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热带气旋强度极值变化特征及其分布模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1949—2009年西北太平洋生成热带气旋以及登陆广东热带气旋的强度资料,讨论了其极值变化特征,并对比了极值Ⅰ型和广义极值两种概率分布函数的3种拟合方案对西北太平洋生成和登陆广东热带气旋的5个强度极值序列的拟合效果。结果表明:CMA-STI和JTWC的2套资料的西北太平洋生成热带气旋强度极值在1949—2009年都有显著减弱趋势,CMA-STI的极值序列在1988年前后出现突变,而这种突变可能是由于定强手段变化引起的。CMA-STI登陆广东热带气旋强度极值在1988年前后也出现明显变化,但未能通过突变检验。热带气旋登陆广东时的极端最低气压以年际振荡为主,1988年前后没有明显变化。对西北太平洋生成和登陆广东的热带气旋的5个强度极值序列,选用的3种拟合方案都是适用的,并且所得拟合分布结果较为接近,其中以广义极值方案的拟合误差最小,拟合效果最好。   相似文献   
广东省风能资源分布的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以风能资源数值模拟评估系统(WERAS)为基础,对其中的MM5模式模拟方案进行改进(即利用格点分析张弛逼近的方法完成3 h间隔的地面观测资料的四维同化处理,以减小原WERAS系统的模拟误差),对广东省2009-06-01―2010-05-31的逐时风能资源进行高时空分辨率的数值模拟评估。模拟结果表明:广东省风能资源较丰富的地方主要分布在沿海地区和粤北、粤西海拔较高的山区,70 m高度上年平均风速达到6.0 m/s以上,年平均风功率密度达到300 W/m2以上;冬半年的风能资源优于夏半年;风能主要由出现频率相对较低的大风速过程产生。模拟结果所揭示的广东省风能资源时空分布特征与本地的气候特征和地形地表特征相符合,70 m高度风速模拟误差在10%左右,风功率密度模拟误差在30%左右。  相似文献   
中国气候变化区划(1961-2010年)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
气候条件是人类生存与发展的重要基础,亦是经济与社会可持续发展的重要影响因素.应对气候变化已成为世界各国政要、科学家、政府和公众高度关注的全球性问题.现行的中国气候区划均是以不同气候要素指标的多年均值为基础的,旨在表征气候状态的区域差异.然而在气候变化速率不断加快的今天,已有的气候区划并不能表达气候变化的区域差异,也不能反映由气候变化所带来的灾害与环境风险.本文利用1961-2010年气温和降水量的变化趋势值、波动特征值定量识别气候变化,结合中国地形特点,以县级行政区划为单元,完成了中国气候变化区划(1961-2010年).一级区划根据气温和降水量的变化趋势将中国气候变化(1961-2010年)划分为5个变化趋势带,即东北-华北暖干趋势带、华东-华中湿暖趋势带、西南-华南干暖趋势带、藏东南-西南湿暖趋势带以及西北-青藏高原暖湿趋势带;二级区划根据气温和降水量的波动特征,在一级区划基础上划分为14个波动特征区.  相似文献   
对连江流域35个气象站1980―2013年逐日雨量数据进行整理,利用日雨量、月雨量和年雨量方法计算得出RA、RB、RC,通过有效系数M检验得出最优R值;然后利用反距离加权、张力样条函数和普通克里金进行空间插值,通过检验确定最准确的插值方法,最后对其进行插值分析。结果表明:基于月降雨量的计算方法和反距离加权插值法更加适合于连江流域降雨侵蚀力的计算和估算;连江流域降雨侵蚀力时空变化明显,降雨侵蚀力变化与年际降水量变化基本一致;中上游高大山脉存在的地区,多年平均降雨侵蚀力明显高于其他地区;下游多年平均降雨量丰富,其多年平均降雨侵蚀也较严重。  相似文献   
Based on studies of petrography, mineralogy and mineral chemistry, deep mantle fluids and their products in kimberlites and diamonds can be assorted into the ultradeep fluid-transmitted minerals with an oxygen-free feature, the deep fluid metasomatized-minerals characterized by enrichment in TiO2, K2O, BaO, REE and Fe3+, and the deep fluid-reformed minerals. The three types show a successive descent in fluid origin depth and metasomatism strength, and they have brought forth a series of corresponding metasomatic products.  相似文献   
Detailed geochemistry studies were conducted to investigate the origin of solid bitumens and hydrocarbon gases in the giant Puguang gas field. Two types of solid bitumens were recognized: low sulfur content, low reflectance (LSLR) solid bitumens in sandstone reservoirs in the Xujiahe Formation and high sulfur content, high reflectance (HSHR) solid bitumens in the carbonate reservoirs in the Lower Triassic Feixianguan and Upper Permian Changxing formations. Solid bitumens in the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation correlate well with extracts from the Upper Triassic to Jurassic nonmarine source rocks in isotopic composition of the saturated and aromatic fractions and biomarker distribution. Solid bitumens in the Feixianguan and Changxing formations are distinctly different from extracts from the Cambrian and Silurian rocks but display reasonable correlation with extracts from the Upper Permian source rocks both in isotopic composition of the saturated and aromatic fractions and in biomarker distribution, suggesting that the Permian especially the Upper Permian Longtan Formation was the main source of solid bitumens in the carbonate reservoirs in the Feixianguan and Changxing formations in the Puguang gas field. Chemical and isotopic composition of natural gases indicates that the majority of hydrocarbon gases originated from sapropelic organic matter and was the products of thermal cracking of accumulated oils. This study indicates that source rock dominated by sapropelic organic matter existed in the Upper Permian and had made major contribution to the giant Puguang gas field, which has important implication for petroleum exploration in marine sequences in South China.  相似文献   
