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近50年华北地区极端气候分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Climate extremes for agriculture-pasture transitional zone, northem China, are analyzed on the basis of daily mean temperature and precipitation observations for 31 stations in the period 1956-2001. Analysis season for precipitation is May-September, i.e., the rainy season. For temperature is the hottest three months, i.e., June through August. Heavy rain events, defined as those with daily precipitation equal to or larger than 50 mm, show no significant secular trend. A jump-like change, however, is found occurring in about 1980. For the period 1980-1993, the frequency of heavy rain events is significantly lower than the previous periods. Simultaneously, the occurring time of heavy rains expanded, commencing about one month early and ending one month later. Long dry spells are defined as those with longer than 10 days without rainfall. The frequency of long dry spells displays a significant (at the 99% confidence level) trend at the value of 8.3% /10a. That may be one of the major causes of the frequent droughts emerging over northern China during the last decades. Extremely hot and low temperature events are defined as the uppermost 10% daily temperatures and the lowest 10% daily temperatures, respectively. There is a weak and non-significant upward trend in frequency of extremely high temperatures from the 1950s to the mid-1990s. But the number of hot events increases as much as twice since 1997. That coincides well with the sudden rise in mean summer temperature for the same period. Contrary to that, the fiequency of low temperature events have been decreasing steadily since the 1950s, with a significant linear trend of-15%/10a.  相似文献   
南半球中高纬大气环流年代际变率的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
龚道溢  王绍武 《气象学报》2000,58(3):297-308
利用近百年全球海平面气压图和再分析海平面气压等资料,建立了自1871年以来1,4,7和10月份的南极涛动指数(AOI)序列。近百年来1月AOI有明显增强的趋势,7月AOI则有明显减弱的趋势。最近40多年来,1,4和10月AOI都有较强的上升趋势。4个月份的AOI都有20~30a左右的准周期波动,表现出显著的年代际尺度的变化。用1,4,7和10月的平均可以近似反映年平均南极涛动指数的变化。在年代际尺度上,年平均指数在1894~1901年、1910~1935年左右是强的负指数时期。1880~1893年、1936~1945年左右是较强的正指数时期,1980年代以来,强的正指数已经持续了近20a,且1990年代以来还有加强的趋势。模拟结果的功率谱显示气候系统内部产生的低频变化主要体现在年际尺度变率上,年代际尺度变率的谱值则远远低于观测结果,但不排除在个别情况下,通过Hasselmann机制产生AOI年代际变率的可能性。  相似文献   
近500 年南极涛动指数重建及其变率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南极涛动是南半球大气环流的主要模态, 在多种尺度上对南半球及北半球部分地区的气候系统产生重要影响。在对树轮、珊瑚、冰芯等多种代用资料进行挑选与主成分分析的基础上,重建了公元1500 年以来南半球夏季(当年12 月-次年2 月) 的南极涛动指数。重建序列的解释方差(r2)、误差减少量(RE) 平均值分别为59.9%、0.47,较高的r2、RE表明重建具有了较高的可信度;而整体呈减少趋势的标准误差(SE) 表明代用资料的增多可以减少重建序列的不确定性。重建结果与其它研究给出的南极涛动指数有着较好的一致性。重建序列的功率谱分析表明,过去500 多年南极涛动年际变率突出的周期有2.4a、2.6a、6.3a,年代际变率突出的周期有24.1a、37.6a,均达到95%显著性水平。进一步的小波分析表明南极涛动在不同时间尺度上的变率及其周期有着随时间而演变的特征。  相似文献   
中国气候变化的研究   总被引:110,自引:10,他引:110  
总结了近10余年对中国气候变化的研究,重点对不同时间尺度的气温变化进行了分析.讨论了大暖期千年尺度气候振荡,中世纪暖期、小冰期及现代气候变暖等问题.  相似文献   
近百年来中国的严重气候灾害   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
根据1880~1997年的各种气候序列,研究了118年中的严重气候灾害.这里严重有两重意义,首先是影响面广,其次是强度大.因此只研究了冷冬、冷夏、多台风、全国多雨、干旱及长江与黄河多雨、干旱等9种气候灾害.以大约10年一遇为严重灾害,以30~40年一遇为异常灾害.给出各种灾害出现的年份,扼要地分析了各种灾害出现的规律及可能的形成原因.  相似文献   
北大西洋涛动变率研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
介绍了近年来北大西洋涛动研究的最新进展。 NAO指数序列的建立取得了很多成果 ,包括一些观测气象记录的序列以及利用树木年轮、冰芯等代用资料建立的近 30 0多年的序列 ,这些长的序列显示 NAO不仅有突出的年际变率 ,也有显著的年代际变率。总结了 NAO对地面温度、降水、北大西洋飓风和北半球臭氧等影响的一些研究成果。NAO的低频变率可能与气候系统内部的相互作用以及外部强迫有关。许多模拟研究发现 NAO与温盐环流有密切的联系 ,但是这种关系还有待观测资料的证实。全球气候变暖也可能是影响 NAO变率的一个不可忽视的因素。  相似文献   
1998年:中国近一个世纪 以来最暖的一年   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龚道溢  王绍武 《气象》1999,25(8):18
The Twentieth Century Reanalysis (20thCR) dataset released in 2010 covers the period 1871-2010 and is one of the longest reanalysis datasets available worldwide. Using ERA-40, ERA-Interim and NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data, as well as HadSLP2 data and meteorological temperature records over eastern China, the performances of 20thCR in reproducing the spatial patterns and temporal variability of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) are examined. Results indicate that 20thCR data: (1) can accurately reproduce the most typical configuration patterns of all sub-factors differences in the main circulation fields over East Asia involved in the EAWM system, albeit with some in comparison to ERA-40 reanalysis data; (2) is reliable and stable in describing the temporal variability of EAWM since the 1930s; and (3) can describe the high-frequency variability of EAWM better than the low-frequency fluctuations, especially in the early period. In conclusion, caution should be taken when using 20thCR data to study interdecadal variabilities or long-term trends of the EAWM, especially prior to the 1930s.  相似文献   
北极涛动对华北沙尘暴频次的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study has investigated the influence of Arctic Oscillation (AO) on dust storm frequency in North China in spring seasons during 1961 2007.There is a significant linkage between dust storm frequency and AO;a negative (positive) AO phase is related to an in-creased (decreased) dust storm frequency in North China.This relationship is closely related to changes in the cold air activity in Mongolia.The cold air activity exerts large impacts on the dust storm frequency;the frequency of cold air activity over Mongolia not only positively cor-relates with the dust storm frequency in North China,but also shows a long-term decreasing trend that is an important reason for the long-term decreasing of dust storm frequency in North China.The AO has large influence on the frequency of cold air activity over Mongolia;a negative (positive) AO phase is highly related to an increased (decreased) frequency of cold air activity over Mongolia,which results in an increased (decreased) dust storm frequency in North China.  相似文献   
中国东部夏季云量与日气温统计关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用中国东部1980-2009年130个测站夏季逐日气象资料,定量分析无雨日条件下云量与气温统计关系,从辐射角度解释成因。结果表明:日最高气温、日平均气温大多随着云量增多而显著下降,这主要是由于云量增加会导致到达地面的太阳总辐射和地表净辐射显著减少。日最低气温在北方随着云量增多而显著上升;在南方则随着总云量、低中云量增多而显著下降,但与高云量的关系不明确。出现这种现象的原因无法完全从云量影响辐射的角度进行解释。气温日较差随着云量增多而显著减小,并且北方减小的幅度大于南方。  相似文献   
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