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磁组构是由岩石中磁性矿物定向分布而产生的组构特征,因此磁组构分析是研究岩石组构常用的技术手段,它具有 见效快、灵敏度高、无损样品等特点,近年来得到广泛应用。然而在磁组构研究工作中钻取定向样品或定向手标本时,常 常会遇到天然样品含有裂缝且裂缝中充填大量近地表沉积物和自生矿物。本文针对辉绿岩裂缝充填物对其磁组构结果的影 响程度做了详细研究,选用160个含裂缝的辉绿岩岩芯定向样品,通过对比去除裂缝充填物前后的磁组构变化,发现实验 前后所有样品磁化率大小变化率平均值<1%,磁组构方向变化平均值<1°,因此认为辉绿岩裂缝物质对其磁组构影响甚微。 矿物学和岩石磁学分析表明裂隙充填物主要为石英、长石,以及少量赤铁矿、黄铁矿和绿泥石等表生矿物。而辉绿岩的携 磁矿物主要是亚铁磁性的磁铁矿,其磁化率强度约为同等质量裂缝填充物的30倍,致使辉绿岩中的裂隙充填物对磁组构的 影响很小。  相似文献   
本文对留龙沟金矿的矿物成分、共生关系、矿物生成顺序,成矿温度进行了一些研究,为探讨矿床成因提供一些资料。  相似文献   
王岩  李丽琴  张筱青 《地质论评》2016,62(2):375-380
惰质组是煤中一种常见的显微组分。它不仅能用来鉴别成煤前植物的木炭化程度,而且还是泥炭沼泽古环境恢复的有效途径。近年来,欧洲学者利用惰质组成功推算了地史时期三叠纪—侏罗纪之交(T—J)的古火灾温度及类型,并重建了古植被类型及泥炭沼泽古生态环境变化。与其它方法相比,利用煤中惰质组含量及其反射率进行古环境恢复的工作对于植物种类繁多、沉积岩层中夹杂的煤层或煤炭、尤其对于古气候环境波动较大的地质转折时期最为理想。因此,利用惰质组的部分参数对我国含煤沉积盆地的古生态恢复以及成煤环境的研究有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
在将构造发育特征与走滑双重构造理论模型进行类比分析的基础上,对辽东湾坳陷东部地区的走滑双重构造的发育特征进行了研究,并结合油气勘探实践成果,就其石油地质意义进行了探讨,研究结果表明:在受控于走滑与拉伸并存的多动力源区域地质背景下,辽东湾坳陷新生代构造演化体现了断陷与拗陷、拉张与走滑的叠加效应,NNE走向的辽中1号断裂、辽中2号断裂及辽东断裂的发育不仅控制了辽东湾坳陷东部地区的凸凹格局,其走滑侧接关系也导致了研究区走滑双重构造的发育;辽东凸起是由于辽中2号断裂、辽东断裂走滑弯曲、右行左阶侧接而形成的挤压走滑双重构造,而辽中凹陷在早期拉张断陷基础上,经历了后期走滑作用的改造,其断裂体系的发育体现了辽中1号断裂与辽中2号断裂的右旋右行侧列所产生的拉张走滑双重构造效应;在走滑双重构造的增压带,断裂侧向封堵性强,有利于形成有效的断层圈闭,是油气藏发育的有利区带。  相似文献   
随着非开挖铺管技术的不断应用,遇到的困难越来越多,针对施工中存在的诸如硬土层中导向孔的形成、硬土层扩孔钻头的改进、软土层扩孔钻头及设备、恶劣工作面的多束钢管反拉等问题提出了相应的解决方法。  相似文献   
Nitrogenous pollutants from intense human activities have become serious environmental and health problems worldwide, particularly in groundwater source areas used for public water supply. To investigate the genesis and pollution risks associated with elevated concentrations of ammonium nitrogen in a groundwater source area, investigations were undertaken in the Jinji groundwater source area, located in an arid loess plain in northwestern China where 16 groundwater samples were collected from an aquifer used for water supply. The investigation indicated that high concentrations of ammonium nitrogen originated mainly from: infiltration of water from the Yellow River; livestock; and the discharge of industrial wastes. Measured parameters including pH, the permanganate index and the oxidation reduction potential could be used as important indicators of the genesis of ammonium nitrogen. A modified DRTCLN model was applied to the observed distribution of ammonium nitrogen to assess pollution risk of regional groundwater. The model was optimized by rebuilding the index system, and the analytic hierarchy process was used to calculate the rating scale of each index. A Monte Carlo simulation was performed to analyze the uncertainty of results of the risk assessment. The result showed that the risk value is relatively low in most areas of the groundwater source area. Only an industrial area in the southwestern part of the groundwater source area was classified as high risk; it should be the key factor of pollution control.  相似文献   
