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西太平洋暖池热含量与南海夏季风强度的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了进一步明确西太平洋暖池热含量对南海夏季风强度的影响,利用1948~2012年日本气象厅(japan meteorological agency,JMA)逐月的海温资料、Hadley中心的海表面温度(Sea Surface Temperature,SST)资料以及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析比较了南海夏季风强度与热带太平洋上层海洋热含量和SST的关系;探讨了海洋热含量影响南海夏季风强度的机制。结果表明:(1)相比于西太暖池SST,西太暖池上层海洋热含量是南海夏季风强度更好的预测因子;(2)前期冬春季的西太平洋暖池热含量与南海夏季风强度呈现显著的正相关,尤其在3月,二者相关系数最大;当暖池热含量偏高(低)时,西太平洋副热带高压偏弱(强),赤道印度洋出现异常反气旋(气旋),印度洋上空的Walker环流分支偏强(弱),南海越赤道气流增强(减弱),最终使得南海夏季风强度偏强(弱)。  相似文献   
The low-frequency atmosphere-ocean coupled variability of the southern Indian Ocean(SIO) was investigated using observation data over 1958-2010.These data were obtained from ECMWF for sea level pressure(SLP) and wind,from NCEP/NCAR for heat fluxes,and from the Hadley Center for SST.To obtain the coupled air-sea variability,we performed SVD analyses on SST and SLP.The primary coupled mode represents 43% of the total square covariance and is featured by weak westerly winds along 45-30 S.This weakened subtropical anticyclone forces fluctuations in a well-known subtropical dipole structure in the SST via wind-induced processes.The SST changes in response to atmosphere forcing and is predictable with a lead-time of 1-2 months.Atmosphere-ocean coupling of this mode is strongest during the austral summer.Its principle component is characterized by mixed interannual and interdecadal fluctuations.There is a strong relationship between the first mode and Antarctic Oscillation(AAO).The AAO can influence the coupled processes in the SIO by modulating the subtropical high.The second mode,accounting for 30% of the total square covariance,represents a 25-year period interdecadal oscillation in the strength of the subtropical anticyclone that is accompanied by fluctuations of a monopole structure in the SST along the 35-25 S band.It is caused by subsidence of the atmosphere.The present study also shows that physical processes of both local thermodynamic and ocean circulation in the SIO have a crucial role in the formation of the atmosphere-ocean covariability.  相似文献   
ImODUcrIONTheIndo-PadricregionbeweenMindanao,NewGuinea,andtheIndonesianArchipelagoistheonlydeeppassagefromthePadricOceantotheIndiandrincyig.l),Fig.lMapoftheIndoThdficopon(Internalframeisthemodeldomain)andobendupper1aperimtSthereinsmrandhasareivedconsiderableattentionhauseofitSlocationbetweretheIn.TheIndonesianThappearstobepotentiallyboortantintheevoluhonsofthewesternboundaryatandthewarmpoolinthewesternPadric,andplaysacrudelroleinthehcatandsaltbalanceoftheworkl'soasnoprdon,l986).Nume…  相似文献   
Data taken in the two large-scale ocean investigations in China in winter 1959 and 1982 are used to analyze the residual current off the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth in this paper. The current in wintertime off the river mouth consist of the Changjiang runoff, wind-driven current, coastal current, density-driven current and Taiwan Warm Current (TWC). The TWC occurs in wintertime off the mouth. The surface TWC reaches only to the east side of Dinghai, then turns southeastward. The bottom TWC can flow to the area off the Changjiang mouth along west slop of the submerged river valley (SRV) and to the area off the Subei coast, The simulated currents by 3D model are basically consistent with the observed currents, although the model was run with climatological forces and the observations was done in episodic time manner.  相似文献   
The western Pacific,one of the most violent air-sea interaction areas,plays an important role in theformation of ENSO events which greatly affect global climate change.Knowledge on the structure of theatmospheric boundary layer and the air-sea exchange over that area is very important and is the key tounderstanding the air-sea interaction. Tethered balloon measurements were made successfully during theSeptember-October,1987 cruise of the R/V SCIENCE 1 in the Philippine Sea at the northwest ofthe Warm Pool.The data collected were used for analysis of the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer showingthat the characteristics of the inversion layers(advection layer,capping inversion layer and radiation layer)are different from those over the land and other sea areas.The wind profiles were simulated with the P-exponent method and the values of P under unstable, sta-ble and neutral conditions were obtained. Moreover,the effect of the ship body on the air above was es-timated to reach 30 meters high.  相似文献   
