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李明刚  管兆勇  梅士龙 《大气科学》2016,40(6):1199-1214
旱涝异常不仅与降水的频次和强度有关,在多种时间尺度上,其与降水的持续性亦存在较好的对应关系。基于1979~2013年6~7月中国东部249站点逐日降水资料及ERA-interim逐月再分析资料,研究了长江中下游地区近35年降水持续性的长期变化及其相联系的大尺度环流型和Rossby波能量频散特征。结果表明:近35年长江中下游地区降水时段平均持续时间变短而无雨时段变长,体现出了降水持续性的减弱趋势。进一步研究发现,该趋势变化与长江中下游地区在1980和1990年代持续性降水事件偏多,而在2000年以后偏少的年代际变化有关。在年代际和年际尺度上,与长江中下游地区降水持续特征变异相联系的异常环流型在我国东南部及南海地区分布较为类似,而在偏高纬度和偏低纬度地区存在较大差异。相似之处在于:在两个时间尺度上,在对流层中高层均存在显著的反气旋性环流控制我国东南部地区,而在中低层均存在由海洋向长江中下游地区的气流辐合,并在高层由长江中下游地区向海洋辐合。不同之处是:年代际尺度上,自对流层低层到高层在乌拉尔山以东及蒙古地区分别存在反气旋性环流和气旋性环流,且赤道印度洋地区的对流层中低层存在显著的气旋性环流;而在年际尺度上,由低层到高层位于贝加尔湖东、西侧均为反气旋性环流异常,但海洋性大陆的东北部,低层出现向长江中下游地区辐合的气流的源,高层则为由长江中下游地区向低纬度地区辐合的气流的汇。Rossby波扰动能量频散特征在年代际和年际尺度上亦呈现出明显的差异。年代际尺度上,中纬度地区自大西洋至蒙古地区存在一个正—负—正—负的Rossby波列,波能东传,对长江中下游地区产生影响,而在中低层,自低纬地区向长江中下游地区的波能传播相对较弱;在年际尺度上,影响长江中下游地区降水的Rossby波活动的局地性特征更为明显。在低层,波扰能量经由南海向长江中下游地区传播更明显,而在对流层高层源于贝加尔湖西侧的波扰能量传播相对较强。这些结果有助于深刻认识长江中下游地区降水的异常持续及与之相联系的洪涝灾害的形成机理。  相似文献   
By employing the singular value decomposition(SVD) analysis, we have investigated in the present paper the covariations between circulation changes in the Northern(NH) and Southern Hemispheres(SH) and their associations with ENSO by using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, the reconstructed monthly NOAA SST, and CMAP precipitation along with NOAA Climate Prediction Center(CPC) ENSO indices. A bi-hemispheric covariation mode(hereafter BHCM) is explored, which is well represented by the first mode of the SVD analysis of sea surface pressure anomaly(SLPA-SVD1). This SVD mode can explain 57.36% of the total covariance of SLPA. BHCM varies in time with a long-term trend and periodicities of 3—5 years. The long term trend revealed by SVD1 shows that the SLP increases in the equatorial central and eastern Pacific but decreases in the western Pacific and tropical Indian Ocean, which facilitates easterlies in the lower troposphere to be intensified and El Ni觡o events to occur with lower frequency. The spatial pattern of the BHCM looks roughly symmetric about the equator in the tropics, whereas it is characterized by zonal disturbances in the mid-latitude of NH and is highly associated with AAO in the mid-latitude of SH. On inter-annual time scales, the BHCM is highly correlated with ENSO. The atmosphere in both the NH and SH responds to sea surface temperature anomalies in the equatorial region, while the contemporaneous circulation changes in the NH and SH in turn affect the occurrence of El Ni觡o/La Ni觡a. In boreal winter, significant temperature and precipitation anomalies associated with the BHCM are found worldwide. Specifically, in the positive phase of the BHCM,temperature and precipitation are anomalously low in eastern China and some other regions of East Asia. These results are helpful for us to better understand interactions between circulations in the NH and SH and the dynamical mechanisms behind these interactions.  相似文献   
