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现阶段整星座低轨卫星观测数据的缺失制约了LEO卫星导航增强研究,针对该问题,本文设计了LEO导航增强星座地基观测仿真系统,构建生成了LEO星座伪距和载波相位观测值的仿真模型;介绍了仿真系统设计流程和架构、仿真地基LEO观测数据;使用RTKLIB进行了标准单点定位(SPP)和精密单点定位(PPP)解算,验证了仿真系统搭建的正确性,以及伪距和载波观测值仿真的正确性。结果表明,相较于只考虑几何距离的地基观测数据,该系统考虑各误差模型后观测数据置信度高,可用于支撑LEO导航增强星座定位研究。  相似文献   
The ionosphere effective height (IEH) is a very important parameter in total electron content (TEC) measurements under the widely used single-layer model assumption. To overcome the requirement of a large amount of simultaneous vertical and slant ionospheric observations or dense “coinciding” pierce points data, a new approach comparing the converted vertical TEC (VTEC) value using mapping function based on a given IEH with the “ground truth” VTEC value provided by the combined International GNSS Service Global Ionospheric Maps is proposed for the determination of the optimal IEH. The optimal IEH in the Chinese region is determined using three different methods based on GNSS data. Based on the ionosonde data from three different locations in China, the altitude variation of the peak electron density (hmF2) is found to have clear diurnal, seasonal and latitudinal dependences, and the diurnal variation of hmF2 varies from approximately 210 to 520 km in Hainan. The determination of the optimal IEH employing the inverse method suggested by Birch et al. (Radio Sci 37, 2002. doi: 10.1029/2000rs002601) did not yield a consistent altitude in the Chinese region. Tests of the method minimizing the mapping function errors suggested by Nava et al. (Adv Space Res 39:1292–1297, 2007) indicate that the optimal IEH ranges from 400 to 600 km, and the height of 450 km is the most frequent IEH at both high and low solar activities. It is also confirmed that the IEH of 450–550 km is preferred for the Chinese region instead of the commonly adopted 350–450 km using the determination method of the optimal IEH proposed in this paper.  相似文献   
分析中国科学院(CAS)、法国国家空间研究中心(CNES)、加拿大自然资源部大地测量局(NRCan)和加泰罗尼亚理工大学(UPC)2021-01~08的全球实时电离层格网(RT-GIM)产品的精度。结果表明:1)以IGS事后全球电离层格网(GIM)为参考,CAS、CNES、NRCan和UPC产品的RMS分别为3.93 TECu、4.01 TECu、4.50 TECu和3.86 TECu;2)以基准站dSTEC为参考,CAS、CNES、NRCan和UPC产品的STD分别为4.42 TECu、4.40 TECu、4.96 TECu和4.42 TECu。在全球范围内选取21个测站进行连续7 d的定位测试,以高程方向残差95%分位数统计不同实时电离层产品的定位增益。相比于广播电离层模型的定位结果,CAS、CNES、NRCan和UPC产品在北半球高程方向的定位精度分别提升11.9%、18.3%、3.4%和15.5%。  相似文献   
联合双频GPS数据,利用相位平滑伪距算法,可得到包含斜向电离层总电子含量(slant total electron content,sTEC)、测站和卫星差分码偏差(differential code bias,DCB)的电离层观测值(称之为"平滑伪距电离层观测值"),常应用于与电离层有关的研究。然而,平滑伪距电离层观测值易受平滑弧段长度和与测站有关的误差影响。提出一种新算法:利用非组合精密单点定位技术(precise point positioning,PPP)计算电离层观测值(称之为"PPP电离层观测值"),进而估计sTEC和站星DCB。基于短基线试验,先用一台接收机按上述两种方法估计sTEC,用于改正另一接收机观测值的电离层延迟以实施单频PPP,结果表明,利用PPP电离层观测值得到的sTEC精度较高,定位结果的可靠性较强。随后,选取全球分布的8个IGS(internationalGNSS service)连续跟踪站2009年1月内某四天的观测数据,利用上述两种电离层观测值计算所有卫星的DCB,并将计算结果与CODE发布的月平均值进行比较,其中,平滑伪距电离层观测值的卫星DCB估值与CODE(Centre for Orbit Deter mination in Europe)发布值的差别较大,部分卫星甚至可达0.2~0.3 ns,而PPP电离层观测值而言,绝大多数卫星对应的差异均在0.1 ns以内。  相似文献   
