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In this study,we investigate the decadal variability of subsurface ocean temperature anomaly(SOTA)in the tropical Pacific and associated anomalous atmospheric circulation over Asia-North Pacific-North America by analyzing 50 years of atmosphere-ocean data from the National Center for Environmental Prediction(NCEP)reanalysis project and Simple Ocean Data Assimilation(SODA).Relationship between the ENSO-Like variability and climate of China is also revealed.The results show that the decadal variability of tropical Pacific SOTA has two dominant ENSO-like modes:the primary mode is an ENSO-Like mature phase pattern,and the second mode is associated with the ENSO-like transition(developing or decaying)phase.These two modes consist of a cycle of ENSO-Like variability,which exhibits a quasi-40a fluctuation,superimposed with an oscillation of a 13a period.The ENSO-Like variability in the tropical Pacific influences the atmosphere system at the mid-and higher-latitudes and subtropical regions,resulting in decadal variability of south wind over North China,the East Asian monsoon and climate of China.During the mature phase of El Ni o-Like variability,the anomalous north wind prevails over the north part of China and the East Asian monsoon weakens,with little rain in North China but much rain in the middle-and lower-reaches of the Yangtze River.With El Ni o-Like decaying(La Ni a-Like developing),anomalous northerly wind also prevails over North China,then the East Asian monsoon weakens with drought occurring in North China.The situation during the La Ni a-Like variability is the opposite.The pattern of anomalous climate of China is primarily dominated by the first ENSO-like variability,while the second mode can modulate the contribution of the first one,depending on whether its phase agrees with that of the first mode.The climate shift in China around 1978 and successive occurrence of drought for more than 20 years in North China are primarily induced by the first two ENSO-like variabilities.The latest La Ni a-Like phase starts from 1998 and will presumably end around 2018.It is expected that more rainfall would be in North China and less rainfall would appear in the middle-and lower-reaches of the Yangtze River valley during this period.  相似文献   
Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis is used in this study to generate main eigenvector fields of historical temperature for the China Seas (here referring to Chinese marine territories) and adjacent waters from 1930 to 2002 (510 143 profiles). A good temperature profile is reconstructed based on several subsurface in situ temperature observations and the thermocline was estimated using the model. The results show that: 1) For the study area, the former four principal components can explain 95% of the overall variance, and the vertical distribution of temperature is most stable using the in situ temperature observations near the surface. 