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Combined data of physical property, benthic foraminifera, and stable isotopes from ODP Sites 1148, 1146, and 1143 are used to discuss deep water evolution in the South China Sea (SCS) since the Early Miocene. The results indicate that 3 lithostratigraphic units, respectively corresponding to 21-17 Ma, 15-10 Ma, and 10-5 Ma with positive red parameter (a*) marking the red brown sediment color represent 3 periods of deep water ventilation. The first 2 periods show a closer link to contemporary production of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and Northern Component Water (NCW), indicating a free connection of deep waters between the SCS and the open ocean before 10 Ma. After 10 Ma, red parameter dropped but stayed higher than the modern value (a*=0), the CaCO3 percentage difference between Site 1148 from a lower deepwater setting and Site 1146 from an upper deepwater setting enlarged significantly, and benthic species which prefer oxygen-rich bottom conditions dramatically decreased. Coupled with a major negative excursion of benthic δ13C at ~10 Ma, these parameters may denote a weakening in the control of the SCS deep water by the open ocean. Probably they mark the birth of a local deep water due to shallow waterways or rise of sill depths during the course of sea basin closing from south to east by the west-moving Philippine Arc after the end of SCS seafloor spreading at 16-15 Ma. However, it took another 5 Ma before the dissolved oxygen approached close to the modern level. Although the oxygen level continued to stabilize, several Pacific Bottom Water (PBW) and Pacific Deep Water (PDW) marker species rapidly increased since ~6 Ma, followed by a dramatic escalation in planktonic fragmentation which indicates high dissolution especially after ~5 Ma. The period of 5-3 Ma saw the strongest stratified deepwater in the then SCS, as indicated by up to 40% CaCO3 difference between Sites 1148 and 1146. Apart from a strengthening PDW as a result of global cooling and ice cap buildup on northern high latitudes, a deepening sea basin due to stronger subduction eastward may also have triggered the influx of more corrosive waters from the deep western Pacific. Since 3 Ma, the evolution of the SCS deep water entered a modern phase, as characterized by relative stable 10% CaCO3 difference between the two sites and increase in infaunal benthic species which prefer a low oxygenated environment. Thesubsequent reduction of PBW and PDW marker species at about 1.2 Ma and 0.9 Ma and another significant negative excursion of benthic δ13C to a Neogene minimum at ~0.9 Ma together convey a clear message that the PBW largely disappeared and the PDW considerably weakened in the Mid-Pleistocene SCS. Therefore, the true modern mode SCS deep water started to form only during the "Mid-Pleistocene climatic transition" probably due to the rise of sill depths under the Bashi Strait.  相似文献   
安徽长江流域二叠系分布广泛,发育完整,地表出露良好,含有多门类古生物化石,历来是研究我国华南二叠系的重要地区之一。前人曾对其做过大量的工作,取得了不少地质成果。但是,对于早二叠世孤峰组硅质岩之上、晚二叠世龙潭组下部长石石英砂岩段之下,一套以页岩为主的地层——即所谓“不含煤段”或“A煤组”(以下简称砂页岩段),由于缺少生物地层资料,造成划分上的不统一、时代归属问题上的意见分岐。另外,在与繁昌、宿松等地孤峰组之上所谓“茅口灰岩”(胡海涛1951)或“新林段”(何炎等1964)  相似文献   
垫层对CFG桩复合地基影响的分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对CFG桩复合地基垫层进行分析 ,探讨了垫层厚度和模量对桩土应力比、桩侧摩阻力、沉降变形、承载力的影响 ,并得出一些规律  相似文献   
为了探究潮上带盐沼系统地层盐分分布规律及其形成机制,本研究以江苏盐城近岸盐沼湿地为例,采用电阻率测量和土壤样品分析的方法,得出土壤孔隙水盐度空间分布,并分析其与生态地貌类型的关系。结果表明,盐沼平台10 m深度以下地下水盐分较高且空间分布均匀,5 m深度以上浅层孔隙水存在显著淡化,其程度与条带状生态地貌特征相关;近潮沟区域浅层土壤孔隙水盐度接近海水,而螃蟹孔洞和互花米草区域下方地层均存在低盐区,且前者规模更大;短期潮汐过程仅影响近潮沟区域的局部地层盐分,螃蟹孔洞明显促进了降水的下渗和脱盐作用,并有助于地表蒸发和盐分集结,增大了浅层土壤水盐度的垂向差异,而植被生长引起的根系优势流和蒸发抑制作用,有效降低了表层土壤的盐度水平。  相似文献   
作为一种新兴的旅游形式,地质旅游因以地质考察与旅游活动的有机结合而达到追求返璞归真与休闲猎奇的目的。本文重点介绍了西昌锦屏地区的几处自然景点和地质旅游路线。该地区的自然、地质景观极具开发潜力。  相似文献   
青藏高原南部1:25万区域地质调查取得的丰硕成果,为进一步系统和深入地认识青藏高原地质作用过程奠定了坚实的基础.区域主要结合带和断裂带时空分布的查证取得重大进展,为进一步建立区域构造格架提供了基础资料;前寒武纪变质岩系中高压麻粒岩的发现和大量同位素年代学数据的获得,为探讨藏南基底的形成机制、折返过程提供了新资料;一些地层及大量古生物化石的发现和确定,为区域地层系统的建立、划分与对比提供了重要依据;一些岩浆岩岩石类型的发现及大量同位素年代学数据的获得,为建立区域岩浆岩的时空格架和演化过程提供了新资料;重要不整合接触关系和沉积相的确定,为区域构造-岩相古地理恢复和沉积盆地分析提供了基础资料;第四纪地质及新构造区调成果,为青藏高原隆升、环境演变和古大湖研究提供了丰富的基础资料;人文古迹、生态环境、旅游地质等方面取得众多进展,为青藏高原的生态环境、古人类文化研究和地方经济的发展提供了基础资料;矿产资源调查取得众多新发现,为开展重要成矿区(带)的矿产资源调查评价提供了基础信息和导向作用.  相似文献   
冀北是我国重要的金矿成矿区,冀北金矿有不同的类型,但大多与中生代中酸性侵入岩有关。本文的研究表明,冀北与金矿有关的中酸性侵入岩大体可划分为两类:一类为高Sr低Y型岩体,具有埃达克质岩的地球化学特征。推测可能是加厚的下地壳部分熔融形成的,其残留相为榴辉岩或角闪榴辉岩;另一类为低Sr低Y型岩体,以较低的Sr、Al和具明显的负铕异常而区别于埃达克质岩,又因其低Y和HREE而类似于埃达克质岩,推测源岩残留相中有斜长石存在,相当于高压麻粒岩相的环境,可能也形成于加厚下地壳底部。冀北金矿的S、Ph、H、O和C同位素大多显示深源的特点,且在时空分布上与上述两类中酸性侵入岩存在密切的关系,表明冀北金矿床的成矿物质和流体可能是幔源的,与中生代高Sr低Y和低Sr低Y型岩浆的成因有关。这一认识对于理解冀北金矿的成因和找矿可能是有益的。  相似文献   
刘峰  颜庭成 《江苏地质》2011,35(4):418-423
针对传统护坡工程方法在河道边坡工程生态环境保护和修复方面的缺陷,提出了新型现浇透水性生态混凝土护坡技法,优化设计了该技法组成材料,并对生态混凝土的耐久性、植生能力和净水性能进行了综合分析。通过该技法在泰州周山河河道边坡生态治理工程中的实际应用,认为所提出的现浇透水性生态混凝土护坡技法不仅能充分保证护坡工程的安全性,还可维持和改善周边生态环境与生态系统。  相似文献   
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