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南海季风性海流的建立与调整   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
通过一个高分辨(1/6度×1/6度)南海环流模式, 在旋转加快(spin-up)过程中分析了南海上层海洋季风驱动下海盆尺度环流特征建立的方式与内在机制, 分析了南海自静止态至海盆尺度环流特征初步形成的过程, 揭示了此过程中边界截获Kelvin波和西传斜压Rossby波的重要作用, 由此估算了南海上层海洋季风性海流调整的特征时间尺度.  相似文献   
南海上层海洋热结构的年循环与半年循环   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
根据南海季风试验(SCSMEX)期间南海内区的三个ATLAS(Autonomous Temperature Line Acquisition System)锚碇浮标资料(1998年4月~1999年4月),采用谐波分析方法对南海上层海洋水温年循环、半年循环加以分离,发现无论在年循环还是在半年循环尺度上,18°N附近SCS1站与13°N附近SCS3站的水温变化次表层与表层呈反位相;15°20′N附近SCS2站水温变化基本上次表层与表层同位相.这说明不同区域上层海洋热变化受不同的正压与斜压模态控制.其次,SCS2、SCS3两点水温年循环振幅均在次表层达到极值;而SCS1在表层达到极大值,在100 m深度达到次极大值.3个站位水温半年循环振幅极值均出现在次表层内,这说明该层内的水温半年循环在温度变化趋势中所占的权重比在表层的权重大.  相似文献   
The oscillation characteristics of 1948 - 2003 South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon intensity (SCSSMI) is analyzed by wavelet transform and the relationship between SCSSMI filtered by Lanczos filter at different time scale and oceanic thermal conditions is studied. The results show that SCSSMI exhibits dominant interannual (about 4 a), decadal (about 9 a) and interdecadal (about 38 a) oscillation periods. The interannual variation is the strongest and the interdecadal variation the weakest. The region of significant correlation between SCS summer monsoon intensity and oceanic thermodynamic variables at different time scale is greatly different. Significant correlation area of interannual variation of SCSSMI is concentrated in near equatorial region. Corresponding correlation displays quasi-biannual variability. If positive anomalies of SST and the depth of thermocline happen in eastern equatorial Indian Ocean and western equatorial Pacific, and negative anomalies of SST and the depth of thermocline happen in western equatorial Indian Ocean and eastern equatorial Pacific in previous autumn and winter, the interannual variation of SCSSMI will enhance. If the condition is contrary, interannual variation of SCSSMI will weaken. The interannual variation of SCSSMI will influence SST. The region surrounding SCS and east of Australia shows significantly negative correlation in autumn, and significantly positive correlation exhibits in west equatorial Indian Ocean, eastern equatorial Pacific and equatorial Atlantic in winter. The decadal variation of SCSSMI is modulated by PDO. Interdecadal variation of SCSSMI is relevant to the global warming and PDO.  相似文献   
海洋对全球变暖的响应及南海观测证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了世界各大洋和若干区域海洋的海平面、热含量、温盐结构及珊瑚变化等方面的主要成果,并对中国南海温盐结构的长期变化趋势进行了初步分析。结果表明,对全球增暖的响应,南海中层水盐度的长期变化表现出一定的淡化趋势。  相似文献   
利用1979—2016年ERA-Interim有效波高(SWH)和海表风场数据,分析了南海-北印度洋极端海浪场分布和变化.结果表明:南海-北印度洋极端SWH分布和极端风速分布形态以及年际变化趋势高度一致,说明了涌浪为主的北印度洋和风浪为主的南海一样,极端SWH都由局地的极端风速控制;强极端SWH主要分布在阿拉伯海以及南海北部,阿拉伯海北部增长与该区域气旋强度增强有着密切关系,而南海的极端SWH主要受东北季风控制;东非沿岸极端SWH线性增长趋势则与索马里急流的年代际尺度上有逐渐增强的线性趋势有关.北印度洋及南海海域极端SWH距平场的EOF分析结果表明,南海极端SWH与北印度洋表现出反相变化的特征.北印度洋(南海海域)极端SWH多出现在西南季风(东北季风)期间,因为在西南季风(东北季风)期间,极端风速也相对增强.  相似文献   
TRMM卫星降雨雷达观测的南海降雨空间结构和季节变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用热带降雨计划卫星(TRMM)获得的雷达降雨资料,对南海及其周边区域(简称南海地区)降雨的空间分布和季节特征进行了研究。结果表明:南海地区的降雨在空间上分布很不均匀,同时具有显著的季节变化。除了副高活动、季风潮、冬季冷涌和热带低压活动等天气过程,南海周边广泛分布的山地地形对该地区的降雨分布也产生强烈影响,降雨呈现南部高于北部、东部高于西部的分布特征?与CAMP和台站资料相比,PR观测具有更丰富的空间结构,能够更好地体现降雨随时间和空间变化的特征、反映高大的山地地形对降雨分布的影响。  相似文献   
