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单体同位素分析在有机污染物研究中的应用进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
单体同位素分析(Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis, CSIA)是1990年代发展成熟的现代分析方法,日渐应用于环境分析领域,成为当前研究有机污染物最具有应用前景的技术之一.当前CSIA技术在有机污染物研究中的应用主要集中在污染物来源判识、生物转化及降解机理研究等方面,本文主要综述了CSIA在有机污染物生物转化的证明和转化机理研究方面的进展.  相似文献   
西北太平洋热带气旋降水特征分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
利用1997—2006年GPCP(Global Precipitation Climatology Project)逐日卫星降水资料、上海台风研究所西北太平洋热带气旋资料,研究了近10年西北太平洋热带气旋降水的时空分布特征。发现整个西北太平洋区域多年平均TC(tropical cyclone)降水为175 mm,TC降水占总降水的比率为12%。年均TC降水场有两个极大值区域,分别位于菲律宾北部和菲律宾以东洋面。纬带平均的经向分布显示,总降水呈双峰分布,主、次峰值分别出现在6°N和35°N;而TC降水呈单峰分布,峰值出现在16°N。10年中TC降水以2004年最强;El Ni?o年TC降水在135°E以东偏多,而在南海中部和菲律宾至台湾等地区偏少;La Ni?a年TC降水在南海地区偏多,在菲律宾以东地区则显著偏少。  相似文献   
1地勘企业职工人股历史回顾 地勘企业职工入股,搞股份制改革,较早可以追溯到1997年(有些单位可能更早)。国家体改委曾在总结山东诸城等地国有中小企业改制经验的基础上,发布了《关于发展城市股份合作制企业的指导意见》。一些地勘单位受地方企业成功经验的启示和鼓舞,再加上地勘单位自身深化改革、参与市场竞争的需要,选择了少数下属企业进行股份合作制的改革。基本做法是,对企业进行资产剥离、清产核资和资产评估后,将净资产卖给企业职工,实现劳动者和资本所有者的联合,  相似文献   
吉南张三沟岩组和金银别岩组发育一套高镁安山岩类,SHRIMP锆石U-Pb定年为(2 493±12)Ma,形成于新太古代。高镁安山岩类属于钙碱性系列,w(SiO2)为 53.93%~57.90%,富MgO(w(MgO)为6.54%~8.82%),高Mg#值(0.68~0.71, 平均0.69),高铬(w(Cr)为(270.66~1 117.30)×10-6,平均443.62×10-6),高镍(w(Ni) 为(141.74~542.98)×10-6,平均250.50×10-6),这种高MgO、Cr、Ni的特征表明其成因与地幔部分熔融有关。另一方面,该岩石富集大离子亲石元素(如Sr、Cs、K、Pb、Rb和Ba),亏损高场强元素(如Nb、Ta、Ti、P),富集LREE(w(Ce)为(38.34~59.34)×10-6),亏损HREE(w(Yb)为(1.38~1.57)×10-6),显示弧火山岩的特点。上述地球化学特征表明,岩石可能是消减板片脱水流体或者消减板片部分熔融的熔体与地幔橄榄岩相互作用的结果,揭示它们形成于消减带的构造环境,表明新太古代已经存在现代类型的板块构造。  相似文献   
为了加强对地质勘查活动的管理,维护地质勘查市场秩序,保证地质勘查质量,促进地质勘查业的发展,国务院于2008年3月3日颁布了《地质勘查资质管理条例》。条例包括总则、申请与受理、审查与决定、监督管理、法律责任、附则6部分,自2008年7月1日起施行。  相似文献   
Snow cover on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) has been shown to be essential for the East Asian summer monsoon. In this paper, we demonstrate that tropical cyclone (TC) 04B (1999) in the northern Indian Ocean, which made landfall during the autumn of 1999, may have contributed to climate anomalies over East Asia during the following spring and summer by increasing snow cover on the TP. Observations indicate that snow cover on the TP increased markedly after TC 04B (1999) made landfall in October of 1999. Sensitivity experiments, in which the TC was removed from a numerical model simulation of the initial field, verified that TC 04B (1999) affected the distribution as well as increased the amount of snow on the TP. In addition, the short-term numerical modeling of the climate over the region showed that the positive snow cover anomaly induced negative surface temperature, negative sensible heat flux, positive latent heat flux, and positive soil temperature anomalies over the central and southern TP during the following spring and summer. These climate anomalies over the TP were associated with positive (negative) summer precipitation anomalies over the Yangtze River valley (along the southeastern coast of China).  相似文献   
桃园—测鱼铜成矿远景区是河北省重要的成矿远景区之一。在前人工作基础上,初步总结了该地区铜多金属矿六种成矿模式:与火山、次火山浅成岩浆侵入活动有关的铜锌矿床、与海底火山活动有关的块状硫化物矿床、热液充填脉状铜矿、变质辉绿岩型铜矿、角砾集块岩型铜矿和中低温热液充填脉状铅锌矿,提出了五种找矿模型:变质辉绿岩型,热液充填脉状,与海底火山活动有关的块状硫化物矿床,与火山、次火山浅成岩浆侵入活动有关的铜锌矿和角砾集块岩型铜矿类型。  相似文献   
There was a new concept of ‘adaptive or targeting observation’ in recent years, which is an additional and targeting observation based on the existing and fixed observing network for the atmosphere on the impacted region. Dropsonde is one of the important observing instruments in the adaptive or targeting observation. In this paper, GRAPES, the next generation of numerical weather prediction system of China has been used. The impacts on the typhoon Dujuan (No.200315) forecast in experiments with dropsonde have been studied and experiments on sensitivity have also been done. It was found that the forecasts of the elements have been improved obviously with the use of dropsonde, such as the path, the center location, and the intensity of typhoon. It was also found in the sensitivity studies that the setting of deviation structure also has obvious impacts on the forecast for typhoons. It is not true that the simulation is better when the proportion of the data of dropsonde is larger in the course to modify the background.  相似文献   
选择蒽、9-甲基蒽和9,10-二甲基蒽作为模型化合物,以李村河口区沉积物为培养基质,进行实验室好氧微生态培养,通过超声萃取-柱层析-气相色谱法测定目标污染物浓度随培养时间的变化,研究了它们在自然菌群作用下的生物降解行为。测定方法的基质加标回收率在66.20%~82.95%之间,相对标准偏差在3.34%~6.19%之间。6个月的好氧生物降解实验表明,沉积物中本底蒽由32.88 ng.g-1降到32.32 ng.g-1,降解率仅为1.70%;而在添加了蒽的沉积物样品中其浓度由170.40 ng.g-1降到151.36 ng.g-1,降解率高达11.17%;加入的9-甲基蒽和9,10-二甲基蒽的浓度也分别由133.84 ng.g-1和144.26 ng.g-1减少至122.52 ng.g-1和135.13 ng.g-1,降解率分别达到8.46%和6.33%。相同条件下三种有机污染物的不同降解速率表明,9,10位取代使得蒽在沉积环境中更加持久,自然降解速率更慢  相似文献   
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