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1IntroductionTherisingatmosphericgreenhousegaseswerebelievedtobetheprimarycauseofglobalclimatechange(Tettetal.,1999;Crowley,2000).Amongthegreenhousegases,theconcentrationofatmosphericcarbondioxidehasincreasedfrom280ppmsincepre-industrialtimestocurrent355ppm,whichaccountedfor50%ofthetotalgreenhouseeffect(Nefteletal.,1985;Friedlietal.,1986;Rodhe,1990;Fanetal.,1998).ElevatedCO2hasamarkedeffectonterrestrialecosystemprocesses(Melilloetal.,1996).TheQinghai-TibetPlateau,thelargestgeomorphologica…  相似文献   
Progress in sandy desertification research of China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Desertification is one of the most serious environmental and socio-economic problems facing the world today. Because the rapid expansion of desertification has resulted in serious environmental deterioration, economic loss, locally unsteadiness political situation and social upheaval, it has become a hot-spot issue of worldwide concern. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, as the catastrophic drought in the west Africa greatly accelerated the development of desertification, the desertificati…  相似文献   
This paper proposes a basic equation of thermal radiation interaction between surface objects on the basis of the principle of heat balance in the interface. The solution of this equation takes account of the contribution of sensible heat flux and latent heat flux more completely, compared with traditional solution for surface cooling and heating processes. By the aid of the experimental data conducted in the Xiaotangshan experimental site, Beijing, both the non-applicability of Kirchoff's law and the measurability of surface emissivity in a non-isothermal system have been highlighted. Two methods called ventilation and time-delay compensations have been proposed to reduce the error induced by change of surface temperatures of non-isothermal objects during the measurement of emissivity. Based on the solution of the basic equation, this paper has analyzed and pointed out the misunderstanding in comprehension and application of Kirchoff's law published in literature.  相似文献   
2015年是全面深化改革的关键之年,是全面推进依法治国的开局之年.国土资源部认真贯彻落实《国务院办公厅关于印发2015年政府信息公开工作要点的通知》(国办发[2015]22号,以下简称《通知》)精神,按要求对涉及我部的公开事项进行了认真梳理分解,将牵头落实事项(2项)、参与落实事项(4项)和普遍要求落实的事项(20项)纳入我部政府信息公开总体工作进行了安排部署,并明确了任务分工.一年来,我部紧紧围绕国土资源管理中心工作以及社会关切,着力推进征地、土地和矿业权出让、地质灾害预报预警,以及行政审批制度改革、以“三公”经费为重点的财政资金等重点领域信息公开,积极加强信息发布、政策解读和回应工作,不断增强政府信息公开实效,促进法治国土建设,服务经济社会发展.  相似文献   
气象条件是天文台址观测条件的一项重要内容,是论证台址优劣的基础。空间目标的地基观测不可避免地要受到地球大气环境的影响,观测台址的天气条件与大气特性直接导致对观测目标的不同探测能力和表观结果。台址的选择决定着大口径望远镜设备能否有效发挥其设计性能,也直接关系到天文台建设和后期运行的投入。  相似文献   
二十四节气是根据一年中太阳在天球黄道圆上位置划分出来的24段等长时间的总称。每段15度,各相应约15天。二十四节气的名称是:立春,雨水,惊蛰,春分,清明,谷雨,立夏,小满,芒种,夏至,小暑,大暑,立秋,处暑,白露,秋分,寒露,霜降,立冬,小雪,大雪,冬至,小寒,大寒。  相似文献   
近几年,生活在北京市的人们一般不敢对供暖季的空气质量有过高的奢求。但是,在2018年11月,北京开始供暖季,微博、微信圈里“北京蓝”被不时地刷屏。2019年1月20日,周日,大寒,下午2点,某知名品牌客户端显示北京空气质量指数达22,打败全国96%的城市!人们惊喜地感受着、传递着北京市及周边地区近年来空气质量改善的喜悦。  相似文献   
辽宁省位于东北地区南部,南临黄海、渤海,东与朝鲜一江之隔,是东北地区唯一的既沿海又沿边的省份,也是东北及内蒙古自治区东部地区对外开放的门户。作为中国重要的老工业基地,辽宁省是新中国工业崛起的摇篮,是全国工业门类较为齐全的、中国近代开埠最早和中国最先实行对外开放政策的沿海省份之一,更是中华民族和中华文明的发源地之一。  相似文献   
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