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SST年循环对El Niño事件局地海气过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Hadley中心逐月海表温度、欧洲中心ERA-40的10 m风场及CMAP降水资料探讨了年循环对热带太平洋El Niño海气相互作用过程的影响。尽管El Niño对应的海表温度异常主要出现在赤道东太平洋,经向上呈南北对称分布,然而其对应的大气响应在El Niño年衰减阶段却有着强的向南移动特征。在El Niño发展年的11月之前,强的西风和降水异常主要出现在赤道中太平洋;在12月份之后,赤道上的西风和降水异常迅速南移至5°S,随后西风一直维持在该位置直至衰亡。同时,西太平洋负降水和反气旋异常向北移动。这种SST异常与其大气响应的经向移动不一致,主要是由热带中太平洋气候态SST的季节性南移导致的。由于对流与海温之间存在非线性关系,即当总SST超过一定的阈值,对流降水才会迅速增强;因此相应的对流响应也随着总海温的南移而南移,风场响应也同时南移。此外,南半球增强的对流会通过经向环流进一步抑制北半球的降水,从而使西太平洋负降水和反气旋异常增强并北移。通过分析有/无年循环的两组数值试验结果验证了上述结论,即有年循环的试验较真实地模拟出了观测中异常西风南移和西北太平洋反气旋异常的出现;无年循环试验尽管能模拟出El Niño年赤道中太平洋的西风异常,但其却没有南北向的移动,西北太平洋的反气旋也没有出现。因此,热带中太平洋气候态暖海温的季节循环对El Niño事件大气响应有着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   
北太平洋海温异常与东亚夏季风相互作用的年代际变化   总被引:44,自引:6,他引:44  
主要利用英国气象局提供的海温资料和NCAR/NCEP提供的40年高度场及风场资料分析了东亚夏季风与北太平洋SSTA的关系,指出两者之间相互作用存在着年代际变化特征,70年代中期以前,北太平海异常通过一大;圆波列作用于东亚夏季风,造成我国华北地区夏季降水偏多,76年以后,北太平洋海温异常使大圆波列减弱,与东亚夏季风关系淡漠,不再影响华北降水。由此指出:影响东亚天气气候的海温关键区,并不总固定在某一海  相似文献   
本文利用1950-2015年间Hadley环流中心海冰和海温资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,研究了热带太平洋海温异常对北极海冰的可能影响,并从大气环流和净表面热通量两个角度探讨了可能的物理机制。结果表明,在ENSO事件发展年的夏、秋季节,EP型与CP型El Niño事件与北极海冰异常的联系无明显信号。而La Niña事件期间北极海冰出现显著异常,并且EP型与CP型La Niña之间存在明显差异。EP型La Niña发生时,北极地区巴伦支海、喀拉海关键区海冰异常减少,CP型La Niña事件则对应着东西伯利亚海、楚科奇海地区海冰异常增加。在EP型La Niña发展年的夏、秋季节,热带太平洋海温异常通过遥相关波列,使得巴伦支海、喀拉海海平面气压为负异常并与中纬度气压正异常共同构成类似AO正位相的结构,形成的风场异常有利于北大西洋暖水的输入,同时造成暖平流,偏高的水汽含量进一步加强了净表面热通量收入,使得巴伦支海、喀拉海海冰异常减少。而在CP型La Niña发展年的夏季,东西伯利亚海、楚科奇海关键区受其东侧气旋式环流的影响,以异常北风分量占主导,将海冰从极点附近由北向南输送到关键区,海冰异常增加,而净表面热通量的作用较小。  相似文献   
By use of the May—September 1980—1986 ECMWF daily data of u,v,r and T at 850 hPa,a comparative analysisis performed of basic features of moisture transportation at seasonal mean,quasi-40-day,-biweekly,and-weeklyoscillations,indicating that the seasonal mean transfer plays a decisive role in the moisture flux over the Asian monsoonregion,displaying the integer of the monsoon systems there in character;that the transport related to these tropicalintraseasonal oscillations are of equal importance in the monsoon period except the difference in their behaviors,i.e.,thetransfer shows considerable relative independence in the South-and East-Asian systems;and that the transport at allthese intraseasonal oscillations is found to be feeble at equatorial latitudes with little or no influence on each other forboth hemispheres.  相似文献   
Primarily based on the 1979 FGGE data an analysis is made of the circuktion differences between the East-Asian and Indian summer monsoons together with their oscillation features and also the interplay between various monsoon systems originating from the fact that the Asian monsoon area is divided into the East-Asian and Indian regions, of which the former is demarcated into the Nanhai (the South China Sea) and the Mainland subregions.  相似文献   
Based on TBB data from Meteorological Institute Research of Japan, study is carried out of the features of seasonal transition of Asian-Australian monsoons and Asian summer monsoon establishment,indicating that the transition begins as early as in April, followed by abrupt change in May-June; the Asian summer monsoon situation is fully established in June. The winter convective center in Sumatra moved steadily northwestward across the "land bridge" of the maritime continent and the Indo-China Peninsula as time goes from winter to summer, thus giving rise to the change in large scale circulations that is responsible for the summer monsoon establishment over SE Asia and India; the South China Sea to the western Pacific summer monsoon onset bears a close relation to the active convection in the Indo China Peninsula and steady eastward retreat of the subtropical TBB high-value band,corresponding to the western Pacific subtropical high.  相似文献   
