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The unique occurrence of abundant (~1 vol%) near‐pure‐Fe metal in the Camel Donga eucrite is more complicated than previously believed. In addition to that component of groundmass metal, scattered within the meteorite are discrete nodules of much higher kamacite abundance. We have studied the petrology and composition of two of these nodules in the form of samples we call CD2 and CD3. The nodules are ovoids 11 (CD2) to 15 (CD3) mm across, with metal, or inferred preweathering metal, abundances of 12–17 vol% (CD2 is unfortunately quite weathered). The CD3 nodule also includes at its center a 5 mm ovoid clumping (6 vol%) of F‐apatite. Both nodules are fine‐grained, so the high Fe metal and apatite contents are clearly not flukes of inadequate sampling. The metals within the nodules are distinctly Ni‐rich (0.3–0.6 wt%) compared to the pure‐Fe (Ni generally 0.01 wt%) groundmass metals. Bulk analyses of three pieces of the CD2 nodule show that trace siderophile elements Ir, Os, and Co are commensurately enriched; Au is enriched to a lesser degree. The siderophile evidence shows the nodules did not form by in situ reduction of pyroxene FeO. Moreover, the nodules do not show features such as silica‐phase enrichment or pyroxene with reduced FeO (as constrained by FeO/MgO and especially FeO/MnO) predicted by the in situ reduction model. The oxide minerals, even in groundmass samples well away from the nodules, also show little evidence of reduction. Although the nodule boundaries are generally sharp, groundmass‐metal Ni content is anti‐correlated with distance from the CD3 nodule. We infer that the nodules represent materials that originated within impactors into the Camel Donga portion of the eucrite crust, but probably were profoundly altered during later metamorphism/metasomatism. Origin of the pure‐Fe groundmass metal remains enigmatic. In situ reduction probably played an important role, and association in the same meteorite of the Fe‐nodules is probably significant. But the fluid during alteration was probably not (as previously modeled) purely S and O, of simple heat‐driven internal derivation. We conjecture a two‐stage metasomatism, as fluids passed through Camel Donga after impact heating of volatile‐rich chondritic masses (survivors of gentle accretionary impacts) within the nearby crust. First, reduction to form troilite may have been triggered by fluids rich in S2 and CO (derived from the protonodules?), and then in a distinct later stage, fluids were (comparatively) H2O‐rich, and thus reacted with troilite to form pure‐Fe metal along with H2S and SO2. The early eucrite crust was in places a dynamic fluid‐bearing environment that hosted complex chemical processes, including some that engendered significant diversity among metal+sulfide alterations.  相似文献   
Abstract— We studied the texture, mineralogy, and bulk chemical composition of Dhofar 007, a basaltic achondrite. Dhofar 007 is a polymict breccia that is mostly composed of coarse‐grained granular (CG) clasts with a minor amount of xenolithic components, such as a fragment of Mg‐rich pyroxene. The coarse‐grained, relict gabbroic texture, mineral chemistry, and bulk chemical data of the coarse‐grained clast indicate that the CG clasts were originally a cumulate rock crystallized in a crust of the parent body. However, in contrast to monomict eucrites, the siderophile elements are highly enriched and could have been introduced by impact events. Dhofar 007 appears to have experienced a two‐stage postcrystallization thermal history: rapid cooling at high temperatures and slow cooling at lower temperatures. The presence of pigeonite with closely spaced, fine augite lamellae suggests that this rock was cooled rapidly from higher temperatures (>0.5 °C/yr at ˜1000 °C) than typical cumulate eucrites. However, the presence of the cloudy zone in taenite and the Ni profile across the kamacite‐taenite boundaries indicates that the cooling rate was very slow at lower temperatures (˜1–10 °C/Myr at <600–700 °C). The slow cooling rate is comparable to those in mesosiderites and pallasites. The two‐stage thermal history and the relative abundance of siderophile elements similar to those for metallic portions in mesosiderites suggest that Dhofar 007 is a large inclusion of mesosiderite. However, we cannot rule out a possibility that Dhofar 007 is an anomalous eucrite.  相似文献   
Over the past few years, our group has been developing hydrodynamic models to simulate formation of the Eagle Nebula pillars. The true test of any model is, of course, how well it can reproduce the observations. Here, we discuss how we go about testing our models against observations. We describe the process by which we “observe” the model data to create synthetic maps. We show an example of this technique using one of our model runs and compare the resultant synthetic map to the real one.  相似文献   
