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简要阐明生态效率的基本思想,提出资源效率、新水效率、能源效率和环境效率4个生态效率指标的意义和具体计算方法,探讨将工业生态效率分析理论与方法应用到制浆造纸项目环境影响评价的清洁生产分析、生产方案优化设计、环保措施经济技术可行性论证等方面,旨在为同类项目的环境影响评价开拓新的工作思路和方法,为项目的建设和环保管理提供具体和科学的指导。  相似文献   
“现在我们可以到九江市第一人民医院去就诊了,就医的范围扩大了,就医的条件改善了,这让我们享受了单位改革和发展的成果。感受到了组织的温暖。”这是笔者到职工医院采访时,一位职工拿到一张到市第一人民医院进一步就诊的批准条后,跟笔者说的一番话,这是该队在2008年职代会上向职工群众承诺该年年内完成“九项民心工程”的其中一项。  相似文献   
综治工作是围绕人做工作,思想政治工作说到底也是做人的工作,两者密不可分。抓好地勘单位综治工作,必须充分发挥思想政治工作的政治优势作用。近年来,二六三大队将思想政治工作贯穿于整个综治工作的全过程,做到了“四个坚持”,取得了明显的成效。  相似文献   
一、台站简介1.台站位置德令哈地震台位于青藏高原柴达木盆地北部边缘,祁连山北缘断裂带中段,该地区为走向北西西向逆冲断层,线状褶皱非常发育,垂直差异运动强烈,是地应力易于积累的地区。德令哈地震台位于合黎山—龙首山褶皱带南缘与走廊断陷的分界处,河西系德令哈—榆木山  相似文献   
北冰洋首次大洋钻探(IODP302)在罗蒙诺索夫海岭获取了晚白垩世以来的沉积记录,为认识该区的沉积环境演变及烃原岩特征提供依据。该区晚白垩世以来有两次大的沉积间断:晚白垩世一晚古新世(80~56Ma)和中始新世一早中新世(44—17.5Ma)。有沉积纪录的晚古新世一中始新世(56~44Ma),平均沉积速率为12.8m/Ma;早中新世以来(0~17.5Ma),平均沉积速率11.4m/Ma。从沉积物特征及有机碳含量来看,该钻孔可以分成上下两部分:下部,古新世一中始新世,主要为灰黑色粉砂质泥岩,处于还原环境,TOC含量很高,为1.77%~6.30%;上部,中中新世以来,沉积物颜色呈条带状,主要为氧化环境,TOC含量很低,〈0.4%。对全岩进行Rock—Eval指标测定,表明中始新世富有机碳沉积物大多有很好的生烃潜力,而晚白垩世、晚古新世生烃潜力较差。Tmax与月。值表明,钻孔的晚白垩世和古新世沉积物有机质尚处于未成熟状态,没有生烃;因此中始新统的中部较高的s1值,可能是由于烃类产生于其他更成熟的层位后运移至该处聚集的结果。  相似文献   
DS600和MAX6612是MAX(美国美信公司)新出的两款模拟温度传感器产品。这两款芯片在性能上各有其优越性,本文主要就其特征、参数、结构、功能等分别进行了研究,并结合实践情况进行了试验和应用。  相似文献   
一种基于双重距离的空间聚类方法   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
传统聚类方法大都是基于空间位置或非空间属性的相似性来进行聚类,分裂了空间要素固有的二重特性,从而导致了许多实际应用中空间聚类结果难以同时满足空间位置毗邻和非空间属性相近。然而,兼顾两者特性的空间聚类方法又存在算法复杂、结果不确定以及不易扩展等问题。为此,本文通过引入直接可达和相连概念,提出了一种基于双重距离的空间聚类方法,并给出了基于双重距离空间聚类的算法,分析了算法的复杂度。通过实验进一步验证了基于双重距离空间聚类算法不仅能发现任意形状的类簇,而且具有很好的抗噪性。  相似文献   
A new interstellar molecular ion, H2COH+ (protonated formaldehyde), has been detected toward Sgr B2, Orion KL, W51, and possibly in NGC 7538 and DR21(OH). Six transitions were detected in Sgr B2(M). The 1(1,0)-1(0,1) transition was detected in all sources listed above. Searches were also made toward the cold, dark clouds TMC-1 and L134N, Orion (3N, 1E), and a red giant, IRC + 10216, without success. The excitation temperatures of H2COH+ are calculated to be 60-110 K, and the column densities are on the order of 10(12)-10(14) cm-2 in Sgr B2, Orion KL, and W51. The fractional abundance of H2COH+ is on the order of 10(-11) to 10-(9), and the ratio of H2COH+ to H2CO is in the range 0.001-0.5 in these objects. The values in Orion KL seem to be consistent with the "early time" values of recent model calculations by Lee, Bettens, & Herbst, but they appear to be higher than the model values in Sgr B2 and W51 even if we take the large uncertainties of column densities of H2CO into account. We suggest production routes starting from CH3OH may play an important role in the formation of H2COH+.  相似文献   
Carbonate-rich sedimentary rocks of the western Anabar region, northern Siberia, preserve an exceptional record of evolutionary and biogeochemical events near the Proterozoic/Cambrian boundary. Sedimentologically, the boundary succession can be divided into three sequences representing successive episodes of late transgressive to early highstand deposition; four parasequences are recognized in the sequence corresponding lithostratigraphically to the Manykal Formation. Small shelly fossils are abundant and include many taxa that also occur in standard sections of southeastern Siberia. Despite this coincidence of faunal elements, biostratigraphic correlations between the two regions have been controversial because numerous species that first appear at or immediately above the basal Tommotian boundary in southeastern sections have first appearances scattered through more than thirty metres of section in the western Anabar. Carbon- and Sr-isotopic data on petrographically and geochemically screened samples collected at one- to two-metre intervals in a section along the Kotuikan River, favour correlation of the Staraya Reckha Formation and most of the overlying Manykai Formation with sub-Tommotian carbonates in southeastern Siberia. In contrast, isotopic data suggest that the uppermost Manykai Formation and the basal 26 m of the unconformably overlying Medvezhya Formation may have no equivalent in the southeast; they appear to provide a sedimentary and palaeontological record of an evolutionarily significant time interval represented in southeastern Siberia only by the sub-Tommotian unconformity. Correlations with radiometrically dated horizons in the Olenek and Kharaulakh regions of northern Siberia suggest that this interval lasted approximately three to six million years, during which essentially all 'basal Tommotian' small shelly fossils evolved.  相似文献   
ISoil-fo~gEnvironmentandMainSoilTrocsThesoLItheastQinghai-Xizang(Tibetan)PlateauwheretheHengduanMoUnains,eastempartoftheThmalayanandNyainqentanglhamoUnainsarelocatedextendsfrom25'to34"Nand92'to1O5'Ewithanareaof5OO,OOOkm',oraboutone-fiffooftheentireQinghai-XiZangPlateau.ItisatransitionalzoneofdeePdisseCtedmoUntainseXtendingsoutheastWardpenpherallowlandsandwichedin-betWeenSichuanBasinandcentralYunnanPlateau.Whletheterrainofthesmponinclinestosoutheast,thealtitudeofthevaIleysraises…  相似文献   
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