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基于CFS预报产品的广东省季节降水统计降尺度预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)开发的气候预报系统(CFS)预报数据资料有1981—2008年共28年历史预报数据,有实时的预报产品(含有未来9个月的预报值)。与NCEP资料相比,CFS能较好模拟季风环流的季节变化,能超前几个月模拟出ENSO发展和衰减时期的海温异常发展,可以用于广东季节降水预测。采用CFS预报产品开发基于最优子集回归和多元均生函数的广东季节降水的两种统计降尺度预报方法。经过分析检验,分别选取海平面气压场、风场和位势高度场显著影响区域作为同期预报因子,从多年(2001—2008年)的历史回报检验来看,虽然两种预测模型对于个别季节存在年内预报效果不稳定性,但综合而言,大部分季节降水的气候预测评分总体平均在64分以上。2009/2010年的实时预报检验表明,两种预测模型均达到较好的预测水平,降水预测结果与实况较接近。与基于NCEP观测资料的传统统计方法比较,CFS预报产品具有实时性、更新快等优点。基于CFS预报产品的降尺度统计方法可以超前三个季预报广东降水,丰富了传统统计方法,但预报的稳定性还需进一步改进。   相似文献   
The impact of sea surface temperature (SST) on winter haze in Guangdong province (WHDGD) was analyzed on the interannual scale. It was pointed out that the northern Indian Ocean and the northwest Pacific SST play a leading role in the variation of WHDGD. Cold (warm) SST anomalies over the northern Indian Ocean and the Northwest Pacific stimulate the eastward propagation of cold (warm) Kelvin waves through the Gill forced response, causing Ekman convergence (divergence) in the western Pacific, inducing abnormal cyclonic (anticyclonic) circulation. It excites the positive (negative) Western Pacific teleconnection pattern (WP), which results in the temperature and the precipitation decrease (increase) in Guangdong and forms the meteorological variables conditions that are conducive (not conducive) to the formation of haze. ENSO has an asymmetric influence on WHDGD. In El Ni?o (La Ni?a) winters, there are strong (weak) coordinated variations between the northern Indian Ocean, the northwest Pacific, and the eastern Pacific, which stimulate the negative (positive) phase of WP teleconnection. In El Ni?o winters, the enhanced moisture is attributed to the joint effects of the horizontal advection from the surrounding ocean, vertical advection from the moisture convergence, and the increased atmospheric apparent moisture sink (Q2) from soil evaporation. The weakening of the atmospheric apparent heat source (Q1) in the upper layer is not conducive to the formation of inversion stratification. In contrast, in La Ni?a winters, the reduced moisture is attributed to the reduced upward water vapor transport and Q2 loss. Due to the Q1 increase in the upper layer, the temperature inversion forms and suppresses the diffusion of haze.  相似文献   
利用1979—2007年夏半年(5—10月)逐日平均向外长波辐射资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,应用有限区域波数-频率谱和滞后线性回归方法,研究亚洲-西太平洋(AWP)区域夏半年对流季节内振荡(ISO)的传播特征以及热带天气尺度波动与ISO的联系。结果表明:(1)夏半年AWP区域的对流ISO存在东西传播特征,具有区域性和季节性。在整个AWP区域,以沿赤道东传且周期约30~60 d的扰动为主,而在西太平洋地区则以在10~20°N西传且周期约20~40 d的扰动为主;在初夏ISO以沿赤道东传为主,晚夏ISO向西传播加强,主要活动区域也向北转移,西传波在晚夏西北太平洋区域活动最强;(2)ISO强对流伴随低层西风异常和气旋性环流异常首先生成在印度洋区域,之后沿赤道东传到西太平洋日界线附近,当对流传播到西太平洋时具有西北传播的特征;(3)ISO与热带天气尺度波动关系密切。两种不同时间尺度的对流在西北太平洋同时加强,ISO促进了热带气旋(TC)的群发,而TC群发对流也成为ISO对流在西太平洋西北向传播中的一部分。  相似文献   
南海夏季风对流季节内振荡的频谱变化特征   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:11  
利用1980~1997年TBB资料和海表温度(SST)资料,诊断分析了南海对流季节内变化频谱及强度的变化特征,并探讨对流季节内振荡强度与对流本身强度以及南海SST之间的关系。结果表明,南海对流季节内变化强度及频谱存在明显的年内变化、年际变化和年代际变化特征;南海地区夏半年对流及其ISO1强度与后期冬季南海SST有一定的关系,当夏半年对流较强(弱),ISO1较强(弱)时,则后期冬季南海SST偏低(高)。  相似文献   
东亚夏季风强度的变化与中国雨带和旱涝分布密切相关。为了做好东亚夏季风强度的短期气候预测,采用小波分析、Lanczos滤波器、交叉检验等方法,研究了东亚夏季风强度的多尺度变化特征,在年际与年代际尺度上分别寻找了它在前冬海温场、200 hPa纬向风场上的前兆信号,并利用最优子集回归建立了东亚夏季风强度的多尺度统计物理预测模型。结果表明:东亚夏季风强度存在准4年、准13年和准43年的周期振荡。年际尺度上,前冬赤道东太平洋(10°N~10°S,160°W~80°W)海温与东亚夏季风强度有最强的显著负相关,且它与东亚夏季风强度在200 hPa纬向风场上的前兆信号有较强的负相关;年代际尺度上,南半球60°S与35°S附近200 hPa纬向风之差与东亚夏季风强度有最强的显著正相关,且它与东亚夏季风强度在热带印度洋、低纬度东南太平洋、低纬度南大西洋的海温及亚洲副热带200 hPa纬向风等前兆信号有强的正相关。通过探讨这两个前兆因子对东亚夏季风强度的预测意义,揭示了他们影响东亚夏季风强度年际和年代际变化的可能物理过程。所建立的东亚夏季风强度多尺度最优子集回归预测模型,不仅对东亚夏季风强度的年际变化具有较好的预测能力,而且对异常极值年份也具有一定的预测能力。  相似文献   
GMS5多通道数据与TRMM资料估测华南地区热带气旋降水   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6  