Debris flow impact force is an important factor for controlling structural damage, and it is the key factor for engineering design and risk assessment. Variation laws of debris flow impact force play an important role in preventing check dam impact damage and providing technology, data and support for check dam construction. Many influencing factors exist in debris flow impact force with different influencing magnitudes. The three main factors, i.e. the debris flow bulk density, the drainage channel slope and the upstream surface gradient of the check dam, were selected to be analyzed. The purpose of the study was to analyze the influencing degree of the three factors. Three levels were set for each factor and nine text schemes were established based on the theory of orthogonal experimental design. What is more, the related miniaturized flume experiment was carried out to measure impact force of debris flow. Finally, taking the impact force mean values of key point as the evaluation index, the flume experiment results were analyzed in detail by extreme difference analysis and variance analysis. Research results indicate: among the three factors, the drainage channel slope has the most significant influence, the upstream surface gradient of the check dam is in the second place and the debris flow slurry density is the third. The form of impact force mean with the maximum value: the drainage channel slope is 15°, the debris flow bulk density is 18.1 kN/m3 and the upstream surface gradient of the check dam is 1:0.  相似文献   
通过野外调查和实验分析,在西安蓝田安村黄土剖面S_4古土壤剖面中发现了具有指示当时土壤水分含量、地下水富集和水分循环的铁锰结核、针铁矿[α-FeO(OH)],在西安地区确定了风化淋滤黄土层和显著迁出了土壤黏化层的CaCO_3结核淀积层。针铁矿呈褐黄色薄膜分布于土体表面,含量可达3.3%。铁锰结核呈黑褐色球形,电镜下多呈结晶粒状,铁锰成分含量很高。针铁矿和铁锰结核富集层厚0.6m,形成于紧靠地下水的位置。通过研究提出了铁锰结核和风化淋滤黄土层及CaCO_3结核淀积层可作为恢复土壤古水分含量的重要指标。针铁矿、铁锰结核和风化淋滤黄土层的形成以及CaCO_3结核与红色铁质胶膜的迁移深度指示,在S_4古土壤发育时期,西安地区为亚热带气候,当时年平均气温为15~16℃,年平均降水量在900~1000mm之间。那时秦岭失去了亚热带与温带气候分界线的作用。在S_4古土壤发育时期,西安地区土壤重力水分布深度达到了3.3m,当时土壤水在经过蒸发与蒸腾消耗之后,3.3m深度范围内剩余的土壤平均含水量一般为25%左右,在针铁矿和与铁锰结核发育层位含水量接近饱和(50%左右)。当时土壤水分非常充足,水分循环正常,水分平衡为正,有较多水分补给地下水,适于茂盛森林植被发育。本文所确定的古含水量指标为国内外第四纪土壤含水量、水分存在形式与水循环研究提供了标准和方法。  相似文献   
汶川MS 8.0强震发生6年来,震区暴发了数量众多、类型多样的泥石流灾害,其中一类可总结为"狭陡型泥石流",其特征指标及防治对策与震前常规泥石流存在显著差异,给灾后重建和灾害防治技术提出了新的命题。在对(极)重灾区泥石流活跃的五大片区(汶川、都江堰、绵竹、北川、安县)进行大量现场调查和资料分析的基础上,提出了强震区狭陡型泥石流的概念并给出定义,提炼了其在形成、活动及危害等方面的典型特征;通过工程实践,分析了其独特的治理难点及相应的防治对策,介绍了几项极具适应性和有效性的防治新技术,可为强震扰动区泥石流治理研究和工程设计提供一类新的思路和借鉴。  相似文献   
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