2) The model verifications based on the observed CTD data from the East China Sea (ECS), South China Sea (SCS) and the areas around Taiwan Island show that the reconstructed profiles have high correlation with the observed ones with the confidence level >95%, especially to describe the characteristics of the thermocline well. The average errors between the reconstructed and observed profiles in these three areas are 0.69°C, 0.52°C and 1.18°C respectively. It also shows the model RMS error is less than or close to the climatological error. The statistical model can be used to well estimate the temperature profile vertical structure. 3) Comparing the thermocline characteristics between the reconstructed and observed profiles, the results in the ECS show that the average absolute errors are 1.5m, 1.4 m and 0.17°C/m, and the average relative errors are 24.7%, 8.9% and 22.6% for the upper, lower thermocline boundaries and the gradient, respectively. Although the relative errors are obvious, the absolute error is small. In the SCS, the average absolute errors are 4.1 m, 27.7 m and 0.007°C/m, and the average relative errors are 16.1%, 16.8% and 9.5% for the upper, lower thermocline boundaries and the gradient, respectively. The average relative errors are all <20%. Although the average absolute error of the lower thermocline boundary is considerable, but contrast to the spatial scale of average depth of the lower thermocline boundary (165 m), the average relative error is small (16.8%). Therefore the model can be used to well estimate the thermocline. Supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No.KZCX-3W-222; KZCX2-YW-Q11-02) and National Basic Research Program of China (No.2007CB411802; 2006CB403601)  相似文献   
本文使用渤海石油平台观测的超声波风速脉动资料,计算了强风条件下二维风速和风向的最大熵谱和傅立叶功率谱。结果表明,在不稳定条件下,海上大气湍流能量主要集中在风扰动的低频段,随着风速的加大,高频扰动的贡献逐渐增加;纵向风速具99s的主振荡周期,侧向风速和风向具同一谱型,它们的主振荡周期为132s。结果还指出了不同特性的气团具不同的大气湍流特征。  相似文献   
本文使用SODA(simple ocean data assimilation)海洋同化资料,系统分析了厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation,ENSO)循环中冷暖位相期间热带太平洋上层海洋环流的演变规律,探讨了形成海洋环流异常的新机制。结果表明,在厄尔尼诺成熟期,热带中东太平洋赤道潜流最弱,赤道两侧出现反气旋性环流异常;西太平洋赤道外热带海域出现气旋性环流异常,该区南、北赤道流、棉兰老流、黑潮、新几内亚沿岸潜流及南赤道逆流增强;北赤道逆流区出现异常气旋性环流串,北赤道逆流接近正常。在厄尔尼诺衰退期和拉尼娜发展期,热带中西太平洋赤道潜流达到极强,赤道两侧出现气旋性环流异常;西太平洋赤道外热带海域异常环流减弱,该处主要流场的强度减弱或处于正常状态;北赤道逆流区反转为异常西向流。结果表明, ENSO循环期间的上层海洋环流异常受到热带太平洋温跃层深度异常产生的压强梯度力异常调控,在赤道外热带海洋温跃层深度异常和科里奥利力共同作用产生大尺度海洋环流异常,而在赤道海域,海洋温跃层深度异常和Gill效应造成赤道潜流异常以及关于赤道对称的气旋或反气旋性环流异常。  相似文献   
沿海城市工业迅速发展所造成的酸雾问题已引起了国内外环保部门的高度重视,如美国加州南部沿岸多次出现酸雾的pH值在3.0以下,最低为1.63。青岛地区1983年观测到酸雾pH值为4.22-4.52,而我们在1991年6-7月份的观测表明,pH平均为3.84,最低(娄山化工厂)为1.7,酸度有显著增强的趋势。近几年来青岛市酸雨的pH值平均为4.42,最小为3.48,可以看出,酸雾的酸性远较酸雨为强。因此城市酸雾的研究更为重要和迫切。 海雾是山东半岛沿海城市的主要气候特点,青岛是海雾发生的中心,大雾年平均为61.2天,轻雾106.9天,每年4-7月为海雾盛行期。海雾总是发生在逆温层结的大气中,在稳定的逆温层下,低空所产生的污染物不容易扩散到高空,使得排放的大量污染物质聚集在低层,与雾水混合酸化形成酸雾。 夏季的海雾多为平流雾,青岛海雾季节平流雾占总雾出现率的70.9%-80.4%(王彬华,1983;赵永平等,1994),因此研究平流冷却雾的生成与发展,以及雾发生条件下的大气污染与雾水酸化是研究酸雾的主要内容。本文在考虑了湍流交换、平流传输、长波辐射冷却、重力沉降和化学转换等过程的基础上,建立了二维平流辐射雾物理化学模式,模拟了海雾的形成发展、登陆和酸化等物理化学过程,计算了夏季二氧化硫的扩散,研究了海雾发生后青岛市区酸雾的二维分布,其结果与实测数据基本一致。这对于研究酸雾的形成机理,了解酸雾的发生背景,预测酸雾的未来发展和科学地制定酸雾的防治对策具有理论研究意义和实用价值。  相似文献   
