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南大洋二氧化碳源汇分布及其海-气通量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在 1 999年 1 2月 - 2 0 0 0年 2月“雪龙”号科学考察船往返于中山站和长城站期间 ,进行了大气及海表层 CO2 分压的连续测量。研究结果表明 ,在 80°W- 0°- 80°E之间 ,南大洋基本上是大气 CO2 的汇 ,尤其在 45°W- 3 0°W及 1 0°W- 1 0°E之间 ,是 CO2 的强汇区 ,往返的两次观测结果十分相似。观测发现 ,南大洋 1月份吸收大气 CO2 的能力近两倍于 1 2月份 ,这是由于该海域1月的生产力比 1 2月份高 ,因而反映了初级生产对大气 CO2 吸收的显著影响。利用最新的 K值计算方法表明 ,1月份二氧化碳的入海通量为 3 .98mol/(m2 · a) ,1 2月份的为2 .1 3 mol/(m2 · a) ,综合两个月的值平均 ,南大洋夏季 CO2 的平均通量为 3 .0 6 mol/(m2 · a) ,是南半球夏季一个重要的汇区  相似文献   
A new off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy(ICOS) is coupled to Weiss equilibrator for continuous highresolution dissolved methane measurement in the surface ocean. The time constant for the equilibrator in freshwater at room temperature is determined via dis-equilibration and re-equilibration experiments. The constant for methane is about 40 min. The system is calibrated using a standard gas of 3.980×10–6, and the precision of the ICOS for methane is 0.07%. This system is equipped onboard to measure the spatial distribution in methane concentrations of South Yellow Sea(SYS) along the cruise track from Shanghai to Qingdao. Result shows that the methane concentration varies from 2.79 to 36.36 nmol/L, reveals a significant pattern of methane source in SYS, and a distinct decreasing trend from south to north. The peak value occurs at the coast area outside mouth of the Changjiang River, likely to be affected by the Changjiang diluted water mass dissolving a large amount of rich in methane. Moreover, all the surface waters are oversaturated, air-to-sea fluxes range from 98.59 to 5 485.35 μmol/(m2·d)(average value(1 169.74±1 398.46) μmol/(m2·d)), indicating a source region for methane to the atmosphere. Key words: methane, equilibrator, off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy(ICOS), South Yellow Sea  相似文献   
夏季西北冰洋表层淡水分布的总碱度示踪研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
高众勇  孙恒  陈立奇  张凡 《极地研究》2012,24(2):120-128
利用中国第三次北极科学考察在西北冰洋所进行的海水总碱度的测量,通过海水、海冰融化水以及河源淡水三个端元总碱度特征的显著差异计算西北冰洋夏季表层海水中淡水所占的比例。研究表明,西北冰洋海冰融化水所占比例最大区域在加拿大海盆区75°N附近,这是冰缘带位置,往北向高纬度的冰密集中逐渐增加。而河源淡水的组份则与北冰洋的环流密切相关,并且在西北冰洋水体中逐渐累积。  相似文献   
利用我国“极地号”科学考察船的南极和环球科学考察,采集了太平洋、南极海域、南大西洋、印度洋及航线近岸海域大气的58个气溶胶样品,对Na、Mg、K、Cl、Ca、Br、F进行多元相关分析表明,气溶胶中的Na、Mg、K主要来自海洋,它们之间的比值接近其在大洋海水的平均比值;Cl和Ca在大洋上空也主要来自海水,但近岸海域大气,却明显受到陆源物质输送影响,呈现出不同的Cl/Na和Ca/Na比值;Ca、Br、F在大气中的富集,在大洋上空可能归因于海洋生物活动或海洋微表层富集作用,而在近岸大气,归因于陆源输送影响。  相似文献   
海洋二氧化碳的研究进展   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
海洋是一个巨大的碳库,具有潜在的缓冲大气CO2增加的能力,研究CO2在海洋中的转移和归宿,对于预测未来大气CO2含量乃至全球气候变化具有重要意义。综述了海洋CO2的研究现状,着重介绍海洋CO2的源与汇、海—气CO2通量的估算以及海洋环流、生物泵和海洋生态在海洋碳循环中的作用,并对该研究领域的发展趋势进行了总结。  相似文献   
Characteristics of metals in the aerosols of Zhongshan Station, Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) was applied to analyze the bulk, high-volume aerosol samples, collected at Zhongshan Station in the Eastern Antarctica, during 1998-2001, to study the chemical species. .A graphical technique was applied to the INAA data. Results showed that Na, Cl, Mg, Ca, Sr, Br, I, Sr and Rb were marine elements while Al, Sc, Fe and Mn were crustal elements. Compared to marine and crustal elements, five elements (Se、Co、Sb、Zn、Cr) were highly abundant in the aerosols collected at Zhongshan station, which indicated that they might come from the petroleum burning, heating and equipment operation. The presence of pollutant elements suggested that human activities have affected the local environments in Antarctica.  相似文献   
234Th-238u disequilibria were applied to examine the particle dynamics in the euphotic zone of the central South China Sea during the spring 2002 cruise. The particulate organic carbon (POC), 234Th (including both dissolved and particulate) and 238U in the water column at three stations were determined. The profiles of 234Th/238U activity ratio at the three stations all showed consistent 234Th deficit as compared to 238U in the upper 100 m water column. Based on the profiles of the dissolved and particulate 234Th and a steady state box model, the dissolved 234Th scavenging rates, the particulate 234Th removal rates and their resident times were quantified. It was found that the POC downward export fluxes out of the upper 100 m euphotic zone ranged from 9.40 to 14.78 mmol.m-2.d-1. The results from this study provide new information for our understanding of carbon biogeochemical cycle in the South China Sea.  相似文献   
白令海BR断面海-气CO2通量及其参数特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对2008年夏季白令海大气和海水pCO2连续观测资料,结合BR断面上站位水体垂直采样测量,对白令海不同海区pCO2的分布特征及其与理化参数的关系进行了初步研究,结果表明,将白令海划分为4个具有不同CO2吸收能力的海区,其中陆坡流区碳通量高达-18.72 mmol/(m2·d),是海盆北区的近2倍,比海盆南区高一个量...  相似文献   
Factor analysis was used to distinguish the major sources of the marine aerosol in Bermuda atmosphere. The data investigated from Bermuda were best represented by three sourses: pollution derived from North America, weathered crustal material from North Africa, and marine source from the sea spray.  相似文献   
文石饱和度(Ω文石)是评估海洋酸化及对海洋钙质生物影响的重要指标之一。海洋吸收CO2引起海洋酸化,导致Ω文石显著下降。模式研究预测表明北冰洋表层海水将成为最先出现Ω文石1的世界大洋。通过对北冰洋Ω文石有关研究进行归纳总结,重点阐述了北冰洋Ω文石的分布特征,讨论海—气CO2交换过程、融冰过程以及生物过程等因素对北冰洋Ω文石分布的影响,展望未来的变化趋势并提出一些关键的科学问题。  相似文献   
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