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The harp seal ( Phoca groenlandica ) population of the Barents and White Seas has probably decreased from about one million individuals to half this size the last few years. Energy requirements of the population have been estimated by use of the simulation model SEAERG. In this model the energy requirements of an individual seal from each age group is multiplied with the group size and summed to provide the requirements of the population. In addition to population size and age structure the total food and energy requirement is sensitive to individual activity levels as well as metabolic levels and other specified physiological functions. The interactions between the seal population and fisheries depends on the caloric density of the prey species which varies with season and location. Realistic simulations of interactions between seals and fisheries require more information about spatial and temporal variations in the prey selection of harp seals than is available today.
Present estimates indicate average maintenance requirements of about 13,600 and ll,150kcal/day for adult female and male harp seals respectively. The high value for the females is due to the costs of pregnancy and lactation. With a mean energy density of prey of 1500 kcal/kg, the corresponding food consumption is 9 kg/day for females and 7.4 kg/day for males.  相似文献   
Abstract— Thirteen phosphate minerals are found in IIIAB iron meteorites. Four of these (sarcopside, graftonite, johnsomervilleite, and galileiite) constitute the majority of occurrences. The IIIB iron meteorites are confined to occurrences of only these four phosphates. The IIIA iron meteorites may contain one or more of these four phases; they may also contain other rarer phosphates, and silica (in two instances) and a silicate rock (in one instance). Thus, the IIIA lithophile chemistry is more varied than that of the IIIB meteorites. Based on petrographic relations, sarcopside appears to be the first phosphate to form. Graftonite is probably formed by recrystallization of sarcopside. Johnsomervilleite and galileiite exsolved as enclaves in sarcopside or graftonite at lower temperatures, although some of these also nucleated as separate crystals. The IIIAB phosphates are carriers of a group of incompatible lithophile elements: Fe, Mn, Na, Ca, and K, and, rarely, Mg as well as Pb. These elements (and O) were concentrated in a residual, S-rich liquid during igneous fractional crystallization of the IIIAB core mass. The phosphates formed by oxidation of P as the core solidified and excluded O, which increased its partial pressure in the residual liquid. The trace siderophile trends in bulk IIIAB metal are paralleled by a mineralogical trend of the phosphate minerals that formed. For IIIAB meteorites with low-Ir contents in the metal, the phosphates are mainly Fe-Mn phases; at intermediate Ir values, more Na-bearing phosphates appear; at the highest Ir values, the rarer Na-, K-, Mg-, Cr-, and Pb-bearing phosphates appear. The absence of significant amounts of Mg, Si, Al, and Ti suggest depletion of these elements in the core by the overlying mantle.  相似文献   
The current study focuses on the application of a three-dimensional numerical model for the prediction of morphological bed changes. The sediment deposition in a reservoir during a 10-year-flood was investigated and the results of the simulation were validated with data derived from a physical model study. Because of the small grain sizes in the prototype, synthetic granulate was used in the physical model. The numerical computation domain was a reproduction of the physical model, including the grain sizes and the density of the particles, in order to ensure comparability. The CFD code SSIIM, which solves the RANS-equations in three-dimensions, was used for the simulations. The sediment transport in SSIIM is divided into suspended sediment transport, computed by solving the convection-diffusion equation, and bed-load transport, calculated by an empirical formula. The results of the numerical simulation correspond well to the results of the physical model study. The simulated location and the pattern of the sediment deposition in the reservoir are an accurate representation of the observed distribution in the physical model.  相似文献   
Two censuses made of the population of Svalbard reindeer on Edgeøya in 1983 and 1996 resulted in 1586 and 2434 individuals respectively. Together with data from earlier population surveys (1969-77), this indicates, numerically, a population growth during the period 1969-96. Because of the weaknesses in the different census methods used, we cannot conclude that in reality a population growth has taken place even though the numerical data is correct. Therefore an average population size of 1730 (± 451 SD) individuals for the period 1969-96 is suggested. Earlier estimates of vegetated area indicate that the present data corresponds to reindeer densities averaging 1.05 and ranging from 0.79 to 1.47 individuals/km2.  相似文献   
We have employed a model for the energy balance of seals to estimate the energy consumption and energy expenditure of ringed seals throughout the year, using biological and physical parameters as input. Data on growth and seasonal changes in body mass and fat content "drives" the seasonal dynamics of the model output. The energy requirements for lactation and activity are based on data from earlier published studies. The analysis suggests that the food intake of ringed seals is highly seasonal. In adult males it is low during the periods of territory defense, mating and moulting from March to June. During this period the seals lose body mass, mainly as fat. The model predicts that lactating females increase their food intake to some extent during the approximately six-week lactation period. After the ice breakup, food intake increases in both sexes, partly as a result of increasing maintenance energy requirements, and partly because the body fat stores are rebuilt in late summer and autumn. The over-all energy requirements of the ringed seal appear to be basically similar to those of terrestrial mammals.  相似文献   
The colonial algae Phaeocystis pouchetii and Dinobryon pellucidum dominated the phytoplankton crop at three stations in the Polar Front area of the Barents Sea.
Lipid extracted from the seawater containing the phytoplankton was dominated by neutral lipid classes, particularly triacylglycerols, and phospholipids were more abundant than galactolipids at all stations. Polyunsaturated fatty acids comprised between 15 and 26% of fatty acids of total lipid.
Of the carbon assimilated into lipid over 24 hours, 40% was located in the neutral lipid fraction. Phospholipids contained a smaller proportion of fixed carbon than galactolipids.
No defiinte relationships were observed between the distribution of fixed carbon in photosynthetic end products and the temperature or irradiance at which the phytoplankton was incubated. At a constant irradiance of 8.5 μmol m−2s−1, the highest proportion of fixed carbon was recovered in protein at 4.5°C, but at −1.5°C most radioactivity was present in low molecular weight compounds. Regardless of incubation conditions, lipid always contained less than 30% of total assimilated carbon.  相似文献   
An APL Program for a Leslie matrix population projection is developed and applied to analysis of a Canadian polar bear population. Hunting specified with respect to sex ratio within a total quota may be included in the projections. Application to the lower central arctic islands' polar bear population of 1100 animals indicates a growth to 1560 animals during ten years without hunting. Projection with two males taken for each female indicates that 54 animals may be taken from the population each year. However, the same sized hunt, but with a one-to-one sex ratio, caused a significant depression of the population.  相似文献   
Till beds and waterlain sediments from at least 3 stadials and 2 interstadials during the Weichsel glaciation are recorded on Finnmarksvidda. The oldest, possibly Weichselian, ice-free period recorded on Finnmarksvidda is represented in one river section and is preliminary named the Vuolgamasjåkka thermomer. Its initiation is TL-dated to about 120 ka, which indicates a pre-Weichselian, possibly Eemian age. The interstadial which follows the subsequent and assumed oldest Weichsel stadial on Finnmarksvidda, the Eiravarri interstaeial, has previously been tentatively correlated lithostratigtrahically with the Peräpohojola interstadial ( sensu stricto ) in North Finland. The youngest interstadial, the Sargejåk internatiodial , is in this paper suggested to correlate with the Tärändö interstadial in North Sweden. The initial Weichselian ice movement across Finnmarksvidda is so far unknown, but locally N of Kautokeino in the W the initial (recorded) ice movement was directed towards NW-N. The regional ice movements for the two subsequent stadials on Finnmarksvidda were initially directed towards NE-ene and NNW, respectively.  相似文献   
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