Light transmission data collected from June to July 1987 and from February to March 1997 by the R/V Kexue 1 in the East China Sea were used to analyze its distribution characteristics and its relation to the sediment transport in this sea. Some results obtained were: (1) The Taiwan Warm Current flowing northwards seemed to be a barrier preventing suspended matter discharged from the Changjiang River Estuary from continuously moving southeastward and causing the suspended matter to flow along a path near 123°30′E in summer and 123°00′E in winter. (2) Suspended matter in the area adjacent to the Changjiang River Estuary could not be transported southward along the coast in summer due to opposing offshore currents including the Taiwan Warm Current flowing northward and the Changjiang Diluted Water turning northeastward. (3) The thermocline and temperature front bar suspended matter from crossing through.  相似文献   
青藏高原春季积雪在南海夏季风爆发过程中的作用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用欧洲中期预报中心(ECMWF,European Centre for Medium\|Range Weather Forecasts—ERA\|40)资料和美国国家环境预测中心和国家大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR, National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research)资料,研究了青藏高原雪深变化对南海夏季风爆发的影响和ENSO对青藏高原降雪的影响.结果表明:(1)ECMWF的雪深资料是可信的,可以用来研究青藏高原雪深变化对南海夏季风爆发的影响;(2)青藏高原的积雪异常影响到500 hPa以上的温度异常和印度洋与大陆间的气温对比,一方面使上层的南亚高压移动速度发生变化,另一方面也影响到低层大气的运动和东西向风异常,在青藏高原少雪年,东印度洋产生西风异常和一个气旋对,而在青藏高原多雪年,东印度洋产生东风异常和一个反气旋对;(3)ENSO与青藏高原春季积雪关系密切.东太平洋SST正异常时,东印度洋和南海气压偏高,从而导致该区海陆经向压强梯度增强和西风异常.另外,此时青藏高原北部气压偏高,北风偏强,副热带锋面增强,同时,印度洋的SST偏高,为青藏高原降雪提供了水汽保障,这些都有利于青藏高原的降雪.  相似文献   
Seasonal variability of the North Equatorial Current (NEC) transport in the western Pacific Ocean is investigated with ECMWF Ocean Analysis/Reanalysis System 3 (eRA-S3). The result shows that NEC transport (NT) across different longitudes in the research area shows a similar double-peak structure, with two maxima (in summer and winter), and two minima (in spring and autumn). This kind of structure can also be found in NEC geostrophic transport (NGT), but in a different magnitude and phase. These differences are attributable to Ekman transport induced by the local meridional wind and transport caused by nonzero velocity at the reference level, which is assumed to be zero in the NGT calculation. In the present work, a linear vorticity equation governing a 1.5-layer reduced gravity model is adopted to examine the dynamics of the seasonal variability of NGT. It is found that the annual cycle of NGT is mainly controlled by Ekman pumping induced by local wind, and westward-propagating Rossby waves induced by remote wind. Further research demonstrates that the maximum in winter and minimum in spring are mostly attributed to wind east of the dateline, whilst the maximum in summer and minimum in autumn are largely attributed to that west of the dateline.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONItisrecognizedthattherearetwoimportantprocessesthataffectthematerialfluxesintheEastChinaSea(ECS):oneisthematerialtransportprocessesrelatedtothefinematerial(modern)sedimentatthecenteroftheECSColdEddy,andtheotheristhesuspendedmatter(SM)fluxfrom…  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONTropicalwesternPacificOceanisanareathathasthehighestoceantemperatureacrosstheglobe.Asmostofthewarmwaterconcentratesintheregion,itisknownasthe搘esternPacificwarmpool?Asshowninsomestudies[1-5],thegeneralcirculationandshort-termclimaticchangeswillbeseriouslyaffectedifthermodynamicconditionchangesinthewaters,whichthenhaveanimportantroletoplayintheonsetofanyENSOepisodes.Therehasnotbeenanyunifieddefinitionoftheindexforthewarmpool.FollowingthecriterionofWyrtki[4],however,theareae…  相似文献   
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