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长江中下游旱涝中期预报方法及其业务应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
金荣花  李月安  晁淑懿  任金声 《气象》2004,30(12):47-52
介绍了双层多因子综合相似的长江中下游旱涝中期预报模型。该模型引入了具有明确动力学和热力学意义的地转西风动量经向输送和经向温度梯度诊断量,同时强调了西太平洋副热带高压对长江中下游夏季降水的关键作用,并考虑了对流层中、低层500hPa高度和850hPa温度的大尺度环流背景场。与过去业务应用的单层相似预报模型相比较,不仅物理意义和天气学含义明确,而且更符合对具有复杂动力和热力机制的降水预报的考虑。5年的预报试验和业务应用结果表明,该方法对长江中下游地区旱涝的中期趋势预报有较好的预报能力。  相似文献   
The East Asian subtropical westerly jet(EASWJ) is one of the most important factors modulating the Meiyu rainfall in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin, China. This article analyzed periods of the medium-term EASWJ variation,wave packet distribution and energy propagation of Rossby waves along the EASWJ during Meiyu season, and investigated their possible influence on abnormal Meiyu rain. The results showed that during the medium-term scale atmospheric dynamic process, the evolution of the EASWJ in Meiyu season was mainly characterized by the changes of3-8 d synoptic-scale and 10-15 d low-frequency Rossby waves. The strong perturbation wave packet and energy propagation of the 3-8 d synoptic-scale and 10-15 d low-frequency Rossby waves are mostly concentrated in the East Asian region of 90°-150°E, where the two wave trains of perturbation wave packets and wave-activity flux divergence coexist in zonal and meridional directions, and converge on the EASWJ. Besides, the wave trains of perturbation wave packet and wave-activity flux divergence in wet Meiyu years are more systematically westward than those in dry Meiyu years, and they are shown in the inverse phases between each other. In wet(dry) Meiyu year, the perturbation wave packet high-value area of the 10-15 d low-frequency variability is located between the Aral Sea and the Lake Balkhash(in the northeastern part of China), while over eastern China the wave-activity flux is convergent and strong(divergent and weak), and the high-level jets are strong and southward(weak and northward). Because of the coupling of high and low level atmosphere and high-level strong(weak) divergence on the south side of the jet over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin, the low-level southwest wind and vertically ascending motion are strengthened(weakened), which is(is not)conducive to precipitation increase in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin. These findings would help to better understand the impact mechanisms of the EASWJ activities on abnormal Meiyu from the perspective of medium-term scale Rossby wave energy propagation.  相似文献   
2013年夏季我国南方区域性高温天气的极端性分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
唐恬  金荣花  彭相瑜  牛若芸 《气象》2014,40(10):1207-1215
提利用1960-2013年我国南方10省(市)733个站点的日最高、最低气温和日平均气温资料,对2013年夏季我国南方高温天气的极端性进行了系统的分析。分析结果显示:2013年夏季我国南方高温天气具有显著的群发性特征,覆盖了长江中下游以及重庆等八个省、两个直辖市;也具有以高温天气过程重现构成的持续性特征,主要经历了4次高温天气过程,其中,7月22日至8月21日的第三次高温天气过程,强度最强、范围最广。重点围绕区域性高温在历史上的极端性做进一步分析,结果表明:所研究高温区域的夏季平均气温、平均最高气温、平均最低气温均破历史纪录,为近50年新高;平均高温日数和强度也超过了历年平均高温日数和强度的极值,属历史罕见;高温日数和高温强度的高值区域范围比历年向北扩展,且高值中心值超过历史最高纪录,极端性突出;2013年极端高温事件的发生次数突破了历史纪录,其中8月的极端高温事件十分突出。  相似文献   
2007年淮河强降水时期低频环流特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李勇  周兵  金荣花 《气象学报》2010,68(5):740-747
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及中国气象台站降水资料,研究了2007年夏季淮河流域强降水的低频振荡及其环流特征。结果表明,2007年夏季淮河流域强降水低频振荡的主要周期是10 25天。淮河流域降水强弱与对应低频周期存在联系,降水主要发生在低频周期的正位相时期,而在负位相时期结束或明显减弱。降水的低频变化一方面与副热带高压和南亚高压的低频变化有关,另一方面还受到中高纬度冷空气低频变化的影响。在低频周期的峰值位相,对流层高层出现的低频反气旋使南亚高压偏东,脊线偏北,并有利于西太平洋副热带高压向更西、更北的方向发展,整个对流层垂直方向上有低频的上升运动。中高纬地区出现大片正位势涡度,冷空气的低频活动显著偏强,南下侵入到中国淮河流域的冷空气较多,形成有利于淮河流域强降水的环流场。相反,在低频周期的谷值位相,对流层高层出现的低频气旋使南亚高压偏西,脊线偏南,不利于西太平洋副热带高压向更西、更北的方向发展,整个对流层垂直方向上有低频的下沉运动。高纬度冷空气的低频活动偏弱,南下侵入到中国淮河流域的冷空气也较少,最终形成不利于淮河流域强降水的环流场。  相似文献   
10~30 d延伸期预报在气象业务发展和国民经济服务中具有重要的作用。本文回顾了关于延伸期预报的相关理论和技术研究进展,概要介绍了国内外开展延伸期预报业务现状;结合目前气象科技发展水平,进一步分析和阐述了现阶段我国开展延伸期预报业务亟待解决的关键技术问题,旨在共同探讨和推动延伸期预报业务的发展。  相似文献   
