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倾子是航空大地电磁方法的主要参数,在地下异常体的探测中有着重要的作用和显著优势.本文简要概括了倾子测量的基本原理;基于有限单元法进行了二维大地结构的倾子建模仿真,分析了影响倾子响应特征的主要因素,包括空间性参数以及地下介质参数.通过对倾子响应特征影响因素的分析,提出了一种利用倾子及其梯度的异常位置和异常幅度,对地下二维异常体的电性特征、水平位置、埋深以及电阻率进行快速、定量识别的方法.最后,利用已知模型的倾子响应对异常体参数进行了试算,通过对试算结果和已知模型参数的对比,验证了该方法的可行性.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地位于中国的中西部,跨陕、甘、宁、蒙、晋5省区,盆地本部面积25万km2.中及上三叠统延长组在盆地内广为展布,厚逾千米,发育冲积扇、河流、三角洲、湖泊等沉积相,是该地区重要的油气产层.根据盆地腹地100多口井的钻井资料及盆地周边地区的露头资料,以及长庆油田长时期对延长组的油气勘探经验,编制出了鄂尔多斯盆地中及...  相似文献   
用水平方向钻孔勘探矿床至少已有70多年历史了,但是在煤矿井下应用这种方法,还是近二十年来的事。在过去一段很长的时间里,由于控制钻孔方向的技术不完备,钻孔一般偏斜较大,所以水平钻孔都比较浅。孔深300米以上偏斜很小的水平钻孔,是近几年才能钻出的。  相似文献   
以四川省为研究区域,利用数理统计方法及GIS技术,采用资源丰裕度指数、变异系数、均衡度指数及均衡比系数,对A级旅游景区空间分布差异进行测度。结果表明:整体层面,旅游景区空间分布均衡程度由大到小依次是5A级景区、4A级景区、3A级景区、所有景区、2A级景区;市际层面,各州市旅游景区空间分布差异较大,旅游景区分布最多、丰裕度最高的是成都;四类均衡比系数显示,交通均衡比系数较小,其次是经济均衡比,表明交通和经济因素对四川省旅游景区空间分布影响最大,经济越发达,交通越通达,旅游景区空间分布越均衡;在此差异测算基础上,提出四川省旅游景区空间布局优化建议。  相似文献   
中国耕地资源开发强度及其演化阶段   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地域资源禀赋差异及经济社会发展阶段性决定了耕地资源开发强度理应存在结构演化的阶段性。基于粮食生产角度提出了涵盖开发广度、开发深度、开发频度的耕地资源开发强度评价方法。据此,通过评价分析全国及区域开发强度演化特征,论证了耕地资源开发强度阶段性结构演化假设。结果表明:耕地资源开发强度评价能准确判断耕地资源开发状态;中国耕地资源开发已基本完成以提高开发广度为主要特点的外延式开发历程,当前正值以提高开发深度为主要特点,同时面临开发频度降低问题的内涵式开发阶段;2004年,中国耕地资源开发强度为25.064%,区域开发强度及其结构演化差异显著。最后,在明确耕地资源管理政策转型基本导向的基础上,探讨了区域差别化的开发强度管控政策。  相似文献   
大别山北部镁铁-超镁铁质岩带中榴辉岩的岩石地球化学特征及Sr,Nd同位素组成表明:(i)本区榴辉岩的原岩主要为拉斑玄武岩和少数可能为辉长岩,并且大多数可能属于扬子俯冲陆壳的一部分,为扬子陆壳(下地壳)俯冲变质成因,少数可能属扬子与华北大陆板块之间的古洋壳残片;(ii)本区榴辉岩大多具有Nb正异常、K负异常等,排除了它们形成于岛弧环境下的可能性;(iii)磨子潭-晓天断裂以南含榴辉岩和变质橄榄岩的变质镁铁-超镁铁质岩带可能代表扬子与华北两个大陆板块之间的碰撞缝合带.其中除含有扬子俯冲陆壳外,还混有古洋壳残片.  相似文献   
研究气候变化不能光依靠气象要素的观测记录,因为气象记录年代很短,并且不能充分地描述自然气候状况的变化范围。本文试图利用千年树轮宽度变化的古气候信息,例如用美国西部的刺毛果松树(bristlecone pine)的资料,来推测古气候的状况。由于刺毛果松树个别树木的树龄很高,而且还有一些死亡树木至今仍然存在,所以通过交叉定年代(cross dating),就可以得到很长的树轮宽度年表。所谓交叉定年代是指各树轮序列间宽年轮和窄  相似文献   
The changes in heme (associated with hemoglobin), hemoglobin and hematin in the coelomic fluid of marine worm, Urechis unicinctus, exposed to different concentrations of sulfide, were investigated using biochemical techniques. When exposed to different sulfide concentrations for up to 96 h, the relative amounts of the three components changed in a regular pattern suggesting that the coelomocytes play an important role in the worm's tolerance to sulfide. The possible roles of heme compounds in sulfide tolerance of this species are discussed on the basis of our experimental data.  相似文献   
中国不同区域能源消费碳足迹的时空变化(英文)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Study on regional carbon emission is one of the hot topics under the background of global climate change and low-carbon economic development, and also help to establish different low-carbon strategies for different regions. On the basis of energy consumption and land use data of different regions in China from 1999 to 2008, this paper established carbon emission and carbon footprint models based on total energy consumption, and calculated the amount of carbon emissions and carbon footprint in different regions of China from 1999 to 2008. The author also analyzed carbon emission density and per unit area carbon footprint for each region. Finally, advices for decreasing carbon footprint were put forward. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Carbon emissions from total energy consumption increased 129% from 1999 to 2008 in China, but its spatial distribution pattern among different regions just slightly changed, the sorting of carbon emission amount was: Eastern China > Northern China > Central and Southern China > Southwest China > Northwest China. (2) The sorting of carbon emission density was: Eastern China > Northeast China > Central and Southern China > Northern China > Southwest China > Northwest China from 1999 to 2003, but from 2004 Central and Southern China began to have higher carbon emission density than Northeast China, the order of other regions did not change. (3) Carbon footprint increased significantly since the rapid increasing of carbon emissions and less increasing area of pro-ductive land in different regions of China from 1999 to 2008. Northern China had the largest carbon footprint, and Northwest China, Eastern China, Northern China, Central and Southern China followed in turn, while Southwest China presented the lowest area of carbon footprint and the highest percentage of carbon absorption. (4) Mainly influenced by regional land area, Northern China presented the highest per unit area carbon footprint and followed by Eastern China, and Northeast China; Central and Southern China, and Northwest China had a similar medium per unit area carbon footprint; Southwest China always had the lowest per unit area carbon footprint. (5) China faced great ecological pressure brought by carbon emission. Some measures should be taken both from reducing carbon emission and increasing carbon absorption.  相似文献   
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