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高频VLBI观测揭示出河外射电源在pc或者亚pc尺度上大都有核-喷流的内部结构,尤其是对平谱致密射电源中毫角秒尺度的子源,能以相当高的概率观测到它的视超光速现象。多频观测可监测到一些新喷流子源的出现,特别在射电激变源中这些新喷流子源的出现与宽带内(从光学到γ射线)的爆发相关。且得到的一些源的核区谱指数分布,为确认源的VLBI核提供了支持。  相似文献   
用1.2m地平式望远镜加装的视频CCD、计算机图象数据采集卡及其运用数据处理软件,对2000年4月17日观测视角速度比较快的激光卫星Topex进行了实测及结果分析。每组资料数据为10帧图象,在当天晚上的跟踪观测过程中取得32组数据,用一个二次多项式进行拟合处理后的结果,再把计时误差引起的定位误差分离出来,余下为1.4〃误差视为望远镜的跟踪定位精度。为了提高跟踪定位精度,我们认为主要解决CCD计时误差即可。  相似文献   
在国家科技部,云南省,及中国科学院的支持下,2m级天文望远镜建设项目于2000年12月正式启动,在本文中,我们首先简要地介绍该项目的台址:丽江高美古;其次,就该项目的情况给出详尽的介绍;最后,就该望远镜未来的一些计划进行了讨论。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONCompact Symmetric Objects (CSOs) are powerful and compact sources (overall size <1 bpc) with lobe emission on both sides of the central engine. The small size of these sourcesis almost certainly to be attributed to the youth of the sources themselves (ages < 104 yr) andnot due to a dense coallning medium (Readhead 1996). The unification scenario assumes thatCSOs evolve into compact steep spectrum (CSS) sotirces and then into Fanaroff-Riley type 11objects (Fanti 1995). …  相似文献   
Ellerman bombs and type Ⅱ white-light flares share many common features despite the large energy gap between them.Both are considered to result from local heation in the solar lower atmosphere.This paper presents numerical simulations of magnetic reconnection occurring in such a deep atmosphere,with the aim to account for the common features of the two phenomena.Our numerical results manifest the following two typical characteristics of the assumed reconnection process:(1)magnetic reconnection saturates in-600-900s,which is just the lifetime of the two phenomens;(2)ionization in the upper chromosphere consumes quite a large part of the energy released through reconnection,making the heation effect most significant in the lower chromosphere.The applicationof the reconnection model to the two phenomena is discussed in detail.  相似文献   
The Doppler Effect and Spectral Energy Distribution of Blazars   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relativistic beaming model is adopted to discuss quantitatively the observational differences between radio-selected BL Lac objects (RBLs) and X-ray-selected BL Lac objects (XBLs), and between BL Lac objects and flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs). The main results are the following:(1) In the Doppler corrected color-color(αro^in-αox^in) diagram,XBLs and FSRQs occupy separated regions, while RBLs bridge the gap between them. These properties suggest that similar intrinsic physical processes operate in all the objects under a range of intrinsic physical conditions. (2) Our results are consistent with the results of Sambruna, Maraschi and Urry (1996) from other methods. We show the αxox introduced by Sambruna to be a good index for describing the energy distribution because it represents the intrinsic energy distribution and includes the Doppler correction. (3)The Doppler effect of relativistic beaming is the main mechanism, and the physical differences(such as magnetic fields, electron energies) are also important complementary factors for understanding the relation between XBLs and RBLS.  相似文献   
计算了日本海的M2,S2,K1和O1等4个主潮波对东亚9个VLBI站的负荷位移参数和重力改正,得到日本VLBI站的径向和水平方向的信移量分别为3-12mm和1-3mm,上海VLBI站和韩国的Daejeon站相应的径向量分别为1mm和3-4mm。估计了上海至日本鹿岛和水Chi站的负荷基线变化分别可达±7.6mm和±28.4mm。此外,日本的水Chi、野边山、鹿儿岛和Usuda站的负荷重力变化分别可达0.8-0.9μGal,它接近于目前绝对重务测定的观测精度(±μGal)。计算还表明,不同地球模型的计算负荷位移之差在目前测地学精度水平下可以忽略。  相似文献   
近年来,利用三维地震资料进行致密碎屑岩储层裂缝和产能的识别预测取得了一些进展,而这之中最重要也最基础的是单井裂缝和产能的建模工作。本以新场气田沙溪庙组致密储层为例,详细介绍了综合运用岩芯资料、测井资料和录井资料进行裂缝和产能单井建模的方法,为利用三维地震资料建立裂缝和产能的灰色遗传过程识别模式打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   
广州白云山常绿阔叶林的结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在线路调查和样方调查的基础上分析了广州白云山常绿阔叶林的结构特征,群落主要由亚热带科属组成,优势科为芸香科,五加科,茜草科,山茶科,壳斗科,鼠刺科,樟科等。优势树种也以相应的优势科属树种为主,群落中胸径≥3cm的个体密度较小,只有1964株/hm^2;群落较为低矮,平均高度只有6m;乔木垂直分化不明显,树种水平分布不均,白云山的植被是次生植被和人工造林改造的结果,只在山谷少数植被没受人类干扰,其现状植被是天然次生植被和人工植被的混合体,在一些由马尾松发展起来的群落,天然侵入的阔叶树种已在主要层中居优势;群落中可见马尾松衰退的痕迹。  相似文献   
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