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应明  余晖  梁旭东  李佳 《气象》2009,35(2):94-100
利用热带气旋年鉴、海温和大气环流再分析资料,分析2007年西北太平洋(包括南海)的风暴级以上热带气旋(简称TC)活动状况及海-气条件.结果表明,相对于气候平均值,2007年西北太平洋TC活动的季节峰期推后了约2个月,源地明显偏北,生成点纬度发生了2次明显跃变,年度TC的总体活动较弱,但个体的强度较强,路径以西北行为主,登陆比例偏大.影响上述TC活动特征的一个重要原因是年内ENSO循环的位相使得上半年的大气环流不利因素居多,而下半年大尺度上升运动、热带辐合带均较强,副高偏北、局地垂直风切变较小和对流层低层较强的扰动活动等条件,也十分有利热带气旋活动.  相似文献   
登陆台风卡努(0515)内核区环流结构特征分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
魏超时  赵坤  余晖 《大气科学》2011,35(1):68-80
本文采用地基雷达轨迹显示技术(Ground Based Velocity Track Display,简称GBVTD)反演的雷达风场资料,分析台风卡努(0515)在登陆期间近中心环流结构特征.轴对称环流结构分析表明,登陆前卡努轴对称切向风速最大值出现在眼墙区域2 km高度附近,最大风速半径随高度向外倾斜.轴对称径向入流...  相似文献   
利用一个二维大气模式,研究粗糙冷岛宽度与布局对局地气候的影响问题。结果表明:粗糙冷岛激发的局地环流随其宽度的变化表现出3种流型-单环流型,双上升单下沉型,双环流型。存在40-50km左右的临界宽度dc,当粗糙冷岛宽度d〈dc时,粗糙冷岛激发的局地环流随d的增加而明显增强;而d〉dc时,局地环流随d的增国变化不大,甚至趋向准定常。  相似文献   
A limited-area primitive equation model is used to study the role of the β-effect and a uniform current on tropical cyclone (TC) intensity.It is found that TC intensity is reduced in a non-quiescent environment compared with the case of no uniform current.On an f-plane,the rate of intensification of a tropical cyclone is larger than that of the uniform flow.A TC on a β-plane intensifies slower than one on an f-plane.The main physical characteristic that distinguishes the experiments is the asymmetric thermodynamic (including convective) and dynamic structures present when either a uniform flow or β-effect is introduced.But a fairly symmetric TC structure is simulated on an f-plane.The magnitude of the warm core and the associated subsidence are found to be responsible for such simulated intensity changes.On an f-plane,the convection tends to be symmetric,which results in strong upper-level convergence near the center and hence strong forced subsidence and a very warm core.On the other hand,horizontal advection of temperature cancels part of the adiabatic heating and results in less warming of the core,and hence the TC is not as intense.This advective process is due to the tilt of the vortex as a result of the β-effect.A similar situation occurs in the presence of a uniform flow.Thus,the asymmetric horizontal advection of temperature plays an important role in the temperature distribution.Dynamically,the asymmetric angular momentum (AM) flux is very small on an f-plane throughout the troposphere.However,the total AM exports at the upper levels for a TC either on aβ-plane or with a uniform flow environment are larger because of an increase of the asymmetric as well as symmetric AM export on the plane at radii >450 km,and hence there is a lesser intensification.  相似文献   
In this paper, 1416 conventional ground-based meteorological observation stations on the mainland of China were subdivided into groups of differing spatial density. Data from each subgroup were then used to analyze variations in the tropical cyclone (TC) precipitation statistics derived from each subgroup across the mainland of China (excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao), as well as in two regions (east China and south China) and three provinces (Guangdong, Hainan, and Jiangxi) between 1981 and 2010. The results showed that for the mainland of China, total precipitation, mean annual precipitation, mean daily precipitation, and its spatial distribution were the same regardless of the spatial density of the stations. However, some minor differences were evident with respect to precipitation extremes and their spatial distribution. Overall, there were no significant variations in the TC precipitation statistics calculated from different station density schemes for the mainland of China. The regional and provincial results showed no