the assessment of Lanphere and Frey that some of our samples originally classified as belonging to the Hawi Formation are actually derived from the uppermost Pololu Formation, but with some stratigraphic ambiguities remaining.We believe that our previous results of inverse modelling are valid for the tholeiitic and moderately alkalic Pololu Formation despite the isotopic heterogeneity because this heterogeneity does not correlate with the trace element chemistry of the Pololu samples.The severe depletion of Sc, which correlates with decreasing CaO/Al2O3 ratios and increasing Yb concentrations, confirms the importance of clinopyroxene fractionation in the evolved lavas of the Hawi Formation. In addition, apatite precipitation did fractionate the P/Ce ratios in the more evolved Hawi lavas, but its effect on the REE abundances is still uncertain and may not be significant.The MgO — P2O5 plot of Lanphere and Frey does not provide compelling evidence against a simple genetic relationship between Pololu and Hawi lavas. The internal consistency of the (fractionation corrected) trace element ratios such as Ba/Ce indicates that Ba is depleted in both the Hawi and the Pololu sources and that these sources do have similar chemistry.Finally, we show that contrary to the conclusions of Lanphere and Frey the REE patterns of Kohala volcanics can be generated from sources with only slightly negatively sloping REE patterns without involvement of garnet, as was indicated by the formal inversion analysis. Models which include garnet yield more highly anomalous source abundance patterns and calculated bulk-source partition coefficients which are inconsistent with the presence of garnet. The persistence of residual garnet is also inconsistent with the absence of significant heavy-REE fractionation among the Pololu basalts.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das Impulsaktinometer arbeitet mit Bolometermessbrücken, die nur die kurze Zeit mit Spannung belastet werden, die zur Feststellung des Ausschlages des Brückengalvanometers erforderlich ist. Da stets genügend Zeit zum Abkühlen gegeben ist, können Messbrücken in dieser Schaltung wesentlich höher belastet werden als gewöhnliche Bolometer. Bei der Anwendung dieses Prinzips auf die Messung der direkten Sonnenstrahlung entstehen Aktinometer, die mit unempfindlichen Galvanometern arbeiten. Ihre Abmessungen sind klein genug, dass das eigentliche Aktinometer und das Galvanometer zu einer Einheit zusammengefasst werden können. Hierdurch entstehen Instrumente, die leicht in der Herstellung und im Gewicht sind und aus überall in der Welt käuflichen Materialien angefertigt werden können, Sie haben sich bereits auf Expeditionen bewährt.Der beschriebene Apparat enthält vier Aktinometersysteme für verschiedene Spektralgebiete. Der Aufbau des Gerätes und seine Einzelheiten wie Bolometer, Diaphragmen, Einstellungsvorgänge, Galvanometer, Filter, Schaltung usw. werden besprochen und das Vorgehen bei der Messung behandelt. Es wird auch eine Theorie des Temperaturkoeffizienten gegeben und die Justierung beschrieben. Die Prüfung des Gerätes mit demLinke-Feussner-Aktinometer ergab eine mittlere Abweichung von ±1.3%, die auf Verschiedenheiten bei der Exposition beider Instrumente zurückgeführt werden kann.
Summary The pulse-actinometer works with bolometers, i. e. with Wheatstone's bridge circuits. The principle of operation of this actinometer is based upon an overloading of those bolometers with a relatively high current. Obviously such a high current can only be connected for a brief period, which, however, has to be sufficiently long for reading the deflection of the galvanometer.This principle makes it possible to use relatively insensitive galvanometers of small size so that they may be built into the case surrounding the whole instrument. The actinometer uses ordinary radio components and its construction is extremely simple and should not present any difficulties. The instrument has successfully been used on various expeditions.The apparatus contains four different actinometer systems for different spectral ranges. The design of the instrument, its properties as bolometers, diaphragms, galvanometer, filters, circuit diagram, and its operation are treated. Furthermore a theory of the temperature coefficient is given and the final adjustement is described in detail. The calibration of the instrument with theLinke-Feussner Actinometer resulted in a deviation of ±1.3%, which can be explained by the differences in the operating procedures of both instruments.