Features of atmospheric circulation and thermal structures are discussed using the NCAR/NCEP data to reveal the reasons for the late onset and anomalous southward persistence of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon (SCSSM) in 2005. The results show that three factors are crucial. First, a strong Arabian High overlaps with a high-latitude blocking high and channels strong cold air to southern Asia. Second, the Tibetan Plateau has a bigger snow cover than usual in spring and the melting of snow cools down the surface. Third, the Somali Jet breaks out at a much later date, being not conducive to convection over Indochina. The former two factors restrict atmospheric sensible heating over the Tibetan Plateau and nearby regions while the third one limits latent heating over Indochina. All of the factors slow down atmospheric warming and postpone the onset of SCSSM. Long after the onset of SCSSM, strong cold air over India advances the Southwest Monsoon northward slowly, resulting in weaker convection and latent heating over the Tibetan Plateau and nearby areas. The negative feedback conversely inhibits further northward movement of Southwest Monsoon.  相似文献   
2007年淮河流域暴雨期间大气环流特征分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
桂海林  周兵  金荣花 《气象》2010,36(8):8-18
利用NCAR/NCEP再分析资料及国家气象信息中心30年气候平均降水资料,通过动力诊断与分析手段研究了2007年6—7月发生在我国淮河流域的暴雨。结果表明,淮河流域的环流垂直结构和降水有着非常好的对应关系。暴雨期间,鄂霍茨克海阻高与乌拉尔山阻高这种双阻高形势对于淮河流域的持续降水提供了很好的条件;南亚高压高层(200 hPa)基本为正散度区,低层(850 hPa)为负散度区,上下层强烈的抽吸结构对暴雨的发生也是非常有利的条件,同时,在淮河暴雨期问,南亚高压(200 hPa)与500 hPa西太平洋副热带高压有着相向而行的移动路径;位涡对于分析冷空气的活动,有着比较清晰的意义,暴雨发生前,有明显的正位涡异常从高纬度向低纬度伸展。大气非绝热加热分析结果显示,视热源和视水汽汇两者的高值中心与相应时段暴雨中心位置一致。  相似文献   
基于TIGGE数据的我国寒潮自动识别预报方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用1951—2006年中央气象台寒潮天气过程数据以及NCEP/NCAR 500 hPa高度场等逐日再分析资料,通过客观聚类方法与主观对比分析确定寒潮爆发的典型形势场,结合寒潮过程特征量阈值,建立了基于TIGGE集合预报产品的寒潮自动识别客观预报方法,并利用TIGGE集合预报数据对2008年1月和2009年1月两次寒潮天气过程进行预报试验。结果表明:利用500 hPa高度距平场进行聚类分析,一方面可以消除环流季节特征对划分结果的影响,另一方面也突出了寒潮这种强天气的异常扰动表现;基于集合预报产品的寒潮自动识别预报方法浓缩了集合预报产品信息,可直接为预报员提供寒潮发生的概率预报,从而在集合预报产品与我国实际灾害性天气之间建立了直接联系。  相似文献   
Using reanalysis data provided by the U.S.National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research,the potential relationship between the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle and blocking highs in three key regions of Eurasia (Ural,Baikal,and Okhotsk) from 1950 to 2008 is analyzed.Composite analysis of 500 hPa geopotential height field during different stages of ENSO reveals that in the winters of El Ni?o (EN) years,there is significant negative anomaly of geopotential height in the three key regions.In the winters of La Ni?a (LN) years,on the other hand,significant positive anomaly of geopotential height is observed in Eastern Ural,Baikal,and Okhotsk.In summer,Okhotsk exhibits positive anomaly,which is significant at a confidence level of 90% by Student’s t-test during the developing stage of an LN year.In the developing stage of an EN year,geopotential height field at 500 hPa manifests positive (negative) anomaly in Baikal (Ural and Okhotsk),while the geopotential height field at 500 hPa exhibits positive (negative) anomaly in Ural and Okhotsk (Baikal) during the decaying stage of both EN and LN years.However,these abnormities are insignificant in a developing EN year,decaying EN year,and the summer of a decaying LN year.By analyzing 500 hPa geopotential height field during different phases of the ENSO cycle,it is observed that results of the case study are consistent with those of composite analysis.Annual average blocking is likewise examined during the different stages of ENSO from 1950 to 2008.Combined with composite analysis and case study,results indicate that blockings in the three key regions are suppressed (enhanced) during the winters of EN (LN) years.In summer,the influence of ENSO on the blockings in the three key regions is not as significant as that in winter.Evidently,developing LN may enhance blockings in Okhotsk.Influence factors on blockings are various and complex.This paper indicates that the influence of ENSO on blockings cannot be neglected,and that it is crucial to related operational forecasting as a potential signal.  相似文献   
两次区域性暴雨过程副高三维结构对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金荣花  蒙嘉川  裴海瑛 《气象》2007,33(4):40-46
为探讨夏季不同大气环流背景下区域性暴雨过程副高结构特征及其对降水的贡献,利用2005年6-7月降水量和NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析等资料,采用特征指数分析和物理量诊断方法,对比分析了2005年夏季两次区域性暴雨的副高三维结构特征。结果发现,夏季不同的大气环流背景下,两次区域性暴雨过程副高结构性质分别表现为热力性高压脊和动力性高压脊特征,从而导致两次暴雨过程的水汽供应条件和产生强烈上升运动的大尺度背景场存在差异。  相似文献   
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