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From 2010 to 2012,geologists at the Institute of Karst Geology the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences carried out the"Chinese Geological Carbon Sink Projects Research".They did investigation and research work according to three aspects of carbon sink:karst,soil,and mineral,and achieved important results.Through the investigation and test of karstification in the Guijiang River catchment of Guangxi Province,geologists  相似文献   
Large deposits of diamonds are associated mainly with kimberlites (and related rocks) of the cratons, but they are also known in the folded belts surrounding them. As an example is the Baltica craton and the surrounding its the Ural‐Timan (UT) folded belt. With the first object are associated diamonds of the Arkhangelsk (kimberlites and placers) provinces, and with the second one ‐ mostly placer deposits of the UT province, the probable source of which are also kimberlites. The structural position, composition and age of the potentially diamond‐bearing complexes of the Urals and Timan make it possible to propose a new petrological‐geodynamic interpretation of their formation. According to this model, during the Vendian‐Cambrian subduction of the Pechora Ocean crust, several different depth complexes have been formed, being changed in the western direction. At a shallow depth level the oceanic crust subduction is accompanied only by fluid processing, without the magmatism participation. As a result, this process leads to the formation of fluidizate‐explosive rocks of the Sertynya complex, which marks the outlet of the ancient subduction zone into the surface. At a moderately deep (up to 100–150 km) level melts are being produced, the derivatives of which are not diamond‐bearing depleted kimberlites of the Khartes (V‐Cm) complex. Apparently by the beginning of the Ordovician the active subduction of the Pechora Ocean stops. It occurs an opening of a new Ural paleoocean, and the earlier submerged the oceanic slab continues moving under the Baltica craton. At a deep (above 150 km) level the slab interaction with the mantle produces typical kimberlite magmas (from the Ordovician to the Middle Devonian) transporting diamonds to the surface of the Ural‐Timan province proper.  相似文献   
通过对桃山、诸广复式岩体的深入研究,得出铀、钍元素在本地区花岗岩中具有以下地球化学特征及地球化学行为:1.岩体的铀、钍丰度与岩体外接触带的变质岩铀,钍丰度具同步增长特点;2.铀与硅、钾、钠关系密切,并有随钾增长,及随铀增长二种趋势,而钍则与TiO_2、FeO、MnO关系密切;3.钍在花岗岩中分布型式为正态分布,变异系数较铀小,而铀在花岗岩中分布型式为正态分布及对数正态分布,变异系数略高,显示了铀有某种富集可能;4.铀在花岗岩中地球化学行为,表现有二个富集高峰,既有在结晶早期富集在各类副矿物中的早富集特征,也有随花岗岩形成和演化富集在晚期的晚富集特征。二个富集途径,即随Si、K增高和随Si、Na增高途径。  相似文献   
The Yangbishan iron–tungsten deposit in the Shuangyashan area of Heilongjiang Province is located in the center of the Jiamusi Massif in northeastern China. The rare earth element and trace element compositions of the scheelite show that it formed in a reducing environment and inherited the rare earth element features of the ore-forming fluid. The geochemical characteristics of the gneissic granite associated with the tungsten mineralization show that the magma formed in this reducing environment and originated from the partial melting of metamorphosed shale that contained organic carbon and was enriched with tungsten. In addition, in situ Hf isotopic analysis of zircons from the gneissic granite indicates that they probably originated from the partial melting of a predominantly Paleo–Mesoproterozoic crustal source. According to LA-ICP-MS zircon dating, the Yangbishan orerelated gneissic granite has an Early Paleozoic crystallization age of 520.6 ± 2.8 Ma. This study, together with previous data, indicates that the massifs of northeastern China, including Erguna, Xing'an, Songliao, Jiamusi, and Khanka massifs, belonged to an orogenic belt that existed along the southern margin of the Siberian Craton during the late Pan-African period. The significant continental movements of this orogeny resulted in widespread magmatic activity in northeastern China from 530 Ma to 470 Ma under a tectonic setting that transitioned from compressional syn-collision to extensional postcollision.  相似文献   
