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Climate drift in preindustrial control (PICTL) simulations can lead to spurious climate trends and large uncertainties in historical and future climate simulations in coupled models. This study examined the long-term behaviors and stabilities of the PICTL simulations in the two versions of FGOALS2 (the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model Version 2), which have been submitted to the Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). As verified by examining time series of thermal fields and their linear trends, the PICTL simulations showed stable long-term integration behaviors and no obvious climate drift [the magnitudes of linear trends of SST were both less than 0.04oC (100 yr)-1] over multiple centuries. The changed SSTs in a century (that corresponded to the linear trends) were less than the standard deviations of annual mean values, which implied the internal variability was not affected. These trend values were less than 10% of those of global averaged SST from observations and historical runs during the periods of slow and rapid warming. Such stable long-term integration behaviors reduced the uncertainty of the estimation of global warming rates in the historical and future climate projections in the two versions of FGOALS2. Compared with the trends in the Northern Hemisphere, larger trends existed in the SST and sea ice extents at the middle to high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere (SH). To estimate the historical and future climate trends in the SH or at some specific regions in FGOALS2, corrections needed to be carried out. The similar long-term behaviors in the two versions of FGOALS2 may be attributed to proper physical processes in the ocean model.  相似文献   
基于LASG/IAP大气环流谱模式的气候系统模式   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
文章扼要介绍了基于LASG/IAP大气环流谱模式(SAMIL)的气候系统模式的新版本FGOALS-s的发展和结构。出于发展一个在东亚季风模拟方面有一定优势的气候系统模式之目的,FGOALS-s的大气模式分量SAMIL采用了较高的水平分辨率R42,这相当于2.8125°(经度)×1.66°(纬度),高于三角截断T42的分辨率。对FGOALS-s在模拟大气、陆面、海洋和海冰的气候平均态,以及主要的年际变率信号方面的能力进行了检验。分析表明,FGOALS-s成功地控制了气候漂移趋势,能够较为真实地模拟大气、海洋和陆面的气候平均态,特别是受益于大气模式的较高分辨率,由中国西南向东北延伸的夏季风雨带的分布,在模式中得到较为真实的再现,表明该模式在东亚夏季风的模拟上具有较强能力。耦合模式能够成功再现El Ni~no事件的非规则周期变化,但是其年际变化的振幅较之观测要弱。赤道中西太平洋年际变率的强度较之赤道中东太平洋要强。在中高纬度,模式模拟的北大西洋涛动模态,在空间分布上与观测接近。FGOALS-s模式存在的主要问题,是模拟的热带海温偏冷、而中纬度海温则偏暖,原因是模式模拟的云量分布存在偏差,它直接影响到海表的净热通量收支。模式模拟的北大西洋高纬度地区的海温明显偏冷,令该地区的年平均海冰分布的范围明显偏大;然而受南极周边海温偏高影响,南极洲周围的海冰范围则偏少。FGOALS-s的未来工作重点,宜放在大气模式的云过程、海洋模式的经向能量输送过程、以及海洋与大气的淡水通量耦合方案的改进方面。  相似文献   
利用一个全球海-冰-气耦合模式模拟结果, 选取冬季年际变率最大的海冰区--格陵兰海海冰区中的一个4年海冰剧烈变化过程展开分析, 试图探讨此个例过程中海冰剧烈变化的原因.结果表明, 在此个例中, 该区域海冰年际变异主要是由大气环流异常驱动的, 海表面温度和海冰密集度变化主要是对大气环流变化的响应.海表面温度变化决定着海冰范围及海冰密集度的变化, 但海冰变化时通过相变潜热的释放或吸收反过来对海表面温度变化有一定影响.  相似文献   
基于利用日最大太阳辐射、日平均海面风和日降水量近似计算海表温度(SST)日变化的振幅的方法,发展了一个计算SST日循环的参数化方案。利用周平均SST强迫美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)的CCM3大气模式进行了有、无考虑SST日变化的比较试验。热带海洋与全球大气计划之耦合海气响应实验(TOGA COARE)的强化观测期间 IMET浮标的逐时海表观测资料不仅验证了该参数化方案的合理性,也表明了利用参数化方案对强迫场SST迭加日变化使CCM3较真实地模拟出西太平洋暖池海表热通量的季节内变化的位相结构。  相似文献   
Net primary production (NPP) of crop represents the capacity of sequestrating atmospheric CO2 in agro-ecosystem, and it plays an important role in terrestrial carbon cycling. By linking the Crop-C model with climate change scenario projected by a coupled GCM FGOALS via geographical information system (GIS) techniques, crop NPP in China was simulated from 2000 to 2050. The national averaged surface air temperature from FGOALS is projected to increase by 1.0℃ over this period and the corresponding atmospheric CO2 concentration is 535 ppm by 2050 under the IPCC A1B scenario. With a spatial resolution of 10 ×10 km^2, model simulation indicated that an annual average increase of 0.6 Tg C yr^-1 (Tg=10^12 g) would be possible under the A1B scenario. The NPP in the late 2040s would increase by 5% (30 Tg C) within the 98×10^6 hm^2 cropland area in contrast with that in the early 2000s. A further investigation suggested that changes in the NPP would not be evenly distributed in China. A higher increase would occur in a majority of regions located in eastern and northwestern China, while a slight reduction would appear in Hebei and Tianjin in northern China. The spatial characteristics of the crop NPP change are attributed primarily to the uneven distribution of temperature change.  相似文献   
