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Cu-poor meneghinite from La Lauzière Massif (Savoy, France) has the composition (electron microprobe) (in wt%): Pb 59.50, Sb 20.33, Bi 1.19, Cu 0.87, Ag 0.05, Fe 0.03, S 17.62, Se 0.05, Total 99.64. Its crystal structure (X-ray on a single crystal) was solved with R1=0.0506, wR2=0.1026, with an orthorhombic symmetry, space group Pnma, and a=24.080(5) Å, b=4.1276(8) Å, c=11.369(2) Å, V=1130.0(4) Å3, Z=4. Relatively to the model of Euler and Hellner (1960), this structure shows a significantly lower site occupancy factor for the tetrahedral Cu site (0.146 against 0.25). Among the five other metallic sites, Bi appears in the one with predominant Sb. Developed structural formula: Cu0.15Pb2(Pb0.53Sb0.47)(Pb0.46Sb0.54)(Sb0.75Pb0.19Bi0.06)S6; the reduced one: Cu0.58Pb12.72(Sb7.04Bi0.24)S24. The formation of such a Cu-poor variety seems to be related to specific paragenetic conditions (absence of coexisting galena), or to crystallochemical constraints (minor Bi). To cite this article: Y. Moëlo et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 529–536.  相似文献   
Neogene volcanism in the Eastern Rif (Morocco) comprises a series of calc-alkaline, potassic calc-alkaline, shoshonitic and alkaline volcanic rocks. According to new stratigraphical, along with new and previous chronological and geochemical data, the orogenic volcanism was successively (1) calc-alkaline (basaltic andesites and andesites: 13.1 to 12.5 Ma, rhyolites: 9.8 Ma), (2) K-calc-alkaline (basaltic andesitic to rhyolitic lavas and granodiorites: 9.0 to 6.6 Ma), and (3) shoshonitic (absarokites, shoshonites, latites, trachytes: 7.0 to 5.4 Ma). The later Pliocene volcanism was basaltic and alkaline (5.6 to 1.5 Ma). The calc-alkaline and K-calc-alkaline series exhibit lower K2O (0.7–5.3 wt.%), Nb (8–19 ppm) contents and higher 87Sr/86Sr (0.70773–0.71016) than the shoshonitic series (K2O: 2.4–7.2 wt.%, Nb: 21–38 ppm, 87Sr/86Sr: 0.70404–0.70778). Pliocene alkaline basalts have a sodic tendency (Na2O/K2O: 1.7–3.5), high Nb content (up to 52 ppm), and low 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.70360–0.70413). The variations through time of K2O, Nb and Sr isotopic ratio reflect different mantle sources: (i) calc-alkaline, potassic calc-alkaline and shoshonitic series are derived from a mantle source modified by older subduction, (ii) alkaline basalts are derived mainly from an enriched mantle source. Through time, incompatible elements such as Nb increased while 87Sr/86Sr decreased, suggesting a decreasing influence of metasomatized mantle (inherited subduction). Such evolution is related to the post-collision regimes operating in this area, and could be linked to the succession of extensional, compressional and strike-slip fault tectonics.  相似文献   
Brines in Cambrian sandstones and Ordovician dolostones of the St-Lawrence Lowlands at Bécancour, Québec, Canada were sampled for analysis of all stable noble gases in order to trace their origin and migration path, in addition to quantifying their residence time. Major ion chemistry indicates that the brines are of Na-Ca-Cl type, possibly derived from halite dissolution. 87Sr/86Sr ratios and Ca excess indicate prolonged interactions with silicate rocks of the Proterozoic Grenville basement or the Cambrian Potsdam sandstone. The brines constrain a 2-3% contribution of mantle 3He and large amounts of nucleogenic 21Ne and 38Ar and radiogenic 4He and 40Ar. 4He/40Ar and 21Ne/40Ar ratios, corrected for mass fractionation during incomplete brine degassing, are identical to their production ratios in rocks. The source of salinity (halite dissolution), plus the occurrence of large amounts of 40Ar in brines constrain the residence time of Bécancour brines as being older than the Cretaceous. Evaporites in the St-Lawrence Lowlands likely existed only during Devonian-Silurian time. Brines might result from infiltration of Devonian water leaching halite, penetrating into or below the deeper Cambrian-Ordovician aquifers. During the Devonian, the basin reached temperatures higher than 250 °C, allowing for thermal maturation of local gas-prone source rocks (Utica shales) and possibly facilitating the release of radiogenic 40Ar into the brines. The last thermal event that could have facilitated the liberation of 40Ar into fluids and contributed to mantle 3He is the Cretaceous Monteregian Hills magmatic episode. For residence times younger than the Cretaceous, it is difficult to find an appropriate source of salinity and of nucleogenic/radiogenic gases to the Bécancour brines.  相似文献   
Model parameterization through adjustment to field data is a crucial step in the modeling and the understanding of the drainage network response to tectonic or climatic perturbations. Using as a test case a data set of 18 knickpoints that materialize the migration of a 0.7-Ma-old erosion wave in the Ourthe catchment of northern Ardennes (western Europe), we explore the impact of various data fitting on the calibration of the stream power model of river incision, from which a simple knickpoint celerity equation is derived. Our results show that statistical least squares adjustments (or misfit functions) based either on the stream-wise distances between observed and modeled knickpoint positions at time t or on differences between observed and modeled time at the actual knickpoint locations yield significantly different values for the m and K parameters of the model. As there is no physical reason to prefer one of these approaches, an intermediate least-rectangles adjustment might at first glance appear as the best compromise. However, the statistics of the analysis of 200 sets of synthetic knickpoints generated in the Ourthe catchment indicate that the time-based adjustment is the most capable of getting close to the true parameter values. Moreover, this fitting method leads in all cases to an m value lower than that obtained from the classical distance adjustment (for example, 0.75 against 0.86 for the real case of the Ourthe catchment), corresponding to an increase in the non-linear character of the dependence of knickpoint celerity on discharge.  相似文献   