significant differences in mean daily precipitation, but this was not the case for the maximum daily precipitation and torrential rain frequency. The maximum daily precipitation calculated from the lower-density station data was slightly less than that based on the higher-density station schemes, and this effect should be taken into consideration when interpreting regional climate statistics. The impact of station density on TC precipitation characteristics was more obvious for Hainan than for Guangdong or Jiangxi provinces. In addition, the effects were greater for south China (including Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region, Guangdong, and Hainan provinces) than east China (including Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Fujian, Anhui, and Jiangxi provinces). Furthermore, the analysis proved that the statistical climatic characteristics began to change significantly when the station spacing was between 40 and 50 km, which are close to the mean spacing for all stations across the mainland of China. Moreover, TC areal precipitation parameters, including mean total areal precipitation and mean daily areal precipitation, also began to change significantly when the spacing was between 40 and 50 km, and were completely different when it was between 100 and 200 km.  相似文献   
正热带气旋位居全球十大自然灾害之首,至今造成全球保险损失金额最高的十大自然灾害事件中有八起与热带气旋有关。西北太平洋(含南海)是全球热带气旋最活跃的海区,中国是全世界受热带气旋影响最严重的国家之一,每年约有7~9个热带气旋登陆在我国人口稠密、经济发达的东南沿海,造成的经济损失随着经济社会发展和人口规模的增长呈日趋加重的态势。我国各级政府及中国气象局始终高度重视防台减灾工作,自1970年代起便建立了全国台风监测预警联  相似文献   
应用1999—2003年中国中央气象台 (CMO)、日本气象厅 (JMA) 以及美国联合台风警报中心 (JTWC) 发布的西北太平洋热带气旋综合预报资料, 从总误差、逐年误差趋势、不同海区误差、不同路径趋势误差、不同强度趋势误差等5个方面对各预报中心的路径及强度预报结果进行分析, 结果表明:5年总的平均误差以JTWC的路径预报误差最小, 而JMA的强度预报较准确; 在不同海域, 各预报中心的路径预报能力各有优势, 但在热带气旋的强度预报方面, JMA的方法在各海区都较稳定; 对不同路径趋势热带气旋的预报方面, 除了南海转向热带气旋的路径预报比JMA和CMO稍差一些之外, JTWC的路径预报在大多数情况下都是好于或相当于JMA和CMO; 在不同强度变化趋势热带气旋的预报方面, JTWC在大多数情况下都优于其他中心。上述结果帮助业务和科技人员全面了解各预报中心的预报能力优劣, 也为今后改进我国的热带气旋预报提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
环境场对东海登陆热带气旋陆地路径的影响   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:9  
采用合成分析的方法,对比分析了在华东南部沿海登陆,维持较短陆地路径和维持较长陆地路径的两类热带气旋的环境场变化,结果表明:环境场对登陆热带气旋的陆地路径的维持有重要影响。当西北太平洋副热带高压迅速加强西伸;中低层低压环流迅速减弱;中低层环境热力条件差,海洋水汽输送中断;高层水平流场呈纬向型,青藏高原反气旋环流相对较弱而西北太平洋副热带高压反气旋环流强大,中纬带西风急流强大时,环境场的配置使热带气旋周围的高层水平辐散弱并衰减,低层水平辐合弱并衰减,热带气旋的对流被抑制,仅能维持较短路径很快就减弱消亡。反之,当西北太平洋副热带高压减弱东退,西风槽南压;低层低压环流长时间维持;中低层环境热力条件好,海洋水汽输送通畅;高层水平流场呈经向型,青藏高原反气旋环流相对强大而西北太平洋副热带高压反气旋环流减弱东退,中纬带西风急流较弱,低空东南风急流强大时,环境场的配置使热带气旋周围高层水平辐散强并维持,低层水平辐合强并维持,热带气旋的对流通畅,能维持较长生命史和较长的路径。  相似文献   
登陆华南热带气旋强度变化与大尺度环流的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用UK再分析资料,采用合成分析方法,对比分析了登陆华南的登陆前迅速增强的TC(Rapid Intensifying TC,简称RITC)和迅速减弱的TC(Rapid FillingTC,简称RFTC)登陆前24h的大尺度环流背景特征。结果表明:从外流、入流强度和范围上看,RITC的低空入流和高空外流均明显强于RFTC,两类TC高空外流强度的差异比低空入流明显,RITC的次级环流径向范围大;从外流垂直伸展高度上看,RITC的平均外流主要集中在500hPa以上,而RFFC的平均外流比较分散,向下伸展到850hPa;从高空流场配置看,RITC上空除西北象限外均有较强外流,而RVrC仅在东北象限有较强外流,相应的RITC和RVrC的高空辐散在范围和强度上均有明显的差异,其中RITC的高空辐散明显强于RFTC;强烈的西南季风水汽输送是登陆华南的TC登陆前突然加强的先兆条件,RITC的对流活动明显比RFTc活跃;RITC的纬向风垂直切变比RFTC小,有利于RITC的强度增强。  相似文献   
“碧利斯”(0604)暴雨过程不同类型降水云微物理特征分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
本文利用"碧利斯"(0604)暴雨增幅过程高分辨率的数值模拟资料, 将降水分成对流降水和层云降水, 对比分析了不同类型降水云微物理特征和过程的差异, 探讨了不同类型降水对暴雨增幅的贡献, 结果指出:(1)暴雨增幅前, 降水基本为层云降水, 对流降水只存在于零星的几个小区域, 暴雨增幅发生时段, 对流降水所占比例较暴雨增幅前有显著增加, 平均降水强度达层云降水强度的3倍多。(2)暴雨增幅时段, 云系发展更加旺盛, 云中各种水凝物含量较增幅前明显增加, 其中, 对流和层云降水区云中水凝物含量均有一定程度增长, 但对流降水区增加更显著;而无论增幅前还是增幅时段, 对流降水区云中水凝物含量均要明显大于层云降水区, 并且两者的这种差异随着地面降水强度的增强而增大。(3)暴雨增幅前后, 对流降水区雨滴的两个主要来源最终均可以追踪到云水, 通过云水与大的液相粒子(雨滴)和大的固相粒子(雪)之间、以及大的固相粒子(雪和霰)之间的相互作用和转化, 造成雨滴增长, 并最终形成地面降水, 而层云降水区中与雨滴形成相关的上述主要云微物理过程明显变弱, 但层云降水区中暴雨增幅时段的上述过程又要强于增幅前, 说明层云降水对暴雨增幅也有一定贡献。  相似文献   
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