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以点带石斑鱼(Epinephelus malabaricas)、半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis)养殖排放水为处理对象,在生产现场研究了竹环填料生物滤器处理高盐度、低氨氮负荷海水养殖废水的运行效果以及挂膜阶段和稳定运行阶段微生物群落变化规律。结果表明,点带石斑鱼养殖废水进水氨氮质量浓度为0.93~1.33 mg/L,氨氮去除率达到27%~39%,挂膜时间需45 d;半滑舌鳎养殖废水进水氨氮质量浓度为0.38~0.52 mg/L,氨氮去除率达到20%~30%,挂膜时间需65 d。另外,对生物滤器挂膜阶段和稳定运行阶段的氨氧化细菌数量和亚硝酸氧化细菌数量进行了统计,氨氧化细菌的数量在点带石斑鱼和半滑舌鳎养殖排放水处理系统中分别达到104~105 CFU/mL和103 CFU/mL,亚硝酸氧化细菌数量则分别达到104 CFU/mL和103 CFU/mL,并分析了温度、进水氨氮负荷、反硝化作用对半滑舌鳎养殖废水生物滤器亚硝酸盐积累现象的影响。  相似文献   
针对海水养殖中水质、气象参数的自动监测和预警需求, 采用YSI 600R 多参数水质仪和TRM-ZS2 型自动气象站作为养殖现场水质和气象参数在线监测仪, 结合GPRS 无线传输技术和信息处理技术, 设计开发了海水养殖多环境因子在线监测系统。该系统可在线、连续地对水温、酸碱度、溶解氧含量、盐度4 个水质参数以及风速、气压、太阳辐射、雨量4 个气象参数进行测量, 并提供了养殖自动预警功能。系统能实时对海水养殖风险的潜在因子进行监测, 可解决采用人工方式无法满足大规模、集约化海水养殖环境因子监测需要的问题。  相似文献   
林楠  陈永良  李伟东  刘鹰 《世界地质》2018,37(4):1281-1287
针对传统数据驱动模型存在收敛速度慢、过度拟合等问题,提出了基于极限学习机算法的基坑地表沉降预测方法。结合季冻区地铁车站基坑的特点,提取基坑开挖时间、开挖深度、围护桩顶位移、围护桩内力、支撑轴力及地表温度等特征信息,建立极限学习机回归预测模型,选用实例数据进行算例分析,并将其与传统回归预测模型进行对比,实验结果表明,极限学习机模型收敛速度快,泛化能力强,其预测精度优于传统预测模型,且在学习速度方面优势明显,对深基坑安全监控有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   
氟苯尼考作为氯霉素的替代物,理化性质稳定,在水产养殖业中被广泛使用,致使其在多种水体环境中大量残留。本研究分析了氟苯尼考(0.1、1.0和10 mg/L)对牡蛎幼虫的生长发育、运动能力、免疫抗性的影响。结果表明,氟苯尼考暴露24 h后,随着暴露浓度的增加,牡蛎幼虫的存活量呈升高趋势,而幼虫壳高和壳宽显著降低;氟苯尼考暴露不会引起牡蛎幼虫移动速度的变化,1 mg/L氟苯尼考暴露后,牡蛎幼虫移动距离呈显著性增加(P<0.05)。氟苯尼考暴露浓度、牡蛎幼虫存活量及水体细菌总数之间呈显著性相关,但水体细菌总数的变化并不是造成牡蛎幼虫发育、生长状态不同的主要原因。牡蛎幼虫在不同浓度氟苯尼考的暴露下,ILPR、Cg-Tyr和Ferritin等生长发育相关基因的表达受到影响,进而影响其生长发育、运动能力。另一方面,高浓度氟苯尼考的暴露,引起牡蛎幼虫HSP70和Cg-Tal基因相对表达量上调,积极地参与抵抗氟苯尼考暴露引起的应激反应。养殖水环境中抗生素残留可能会影响水生动物早期发育阶段的生长发育及免疫抗性,需提高对养殖水体中抗生素残留危害的认识及监测,进一步加强养殖水体水质的净化。  相似文献   
Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were reared at four stocking densities—high density D 1(final density ~39 kg/m 3), medium densities D 2(~29 kg/m 3) and D 3(~19 kg/m 3), and low density D 4(~12 kg/m 3)—for 40 days to investigate the effect of stocking density on their growth performance, body composition and energy budgets. Stocking density did not significantly affect specific growth rate in terms of weight(SGR w) but did affect specific growth rate in terms of energy(SGR e). Stocking density significantly influenced the ration level(RL w and RL e), feed conversion ratio(FCR w and FCR e) and apparent digestibility rate(ADR). Ration level and FCR w tended to increase with increasing density. Fish at the highest density D 1 and lowest density D 4 showed lower FCR e and higher ADR than at medium densities. Stocking density significantly affected protein and energy contents of the body but did not affect its moisture, lipid, or ash contents. The expenditure of energy for metabolism in the low-density and high-density groups was lower than