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影响我国短期气候异常的关键区:亚印太交汇区   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
围绕国家重点基础研究发展计划项目“亚印太交汇区海气相互作用及其对我国短期气候的影响”,介绍了“亚印太交汇区”(AIPO)的概念,从气候系统多圈层相互作用的角度,阐述了研究AIPO区海气相互作用的科学意义;在分析国内外海气相互作用影响气候研究发展动态的基础上,指出AIPO区是影响我国短期气候的关键区;研究AIPO区海气相互作用对我国短期气候的影响也是国民经济发展需要亟待解决的重要课题。介绍了项目拟研究的关键科学问题,指出该项目的最终研究目标为:揭示AIPO季节到年际尺度的海气相互作用特征,从而提出该关键区海气相互作用影响我国短期气候异常的理论框架,为改进东亚季风的季度—年际变化预测提供理论和方法。  相似文献   
通过研究二维准动量无辐散、无摩擦层结大气非线性方程组的行波解问题证明,非线性行波解的本质属性是由参数b的符号性质决定的。当b>0时,为周期解,其周期与相应的线性周期解的周期相等;当b≤0时,为孤立波解。给出了一般行波解的解析表达式。并细致地研究了中性和不稳定层结大气中的孤立行波的特征,发现中性和不稳定层结大气中存在具有类似于飑线结构特征的孤立波。指出了中性和不稳定层结大气中的一般孤立行波物理量的分布特征。  相似文献   
丁一汇  胡雯  黄勇  陈凤娇 《气象学报》2020,78(5):721-734
1998和1999年夏,中国与日本科学家合作在安徽省淮河流域进行了第一次大规模的能量与水循环试验(WCRP/GEWEX/GAME/HUBEX),其重点是研究东亚梅雨锋系的多尺度,多系统结构、特征、生命史、发生发展机理及其引起洪涝灾害的原因。这是第一次中日合作的气象与水文联合观测试验,在此加强观测的基础上,双方进一步进行了长达5年的资料整理分析和科学研究工作,整个淮河流域能量与水循环试验与研究取得了全面和丰硕的成果。文中介绍了该计划所取得的主要成果,并以现在科学进展的视野重新评估这些成果的科学意义和不足,为进一步开展新的淮河与长江中下游梅雨科学联合试验提供经验和新的研究目标。  相似文献   
暴雨和中尺度气象学问题   总被引:86,自引:8,他引:86  
丁一汇 《气象学报》1994,52(3):274-284
对近年来暴雨和中尺度气象学的进展进行了综合评述,这包括(1)暴雨发生的条件;(2)强风暴和中尺度对流系统概念模式;(3)中尺度系统的数值模拟;(4)中尺度动力学问题;(5)暴雨预报等。对于暴雨和中尺度气象学将来研究的问题也作了讨论。  相似文献   
The oceanic and atmospheric conditions and the related climate impacts of the 2015/16 ENSO cycle were analyzed, based on the latest global climate observational data, especially that of China. The results show that this strong El Niño event fully established in spring 2015 and has been rapidly developing into one of the three strongest El Niño episodes in recorded history. Meanwhile, it is also expected to be the longest event recorded, attributable to the stable maintenance of the abnormally warm conditions in the equatorial Pacific Ocean since spring 2014. Owing to the impacts of this strong event, along with climate warming background, the global surface temperature and the surface air temperature over Chinese mainland reached record highs in 2015. Disastrous weather in various places worldwide have occurred in association with this severe El Niño episode, and summer precipitation has reduced significantly in North China, especially over the bend of the Yellow River, central Inner Mongolia, and the coastal areas surrounding Bohai Bay. Serious drought has occurred in some of the above areas. The El Niño episode reached its peak strength during November-December 2015, when a lower-troposphere anomalous anticyclonic circulation prevailed over the Philippines, bringing about abnormal southerlies and substantially increased precipitation in southeastern China. At the same time, a negative phase of the Eurasia-Pacific teleconnection pattern dominated over the mid-high latitudes, which suppressed northerly winds in North China. These two factors together resulted in high concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and frequent haze weather in this region. Currently, this strong El Niño is weakening very rapidly, but its impact on climate will continue in the coming months in some regions, especially in China.  相似文献   
东亚寒潮冷空气的传播和行星尺度作用   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究了1980—1984年冬季19次东亚寒潮爆发过程中低频扰动的传播特征和行星尺度作用。揭示出冷空气的向南传播主要是一种低频模态的10—20天周期的振荡。另一方面,与寒潮爆发有关的西伯利亚冷高压作为北半球冬季对流层的主要冷源会导致一系列行星尺度过程的响应。这主要表现为辐散环流的上升支迅速地从印尼—马来西亚地区东移到东太平洋,使正常的沃克环流反向。这种情况十分相似于由非厄尔尼诺年到厄尔尼诺年辐散环流的运动。从动力学上,这种辐散环流有利于东太平洋以及北美西岸的天气发展。  相似文献   
