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Fine-grained peraluminous synkinematic leuco-monzogranites (SKG), of Cambro-Ordovician age, occur as veins and sills (up to 20–30 m thick) in the Deep Freeze Range, within the medium to high-grade metamorphics of the Wilson Terrane. Secondary fibrolite + graphite intergrowths occur in feldspars and subordinately in quartz. Four main solid and fluid inclusion populations are observed: primary mixed CO2+H2O inclusions + Al2SiO5 ± brines in garnet (type 1); early CO2-rich inclusions (± brines) in quartz (type 2); early CO2+CH4 (up to 4 mol%)±H2O inclusions + graphite + fibrolite in quartz (type 3); late CH4+CO2+N2 inclusions and H2O inclusions in quartz (type 4). Densities of type 1 inclusions are consistent with the crystallization conditions of SKG (750°C and 3 kbar). The other types are post-magmatic: densities of type 2 and 3 inclusions suggest isobaric cooling at high temperature (700–550°C). Type 4 inclusions were trapped below 500°C. The SKG crystallized from a magma that was at some stage vapour-saturated; fluids were CO2-rich, possibly with immiscible brines. CO2-rich fluids (±brines) characterize the transition from magmatic to post-magmatic stages; progressive isobaric cooling (T<670°C) led to a continuous decrease off O 2 can entering in the graphite stability field; at the same time, the feldspars reacted with CO2-rich fluids to give secondary fibrolite + graphite. Decrease ofT andf O 2 can explain the progressive variation in the fluid composition from CO2-rich to CH4 and water dominated in a closed system (in situ evolution). The presence of N2 the late stages indicates interaction with external metamorphic fluids.Contribution within the network Hydrothermal/metamorphic water-rock interactions in crystalline rocks: a multidisciplinary approach on paleofluid analysis. CEC program: Human Capital and Mobility  相似文献   
Among the recently determined asteroid families (Zappala' et al., 1992) a number of very large clusterings are recognized. Some of them agglomerate few families previously identified as single groupings. In most cases, the new big families (called clans) seem to be composed by different sub-clusterings connected each other by very narrow bridges. In the present paper we analyze their possible origin and evolution: a primordial single event followed by subsequent collisions of the fragments, a super-catastrophic original impact or different collisional events overlapping by chance.  相似文献   
A semi-analytic method, obtained collecting amplitude-aspect and magnitude-aspect relations, is given in order to deduce the pole coordinates of asteroids. The accuracy of this method (5–10°), which needs some restrictive hypotheses, seems to be sufficient for statistical purposes. Possible ambiguities on the results could be resolved by comparison with other methods (like photometric astrometry), which start from different observational data and follow different procedures.  相似文献   
Despite increased application of subsurface datasets below the limits of seismic resolution, reconstructing near‐surface deformation of shallow key stratigraphic markers beneath modern alluvial and coastal plains through sediment core analysis has received little attention. Highly resolved stratigraphy of Upper Pleistocene to Holocene (Marine Isotope Stage 5e to Marine Isotope Stage 1) alluvial, deltaic and coastal depositional systems across the southern Po Plain, down to 150 m depth, provides an unambiguous documentation on the deformation of previously flat‐lying strata that goes back in time beyond the limits of morphological, historical and palaeoseismic records. Five prominent key horizons, accurately selected on the basis of their sedimentological characteristics and typified for their fossil content, were used as highly effective stratigraphic markers (M1 to M5) that can be tracked for tens of kilometres across the basin. A facies‐controlled approach tied to a robust chronology (102 radiocarbon dates) reveals considerable deformation of laterally extensive nearshore (M1), continental (M2 and M3) and lagoon (M4 and M5) marker beds originally deposited in a horizontal position (M1, M4 and M5). The areas where antiformal geometries are best observed are remarkably coincident with the axes of buried ramp anticlines, across which new seismic images reveal substantially warped stratal geometries of Lower Pleistocene strata. The striking spatial coincidence of fold crests with the epicentres of historic and instrumental seismicity