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钱迈平  张宗言  姜杨 《江苏地质》2012,36(4):337-348
浙江白垩系中戴组和赖家组地层先后发现镰刀龙超科(Therizinosauridae)恐龙骨骼化石,证明镰刀龙类恐龙生活区域不仅遍及蒙古、哈萨克斯坦、中国华北、东北、华南及北美西部等地,而且也包括中国的华东。这类曾长期令人困惑的奇异动物,随着近一个世纪的化石材料积累和研究,逐渐显现出它们的演化过程,即由食肉性恐龙演化成以素食为主,也许还兼肉食的杂食性恐龙。随着食物来源的扩展,镰刀龙类成为白垩纪分布很广、对环境适应性很强、演化十分成功的恐龙。浙江天台盆地发现的始丰天台龙(Tiantaisaurus sifengensis)脊椎骨骼化石上的气囊构造(pneumaticity),说明其虽体态硕大,但骨骼结构并不很笨重,而是与现代鸟类骨骼很接近。尽管还不能确定恐龙的气囊能像鸟类的那样可作为呼吸系统的重要部分,但其减轻体重、提高行动灵活性的作用是毋庸置疑的,并再一次证实了恐龙与鸟类在演化上关系密切。  相似文献   
梁玉辉  陈建国  肖凡 《江苏地质》2013,37(3):465-470
针对地质数据的特点以及GIS技术在数据处理、空间分析与表达、地质统计等方面的优势,提出将GIS技术与成矿预测模型进行集成,综合利用空间数据和属性数据(地质数据、物探数据、化探数据、遥感数据等),基于ArcGIS Engine和.NET平台,采用C/S和B/S双模式结构,设计并初步实现了成矿预测系统。利用该系统,可以对研究区潜在矿产进行预测,并划分成矿远景区,为下一步找矿指明方向。  相似文献   
The formation of the Mufushan granopegmatite was closely related to the Late Yenshanian multiphase and multistage magmatic activities,More than one generation of beryl and aquamarine occur in different types of pegmatite in the granites.The presence of melt and melt-fluid inclusions strongly indicates a melt-solution character of the pegmatitic magma.Forming temperatures of the different generations of beryl in a Na^ -K^ ,Ca^2 -CO3^2--Cl^--SO4^2- solution ranges from 990℃to 200℃.Aquamarine was formed at 720-180℃.The contents of alkali metals(Na^ K^ )in th ore-formming solution of aquamarine are lower than those in the beryl,but the contents of alkali earths(Ca) and salinity are higher,The granite was generated by remelting of the basement formation(meta-sedimentary rocks of the Lengjiaxi Group)which also served as the source of ore-forming material.Beryllium in the pegmatite was transported mainly in the form of Na[Be(CO3)2],with part of it being complexed with Cl^- and SO4^2-.During the generation and evolution of the pegmatite,equilibrium might have been reached in the solid-melt-fluid or solid-fluid system.The intergranular solutions may have reacted with the early crystallized minerals,resulting in potash-feldsparization,albitization and muscovitization during which the ore-forming elements were mobilized and transported in favour of ore deposition.  相似文献   
Collected by means of a high-altitude scientific balloon and a self-made automatic sample collector,a total of 276 dust grains were selected for the study of shape,grain size and optical property.Some of the grains were examined by X-ray diffraction and electrom microprobe techniques,The stratospheric dust grains can be classified as 6 types:cosmic dusts,cosmic dusts(?),microtektite,natural pollutants,artificial pollutants and the unknown substances.The different types of dust grains have different characters and distinguishing symbols.Widespread in the space of the solar system,cosmic dusts are the initial substances of the solar system and ,to some degree,have recorded a great wealth of information on the early history of the solar system.So they have become one of the important objects in the field of cosmochemistry at present time,Since the 1960‘s,scholars of many countries have collected cosmic dusts both in the space near the earth(using rock ets,space probes and space shuttles)and in the stratosphere (using high-altitude balloons or U-2air planes).According to the shape(the scanning electron microimage),element composition(the energy-dispersive X-ray spectrum)and optical properties of dust grains,the substances in the stratosphere can be classified as 5 types:cosmic dusts,alumina spheroids,terrestrial artificial pollutants,terrestrial natural pollutants and unknown substances(CDPET,1982).  相似文献   
通过对庆元古银坑硐群遗迹的详细调查,查明了该硐群特征。遗迹区共有古矿硐群7处,其中4个规模较大的矿硐长度均在百米以上,最大矿硐共分3层进行开采,垂直落差百米以上。遗迹区内各种规格探采硐保存完整,探矿遗迹数量多,矿业遗迹类型丰富。通过对该遗迹区的价值评价,该矿硐群遗迹可达到国家级矿业遗迹标准。  相似文献   
王宏  商志文  李建芬 《地质通报》2010,29(5):627-640
以渤海湾泥质海岸带为例,从形态和地层证据2个方面总结了全新世岸线变化与海洋作用对该地区海岸带发育的影响。中全新世以来千年级别的岸线变迁至少以6次停顿(形成贝壳堤和泥质岭地)和岸进的交替为特征。过去130年间10年级别的岸线变化分为4个阶段,显示了"小冰期"结束后随气温上升而发生的岸线自然蚀退是如何逐渐被人类活动(特别是2000年以来的围海造陆)所取代的。全新世海相沉积中发现的9个峰值期和晚全新世的7次风暴驱动事件,表明了研究区泥质海岸带增强的海洋影响。这些结果提供了一条经由地质背景认识现代泥质海岸带过程的途径。  相似文献   
The Au-SiO2 and Sn-SiO2 complexes have been experimentally calibrated at varying temperature,silica comcentration and pH: Au^ H2SiO4^-=AuH3SiO4 lgK=-1.65436 9611.21/T; Sn^4 4H3SiO4^-=Sn(H3SiO4)4 lgK200℃=42.73 Compared with Au-Cl,Au-HS and Sn-OH complexes,AuH3SiO4 and Sn(H3SiO4)4complexes can be recognized as the dominant transport forms in Si-bearing solurtions under pH and Eh conditions of general interest.The decrease of SiO2 concentration and oxygen fugacity would reverse the direction of dissolution-complexing reactions,resulting in the precipitation of gold and silica,as well as cassiterite and silica.This study illustrates the significance of SiO2-complexation in hydrothermal solutions for gold,tin and other metallizations.  相似文献   
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