The structure and electronic properties of trigonal and orthorhombic boric oxide (B2O3) are studied using periodic ab initio Hartree-Fock method. The optimised structural parameters for two B2O3 polymorphs are in good agreement with experimental data. The analyses of their electronic structures provide insights into the chemical nature of the B–O bond and the way in which it changes with the coordination number around boron and oxygen. Our quantum-chemical study suggests that the orthorhombic form is more ionic than the trigonal form and that the coordination number of boron around oxygen plays a more dominant role than that of oxygen around boron in B2O3 crystals.  相似文献   
Abstract— Phase diagrams describing solid-gas equilibria in the system Fe-Mg-Si-O-C-H under H-rich conditions (~700–2000 K and 10?2–10?20 atm of Ph 2), including solar nebula conditions, were constructed based on thermochemical calculations. Boundaries of vaporous phases, which are the first phases to condense from a gas, can be obtained without calculating condensation temperatures of individual gas compositions because the numbers of major gaseous species are the same as those of components in the concerned systems. Fractionations by condensation and/or evaporation can be discussed easily in such phase diagrams. A thermal divide, which is a barrier that vapors cannot cross by a single cooling process, was recognized in the phase diagrams. This is present on the Fe-MgO-SiO2-CO-H plane at high temperatures (≥500–700 K) and plays an important role in fractionations. Oxidizing states of ordinary chondrites and carbonaceous chondrites before aqueous alteration are located at the O-rich side of the thermal divide. Such oxidizing states can be formed from the solar gas by fractionation in the primordial solar nebula because the solar composition is located on the O-rich side. On the other hand, the reducing states of enstatite chondrites, located at the O-poor side, cannot be formed as long as the thermal divide is present. The reducing states can be obtained by CO to CH4 molecular reaction at low temperatures (≤500–700 K), where the high-temperature thermal divide is absent. Addition of H2O-rich and CH4-rich ice can explain establishment of the redox states of ordinary and enstatite chondrites, respectively.  相似文献   
In order to understand the penetration process of projectiles into lower-density targets, we carry out hypervelocity impact experiments using low-density (60 mg cm?3) aerogel targets and various types of projectiles, and observe the track formation process in the targets using a high-speed camera. A carrot shaped track, a bulbous, and a “hybrid” one consisting of bulbous and thin parts, are formed. The results of the high-speed camera observations reveal the similarity and differences on the temporal evolution of the penetration depth and maximum diameter of these tracks. At very early stages of an impact, independent of projectile type, the temporal penetration depth is described by hydrodynamic models for the original projectiles. Afterward, when the breakup of projectiles does not occur, intact projectiles continue to penetrate the aerogels. In the case of the breakup of projectiles, the track expands with a velocity of about a sound velocity of the aerogel at final stages. If there are large fragments, they penetrate deeper and the tracks become a hybrid type. The penetration of the large fragments is described by hydrodynamic models. Based on these results, we discuss the excavation near the impact point by shock waves.  相似文献   
Mercury has a surface-bounded exosphere (SBE) similar to that of the Moon. One of the atmospheric species, sodium, was found by ground-based observations to be the most prominent component. Mercury's sodium SBE is known to be non-uniform with respect to local time (LT) in low-latitude regions: the sodium column density in the dawn-side region is larger than that in the dusk-side region, and the sodium abundance is the largest in the morning-noon region. To reveal the production processes for the exosphere near Mercury's surface, the LT dependence of the exosphere was investigated through a numerical simulation. Three data sets of sodium column densities observed for the dawn-side hemisphere, observed by Sprague et al. [1997. Distribution and abundance of sodium in Mercury's atmosphere, 1985-1988. Icarus 12, 506-527], were compared with results simulated by a 3D Monte Carlo method, and the source rates and density of sodium of the planetary surface were estimated. In the simulation, the photon-stimulated desorption (PSD) and thermal desorption (TD) processes were assumed as the release mechanisms. The sodium source rates for the three data sets, at respective heliocentric distances of about 0.33, 0.42, and 0.44 AU, were estimated as 1-4×108 Na/cm2/s with weak LT dependence. In contrast, the expected sodium surface density showed clear dependence on LT and the heliocentric distance. The sodium surface density decreases from early morning to noon by a few orders, and, particularly for large heliocentric distances, the surface is in a condition of sodium excess and depletion with respect to the surface sodium density assumed by Killen et al. [2004. Source rates and ion recycling rates for Na and K in Mercury's atmosphere. Icarus 171, 1-19] in the early morning and morning-noon regions, respectively. This study implies that the decrease in sodium surface density from the early morning to noon regions might produce the characteristic LT dependence in the low-latitude dawn-side region.  相似文献   