The margin of the Greenland ice sheet has undergone rapid changes over the past decade as a result of the thinning, acceleration, and retreat of many fast-flowing tidewater outlet glaciers. Satellite observations show that three major tidewater outlet glaciers in Greenland retreated between 2000 and 2005, with synchronous increases in flow speed, causing a deficit in ice sheet mass budget and the potential for sea level rise. In this study, we investigated whether this acceleration was related to surface melt processes, and found that both flow speed and positive degree day (PDD) anomalies of the three glaciers varied together, indicating a causal relationship. Jakobshavn Isbræ had lower flow speeds before 2000, during which PDD anomalies were negative, except for modest warming in 1993 and 1995. From 1999–2000, during which it is thought a threshold was passed, the flow speed of the glacier started to increase. However, the two glaciers in east Greenland showed a delayed response. Abrupt warming occurred in the vicinity of the two glaciers around 2001, but flow speed did not increase until 2003 for the Helheim Glacier, and until 2004 for the Kangerdlugssuaq Glacier. Furthermore, the two eastern glaciers switched to a deceleration mode more quickly than Jakobshavn Isbræ. The observed differences in both acceleration and deceleration among the glaciers suggest that the relationship between surface melt and outlet glacier dynamics is not simple but complex.  相似文献   
We deployed two ADCP mooring systems west of the Luzon Strait in August 2008, and measured the upper ocean currents at high frequency. Two typhoons passed over the moorings during approximately one-month observation period. Using ADCP observations, satellite wind and heat flux measurements, and high-resolution model assimilation products, we studied the response of the upper ocean to typhoons. The first typhoon, Nuri, passed over one of the moorings, resulting in strong Ekman divergence and significant surface cooling. The cooling of surface water lagged the typhoon wind forcing about one day and lasted about five days. The second typhoon, Sinlaku, moved northward east of the Luzon Strait, and did not directly impact currents near the observation regions. Sinlaku increased anomalous surface water transport exchange across the Luzon Strait, which modulated the surface layer current of the Kuroshio.  相似文献   
Automated identification and tracking of mesoscale ocean eddies has recently become one research hotspot in physical oceanography. Several methods have been developed and applied to survey the general kinetic and geometric characteristics of the ocean eddies in the South China Sea(SCS). However, very few studies attempt to examine eddies' internal evolution processes. In this study, we reported a hybrid method to trace eddies' propagation in the SCS based on their internal structures, which are characterized by eddy centers, footprint borders, and composite borders. Eddy identification and tracking results were represented by a GIS-based spatiotemporal model. Information on instant states, dynamic evolution processes, and events of disappearance, reappearance, split, and mergence is stored in a GIS database. Results were validated by comparing against the ten Dongsha Cyclonic Eddies(DCEs) and the three long-lived anticyclonic eddies(ACEs) in the northern SCS, which were reported in previous literature. Our study confirmed the development of these eddies. Furthermore, we found more DCE-like and ACE-like eddies in these areas from 2005 to 2012 in our database. Spatial distribution analysis of disappearing, reappearing, splitting, and merging activities shows that eddies in the SCS tend to cluster to the northwest of Luzon Island, southwest of Luzon Strait, and around the marginal sea of Vietnam. Kuroshio intrusions and the complex sea floor topography in these areas are the possible factors that lead to these spatial clusters.  相似文献   
大洋环流的通风温跃层研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了大洋环流理论中通风温跃层研究的主要进展。给出了温跃层研究的发展过程、有关通风温跃层的基本概念、通风温跃层内环流的基本特征以及环流通风的计算结果。突出强调了在给出大洋的表面边界条件的情况下,如风应力旋度、背景层化、混合层深度、混合层密度分布以及侧边界条件,如何由通风温跃层理论得到大洋在三维尺度上水体运动的特征。  相似文献   
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