海洋角动量变化与洋流、海水质量分布变化密切相关。基于美国马里兰大学SODA海洋同化资料,研究了1985~2001年期间全球赤道海洋角动量的变化。从数月到年际时间尺度,固体地球、大气、陆地水和海洋总角动量守恒。从固体地球角动量变化中扣除大气和陆地水角动量变化的影响,可以为海洋角动量的变化提供约束,用于检验所得全球海洋角动量变化的准确性。季节尺度上的分析比对显示,在赤道的格林尼治方向上,海洋角动量变化大于大气角动量变化,并与约束序列的变化具有高度一致性;在赤道东经90°方向上,海洋角动量变化比大气角动量变化小一个数量级,并与1985~1992年的约束变化呈现出一定的相似性。  相似文献   
The Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model, Spectral Version 2 (FGOALS-s2) was used to simulate realistic climates and to study anthropogenic influences on climate change. Specifically, the FGOALS-s2 was integrated with Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) to conduct coordinated experiments that will provide valuable scientific information to climate research communities. The performances of FGOALS-s2 were assessed in simulating major climate phenomena, and documented both the strengths and weaknesses of the model. The results indicate that FGOALS-s2 successfully overcomes climate drift, and realistically models global and regional climate characteristics, including SST, precipitation, and atmospheric circulation. In particular, the model accurately captures annual and semi-annual SST cycles in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, and the main characteristic features of the Asian summer monsoon, which include a low-level southwestern jet and five monsoon rainfall centers. The simulated climate variability was further examined in terms of teleconnections, leading modes of global SST (namely, ENSO), Pacific Decadal Oscillations (PDO), and changes in 19th–20th century climate. The analysis demonstrates that FGOALS-s2 realistically simulates extra-tropical teleconnection patterns of large-scale climate, and irregular ENSO periods. The model gives fairly reasonable reconstructions of spatial patterns of PDO and global monsoon changes in the 20th century. However, because the indirect effects of aerosols are not included in the model, the simulated global temperature change during the period 1850–2005 is greater than the observed warming, by 0.6°C. Some other shortcomings of the model are also noted.  相似文献   
A comparative study between the output of the Flexible Global Climate Model Version 1.0 (FGCM- 1.0) and the observations is performed. At 500 hPa, the geopotential height of FGCM is similar to the observations, but in the North Pacific the model gives lower values, and the differences are most significant over the northern boundary of the Pacific. In a net heat flux comparison, the spatial patterns of the two are similar in winter, but more heat loss appears to the east of Japan in FGCM than in COADS. On the interannual timescale, strong (weak) Kuroshio transports to the east of Taiwan lead the increasing (decreasing) net heat flux, which is centered over the Kuroshio Extension region, by 1–2 months, with low (high) pressure anomaly responses appearing at 500 hPa over the North Pacific (north of 25N) in winter. The northward heat transport of the Kuroshio is one of the important heat sources to support the warming of the atmosphere by the ocean and the formation of the low pressure anomaly at 500 hPa over the North Pacific in winter.  相似文献   
温室效应引起的东亚区域气候变化   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
用中国科学院大气物理研究所的两层大气和二十层大洋环流模式耦合的海气模式进行了控制试验和瞬变响应试验两个长期积分,并用它们的差异来分析大气中二氧化碳含量加倍所引起的东亚区域的气候变化。二氧化碳加倍以后,东亚年平均温度升高,降水增加,土壤湿度也是增加的,但存在着显著的季节性和区域性的差异。因此,又把东亚分成8个区,来详细探讨二氧化碳增加所引起的区域气候变化。选取了3个具有代表性的气候量:温度、降水和土壤湿度。二氧化碳加倍以后,温度的增加和土壤湿度的增加主要出现在冬半年的高纬度,降水增加的最大值也出现在冬半年的高纬度。另外,还初步分析了二氧化碳浓度加倍所引起的温度和降水年际变率的变化  相似文献   
一个统计低云方案及其在大气环流模式中应用初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
文中利用湍流耗散特征时间尺度和湍流垂直扩散系数对湍流二阶距进行参数化 ,将一个统计云方案与一阶湍流闭合方案进行耦合。基于数值试验 ,在不同的相对湿度、温度垂直梯度、以及湍流耗散特征时间尺度条件下 ,对该方案云量模拟能力的分析 ,发现该统计云方案对其采用的参数及湍流耗散特征时间尺度敏感。基于该数值模拟分析 ,修改了该统计云方案 ,并结合其他边界层积云参数化方案 ,给出了一个基于统计的低云参数化方案。将其初步应用于NCARCCM 3后发现 :该方案可以显著增强CCM 3对副热带低云的模拟能力 ,可以合理地模拟出大洋东部大陆西岸冷海域低云量大值中心 ,显示出该方案对于改进大气环流模式低云参数化具有潜在的应用前景。  相似文献   
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