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天青石是制取各种锶化合物的主要原料.本文通过显微镜观察、扫描电镜能谱分析、化学多元素分析、摇床重选等手段,研究了云南兰坪县金顶白草坪天青石矿工艺矿物学特征和可选性.结果表明,矿石中天青石为锶元素赋存的目的矿物,呈板状,粒度为中-粗粒级,含锶高达50.24%.采用摇床重选工艺和-0.2mm的入选细度可有效富集天青石.  相似文献   
记者:中国改革开放走过了30年,而国家土地管理局于1986年成立至今才22年.由此您怎么看中圈土地管理制度改革历程?  相似文献   
乌拉根铅锌矿床产出于塔里木盆地西北缘喀什凹陷中—新生界中,成矿地质条件优越,资源潜力可观,具有超大型矿床找矿远景,但其成因一直存在较大争议。本次对乌拉根铅锌矿进行了详细的S、Pb同位素研究,探讨了其成矿物质来源和矿床成因。测试分析结果表明,乌拉根铅锌矿床矿石δ34S值为-26.09‰~+15.0‰,具有较宽的分布范围,显示出轻硫与重硫同时富集的特征,指示乌拉根铅锌矿床S主要来自海相硫酸盐的还原。乌拉根铅锌矿的206Pb/204Pb值为17.771~18.6413,207Pb/204Pb值为15.402~15.6454,208Pb/204Pb值为37.92~38.7507,Pb同位素组成变化较小,且集中于造山带铅演化线附近,推测本矿区Pb可能来自区域内的古老地层。综合前人研究和本次S、Pb同位素分析结果,认为乌拉根铅锌矿床是在南天山和西昆仑山两大造山带相互逆冲推覆背景下,盆地流体大规模运移,在油气还原条件下形成的一类赋存于沉积岩中的铅锌矿床。  相似文献   
韩立波  蒋长胜 《地震学报》2012,34(3):415-422
2011年6月8日9时53分,新疆维吾尔自治区吐鲁番地区托克逊县发生Ms5.3地震.据新疆自治区民政厅报告,截至6月9日7时,地震造成托克逊县1241人受灾,324户1335间房屋不同程度受损,其中50户168间农牧民住房成为危房、无法居住,274户1135间房屋墙体开裂,博斯坦乡中学24间教室房屋开裂,伊拉湖乡医院8间病房开裂,无人员伤亡报告.  相似文献   
三叠系在班公湖-怒江结合带两侧仅有少量露头。早三叠世是怒江洋盆初始演化的开始,由于晚二叠世-早三叠世大规模的海退持续和地壳的抬升,地层遭受剥蚀,整个班公湖-怒江结合带内缺乏完整的三叠系地层系统,对怒江洋的演化缺乏完整的物质记录。此次有古生物化石依据的上三叠统的发现,为探讨洋盆的演化提供了较好的依据,也为区域地层对比、地层格架建立、古环境分析等提供了基础资料。  相似文献   
远距离台风影响西风带特大暴雨的过程模式   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
蒋尚城 《气象学报》1983,41(2):147-158
本文对于中低纬系统相互作用的过程之一,即远距离台风与西风槽的作用在北方产生的特大暴雨过程进行了分析,概括了这种过程模式。着重指出台风与太平洋副热带高压之间的东南低空急流的特征和作用,尤其是与中高纬度高空西风急流之间的联系。讨论了这支低空急流和梅雨锋低空急流的不同,分析了台风东侧的低空急流与西风带冷空气的相互作用而形成的暴雨锋区的三层特殊结构,强调指出这种特殊结构可能是这种特大暴雨系统的一种重要特征。  相似文献   
Skeletonema tropicum is regarded as a species with an affinity to warm waters and it has never been reported in seas where temperatures drop below 11°C in winter. Previous studies in China reported that S. tropicum was restricted to subtropical and warm temperate seas (East and South China Seas), but the species was recently found during August cruises of 2009 and 2010 in Jiaozhou Bay, Yellow Sea, located several hundred kilometers to the north. Here, winter water temperatures often drop below 5°C. Identification of S. tropicum was confirmed under light and scanning electronic microscopes and maximum cell abundance in Jiaozhou Bay was estimated as 1.73×10 4 cell/L. This record of S. tropicum in Jiaozhou Bay represents a significant northward expansion in the geographic range of the species. Ship ballast water was identified as a possible carrier of S. tropicum from southern places along Chinese coastline, and in addition, thermal pollution from local power stations and seawater desalination plants may provide suitable conditions for species over-wintering.  相似文献   
土地使用权划拨是指有批准权的人民政府依法批准,在用地者缴纳补偿、安置等费用后将该幅土地交其使用,或者将土地使用权有偿交给土地使用者使用的行为。近年来,随着我国城市建设的发展和房地产市场的日趋活跃,划拨土地使用权进入市场的行为日益增多。下面就如何搞好划拨土地使用权评估,规范房地产中介市场,谈一下看法。  相似文献   
2019年3月26日,广西自然资源厅印发《广西壮族自治区自然资源厅关于进一步完善固体矿产矿山储量动态监督管理工作的通知》(以下简称《通知》)。《通知》自印发之日起施行,有效期5年。《通知》出台的背景是什么,主要内容有哪些?《通知》的印发实施,对于全区固体矿产矿山储量动态监督管理工作具有哪些重要意义?请关注本期政策解读——  相似文献   
To investigate the effect of the water soluble fraction of crude oil(WSF) on marine bivalves, the scallop C hlamys farreri was exposed to three WSF concentrations(0.18 mg/L, 0.32 mg/L, and 0.51 mg/L, respectively) in seawater. Petroleum hydrocarbon contents in scallops and a suite of enzymes [7-Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase(EROD), aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase(AHH), glutathione S-transferase(GST), and glutathione peroxidase(GPx)] in gills and digestive glands were monitored over 10 days. The results revealed that WSF affected the activity of the four enzymes in the gills and digestive glands. EROD activity in the gills was significantly induced in most individuals of the three test groups, while in the digestive gland it was significantly induced in the low-concentration group within 4 days but was inhibited in the middle- and high-concentration groups on days 1, 4, and 10. AHH activity in the gills of all treatment groups was significantly induced on day 1. In the digestive gland, AHH activity was induced in most individuals from the treatment groups. In all treatment groups, GST activity was significantly inhibited from days 2 to 10 in the gills and was induced after day 4 in the digestive gland. GPx activity in the gills was significantly inhibited throughout the exposure period in all treatment groups. There was no overall significant difference in GPx activity in the digestive gland between the control and treatment groups. Our results also revealed that petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in the tissues increased linearly with exposure time. EROD activity in the digestive gland and GST and GPx activity in the gill tissue were negatively correlated with petroleum hydrocarbon body burden. These enzymes play important roles in detoxification and can act as potential biomarkers for monitoring petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants in the marine environment.  相似文献   
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