史培军  汪明  胡小兵  叶涛 《地理学报》2014,69(6):863-876
在综合风险防范“凝聚力”概念的基础上,从社会—生态系统综合风险防范的“凝聚力”基本原理、凝聚力形成中的协同效能、凝聚力实现手段、凝聚力优化对提高系统抗打击能力的作用等方面系统研究了“凝聚力”的科学内涵,并初步建立了“凝聚力”的模式,以期完善现有综合风险防范理论体系。结果表明:协同宽容、协同约束、协同放大和协同分散四个基本原理阐述了社会—生态系统综合风险凝聚力在协同运作上的四种表现,同时也是凝聚力在“凝心”和“聚力”具体问题上的4 种优化目标的阐释;凝聚力模式将四个协同原理及其优化目标转化为社会认知普及化、成本分摊合理化、组合优化智能化、费用效益最大化等一系列手段,实现了社会—生态系统综合风险防范产生的共识最高化、成本最低化、福利最大化以及风险最小化;运用复杂系统建模和仿真的方法,通过设计社会—生态系统结构和功能的表达,验证了随着系统凝聚力的提高,系统抵抗局部和全局打击的能力均得以增强,而且,可通过优化社会—生态系统中节点的结构和功能,以达到提升系统凝聚力的目的;凝聚力模式补充了灾害系统中脆弱性、恢复性、适应性等概念在阐释社会—生态系统综合风险防范问题上存在的缺陷。  相似文献   
The Sichuan Basin,also known as the‘Red Basin’,is famous for its abundance of Mesozoic dinosaur fossils,especially in the Zigong area during the Jurassic era;the Middle Jurassic Shunosaurus and the Late Jurassic Mamenchisaurus faunal assemblages are the most representative.The Qinglongshan dinosaur fossil site is located in Fuxing,to the northwest of Rong County,Zigong City.This new site is situated within the Middle Jurassic Xiashaximiao Formation,and geologically is roughly equivalent to the well-known Dashanpu dinosaur fossil site.More than 600 dinosaur fossils were found concentrated in the excavation area,including teeth;cervical,dorsal and caudal vertebrae;and various parts of appendicular skeletons.This fossil site is also most significant as it provides new information on non-avian dinosaur life during the poorly understood Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   
Based on the theory of formation dynamics of oil/gas pools, the Dongying sag can be divided into three dynamic systems regarding the accumulation of oil and gas: the superpressure closed system, the semi-closed system and the normal pressure open system. Based on the analysis of genesis of superpressure in the superpressure closed system and the rule of hydrocarbon expulsion, it is found that hydrocarbon generation is related to superpressure, which is the main driving factor of hydrocarbon migration. Micro fractures formed by superpressure are the main channels for hydrocarbon migration. There are three dynamic patterns for hydrocarbon expulsion: free water drainage, hydrocarbon accumulation and drainage through micro fissures. In the superpressure closed system, the oil-driving-water process and oil/gas accumulation were completed in lithologic traps by way of such two dynamic patterns as episodic evolution of superpressure systems and episodic pressure release of faults. The oil-bearing capacity of lithologic traps is intimately related to reservoir-forming dynamic force. Quantitative evaluation of dynamic conditions for pool formation can effectively predict the oil-bearing capability of traps.  相似文献   
Application of swat model in the upstream watershed of the Luohe River   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1INTRODUCTIONIntheHuanghe(Yellow) Riverbasin, soilerosionisaseriousproblem,whilerunoffandsedimentyieldsim-ulation hasnotbeenextensivelystudiedonthebasisofGIS(GeographicInformationSystem) and dis-tributedhydrologicalmodel.Inthisstudy,theLushiwatershed,whichislocatedattheupstreamoftheLushiHydrologicalStationintheLuoheRiver—thebiggesttributary oftheHuanghe Riveranddown-streamofXiaolangdiDam,isselectedasthestudyarea.ThelevelofsoilerosioninLushiwatershedismoderatein theHuangheRiverbas…  相似文献   
正China is one of the most prolific countries for dinosaur material in the world,from skeletons to footprints and eggs.At present,China has documented more than 160kinds of dinosaur,35 genera and 39 ichnospecies of dinosaur footprints,and 17 genera and 44 oospecies of dinosaur eggs.The dinosaur eggs in China are mainly distributed in Xinjiang,Inner Mongolia,Ningxia,Gansu,  相似文献   
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