The occurrences of associated elements and their genetic factors in the No. 30 coal seam in the Zhijin Coalfield were studied using instrumental neutron activation analysis, inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy, and a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray analyzer. And, a microscope photometer system (Leitz MPV-Ⅲ) was used to observe the characteristics of coal petrology. According to the influence degree by the siliceous low-temperature hydrothermal fluids, the organic matter is divided into four types: A, B, C, and D of the hydrothermally-altered organic matter (HAOM). The study shows that the high content of Fe (2.31%) is not from pyrite, but mostly from the siliceous low-temperature hydrothermal fluids. The occurrences of the associated elements in the four organic matter types are different. The contents of Fe, Si, and Al are decreasing, but S and Cu are increasing in the order of the HAOM-A, HAOM-B, HAOM-C, and HAOM-D. The losing rate of sulfur i  相似文献   
The Kazda?? metaophiolite crops out in the Kazda?? (Ida) Mountains in the Biga Peninsula in northwestern Turkey. It is in stratigraphic contact with the high–grade metamorphic rocks of the Kazda?? Massif. Metaophiolitic and high–grade metamorphic rocks are tectonically overlain by low–grade metamorphic units of the Permo‐Triassic Karakaya Complex of the Sakarya Zone. Late Oligocene‐Early Miocene granites intruded these tectonic units (Okay and Sat?r, 2000; Duru et al. 2012). In the Kazda?? metaophiolitic sequence, upper mantle peridotites are represented by metaharzburgite and metadunite, whereas the mantle transition zone metaperidotites are composed of metadunite, metapyroxenite and minor plagioclase‐bearing metalherzolite. The upper part of the metadunites in the mantle transition zone show intercalation with metagabbros. Gabbros of oceanic crust experienced amphibolite facies metamorphism and are transformed into amphibolite, garnet amphibolite and migmatitic gabbros. The metagabbros and amphibolites display MORB‐ and IAT‐like geochemical features. The Kazda?? metaophiolite is conformably overline by basal conglomerates and hemi‐pelagic carbonate rocks continuing upward into forearc‐type flysch–like detrital sedimentary rocks interspersed with mafic volcanic intervals. These cover units underwent high–grade metamorphism into gneisses, migmatites, amphibolites and marbles in a compressional regime during the Alpine orogeny. New U–Pb zircon data from the metagabbros show two crystallization peaks at ~52 Ma and ~73 Ma. This has implications for the age of subduction of the Izmir–Ankara–Erzincan Ocean, generally assumed to be northward under the Sakarya Zone. During the Triassic to Middle Eocene, progressive overthrusting of the Sakarya Zone via a N–S compresional regime created by the Alpine orogeny onto subduction–accretion‐ and forearc‐units resulted in high–grade metamorphic conditions in the Biga Peninsula.  相似文献   
<正>Objective The recent discovery of commercial natural gas accumulations in the Middle Permian coarse-crystalline dolomites in the northwest Sichuan Basin has attracted attention to the formation mechanism of these deep-burial carbonate reservoirs. Due to their temporal relationship to the flooded basalts that represent the end-Middle-Permian Emeishan Large Igneous Province  相似文献   
Abstract: Saurichthys dawaziensis sp. nov., from the third member of the Gejiu Formation (Anisian of Middle Triassic) in the vicinity of Luoping, Yunnan Province, is a small to medium- sized saurichthyid fish. It is characterized by the efferent pseudobranchial arteries penetrating on the parasphenoid and the mandible sensory canal with a branch in the angular. The new species is more derived than the Lower Triassic species in having a relatively narrow postorbital region, short preopercular, single ossification of the sclerotic ring, small haemal arches between the pelvic fins and the anal fin without ossified spines, and in the absence of quadratojugal. It is more primitive than the Middle and Upper Triassic Saurichthys in having fringing fulcra and numerous segments in the unpaired fins, and the presence of both prae- and post-zygapophyses in the neural arches. Some anatomic changes related to the vertebral column and unpaired fins of the genus are also discussed.  相似文献   
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