提出利用非组合精密单点定位获取跟踪站和卫星差分码偏差(differential code bias,DCB)的电离层观测量,并结合“IGGDCB(institute of geodesy and geophysics DCB)两步法”精确分离电离层斜延迟与DCB参数的新思路。为了研究跟踪站的分布对上述方法提取卫星DCB的影响,本文分别选取欧洲区域集中分布和全球均匀分布的不同数量IGS(international GNSS service)跟踪站,利用太阳活动高峰期间连续15 d的实测数据进行卫星DCB的提取实验,并将结果与CODE(center for orbit determination in Europe)发布的DCB当月产品进行比较。实验结果表明,本文提出的方法可以精确提取卫星DCB,其精度优于载波相位平滑码方法,其中,采用欧洲区域的跟踪站提取差异的RMS优于0.2 ns,而全球分布的跟踪站提取差异的RMS优于0.1 ns,全球布站有利于同时提高RMS和单天解稳定性,并且随着跟踪站数量的增加,卫星DCB单天解的稳定性将会得到提高。  相似文献   
2005年起发射的GPS Block IIR-M卫星在L2频率上新增了L2C民用信号,2010年起发射的Block IIF卫星新增了L5频率及L5I、L5Q两种民用信号。为此,GPS民用广播星历在原有时间群延迟(TGD)参数的基础上,新增了ISC_(C/A)、ISC_(L2C)、ISC_(L5I)及ISC_(L5Q)4种ISC(inter-signal correction)参数,以服务GPS实时导航定位用户。本文给出了ISC参数在GPS单/双频定位中的改正方法、利用不同机构提供的后处理差分码偏差(DCB)产品评估了ISC参数的实际精度、研究了ISC参数对GPS民用导航定位精度的影响。在明确TGD、ISC和DCB 3类参数之间区别与联系的基础上,本文研究表明:GPS广播的ISC_(C/A)参数精度可达0.2ns,TGD、ISCL2C及ISCL5Q参数精度可达0.5ns;以2014年连续11d全球12个MGEX(multi-GNSS experiment)站为例,经由ISC参数改正后,GPS L2C单频标准单点定位(SPP)的位置解精度提高了30.6%,L1C/A+L2C双频SPP的位置解精度提高了12.2%,该精度与L1P(Y)+L2P(Y)消电离层组合SPP的位置解精度相当。  相似文献   
基于0709号台风"圣帕"影响下粤东后江湾的现场实测海滩前滨地形资料和水动力、风等资料,采用典型相关分析方法识别了台风影响下海滩前滨地形不同的变化过程,揭示了这些不同变化过程的主要控制因子,并尝试给出了物理解释。研究结果表明:(1)台风影响下海滩前滨地形的主要变化过程是水上滩肩被破坏—水下岸坡略有堆积—水下沙坝泥沙向海搬运,控制这一过程的主要动力因子是风速东向量、最大波高和碎波尺度参数;(2)海滩前滨地形的次要变化过程是海滩前滨泥沙向海搬运而形成水下沙坝,控制这一过程的主要动力因子是最大波周期和海滩地下水位;(3)海滩前滨地形也表现出前滨上部地带堆积、下部侵蚀的变化过程,控制这一过程的主要动力因子是沿岸流、海滩地下水位和最大波高。这些研究结果进一步揭示了台风影响下海滩前滨地形动力过程是由多个不同的地形-动力过程耦合作用而组成。  相似文献   
Analysisofthedynamiccharacteristicsandstochasticsimulationonvariationsofbeachvolumes¥ChenZishen(InstituteofEstuarineandCoasta...  相似文献   
Estimation and analysis of Galileo differential code biases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When sensing the Earth’s ionosphere using dual-frequency pseudorange observations of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), the satellite and receiver differential code biases (DCBs) account for one of the main sources of error. For the Galileo system, limited knowledge is available about the determination and characteristic analysis of the satellite and receiver DCBs. To better understand the characteristics of satellite and receiver DCBs of Galileo, the IGGDCB (IGG, Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Wuhan, China) method is extended to estimate the satellite and receiver DCBs of Galileo, with the combined use of GPS and Galileo observations. The experimental data were collected from the Multi-GNSS Experiment network, covering the period of 2013–2015. The stability of both Galileo satellite and receiver DCBs over a time period of 36 months was thereby analyzed for the current state of the Galileo system. Good agreement of Galileo satellite DCBs is found between the IGGDCB-based DCB estimates and those from the German Aerospace Center (DLR), at the level of 0.22 ns. Moreover, high-level stability of the Galileo satellite DCB estimates is obtained over the selected time span (less than 0.25 ns in terms of standard deviation) by both IGGDCB and DLR algorithms. The Galileo receiver DCB estimates are also relatively stable for the case in which the receiver hardware device stays unchanged. It can also be concluded that the receiver DCB estimates are rather sensitive to the change of the firmware version and that the receiver antenna type has no great impact on receiver DCBs.  相似文献   
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