Isotopic and chemical composition of groundwater from wells and springs, and surface water from the basalt-dominated Axum area (northern Ethiopia) provides evidence for the origin of water and dissolved species. Shallow (depth < 40 m) and deep groundwater are distinguished by both chemical and isotopic composition. Deep groundwater is significantly enriched in dissolved inorganic carbon up to 40 mmol l−1 and in concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and Si(OH)4 compared to the shallow type.The δ2H and δ18O values of all solutions clearly indicate meteoric origin. Shifts from the local meteoric water line are attributed to evaporation of surface and spring water, and to strong water–rock interaction. The δ13CDIC values of shallow groundwater between −12 and −7‰ (VPDB) display the uptake of CO2 from local soil horizons, whereas δ13CDIC of deep groundwater ranges from −5 to +1‰. Considering open system conditions with respect to gaseous CO2, δ13CDIC = +1‰ of the deep groundwater with highest PCO2 = 10−0.9 atm yields δ13CCO2(gas) ≈ −5‰, which is close to the stable carbon isotopic composition of magmatic CO2. Accordingly, stable carbon isotope ratios within the above range are referred to individual proportions of CO2 from soil and magmatic origin. The uptake of magmatic CO2 results in elevated cations and Si(OH)4 concentrations. Weathering of local basalts is documented by 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the groundwater from 0.7038 to 0.7059. Highest values indicate Sr release from the basement rocks. Besides weathering of silicates, neoformation of solids has to be considered, which results in the formation of, e.g., kaolinite and montmorillonite. In several solutions supersaturation with respect to calcite is reached by outgassing of CO2 from the solution leading to secondary calcite formation.  相似文献   

What implications do societies’ risk perceptions have for flood losses? This study uses a stylized, socio-hydrological model to simulate the mutual feedbacks between human societies and flood events. It integrates hydrological modelling with cultural theory and proposes four ideal types of society that reflect existing dominant risk perception and management: risk neglecting, risk monitoring, risk downplaying and risk controlling societies. We explore the consequent trajectories of flood risk generated by the interactions between floods and people for these ideal types of society over time. The results suggest that flood losses are substantially reduced when awareness-raising attitudes are promoted through inclusive, participatory approaches in the community. In contrast, societies that rely on top-down hierarchies and structural measures to protect settlements on floodplains may still suffer significant losses during extreme events. This study illustrates how predictions formed through social science theories can be applied and tested in hydrological modelling.  相似文献   
Late Palaeogene syn-tectonic volcanic products have been found in the Northern Alpine foreland basin and in the South Alpine hemipelagic basin. The source of abundant volcanic fragments is still in debate. We analyzed the geochronology and geochemistry of detrital zircons, and evaluated their temporal and genetic relationships with potential volcanic sources. The study shows that the detrital zircon U–Pb age patterns have two major age groups: a dominance (ca. 90%) of pre-Alpine zircons was found, as commonly observed in other Alpine flysch formations. These zircons apparently derived from erosion of the early Alpine nappe stack in South Alpine and Austroalpine units. Furthermore, a few Neo-Alpine zircons (ca. 10%) have ages ranging from Late Eocene to Early Oligocene (~ 41–29 Ma). Both source materials were mixed during long riverine transport to the basin margins before being re-deposited by gravity flows. These Palaeogene ages match with the activity of Peri-Adriatic magmatism, including the Biella volcanic suite as well as the Northern Adamello and Bergell intrusions. The values of REE and 176Hf/177Hf(t) ratios of the Alpine detrital zircons are in line with the magmatic signatures. We observe an in time and space variable supply of syn-sedimentary zircons. From late Middle Eocene to Late Eocene, basin influx into the South Alpine and Glarus (A) basins from the Northern Adamello source is documented. At about 34 Ma, a complete reorganisation is recorded by (1) input of Bergell sources into the later Glarus (B) basin, and (2) the coeval volcaniclastic supply of the Haute-Savoie basin from the Biella magmatic system. The Adamello source vanished in the foreland basin. The marked modification of the basin sources at ~ 34 Ma is interpreted to be initiated by a northwestern shift of the early Alpine drainage divide into the position of the modern Insubric Line.  相似文献   
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