对流层顶气压与气温的年(代)际变率研究:冬季特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均对流层顶气压、气温资料,研究了1979-2002年冬季全球对流层顶气压、气温的年际和年代际变率。选取了冬季对流层项变率最大的区域来定义气压指数、气温指数。通过分析得到:(1)全球对流层项气压、气温随纬度的增加而增高,但在整个热带地区和高纬度地区对流层顶气压、气温的分布较均匀。在分析时段内全球平均的对流层顶气压呈下降趋势,气温呈降低趋势。这些从全球资料得到的结果支持了已有的从部分探空资料所得到的结果。(2)对流层顶变率最大值出现在北半球的副热带地区,最小值出现在低纬度地区。气压指数和气温指数显示出准13a及准3~6a的周期。在1992年以前准3a的周期变化较强,1989年后准6a较强,显示出年际变化的年代际差异。对流层项气压与对流层顶气温在全球大部分地区都呈显著正相关,但在热带和副极地的部分地区相关较弱。对流层顶气压与对流层平均气温在全球大部分地区都呈显著负相关,但在极地地区有正相关关系,显示了对流层顶与对流层内部变化关系的复杂性。  相似文献   
利用1980—2012年NCEP/NCAR逐6 h海平面气压再分析资料及定义的气旋客观识别方法,统计分析了春末夏初江淮地区气旋活动频数和强度的气候特征及其年际、年代际变化。结果表明:5—7月江淮地区存在明显的气旋活动高频中心,5、6月高频中心位于两湖盆地之间;7月北移,淮河以南频数较高。20世纪80—90年代江淮气旋活动频数偏少,强度偏弱;21世纪初期的10 a间气旋活动频数偏多,强度偏强。气旋活动频数多发年与少发年500 h Pa均出现稳定的长波环流结构,但仍存在显著差异。多发年两个南支槽向南伸展直达阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾地区,少发年仅出现孟加拉湾南支槽。多发年,对流层低层华南至江淮地区存在气旋式环流辐合异常中心,高层则出现辐散异常。西风带上的异常扰动沿着副热带急流向东亚地区传播能量,导致东部地区出现异常气旋式环流,为江淮气旋的发生提供了有利的环流背景。  相似文献   
王黎娟  陈璇  管兆勇 《大气科学》2009,33(5):1047-1057
利用NCEP/NCAR多年逐日再分析资料、美国环境预报中心CMAP (NOAA NCEP Climate Prediction Center Merged Analysis of Precipitation) 候平均降雨量资料以及全国740站逐日降水资料, 对华南前汛期和江淮梅雨期大范围持续性暴雨过程中西太平洋副高短期位置变异的异同及其可能成因进行了分析。结果表明: 华南和江淮大范围持续性暴雨期间, 西太平洋副高位置均比同期气候平均值异常偏南偏西, 且强度偏强。华南暴雨期间, 副高西北侧华南地区以及西侧孟加拉湾地区存在异常强烈的视热源和视水汽汇; 江淮暴雨期间, 副高北侧江淮流域及西侧孟加拉湾地区也存在异常强烈的视热源和视水汽汇。运用全型垂直涡度倾向方程理论, 研究非绝热加热对西太平洋副高短期位置变异的影响, 结果表明: 副高位置的短期变异与非绝热加热场及其配置有密切联系。华南暴雨期间, 副高西北侧边缘的华南地区加热场可在短期内迫使副高东撤南退; 江淮暴雨期间, 副高北侧江淮流域加热场的存在不利于副高北进, 而西侧较远处孟加拉湾热源会诱导副高西伸, 两者的共同作用导致副高在江淮以南维持, 且会明显西伸。  相似文献   
Formal change is made of the correlation coefficient(COCOEF)expression,leading to a new formula consisting ofFourier spectral coefficients that indicates a direct connection between the new form and atmospheric dynamicequations,thus resulting in a dynamic equation represented by COCOEF,which is meaningful in exploring a large-scaledynamic process in terms of the correlation field because the connection revealed by the field can have dynamic explana-tion with the aid of the new formula.  相似文献   
闭合气压系统环流指数的定义及计算   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
定义了球面上单个气压系统的面积S、强度P、中心位置(λc,φc)3种环流指数;结合NCEP/NCAR月平均气压(位势高度)场资料,给出了它们的计算方法.实际计算了历年逐月500 hPa北半球极涡的上述环流指数,求得它们的逐月多年平均(气候)值.初步分析表明,它们能简洁定量地描述北半球极涡的季节变化和年际异常特征.S、P、(λc,φc)的定义和算法,也适用于极涡以外的其他闭合气压系统或球面上其他要素场中的闭合系统.  相似文献   
