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目前关于中国近海浮游植物光合作用特征的研究较少,尤其是海洋浮游藻类冬季光合生理生态方面的研究少见报道。本实验利用浮游植物荧光仪Phyto-PAM测量了胶州湾浮游植物最大光化学量子产量、快速光曲线、光化学淬灭以及非光化学淬灭,通过显微镜镜检获得浮游植物群落结构组成与丰度结果,结合相应的环境因子,对胶州湾冬季浮游植物进行了原位光合作用特征研究。结果表明:调查期间胶州湾浮游植物具有较高的光合活性与潜力,最大光化学量子产量保持在0.69左右,光能利用效率大部分处于0.2—0.3之间,快速光曲线十分典型,当光强超过1000μmol/(s·m2)后依然能保持较好的光合活性,光化学淬灭值较高;当光强超过1500μmol/(s·m2)后,相对电子传递速率开始下降,实际光量子收益达到最低,非光化学淬灭升高,此时海洋浮游植物将光合机构吸收的过量光能以热能的形式耗散掉,有效地保护了胶州湾浮游植物的光合器官不因高光强的照射而受到损伤。冬季大部分时期胶州湾浮游植物丰度极低,但是湾内浮游植物具有较强的光合活性,加上相对稳定的水文、生物等环境以及较丰富的营养盐和相对有利的营养盐结构,是推动冬季浮游植物高峰期出现的关键生理生态因素。  相似文献   
海洋浮游植物和浮游动物是海洋生态系统中的重要组成部分,支撑了整个海洋生态系统的正常运转.因此,海洋浮游植、动物的生态学研究有利于我们全面认识和了解一个海洋生态系统的状况.印太交汇区作为全球最大的海洋生物多样性中心,是国际上生物多样性研究的热点区域,但该区域对浮游生物生态学方面的研究较少,不利于我们深入认识该区域生物多样...  相似文献   
对2010—2012年川滇西部地区流动重力资料进行统一处理,得到区域重力场变化图象,并以此为基础研究2012年宁蒗-盐源5.7、彝良5.7级地震与区域重力场变化及安宁河-则木河断裂带的关系。结果显示:震区局部重力场在两次地震前均出现了快速、大幅的上升变化,在约一年的时间内增加了约60×10 nms-2的重力变化量。  相似文献   
太阳黑子和ENSO对日本吉野川流域水文要素影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
剖析"太阳-气候-水资源"体系作用机制对区域水资源科学管理具有重要科学意义。利用相关分析、主成分分析和小波分析方法,探究太阳黑子运动和厄尔尼诺(ENSO)对日本吉野川流域降雨、地表径流和地下水位影响。研究结果表明:太阳黑子活动和ENSO对研究区域水文过程显著影响分别发生在11 a和2~7 a周期上;太阳黑子运动能量以ENSO为"媒介"作用于流域降水和河川径流,但对地下水位波动影响不明显;太阳黑子活动在不同时频域对研究区域水文过程产生"直接"和"间接"影响,太阳黑子的"直接"影响可能通过调制ENSO外的气候模态来实现,其"间接"作用则通过"ENSO-西太平洋副高-东亚环流-水汽运动"系统作用实现。  相似文献   
We used long term monitoring data to evaluate changes in abundance and species dominance of small-jellyfish (collected with zooplankton net whose bell diameter was less than 5 cm) between 1991 and 2009 in the Jiaozhou Bay, China. Zooplankton samples were vertically towed with conical plankton net from near-bottom to surface, identified microscopically, and mapped in time-space using Grapher 7.0 and Surfer 8.0. Results show that the abundance of small-jellyfish throughout the bay had been increasing during 2001-2009 on average of 15.2 ind./m 3 , almost 5 times higher than that between 1991 and 2000. The occurrence of peak abundance shifted from spring to summer after 2000, and two peaks appeared in spring and summer, respectively, after 2005. Both the abundance and the frequency of blooms of small-jellyfish increased after 2000 in the bay. In addition, the biodiversity of jellyfish has increased significantly in recent years with a change in dominant species. Several new dominant species appeared after 2000, including Rathkae octopunctata in winter, Phialidium hemisphaericum in spring, summer, and autumn, Phialucium carolinae in spring, and Pleurobrachia globosa in summer and autumn, while some previous dominant species throughout the 1990s (Eirene ceylonensis, Zanclea costata, Lovenella assimilis, and Muggiaea atlantica) were no longer dominant after 2000. The abundance of small-jellyfish was positively correlated with the density of dinoflagellates, and the abundance of zooplankton. We believe that the changes in smalljellyfish abundance and species composition were the result of eutrophication, aquaculture and coastal construction activities around the bay. Concurrently, seawater warming and salinity decrease in recent decades promoted the growth and reproduction of small-jellyfish in the bay.  相似文献   