that in the medium-density groups. Stocking density affected energy utilization from the feces but had no effect on excretion rate. The greater energy allocation to growth at high density and low density may be attributed to reduced metabolic rate and increased apparent digestibility rate. These findings provide information that will assist selection of suitable stocking densities in the Atlantic-salmon-farming industry.  相似文献   
田野  刘鹰 《海洋科学》2018,42(2):167-176
水体中的重金属污染物不能被微生物降解,并且环境中只要存在微量的重金属即可产生毒性效应。因此,研发新材料去除水体中重金属离子受到了广泛的关注。利用绿色、经济、产量丰富的壳聚糖为原料,以物理和化学改性方法为手段制备移除水体中重金属离子的壳聚糖基吸附材料是当今研究热点。本文以壳聚糖基材料的制备方法为主线,概括总结了壳聚糖的改性方法及其衍生物对重金属离子吸附行为的研究进展,展望了壳聚糖基材料在重金属废水处理方面的未来研究方向及前景。  相似文献   
盐度对刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)呼吸和排泄的影响   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
采用封闭式呼吸器法研究了(15±0.5)℃水温条件下不同盐度(22、27、31.5、36)对四种规格刺参{S[(39.60±8.77)g]、M[(71.80±14.04)g]、L[(128.30±19.69)g]和XL[(196.65±19.81)g]}呼吸和排泄的影响。结果表明,各规格组刺参单位体重耗氧率[Rwr,μg/(g·h)]和排氨率[(Rwe,μg/(g·h)]在盐度22—31.5范围内均随着盐度的升高而降低,当盐度升高至36时,二者都明显升高;各盐度下实验刺参的单位体重耗氧率分别为17.52、16.32、15.49和17.60μg/(g·h),单位体重排氨率分别为1.05、0.88、0.87和0.95μg/(g·h);在同一盐度下,刺参体重越大,其单位个体耗氧率[Rir,μg/(ind·h)]和排氨率[Rie,μg/(ind·h)]越高,二者呈幂函数关系,可用关系式Rir(或Rie)=aWb表示;关系式Rir=aWb中,a值的变动范围为40.6656—81.1900,b值为0.6432—0.8145;而关系式Rie=aWb中,a值的变动范围为2.0947—4.8489,b值为0.6507—0.8072;盐度对刺参O∶N比的影响不显著,各盐度条件下,不同规格的刺参,其O∶N比均在15左右,表明本实验条件下该参代谢所需要的能量主要由脂肪和碳水化合物提供。从呼吸和排泄的角度来看,刺参在其最适温度(15℃)条件下,具有一定的渗透压调节能力,能够适应较广的盐度变化范围(22—36)。  相似文献   
Limited information has been available about the influence of loading density on the performances of Scophthalmus maximus, especially in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). In this study, turbot (13.84±2.74 g; average weight±SD) were reared at four different initial densities (low 0.66, medium 1.26, sub-high 2.56, high 4.00 kg/m2) for 10 weeks in RAS at 23±1°C. Final densities were 4.67, 7.25, 14.16, and 17.47 kg/m2, respectively, which translate to 82, 108, 214, and 282 percent coverage of the tank bottom. Density had both negative and independent impacts on growth. The final mean weight, specific growth rate (SGR), and voluntary feed intake significantly decreased and the coefficient of variation (CV) of final body weight increased with increase in stocking density. The medium and sub-high density groups did not differ significantly in SGR, mean weight, CV, food conversion rate (FCR), feed intake, blood parameters, and digestive enzymes. The protease activities of the digestive tract at pH 7, 8.5, 9, and 10 were significantly higher for the highest density group, but tended to be lower (not significantly) at pH 4 and 8.5 for the lowest density group. The