suggests that deformation of marker beds M1 to M5 might reflect, in part at least, syntectonically generated relief and, thus, active tectonism. Precise identification and lateral tracing of chronologically constrained stratigraphic markers in the 14C time window through combined sedimentological and palaeoecological data may delineate late Quaternary subsurface stratigraphic architecture at an unprecedented level of detail, outlining cryptic stratal geometries at the sub‐seismic scale. This approach is highly reproducible in tectonically active Quaternary depositional systems and can help to assess patterns of active deformation in the subsurface of modern alluvial and coastal plains worldwide.  相似文献   
Summary The Lanterman Fault Zone, a major terrane boundary in northern Victoria Land, displays a polyphase structural evolution. After west-over-east thrusting, it experienced sinistral strike-slip shearing. Sheared metabasites from the Wilson Terrane (inboard terrane) preserve a record of retrograde metamorphic evolution. Shearing took place under amphibolite-facies metamorphic conditions (roughly comparable to those reached during regional metamorphism) which later evolved to greenschist-facies conditions. In contrast, the Bowers Terrane (outboard terrane) preserves a prograde metamorphic evolution which developed from greenschist-facies to amphibolite-facies metamorphism during shearing, followed by greenschist-facies metamorphism during the late deformational stages. Laser step-heating 40Ar–39Ar analyses of syn-shear amphibolite-facies amphiboles yielded ages of 480–460 Ma, in agreement with a ∼480-Ma age obtained from a biotite aligned along the mylonitic foliation. These ages are younger than those (∼492 to ∼495 Ma) obtained from pre-shear amphibole relics linked to regional metamorphism of the Wilson Terrane. Results attribute the structural and metamorphic reworking during shearing to the late stages of the Cambrian-Ordovician Ross Orogeny and to the Middle-Late Ordovician probably in relation to the beginning of deformation in the Lachlan Orogen, thus precluding any appreciable impact of the Devonian-Carboniferous Borchgrevink event in the study area.  相似文献   
Concentrations of chlorinated hydrocarbons (DDT and metabolites, PCBs, aldrin, dieldrin, HCB and BHCs) have been determined in the tissues of five species of marine animals sampled in selected areas of the central Mediterranean.  相似文献   
The complexity of most geological and geophysical problems prompts sometimes the use of non linear mathematical methods to handle them. An adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) that combines fuzzy logic with neural networks, is applied here to study a paleoclimate section from the Quaternary sedimentary fill of the Lake Mucubají (western Venezuela). The purpose of this work is to find a set of numerical relationships that could predict the possible connections between oxygen isotope (δ18O) values from two different locations in the northern hemisphere (Ammersee in southern Germany and an ice core from the Greenland Ice Core Project — GRIP) and rock-magnetic parameters measured in Mucubají samples (i.e. mass-specific magnetic susceptibility — χ, magnetic remanence S-ratio, mass-specific saturation isothermal remanent magnetization — SIRM and anhysteretic remanent magnetization — ARM). The best inferences in terms of coefficient of determionation R2 and the Root Mean-Square Error (RMSE) are obtained using those magnetic data as input that include information about magnetite grain size distributions, e.g., SIRM and ARM in FIS structures [1χ, 4ARM] and [4ARM, 1SIRM]. A comparison between Ammersee and GRIP actual data, as well as their corresponding inferences for the FIS structure [4ARM, 1SIRM], reveals a reasonable good inference of global trends for both records, overlooking the regional and/or local paleoclimate forcings that might have affected Ammersee. A better correlation between global isotope paleoclimate records and magnetic proxies, is perhaps prevented by the role played by local and regional paleoclimate and tectonism in Mucubají. We also argue that the ratio of ARM over SIRM appears to be related in a complex way to the onset and to the end of the Younger Dryas. Our novel approach to the assessment of a specific paleoclimate case study shows the potential of the ANFIS technique in solving problems where traditional univariate and multivariate linear regression methods could prove inadequate.  相似文献   
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