分区域建立了2000年华南及其附近海域热带气旋的TRMM降水资料和GMS5多通道数据的对应关系,分析了不同区域对应关系的异同,并根据该对应关系反演了2001年7月尤特台风登陆过程降水率和降水概率,与广东自记资料和TRMM资料有很好相关性.  相似文献   
The Climate Forecast Systems (CFS) datasets provided by National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), which cover the time from 1981 to 2008, can be used to forecast atmospheric circulation nine months ahead. Compared with the NCEP datasets, CFS datasets successfully simulate many major features of the Asian monsoon circulation systems and exhibit reasonably high skill in simulating and predicting ENSO events. Based on the CFS forecasting results, a downscaling method of Optimal Subset Regression (OSR) and mean generational function model of multiple variables are used to forecast seasonal precipitation in Guangdong. After statistical analysis tests, sea level pressure, wind and geopotential height field are made predictors. Although the results are unstable in some individual seasons, both the OSR and multivariate mean generational function model can provide good forecasting as operational tests score more than sixty points. CFS datasets are available and updated in real time, as compared with the NCEP dataset. The downscaling forecast method based on the CFS datasets can predict three seasons of seasonal precipitation in Guangdong, enriching traditional statistical methods. However, its forecasting stability needs to be improved.  相似文献   
Using the daily average outgoing longwave radiation and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data in boreal summer (Mays to Octobers) from 1979 to 2007, the propagating characteristics of convection intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) in the Asian-western Pacific (AWP) region and the relationship between tropical synoptic waves and ISOs are examined by means of finite-domain wavenumber-frequency energy spectrum analysis and lagged linear regression technique. The results are shown as follows. (1) The AWP ISOs propagate both eastward and westward, showing seasonality and regionality. The ISOs propagate eastward with a period of 30 to 60 days over equatorial regions in the whole AWP region, while the westward propagation occurs over 10 to 20? N western Pacific or in the late summers (August, September and October) with periods of 20 to 40 days. The ISOs eastward propagation mainly occurs in primary summers while the westward propagation enhances in late summers. (2) Deep ISO convections associate with westerly and cyclonic circulation anomalies that first form in the Indian Ocean, propagate eastward to the dateline in the Pacific and then turn northwestward. The ISOs convections show northwestward propagating characteristics in the western North Pacific. (3) The ISOs link with the tropical synoptic waves closely. Both convection signals, though with different spatio-temporal scale, enhance simutaneously in the northwestern Pacific, and the ISOs facilitate the forming of a cluster of tropical cyclones (TCs), while a cluster of TCs convection becomes one portion of the northwestward ISOs.  相似文献   
近40多年广东省的寒潮活动   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
利用广东省11个代表站1951-1994年每日气温(包括日平均和日最低气温)资料,分析了广东省近44年来寒潮活动的气候特征。首先,根据广东省气象局规定的寒潮标准,寻找出每个站所有的寒潮过程,在引基础上分析了广东寒潮的地区分布特征。其次,只要11个代表站中1站或1站以上出现寒潮就认为是一次寒潮过程。在此条件下的统计表明,广东省在44年中一共出现了103次寒潮过程,影响时间从10月底至3月中旬,其中以  相似文献   
利用1979-2007年卫星观测日平均OLR资料以及NCEP/DOE第2套再分析资料中的风场资料,采用有限区域波一频分析、合成分析等方法,分析对比对流层高、低层风场与对流场所表征的热带北半球夏季季节内振荡(BSISO)各种传播模态谱分布气候特征及其年际异常。结果表明:各要素反映的BSISO各种模态的气候特征及其年际变化存在一定差异,总体而言对流层低层风(850hPa纬向风或经向风)与对流比较一致。850hPa经向风(纬向风)所反映的纬向(经向)传播BSISO谱分布气候特征与对流情况最相似。在ENSO发展年,850hPa经向风反映的赤道东传波加强趋势与对流较为一致;850hPa纬向风、经向风反映的北传波变化趋势都与对流相似。在ENSO衰减年,850hPa纬向风(经向风)反映的赤道东传波(赤道外西传波)减弱趋势与对流较为一致;对流以及850hPa经向风、200hPa纬向风和200hPa经向风4种要素都能体现南海及周边地区北传波明显减弱这一特征。对流和850hPa纬向风所反映的北传波与印度洋偶极子模态之间关系一致。  相似文献   
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