淮河流域是中国南北气候重要的过渡带,气象灾害频繁发生。这里水网、农田、丘陵、山地、城镇密布,地-气作用复杂,干冷与暖湿空气时常交汇于此,造成局地或流域旱涝经常发生。淮河流域处于梅雨区,且是中国重要的农业生产基地,具有气象和水文综合观测系统,积累了长序列的气象和水文观测资料。因此,淮河流域是研究能量和水分循环的理想试验区。国家自然科学基金重大项目"淮河流域能量与水分循环试验和研究(HUaihe river Basin Experiment,简称HUBEX)"于1998、1999年夏在淮河流域开展了气象和水文联合观测试验。文中回顾了HUBEX试验的目的、观测网设计与布局,介绍了HUBEX推动下的淮河流域综合观测网的发展,总结了HUBEX观测试验对区域气候事件和暴雨等灾害性天气机理研究、提高模式模拟和预报能力及建立长期连续的气象观测数据集等方面的成果和作用。  相似文献   
The climatological characteristics of the moisture budget over the joining area of Asia and the Indian-Pacific Ocean (AIPO) and its adjacent regions as well as their anomalies have been estimated in this study. The main results are as follows. In the winter, the northeasterly moisture transport covers the extensive areas at the lower latitudes of the AIPO. The westerly and northerly moisture transport is the major source and the South Indian Ocean (SIO) is the moisture sink. In the summer, influenced by the southwesterly monsoonal wind, the cross-equatorial southwesterly moisture transport across Somali originating from the SIO is transported through the Arabian Sea (AS), the Bay of Bengal (BOB), and the South China Sea (SCS) to eastern China. The AIPO is controlled by the southwesterly moisture transport. The net moisture influx over the AIPO has obvious interannual and interdecadal variations. From the mid- or late 1970s, the influxes over the SIO, the AS, the northern part of the western North Pacific (NWNP), and North China (NC) as well as South China (SC) begin to decrease abruptly, while those over Northeast China (NEC) and the Yangtze River-Huaihe River basins (YHRB) have increased remarkably. As a whole, the net moisture influxes over the BOB and the southern part of the western North Pacific (SWNP) in the recent 50 years take on a linear increasing trend. However, the transition timing for these two regions is different with the former being at the mid- or late 1980s and the latter occurring earlier, approximately at the early stage of the 1970s. The anomalous moisture source associated with the precipitation anomalies is different from the normal conditions of the summer precipitation. For the drought or flood years or the years of El Ni\~no and its following years, the anomalous moisture transport originating from the western North Pacific (WNP) is the vital source of the anomalous precipitation over eastern China, which is greatly related with the variation of the subtropical Pacific high.  相似文献   
In the past decade there has been extensive research into tropical intraseasonal variability, one of the major components of the low frequency variability of the general atmospheric circulation. This paper briefly reviews the state-of-the-art in this research area: the nature of the Madden-Julian Oscillation, its relation to monsoonal and extratropical circulations, and the current theoretical understandings.  相似文献   
利用NCEP/NCAR提供的月平均850、500 hPa位势高度场和风矢量场资料及NOAA气候诊断中心的海温扩展重建资料,同时利用NCEP的CAM3.0模式对厄尔尼诺气候效应进行了分析。外强迫为赤道东太平洋的异常海温,从9月积分至次年6月,对此进行了模拟,结果表明:(1)冬季厄尔尼诺达到强盛后对次年东亚初夏的环流有明显的影响,表现在低层菲律宾附近反气旋环流的增强和中高纬度OKJ类波列(主要为鄂霍次克海—日本东部—日期变更线以西副热带高压北部的波列)的活跃,而后者更容易被模拟,这两种环流方面的影响都能在资料中检测出来。当这两种异常环流的发展被模拟出来时,长江以南地区的多雨状态也能够被模拟,表明厄尔尼诺发生后,其对夏季风的发生、发展有滞后作用,从而加强向中国南方的水汽输送,但至6月由于OKJ波列的发展使波活动通量在北太平洋中西部产生大面积强烈散射使副热带高压偏南,因而又抑制了夏季风的进一步向北推进,从而只停留在长江及其以南地区,这可能是致使降水南多北少的原因之一;(2)中国南方降水多寡受到鄂霍次克海高压及菲律宾反气旋的共同影响,两者任何一方加强时南方降水增多,反之亦然。近年来受鄂霍次克海高压的影响更为突出,鄂霍次克海高压、南北方降水、厄尔尼诺事件以及菲律宾反气旋都存在相近似但又各自不同的年代际变化规律,其共同影响与中国南涝北旱的年代际降水格局变化有密切关系。  相似文献   
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