应用太平洋次表层海温距平资料构造了一个立体的西低东高的四级阶梯模型,使用EOF方法对此模型进行时空分解,并讨论与ENSO循环的关系。结果表明,EOF分解的前两个主分量方差贡献达到42.58%,其中第一主分量代表了暖池-厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)模态;第二主分量代表了次表层温度距平的东西运移模态。后者存在着突变和渐变两个过程,在赤道及其附近,由冷位相变暖位相为渐变过程,暖位相变冷位相是突变过程,在赤道外南北纬10°附近则反之,厄尔尼诺正是东西运移模态突变的结果。时滞相关分析估算,一次ENSO循环的平均周期约为41个月,即3.42a,厄尔尼诺、拉尼娜模态与温度距平的东西运移模态的位相差平均约为9.7个月。运用逐步回归法求得一个对nino3指数预报效果比较理想的预报方程,其中EOF分解的第一时间系数对nino3距平指数有重要的预报价值,第二时间系数对nino3距平指数预报意义虽然不如第一时间系数明显,但仍具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
The contrast between the eastern and central responses of zonal and vertical circulation in the Pacific (EP- and CP-) E1 Nino is observed in the different tropics. To measure the different responses of the atmo- spheric circulation to the two types of E1 Nino, an eastern and a central Pacific southern oscillation index (EP- and CP-SOI) are defined based on the air-sea coupled relationship between eddy sea level pressure and sea surface temperature. Analyses suggest that while the EP-SOI exhibits variability on an interannual (2- 7-yr) time scale, decadal (10-15-yr) variations in the CP-SOI are more dominant; both are strongly coupled with their respective EP- and CP-E1 Nino patterns. Composite analysis suggests that, during EP-ENSO, the Walker circulation exhibits a dipole structure in the lower-level (850 hPa) and upper-level (200 hPa) velocity potential anomalies and exhibits a signal cell over the Pacific. In the case of CP-ENSO, however, the Walker circulation shows a tripole structure and exhibits double cells over the Pacific. In addition, the two types of ENSO events show opposite impacts on global land precipitation in the boreal winter and spring seasons. For example, seasonal precipitation across mainland China exhibits an opposite relationship with the EP- and CP-ENSO during winter and spring, but the rainfall over the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and South China shows an opposite relationship during the rest of the seasons. Therefore, the different relationships between rainfall and EP- and CP-ENSO should be carefully considered when predicting seasonal rainfall in the East Asian monsoon regions.  相似文献   
常炉予  何金海  祁莉  温敏 《气象学报》2013,71(6):1074-1088
利用NCEP/ NCAR 再分析资料和CMAP、GPCP卫星反演降水资料,对比分析了东亚与北美东部地区降水和大尺度大气环流季节演变特征的差异。结果显示,东亚和北美东部地区冬季环流形势较为相似,而夏季差异则较大,这正是东亚为季风区,北美为非季风区的表现。此外,基于季风的两大特征量“风”和“雨”,分析了两地降水和低空风场季节变化的显著差异:东亚副热带地区降水季节变率大,呈“夏湿冬干”的季风降水特征,低层盛行风向随季节逆转,冬季盛行偏北风,夏季盛行偏南风,具有显著的副热带季风区特征。北美东部副热带地区全年雨量分配均匀,低层常年盛行偏西风,呈现非季风区特征。进一步的分析发现,作为季风基本推动力的海、陆热力差异在东亚和北美东部地区有着显著的区别:东亚地区的经向和纬向温度梯度随季节反转的特征显著;而北美东部地区虽有纬向温度梯度的季节反转但幅度很小,且经向海、陆热力差异随季节反转不明显。此外,与青藏高原和落基山脉相伴的纬向环流也存在显著差异。鉴于此,提出经向和纬向海、陆热力梯度反转特征的不同以及青藏高原和落基山脉地形的不同作用很可能是造成东亚副热带季风气候而北美东部非季风气候的主要原因,上述结论还有待于数值试验的进一步证实。  相似文献   
利用1998年SCSMEX试验期降水观测资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,将物理量场在降水EOF分析得到的时间系数上展开,分析东亚夏季风环流低频变化特征。在揭示环流及我国东部降水异常观测事实的基础上,研究了它们之间相互作用的低频耦合模态及其可能机理,并讨论了低频位相变化与长江流域降水的关系,指出暴雨期次级环流是高低空环流相互作用的可能纽带。  相似文献   
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