Abstract— We have studied a unique impact-melt rock, the Ramsdorf L chondrite, using optical and scanning microscopy and electron microprobe analysis. Ramsdorf contains not only clast-poor impact melt (Begemann and Wlotzka, 1969) but also a chondritic portion (>60 g) with what appears at low magnification to be a normal, well-defined chondritic texture. However, detailed studies at high magnification show that >90 vol% of the crystals in the chondritic portion were largely melted by the impact: the chondrules lack normal microtextures and are ghosts of the original features. The only relics from the precursor chondrules are olivine crystals, which have the highest melting temperature (~1620 °C). Pyroxene-rich chondrules were so extensively melted that no phenocrysts were preserved and the melt crystallized in situ before significant mixing with exterior olivine-rich melts. Fine-grained pyroxene chondrule ghosts have sharper boundaries with the matrix than porphyritic olivine and pyroxene chondrule ghosts, probably because pyroxene-rich melts are significantly more viscous. Complex textures that formed by injection of melt along cracks and fractures in relic olivines suggest that the chondritic portion of Ramsdorf formed directly from petrologic type 3–4 material by strong shock. We infer that Ramsdorf was largely melted by shock pressures of ~75–90 GPa and that chondrule ghosts and relic olivine phenocrysts were locally preserved by rapid cooling. Quenching was not due to the addition of cold clasts into the melt but to heterogeneous shock heating that only caused internal melting of large olivines and pyroxenes. Ramsdorf appears to be one of the most heavily shocked meteorites that has retained some trace of its original texture.  相似文献   
We present calibration and validation results of the OCTS’s ocean color version-3 product, which mainly consists of the chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a) and the normalized water-leaving radiance (nLw). First, OCTS was calibrated for the inter-detector sensitivity difference, offset, and absolute sensitivity using external calibration source. It was also vicariously calibrated using in-situ measurements for water (Chl-a andnLw) and atmosphere (optical thickness), which were acquired synchronously with OCTS under cloud-free conditions. Second, the product was validated using selected 17 in-situ Chl-a and 11 in-situnLw measurements. We confirmed that Chl-a was estimated with an accuracy of 68% for Chl-a less than 2 mg/m3, andnLw from 94% (band 2) to 128% (band 4). Geometric accuracy was improved to 1.3 km. Stripes were significantly reduced by modifying the detector normalization factor as a function of input radiance.  相似文献   
Meddies are warm and saline anticyclonic eddies found at the mid-depth of the Mediterranean Outflow in the Eastern North Atlantic. They are observed to move almost southward at average speeds as high as 1.3±0.2 cm s−1. This paper examines a mechanism which accelerates this curious translation to a reasonable speed when combined with nonlinearity and a suitable vertical eddy structure. This mechanism is thepseudo-topographic β effect due to the westward decrease in the thickness of the mid-layer induced by the surface southward mean current. The linear dispersion relation including this effect is shown to account for a quarter of the surface southward mean current or a fifth of the observed southward translation of meddies. Three-layer quasi-geostrophic experiments reveal that the surface southward mean current certainly enhances the southward translation velocity of meddies to a speed in agreement with observation, if the meddy has a current structure of plausible intensity and vertical coherence. In the light of the current-induced pseudo-topographic β effect, previous hypotheses are also re-examined through dynamic arguments together with numerical experiments; they are suggested to have some difficulty either in dynamics or in correspondence with observation. Thus the nonlinear effect due to secondary eddies combined with thecurrent-induced pseudo-topographic β effect is the most likely mechanism responsible for the rapid southward translation of meddies among those examined in the paper.  相似文献   
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