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After an earthquake, earthquake emergency response and rescue are important ways to mitigate earthquake-induced losses. Various earthquake emergency maps can provide effective references and guidance to those actions. Currently, related studies include the investigation on symbols of emergency maps, remote sensing emergency mapping and GIS-based mapping methods. However, the existing studies overlook the characteristics of rapidity, dynamicity and variety of presentation methods in making earthquake emergency maps. In this paper, a map template matching method is used to quickly make earthquake emergency maps considering their characteristics. We take investigations on the service objects(users)of the earthquake emergency maps to understand the needs of making earthquake emergency maps. The audience theory in mass media field and map information transmission theory are adopted to classify the users of the earthquake emergency maps into four categories: earthquake emergency commanders, technical staffs for decision-making, earthquake emergency rescuers, and the public. The components of different types of users are described and then their diverse demands in earthquake emergency maps are analyzed, such as the needs of on-field disaster information maps, earthquake information maps, physical geography and social economic maps. Following those needs, we introduce the representation methods of the earthquake emergency maps according to their formats(vector or raster)and contents, such as point symbolization method, kilometer grid method, line symbolization method and range method. Then, we study the rapid plotting method of earthquake emergency map based on map template matching method. The core steps of the method include: 1)before earthquake, the templates of different earthquake emergency maps are designed, prepared and connect the earthquake emergency features with their related spatial database. The map layout and map elements are stored in the templates. 2)After earthquake, the earthquake emergency features will be generated from seismic models(such as attenuation model of earthquake magnitude and seismic intensity)or the information obtained from field investigation. 3)Corresponding earthquake emergency map template is selected in accordance with the generated seismic features. And the features are used to update related features inside the selected template. 4)Minor adjustments are made such as to the map scale and some map annotations to finally generate the formal earthquake emergency map. Architecture of template system of the earthquake emergency maps is designed, including map user level, map template level, template layer level and map element level. Regrading to the architecture, the general map template of earthquake emergency is presented which includes four main regions: title region, main picture region, auxiliary region and annotation region. The main picture region is the essential, which lays geographic background maps and