2014年12月和2016年3月分别对热带西太平洋Y3海山(中层海山)和M2海山(浅海山)微食物网主要类群(包括聚球藻、原绿球藻、微微型真核浮游生物、异养细菌和浮游纤毛虫)丰度和生物量垂直分布进行了研究。结果表明,Y3和M2海山水文环境比较相似但略有区别,叶绿素最大值层(DCM)分别在75—100m和110m水层,微食物网各主要类群在垂直尺度上的分布与叶绿素a浓度紧密相关。其中浮游纤毛虫呈现"双峰型"模式,即丰度高值出现在表层和DCM层;原绿球藻和微微型真核浮游生物呈现"单峰型"模式,丰度高值出现在DCM层;聚球藻和异养细菌峰型相对不显著,DCM层以浅丰度较高,DCM层以深丰度明显降低。分析其原因,可能是受到温度、光照和营养盐的共同影响。Y3和M2海山微食物网结构的垂直变化不完全一致。其中,Y3海山30m以浅和150m以深异养细菌生物量占绝对优势,75—100m水层自养型生物(原绿球藻和微微型真核浮游生物)占绝对优势;M2海山75m以浅和200m以深异养细菌占绝对优势,110—150m自养型生物占绝对优势。M2海山自养型生物占优势的水层要明显深于Y3海山,可能与它们的海山类型和采样季节不同有关。  相似文献   
以高分辨率层序地层学理论为指导,以野外露头、钻井岩心、测井及地震资料的综合研究为基础,研究了黄骅坳陷新近系馆陶组Ⅲ段的高分辨率层序地层特征,识别出1个长期、两个中期和若干个短期基准面旋回层序。其中短期、中期旋回都可分为向上“变深”非对称型和向上“变深”复“变浅”对称型两类。深入探讨了不同结构类型和充填样式的各级次基准面旋回层序对储层的控制作用,认为储集砂体主要发育于长期及中期基准面旋回上升的早期。  相似文献   
Zooplankton abundance, biovolume and taxonomic composition in Jiaozhou Bay and the adjacent coastal Yellow Sea were evaluated using ZooScan measurement of samples collected by net towing every August from 2005 to 2012. Zooplankton abundance and biovolume ranged from 1 938.5 to 24 800 ind./m~3 and 70.8 to 1 480.1 mm~3/m~3 in Jiaozhou Bay and 73.1 to 16 814.3 ind./m~3 and 19.6 to 640.7 mm~3/m~3 in the coastal Yellow Sea. Copepods were the most abundant group in both regions, followed by N octiluca scintillans and appendicularians in Jiaohzou Bay, and chaetognaths and N octiluca scintillans in adjacent coastal Yellow Sea. Over the study period, the most conspicuous hydrographic change was an increase in water temperature. Meanwhile, a general decrease in zooplankton abundance was observed, particularly in copepod populations. Based on redundancy analysis(RDA), the warming trend was the key environmental factor influencing to decrease of copepod abundance. The proportion of small-sized copepods increased while the mean size of all copepods decreased, in significant correlation with water temperature. Our results indicate that zooplankton, particularly copepods, are highly sensitive to change in water temperature, which is consistent with predicted impacts of warming on aquatic ectotherms. Due to their dominance in the zooplankton, the decline in copepod size and abundance could lead to an unfavourable decrease in energy availability for predators, particularly planktivorous fish.  相似文献   
秦岭成矿带中Pb、Zn化探异常区常无铅锌矿,而铅锌矿区又常无Pb、Zn异常,这种Pb、Zn异常与铅锌矿的不对应关系,通常导致大量的Pb、Zn异常无找矿指示意义,甚至给找矿评价、勘查部署选区工作带来了某些误导。本次的大量实验研究表明,秦岭地区水系沉积物中Pb、Zn元素主要在较粗粒级(-10~+60目)组分和细粒(小于140目)组分两端粒级中富集,而在中等粒度(80~120目)中贫化。以往所采用的统一粒度(-60目)样品分析所圈定的Pb、Zn异常,主要是细粒级吸附态的Pb、Zn在远离铅锌矿源区富集的反映,强化了远离矿源“次生富集”的信息。据此建议,在秦岭地区开展的面积性化探工作中,首先通过典型矿区粒级试验,建立区内不同背景区成矿元素的合理粒级范围,使所选用的粒度组合(粗、中、细粒)对在不同粒级中富集的元素更具代表性,改变秦岭Pb、Zn等化探异常指导找矿工作的被动局面,确保化探工作能更好地指导地质找矿和勘查部署选区工作。  相似文献   
山东胶产地体早前寒武纪地层的划分   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
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