Defining temperature at depth to identify geothermal resources relies on the evaluation of the Earth heat flow based on equilibrium temperature measurements as well as thermal conductivity and heat generation rate assessment. Such high-quality geothermal data can be sparse over the region of interest. This is the case of the St. Lawrence Lowlands sedimentary basin covering 20,000 km2 to the south of Québec, Canada, and enclosing only three wells up to a depth of 500 m with equilibrium heat flow measurements. However, more than 250 oil and gas exploration wells have been drilled in this area, providing for this study (parce que c'est 93 sinon) 81 locations with bottom-hole temperature up to a depth of 4300 m, however, not at equilibrium. Analyzing these data with respect to the deep geothermal resource potential of this sedimentary basin requires evaluating the thermal conductivity and heat generation rate of its geological units to properly extrapolate temperature downward. This was done by compiling literature and recent thermal conductivity measurements in outcrop and core samples as well as new heat generation rate estimates from spectral gamma ray logs to establish a first thermal assessment of geological units deep down into the basin. The mean thermal conductivity of the thermal units varies from 2.5 to 6.3 W/m·K, with peak values in the basal sandstones, while the heat generation rate varies from 1.6 to 0.3 µW/m3, decreasing from the upper caprocks toward the base of the sequence. After correcting the bottom-hole temperatures for drilling disturbance with the Harrison correction and subsequently for paleoclimate variations, results indicate a mean geothermal gradient of 23.1 °C/km, varying from 14 to 40 °C/km. Evaluating the basin thermal state from oil and gas data is a significant challenge facilitated by an understanding of its thermal properties.  相似文献   
A synthetic crystal of coesite, SiO2, has been found to contain microtwins. The (100) reflection twin has been made evident on incoherent (010) planes. The twin structure is directly imaged by high resolution electron microscopy at 2,5 Å resolution, allowing an atomic model to be proposed. This twin could be incoherent on large surfaces and the dislocation density is predicted. The X-ray crystallographic data are analyzed critically in view of the presence of such defects in single crystals. The mutual orientation between a silicon matrix and coesite precipitates in Czochralski-silicon annealed specimens is proposed to be non unique as a consequence of the easy twinning of coesite.  相似文献   
Two end-member types of pyroclastic density current are commonly recognized: pyroclastic surges are dilute currents in which particles are carried in turbulent suspension and pyroclastic flows are highly concentrated flows. We provide scaling relations that unify these end-members and derive a segregation mechanism into basal concentrated flow and overriding dilute cloud based on the Stokes number (ST), the stability factor (ΣT) and the dense-dilute condition (DD). We recognize five types of particle behaviors within a fluid eddy as a function of ST and ΣT: (1) particles sediment from the eddy, (2) particles are preferentially settled out during the downward motion of the eddy, but can be carried during its upward motion, (3) particles concentrate on the periphery of the eddy, (4) particles settling can be delayed or ‘fast-tracked’ as a function of the eddy spatial distribution, and (5) particles remain homogeneously distributed within the eddy. We extend these concepts to a fully turbulent flow by using a prototype of kinetic energy distribution within a full eddy spectrum and demonstrate that the presence of different particle sizes leads to the density stratification of the current. This stratification may favor particle interactions in the basal part of the flow and DD determines whether the flow is dense or dilute. Using only intrinsic characteristics of the current, our model explains the discontinuous features between pyroclastic flows and surges while conserving the concept of a continuous spectrum of density currents.  相似文献   
Resistivity prospecting is the main tool used to investigate the shallow structure of the ground. A series of new techniques for determining the 2-D and 3-D geometry of the ground is now finding increasing use, but the light and simple Wenner prospecting technique remains a practical and efficient tool for rapidly mapping lateral variations in resistivity. When the resistivity changes are smooth, 1-D modelling can be used to interpret the data, and the criteria governing this approximation can be defined from synthetic data generated by a 3-D slab-model. For a Wenner array, two quadripole configurations can be used, Normal and Dipole-Dipole. For these two configurations the width of the transition zone, the apparent anisotropy effect and the precision of the resistivity values recovered from 1-D inversion differ. However the simultaneous inversion of both sets of data gives better results than for either configuration by itself. Two examples illustrate that in geological contexts where the thickness of the weathered zone causes the changes in the apparent resistivity value, this parameter can be recovered from 1-D inversion.  相似文献   
This paper illustrates how sensitivity analysis and a worst-case scenario analysis can be useful tools in risk assessment of groundwater pollution. The approach is applied to a study area in Hungary with several known groundwater pollution sources and nearby drinking water production wells. The main concern is whether the contamination sources threaten the drinking water wells of the area. A groundwater flow and transport model is set up to answer this question. Due to limited data availability, the results of this model are associated with large uncertainty. Sensitivity analysis and a worst-case scenario analysis are applied to estimate this uncertainty and build confidence in the model results.  相似文献   
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