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The fossil specimens discussed in this paper were collected from the grayish green mudstone and shale in the upper part of Lower Member of Middle Triassic Tongchuan Formation (T2t) in Shaanxi Province, China. Venationary feature correlation with old families and taxonomic discussion show that, among them, one specimen can be assigned to a new family - Sunopteridae fam. nov., which includes a new genus and species and can be referred to Order Protorthoptera Handlirsch, 1906 in taxonomic position, thus belonging to a new member of the Tongchuan Entomoassemblage of Shaanxi Entomofauna (belonging to Shaanxi Biota). The discovery of the new family and its new genus and species has certain reference values as follows: ① The discovery of the new family and its new genus and species fills firstly the vacancy in the protorthopterous field of China; ② In the meantime, it fills also the gaps of the valuable Middle Triassic protorthopterous fossil specimens between Late Carboniferous and Late Triassic Epochs in the world; ③ Judging from venationary features and taxonomic position, especially in the course of the formation of the merged vein of M and Cu, it formed a new unique and particular style of merged vein M+Cu. It not only is unique and simple, but also can be distinguished from the above mentioned 10 old families, thus providing important taxonomic evidence.  相似文献   
IntroductionTheKtmlundearakorumMountainRangeislocatedinthesouthernpartoftheXinjiangUygUrAutonomousRegion,NorthwestChina,belongingtotheconnectionpaftbetWeentheQinghai-TibetPlateauandthePamirPlateau.So,itstectonicfeaturesandevolutionaryhistoriesarecloselylinkedwiththesetWoplateaus(seefig.l).ThecompIexityofgeologicalstrUctUresinthisarealeadstoalotofcontfoversiesabolltitsevolutionhistoryforalongtime.TheXinjiangGeotTansect,runningacrosstheTianshanMountains,theTarimBasinandtheKunlun-Kara…  相似文献   
煤瓦斯突出与煤岩显微结构构造密切相关。除部分显微结构构造与成煤阶段的环境等有关外,大部分都是构造变形的结果。因此,我们从构造变形类型和特点来划分煤岩显徽构造类型,既简便又利于应用。根据四川南桐鱼田堡煤矿4号及6号煤层的扫描电子显微镜研究,可将煤岩划分成5类:非构造煤、微裂隙煤、微劈理煤、碎裂构造煤和糜棱构造煤。文中详述了各类煤的特点,指出它们所代表的构造意义,并讨论了它们与瓦斯突出的关系。还特别提出糜棱构造煤的一系列塑性变形特征。得出结论:若其他条件均具备,有糜棱构造煤产出的地段,就可能是瓦斯突出最危险的部位。此外,根据观察煤瓦斯突出后的煤岩显微构造变化,提出有关瓦斯突出的过程,并探讨了煤瓦斯突出机理。在瓦斯突出过程中,已经历过塑性变形的煤岩又叠加了脆性变形,因而发生大量煤“粉尘”随突出而抛出。  相似文献   
关于伊利石结晶度诸指数的评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
葛淑兰  L 《地球物理学报》2013,56(2):542-557
沉积物记录的地磁场强度首先提供了模拟地磁场演化的数据约束,其次提供了沉积物的年龄信息. 本文报道了菲律宾海西北部岩芯记录的地磁场相对强度,并结合岩石磁学和沉积学性质探讨了影响强度的各个因素. 除底部红粘土层的局部磁偏角偏转可能揭示了沉积后改造以外,磁化率各向异性和地磁场方向特征表明沉积物为原状沉积. 岩石磁学性质表明沉积物符合磁性均一性,可以记录可靠的地磁场强度. 由于红粘土层及其下部的磁偏角异常,本文讨论其上部约125 ka的结果. 常规归一方法获得的两个地磁场强度参数NRM/ARM(特征剩磁和非磁滞剩磁比值)和NRM/κ(特征剩磁和磁化率比值)与其它记录对比得到时间-深度对比点,对比点之间的年龄为线性内推或者外推. 地磁场强度时间模型上的岩芯氧同位素与全球氧同位素综合曲线一致证明强度结果的有效性和对比的正确性. 磁化率为归一参数的强度大多低于以非磁滞剩磁为归一参数的强度,频谱和相关分析证明NRM/ARM不与ARM和磁性矿物粒度(ARM/κ)相关,也没有轨道周期性,而NRM/κ却与κ和ARM/κ相关,而且有13~12 ka的周期. 由此我们认为NRM/ARM记录的地磁场强度比NRM/κ更好地消除了气候印记. 进一步探讨了超顺磁含量、碳酸钙含量、磁性矿物组成以及磁性矿物粒度变化与地磁场强度差值的关系,发现末次间冰期较高的超顺磁含量和磁性矿物粒度的较大范围变化造成了地磁场强度差值,后者至少造成了90%差异. 中等含量的碳酸钙和较小的磁性矿物组成变化不是磁场强度差值产生的原因. 如何校正磁性矿物粒度变化的影响将是下一步工作的重点.  相似文献   
Fluid inclusions from the Dajing and Caijiaying deposits have nearly the same ho-mogenization temperature. Correlation between temperature and salinity shows that both Sn-and Cu-bearing fluids Sn and Cu were present in the Dajing deposit but only one kind of fluids continuously evolved in the Caijiaying deposit. Study on rare earth elements (REE) in ancient fluid from the inclusions indicates that the fluid of Sn mineralizing stage in Dajing was derived from remelting magma of the continental crust, and the fluid of Cu-Pb-Zn mineralizing stage in the Dajing deposit and the fluid of Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization in the Caijiaying deposit were derived from the mantle. It is concluded that the Cu-Pb-Zn mineralizations in the Dajing and Caijiaying deposits resulted from the identical tectono-thermal event of magma-fluids induced by Mesozoic tectonic transition and extension in the eastern part of North China Craton.  相似文献   
A new multiscale technique, the wavelet transform, is applied to the study of jets of comet. It has the advantage to show the features of jets.  相似文献   
I. INTRODUCTIONThe Three Gorges Project (TGP) being planned is to be located on the Yangtze River at Sandouplug, 44 km upstream of Yichang (Fig. l). A scheme studied in the feasibility stage has the crest ofthe dam placed at 185 m with a maximums height o…  相似文献   
l.Introducti0nIntheseveraldecadestilltheendofthe1970s,therewasnoanyleastd0ubtthatChinahadbeenfollOwingabalancedregi0naldevelopmentstrategy.0bligedtotlledolnesticandinternationalsituationofthattime,capitalinvestlnentxvasn1ost1yf0rcedt0beputintotheundevel0pedarea(westeconomiczone),thisstrategyprovedtobelesseffectiveandincurredahugelossofinvestmentbenefit.Althoughthewestzoneisabundantinnatllralresources(mineral,energyresourcesetc.),thelevelofregionaldevel0pmentfromeastzonet0westzoneisgradua1lydec…  相似文献   
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