Seasonal cycle is the most significant signals of topography and circulation in the Bohai Sea (BS)and Yellow Sea (YS) forced by prevailing monsoon and is still poorly understood due to lack of data in their interiors. In the present study, seasonal cycles of topography in the BS and YS and its relationship with atmospheric forcing and oceanic adjustment were examined and discussed using TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS-I/2 Sea Level Anomalies (SLA) data. Analyses revealed complicated seasonal cycles of topography composed mainly of 2 REOF modes, the winter-summer mode (WlM) and spring-autumn mode (SAM). The WlM with action center in the BS displayed peak and southward pressure gradient in July, and valley and northward pressure gradient in January, which is obviously the direct response to monsoon with about l-month response time. The SAM with action center in the western south YS displayed peak and northward pressure gradient in October and valley and southward pressure gradient in April. After the mature period of monsoon, the action center in the BS becam eweakened while that in the western south YS became strengthened because of regional convergence or divergence induced by seasonal variations of the Taiwan Warm Current and Yellow Sea Coastal Current. The direct response of topography to monsoon resulted in the WIM, while oceanic adjustment of topography played an important role in the forming of the SAM.  相似文献   
赵军  高山  王凡  陈永利 《海洋科学》2018,42(8):71-78
中尺度涡的半径与涡动能之间的关系及其内在机制的研究,对我们理解中尺度涡旋的三维结构特征及其变异规律有很大的帮助。本文利用AVISO卫星高度计融合数据,基于流场几何特征的识别方法对西北太平洋(10°~52°N, 120°~180°E)的中尺度涡进行了识别追踪,并由此分析了该区域内中尺度涡的半径与涡动能(Eddy Kinetic Energy, EKE)的统计关系。结果表明该区域中尺度涡的半径与EKE之间存在类似翻转高斯函数的递增关系,特别是在涡旋半径达到一定程度后,EKE将不随半径的变大而继续增强。而且该关系与纬度密切相关,相同半径条件下,涡旋的EKE近似与其所在纬度的第一斜压Rossby变形半径的平方呈反比。进一步分析表明该统计关系与中尺度涡所处的发展阶段没有明显的联系。该结果为建立一个实用性的参数化、归一化的中尺度涡模型提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   
1985年8月至1986年8月在长江口及其附近海域的50个大面观测站进行了磷酸盐和初级生产力逐月调查。通过分析磷酸盐的水平分布特征,发现长江口海域的磷酸盐浓度没有明显的季节变化,几乎不受长江流量变化的影响,因此认为,长江输送磷酸盐浓度不能由丰水期与枯水期决定;磷酸盐浓度与初级生产力的断面分布和时间变化的分析表明,磷酸盐浓度并不一定离岸越远越低,也没有周期性的季节变化;初级生产力的值几乎不受磷酸盐浓度变化的影响。根据营养盐限制的判断方法和法则,在长江口及其附近海域,磷并不是浮游植物生长的限制因子,仅靠氮磷比值来得到磷限制或氮限制的结论是不完善的。  相似文献   
热带太平洋第二类El Nio事件及其对中国气候的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于热带太平洋次表层海温资料,分析了热带太平洋第二类El Nio事件海温异常的分布特征及其形成机制,讨论了与经典El Nio事件、El Nio Modoki、WP(西太平洋暖池)及CT(冷舌)El Nio事件之间的关系,揭示了第二类El Nio事件对中国降水的影响,得到以下结论。(1)第二类El Nio事件表征为热带太平洋次表层海温异常第三模态,占总方差贡献的4.7%。在海洋表面层,第二类El Nio事件暖期赤道东太平洋为沿赤道西伸的冷舌,热带中西太平洋为环绕冷舌的马蹄型大范围暖区。该型具11a和30~40a年代际振荡及3~4a年际变率,峰值多出现在春季。第二类El Nio事件是热带太平洋异常海面风应力场和赤道两侧的风应力旋度共同作用的结果,在赤道东印度洋-中西太平洋与赤道东太平洋-南美洲上空出现以反号垂直运动为特征的异常Walker环流。(2)El Nio Modoki与第二类El Nio事件有密切关系,它实质上是第二类El Nio事件次表层海温与近海面大气相互作用的结果,捕捉了第二类El Nio事件的主要信息。(3)第二类El Nio事件对中国春季及夏初降水有一定影响。在事件暖期,东海地区存在一个显著的异常反气旋性环流,其南侧的中国南方地区盛行异常东北气流,水汽来源减少,导致该地区少雨,其西侧的异常偏南气流北上直达华北地区,异常多水汽向北输送,并与北方的偏北流场相遇,导致该地区降水偏多。在第二类El Nio事件冷期相反。本文结果还指出,WP与CT El Nio事件是由经典El Nio事件第一模态与El Nio Modoki事件组合而成,它们不是独立的El Nio类型。此外,还讨论了夏半年El Nio事件对大气环流影响的物理过程。  相似文献   
ENSO事件对中国南方冬春季气温的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了赤道东太平洋水温对中国南方冬春季气温的影响,讨论了这种影响的可能物理过程。结果表明,中国南方冬春季节,在El Niño年当年多偏暖天气,在反El Niño年当年多偏冷天气。同时指出,这种影响可能是通过赤道东太平洋海洋对大气的异常加热、对北半球冬季Hadley环流和中纬度西风环流型的影响来实现的。   相似文献   
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