Analysis is done of the distribution of odd and even symmetric components of circulations on a global basis in termsof observations and technique for the odd/even symmetry,indicating that climatic features of the component patternsand their temporal evolution are able to reveal their influence of land-sea discrepancy in the Northern and SouthernHemispheres,the time scale of atmospheric response to radiation heating,circulation waveform structure and seasonaladjustment of global circulation.  相似文献   
The relationships of variations of sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) in the South Pacific with ENSO and Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode (SAM) are examined in the present article by employing the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis from 1951 to 2006. Two principal modes of South Pacific SSTA are obtained using the EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) analysis for austral winter (June, July and August). Our results suggest that EOF1 is closely related with ENSO and EOF2 links to SAM. The EOF1 varies largely on an interannual and EOF2 on a decadal scale. The time series of coefficients of EOF1 is highly correlated simultaneously with Nino3 index. However, the time series of coefficients of EOF2 is significantly correlated with the March-April-May mean SAM index. Both the EOF1 and EOF2 are found in significant correlation to summer precipitation over China. With higher-than-normal SSTs in the eastern South Pacific and simultaneously lower SSTs in the western South Pacific in June-July-August, the summertime rainfall is found to be less than normal in northern China. As displayed in EOF2 of SSTA, in years with lower-than-normal SSTs in mid-latitude southern and equatorial eastern Pacific and higher-than-normal SSTs in the equatorial middle Pacific in March-April-May, the summer precipitation in August tends to be more than normal in regions south of Yangtze River.  相似文献   
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、Hadley中心海温资料及CMAP降水资料等,通过亚澳季风联合指数挑选异常年份,对东亚夏季风和澳洲冬季风强度反相变化特征进行研究。结果表明,当东亚夏季风偏强、澳洲冬季风偏弱时,南北半球中低纬地区都出现了复杂的异常环流系统。在热带地区对流层低层,西北太平洋为异常反气旋式环流系统所控制,与南太平洋赤道辐合带的异常反气旋环流在赤道地区发生耦合,形成赤道异常东风,而在南北印度洋上则存在两个异常气旋式环流系统。在这两对异常环流之间的海洋性大陆地区,出现赤道以南为反气旋环流而赤道以北为气旋式环流。在东亚季风区,东南沿海的东侧海洋上存在反气旋异常,中国东南地区受异常反气旋西南侧的东南风影响。此外,澳洲北部受异常西风影响。这就形成了东亚夏季风偏强、澳洲冬季风偏弱的情形,从而东亚夏季风和澳洲冬季风活动出现了强弱互补的变化特征。当东亚夏季风偏弱、澳洲冬季风偏强时,南北半球的环流特征则出现与上述相反的环流特征。总体而言,当东亚夏季风偏强、澳洲冬季风偏弱时,东亚—澳洲季风区在南北半球呈现出不同的气候异常分布特征,即北半球降水北少南多、气温北高南低,南半球降水西多东少、气温西高东低。  相似文献   
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