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黄淮海平原农区土地利用转型及其动力机制(英文)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Land use transition refers to changes in land use morphology, including dominant morphology and recessive morphology, of a particular region over a period of time driven by various factors. Recently, issues related to land use transition in China have attracted interest among a wide variety of researchers as well as government officials. This paper examines the patterns of land use transition and their dynamic mechanism in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain during 2000–2010. First, the spatio-temporal patterns of land use transition, their characteristics and the laws governing them were analyzed. Second, based on the established conceptual framework for analyzing the dynamic mechanism of land use transition, a spatial econometric regression analysis method was used to analyze the dynamic mechanism of the five types of major land use transition in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain at the county level. Land use pattern changes in the study area were characterized by an increase in construction land, water body and forested land, along with a decrease in farmland, unused land and grassland. The changes during 2000–2005 were much more significant than those during 2005–2010. In terms of factors affecting land use transitions, natural factors form the basis, and they have long-term effects. Socio-economic factors such as population and GDP, however, tend to determine the direction, structure, size and layout of land use transition over shorter time periods. Land law and policy factors play a mandatory guiding and restraining role in land use transitions, so as to improve the overall efficiency of land use. Land resource engineering is also an important tool to control land use transitions. In general, the five types of major land use transition were the result of the combined action of various physical, social and economic factors, of which traffic condition and location condition had the most significant effects, i.e. they were the common factors in all land use transitions. Understanding the spatio-temporal process of land use transitions and their dynamic mechanisms is an important foundation for utilizing land resources, protecting regional ecological environment and promoting sustainable regional socio-economic development.  相似文献   
居民区生活便利度分析是城市研究的热点问题之一,对提升城市居民生活质量具有重要意义。城市空间中的居民活动主要发生在道路网络空间,加色法同位规则是一种网络空间同位模式可视化挖掘方法,避免了复杂的数学公式、算法及相关参数,具有形象直观的特点。鉴于此,本文利用加色法同位规则这一可视化数据挖掘手段,在表达空间交互的同时将数据挖掘的结果直接用于居民区生活便利度分析。以兰州市为例,进行居民区与其他14类城市基础设施之间位置关系的挖掘试验,全局分析与局部分析相结合,对不同区域的居民区生活便利度进行评价,以期为兰州市城市建设提供参考。结果表明:在兰州市,居民区与药店、超市、牛肉面馆等地理要素存在最强同位规则,与医院、火锅店存在较强同位规则,与商场、派出所、消防站无同位规则;居民区在整体上呈现多个宜居中心的分布特点,在区位上呈现便利度东高西低的分布特征。  相似文献   
简述了辽宁地区地球物理场监测地磁测网的改造情况;利用改造后测网观测成果,分别绘制了辽宁地区地磁场总强度梯度分布图、地磁场总强度等值线分布趋势图及地磁场年变化分析图:探讨了改造后的地磁测网地磁场梯度分布规律;分析了辽宁地区各重要活动断裂及老震区地磁场总强度的年变化和邻期变化特征,为地震预报提供服务支撑。  相似文献   
防震减灾工作与太原钢铁(集团)公司的生产建设和经济发展密不可分。叙述了冶金企业防震减灾工作的特点及太钢防震减灾的工作体系和各项防震减灾管理制度,介绍了近年来太原钢铁(集团)公司开展的各项防震减灾工作的一些作法。  相似文献   
The features of water vapor transport, such as temporal evolution, vertical structure and spatial pattern, over North China during the prolonged drought in the summer of 1980 have been analyzed through computation of water vapor flux based on the once daily ECMWF grid-point data at 12GMT. The results indicate that it is unlikely that the characteristics of the atmospheric mass divergence, ascending motion and stratification stability in North China were completely opposite to those in the Yangtze River Valley, where the heavy flood occurred in the summer of 1980. It is major differences that the strong ascending motion and significant water vapor convergence overlap fairly well each other in the vertical levels in the Yangtze River Valley, while the maximum ascending motion is accompanied by water vapor divergence or weak water vapor convergence in North China. This vertical structure in North China results in insufficient water vapor supply and, therefore, little condensation and precipitation in the m  相似文献   
针对气象计量检定机构在组织和参加实验室间比对活动中在编制比对方案、参考值来源、结果评价方法、粗大误差的剔除、比对报告编制等方面的内容进行分析,探讨气象计量实验室能力。通过开展气象计量实验室间的比对工作,确立气象计量检定机构在社会上的专业计量检定地位,确保各计量标准量值的准确、可靠、一致,也为考察各实验室计量检定人员技术水平和数据处理能力,发现问题、积累经验,更好地开展气象计量检定工作,可以识别与同行各机构之间存在的差异,发现自身存在的问题,为自身的持续改进和质量管理提供信息。  相似文献   
本文介绍了辽宁地区跨断层场地水准测量情况,利用测量成果所揭示的垂直形变信息,探讨r跨断层场地水准测量在地震监测预测中发挥的作用。  相似文献   
利用新疆昌吉佃坝绿洲区陆气相互作用观测站2020年3—11月的地表辐射观测数据和同期的天气现象观测记录数据,定量分析昌吉绿洲区不同时间尺度和不同天气条件下的地表辐射变化特征。结果表明:(1)辐射分量日均值和日峰值时间有季节性差异,特殊天气现象对辐射通量有影响。(2) 地表辐射月曝辐量随季节变化显著。(3) 地表反照率月平均日变化季节性明显,晴天时地表反照率呈平滑的“U形”曲线,非晴天时曲线变化皆不规则、不平滑。(4)不同天气下辐射分量有独特日变化特征,轻雾、雨天、大风、扬沙、多云天等典型天气会给辐射分量带来不同程度的衰减,雨天、大风和多云天气衰减最为明显。  相似文献   
通过对涞源、大灰厂、牛口峪、赤城、太原等台的地形变资料进行系统辨识和研究,认为带控制项的自回归模型(简称CAR(n)模型)能够较为客观地、合理地反映迭加了温度、降雨等影响的地壳形变观测系统。将所得模型用于资料预估,排除干扰,识别地震异常,效果较为理想。  相似文献   
随着移动互联网的飞速发展及智能终端的广泛应用,"互联网+地震"成为信息化建设的重点内容。为实现及时、高效、随时随地获取地震信息,项目设计了基于Android平台的地震前兆数据观测系统。按照软件开发流程,对平台进行需求分析、功能模块设计、数据库设计及编码实现。文章阐述了实现过程中的系统架构、关键技术、Android客户端和基于SSH框架的服务器端的运行效果。  相似文献   
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