earthquake emergency features. Finally, an earthquake emergency mapping system is developed. Based on the system, a case study is presented, which demonstrates making a simulated seismic intensity influence map. From three aspects, the case presents the application of the template-matching method including: generating earthquake emergency features, substituting the features inside the template with the generated features, and revising map annotations. Therefore, the map template matching method is verified so that it can be used to quickly generate various earthquake emergency maps.  相似文献   
南水北调西线千米深长隧洞围岩构造地球物理勘探   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
2004年对南水北调引水隧洞西线一期工程中玛柯河-贾曲段20 km深埋长隧洞进行了地质结构面、岩性特征、赋水性等地球物理勘探、工程地质勘查,并进行综合解释以查清勘探区影响引水隧洞工程建设的不良地质体和不良地质构造.本文介绍了CSAMT法隧洞勘探的特点、资料采集的过程及应特别注意的复杂地形资料处理技术,结合其他补充物探手段及地面工程地质勘察结果对20 km深埋长隧洞围岩介质的结构特征进行了解释,指出了可能影响工程的断层、破碎带及异常区  相似文献   
高晓斐  陈植华  安琪 《地下水》2007,29(1):85-87
降雨入渗是致使斜坡岩土体稳定性下降并最终导致崩塌、滑坡等地质灾害发生最为常见的环境因素.通过分析,得出降雨有增大斜坡下滑力及致使抗剪强度降低的作用,并通过对比某斜坡在自然状态及降雨状态下的稳定性及剩余下滑力,证明了降雨对斜坡失稳具有较大影响.  相似文献   
针对卫星可见数与历元可用率较低情况下的BDS-3定位性能,本文基于MEGX跟踪站BDS-3与GPS实测数据,分析了不同高度角(10°、20°、30°、40°)下BDS-3卫星B1I、B1C、B2a、B3I,以及GPS系统L1频率的单点定位(SPP)精度。研究发现,BDS-3平均卫星可见数与卫星空间几何构型优于GPS,且随着高度角的增加呈线性变化。BDS-3的4个频率的SPP精度随着高度角的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势,高度角为20°时,定位精度最高,高度角达到40°时,定位精度最低,且历元可用率也最低;但B1I和B3I历元可用率仍大于90%,而B1C和B2a历元可用率大于70%;不论是SPP定位精度还是历元可用率,均优于GPS系统L1频率。  相似文献   
掩星观测能够提供地面到低轨卫星轨道高度处的整个电离层电子密度剖面,对于顶部电离层的研究有重要的作用。本文利用COSMIC(constellation observing system for meteorology ionosphere and climate)掩星数据反演了电子密度剖面,提取了F2层峰值高度(hmF2)、F2层峰值密度(NmF2)、垂直标尺高(vertical scale height,VSH)等电离层参数,研究了南极地区的F2层在太阳活动周期内的变化、年际变化、周日变化等,并且重点分析了南极地区的顶部电离层的垂直结构特征,尤其是威德尔海异常在垂直方向上的变化。结果表明,整个南极的hmF2每日均值在250~300 km左右,NmF2每日均值在1~8×1011 el/m3之间,VSH每日均值在100~250 km,威德尔海异常主要表现在顶部电子密度的增强和底部电子密度的减少。  相似文献   
动力法校准GRACE星载加速度计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了GRACE星载加速度计的动力法校准。联合精密轨道、星间距离变率同时估计重力场模型参数和加速度计校准参数,获得了SRF(satellite reference frame)下的比例系数和偏差参数时间序列,100阶重力场模型的大地水准面累积误差为4cm,在相应波段上优于CSR(center for space research)同时段的月重力场模型精度。以上述整体解算的结果为参照,对固定重力场模型参数的校准方案进行了检验,发现SRF框架下的非保守力差值最高可达10-8 m·s-2量级,认为固定重力场模型的方法难以充分发挥GRACE加速度计的测量能力。本文研究结果可为后续的大规模卫星重力测量数据处理提供科学的依据,也能为开展相关科学应用提供可靠的非保守力数据。  相似文献   
移动GIS是当代地理信息技术发展的一个重要方向,与空间信息定位服务结合的移动GIS可以产生极大的社会和经济效益。介绍能够有效解决加密和空间拓展的小型移动端数据库系统———天润移动端空间数据库。该数据库很好地解决了地理信息数据在移动端设备上的存储及应用,为各行各业的信息化建设和地理信息增值应用服务提供了一套完整的数据库解决方案,为移动GIS的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   
赵生银  安如  朱美如 《测绘学报》2019,48(11):1452-1463
特征空间的构建和优化对遥感图像识别能力的提高具有重要作用。针对面向对象方法对波段光谱信息利用不足,以及像元识别法无法充分利用图像空间几何等信息的问题,本文建立了新颖的联合像素级和对象级特征的航摄遥感图像城市变化检测方法。首先,充分利用像素级和对象级特征的优势,建立考虑光谱、指数、纹理、几何、表面高度及神经网络深度特征的特征空间;然后,引入LightGBM(light gradient boosting machine)算法对大量特征进行选择研究;最后,采用随机森林识别器对宜兴市2012年和2015年两期遥感图像进行识别,利用变化矩阵进行城市的变化检测。结果表明:联合像元、深度、对象特征和LightGBM特征选择算法的识别效果最好,平均的总体识别精度达到了88.50%,Kappa系数达到0.86,比基于像元、深度或对象特征的识别方法分别提高了10.50%、15.00%和4.00%;城市变化检测精度达到了87.50%。因此,本文方法是利用甚高分辨率航摄遥感图像进行城市变化的检测的有效方法。  相似文献   
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