intensity of protease activity was inversely related to feed intake at the different densities. Catalase activity was higher (but not significantly) at the highest density, perhaps because high density started to induce an oxidative effect in turbot. In conclusion, turbot can be cultured in RAS at a density of less than 17.47 kg/m2. With good water quality and no feed limitation, initial density between 1.26 and 2.56 kg/m2 (final: 7.25 and 14.16 kg/m2) would not negatively affect the turbot cultured in RAS. For culture at higher density, multi-level feeding devices are suggested to ease feeding competition.  相似文献   
在封闭循环水高密度养殖条件下(平均密度14.1 kg/m2±0.51 kg/m2), 设置4 个流速梯度(200, 400,600, 800 L/h,分别以A~D 组表示), 挑选相近体质量(200.3g±7.6 g)的大菱鲆进行42 d 养殖试验, 每个梯度设置3 个重复, 每个重复55 尾鱼, 研究流速对封闭循环水养殖大菱鲆生长、摄食以及水质氮素的影响。试验结果表明: (1) 大菱鲆(Scophthatmus maximus L)特定生长率、增质量率、摄食量随流速增大先快速上升后缓升趋稳, 饲料系数则相反。B、C、D 3 组特定生长率、摄食量分别显著高于A 组30.77%~52.31%、17.30%~22.05%; 饲料系数则显著低于A 组13.83%~22.34%; (2) 养殖水体中总氨氮、非离子氨及亚硝酸氮浓度随流速的增大先快速下降后缓降趋稳。B、C、D 3 组水质总氨氮氨浓度均显著低于A 组53.70%~79.07%; (3) 根据流速对特定生长率、水体总氨氮二者的影响, 得出养殖的生态适宜流速为625 L/h。再结合流速对水循环动力的影响, 得出养殖的生态经济适宜流速为480 L/h。  相似文献   
The combined effects of feeding rate (0.8%, 1.0%, and 1.2% initial body weight/day), feeding frequency (two, three, and four times/day) and stocking density (10, 15, and 20 kg/m3) in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) on growth performance, digestion and waste generation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) were investigated in an 8-week orthogonal experiment (L9(3)3) with a constant daily water renewal at 7.50% of total volume. No mortality occurred during the experimental period. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) varied from 0.90 to 1.13 and specific growth rate (SGR) ranged from 0.48% to 0.69%/day. SGR, thermal growth coefficient (TGC) and FCR were not significantly (P〉0.05) affected by the three factors, while net protein utilization (NPU) was significantly (P〈0.05) affected. Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter in the present study were in the range 66.12%-73.55%. ADC in protein, lipid and energy were statistically different among all treatments and in the range of 90.07%-93.67%, 81.54%-89.15%, and 67.55%-71.87%, respectively. The proportion of mean total ammonia nitrogen excreted ranged from 1.37% to 1.64% of feed nitrogen at steady state, and the concentration of nitrogenous and phosphorus compounds were differently correlated to the three factors. The results will provide valuable reference data for culture management decisions in the Atlantic salmon farming industry.  相似文献   
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