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为了解黄河口及邻近海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼的群落结构动态,分别于2014年、2015年、2017年和2018年的6月利用大型浮游生物网对黄河口及邻近海域进行4个航次的表层水平拖网调查。根据鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类组成、数量分布等群落结构特征,运用生物多样性指数、聚类分析和皮尔逊相关性矩阵分析等方法对该海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼的资源分布进行了综合研究。结果表明,4年调查共采获鱼卵3 829粒,仔稚鱼234尾,隶属于7目14科15属。鱼卵的主要优势种为鳀(Engraulis japonicus)和短吻红舌鳎(Cynoglossus joyeri),仔稚鱼的主要优势种为斑鰶(Konosirus punctatus)和虾虎鱼科未定种Gobiidae sp.。生物多样性各指数均以2015年最高,2018年最低。利用R语言对鱼卵、仔稚鱼年间种类组成相似性进行聚类,将4个调查年份划分为3组,各分组之间主要的分歧种均为鳀。生物多样性各指数与环境因子之间皮尔逊相关性分析表明,盐度与鱼卵、仔稚鱼生物多样性的关系较为密切。分析认为,黄河口及邻近海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼群落分布和多样性的年间变化特征体现了鱼类对环境变异的响应。  相似文献   
海洋一号C/D(HY-1C/D)卫星中国海洋水色水温扫描仪(Chinese Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner,COCTS)主要用于探测海洋水色、水温等要素,这些要素需要经过卫星资料处理才能获取,而几何定位是预处理的核心,直接影响这些要素的质量。COCTS具有114°视场角和四元逐点摆扫的特征,据此研究出一套完整的几何定位方法。从0级数据中提取卫星星历,利用插值法从中获取采样时间对应的卫星位置和速度,进而得到轨道(ORB)坐标系到地心旋转(ECR)坐标系的转换矩阵。基于四元逐点摆扫的特征,中心视矢量分别绕X轴、Y轴旋转相应角度,获得扫描行各采样点ORB视矢量,建立视矢量与地球交叉点关系模型,从而对根据波段数据绘制的遥感图像进行地理定位。本文使用插值法替代了传统需要6个轨道根数来计算卫星位置的复杂方法,同时直接计算ORB到ECR的转换矩阵,而不采用传统的两步转换方法。经过多组数据计算及定性定量验证,HY-1C/D COCTS几何定位结果一致;采样像元尺度效应导致从星下点到两侧边缘、从赤道到两极,误差逐渐增大,约在两个像元内。该方法满足一定的定位精度要求,可以用于COCTS的几何定位。  相似文献   
Quantifying the gross and net production is an essential component of carbon cycling and marine ecosystem studies.Triple oxygen isotope measurements and the O_2/Ar ratio are powerful indices in quantifying the gross primary production and net community production of the mixed layer zone,respectively.Although there is a substantial advantage in refining the gas exchange term and water column vertical mixing calibration,application of mixed layer depth history to the gas exchange term and its contribution to reducing indices error are unclear.Therefore,two cruises were conducted in the slope regions of the northern South China Sea in October 2014(autumn) and June 2015(spring).Discrete water samples at Station L07 in the upper 150 m depth were collected for the determination of δ~(17)0,δ~(18)O,and the O_2/Ar ratio of dissolved gases.Gross oxygen production(GOP) was estimated using the triple oxygen isotopes of the dissolved O_2,and net oxygen production(NOP) was calculated using O_2/Ar ratio and O_2 concentration.The vertical mixing effect in NOP was calibrated via a N_2O based approach.GOP for autumn and spring was(169±23) mmol/(m~2·d)(by O_2) and(189±26) mmol/(m~2·d)(by O_2),respectively.While NOP was 1.5 mmol/(m~2·d)(by O_2) in autumn and 8.2 mmol/(m~2·d)(by O_2) in spring.Application of mixed layer depth history in the gas flux parametrization reduced up to 9.5% error in the GOP and NOP estimations.A comparison with an independent O_2 budget calculation in the diel observation indicated a26% overestimation in the current GOP,likely due to the vertical mixing effect.Both GOP and NOP in June were higher than those in October.Potential explanations for this include the occurrence of an eddy process in June,which may have exerted a submesoscale upwelling at the sampling station,and also the markedly higher terrestrial impact in June.  相似文献   
茎柔鱼(Dosidicus gigas)是我国远洋渔业的重要捕捞对象。当前针对茎柔鱼渔场分布及其与环境关系的研究多集中于秘鲁海域,针对赤道海域茎柔鱼特定种群小型群体资源分布及其渔场环境特征研究较少。根据2019年12月至2020年2月茎柔鱼生物学数据,2019年12月至2020年4月生产和环境数据,运用胴长-体重关系拟合、地统计插值、广义可加模型(GAM)探究其资源分布及渔场环境状况。结果表明:东太平洋赤道海域茎柔鱼胴长范围为136~407 mm,体重范围为117~1557 g;2019年12月至2020年4月各月渔获量呈先增加后减小趋势,2月渔获量最高;CPUE曲线除2月增加外,总体呈下降趋势;渔场集中分布于0°~3°S、105°W~114°W海域,不同月份渔场重心经向变化明显;渔场最适SST范围是24.5~25.5 °C,最适Chl-a范围是0.16~0.20 mg/m3,月份是影响茎柔鱼CPUE的主要因子。研究表明:该海域茎柔鱼渔获主要为小型群体;小型群体生长发育期(2–3月)对渔场分布有重要影响,生长发育期前茎柔鱼集群度高,生长发育期后逐渐分散活动;单一影响因子与茎柔鱼CPUE相关性不显著,综合考虑其他环境因素及其交互影响是今后的研究方向。  相似文献   
Hypoxia is increasingly reported off the Changjiang River Estuary with the confluence of multiple high volume nutrient sources. The Regional Ocean Modeling System coupled with a biological model was used to analyze the effect of different nutrient sources on the development of hypoxia off the Changjiang River Estuary. By comparing to observed data, our model suitably captured the regional dynamics of chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, and nutrient concentration. A series of sensitivity experiments were conducted to investigate the hypoxia response to the various nutrient sources, such as loading from the Changjiang River, Kuroshio and Taiwan Warm Current. Our model results indicated that nutrients from different sources significantly influenced the hypoxia off the Changjiang River Estuary, and it was mostly affected by nutrients sourced from the Kuroshio. The nutrients input from the Changjiang River had larger impacts on the hypoxia in the north of 30°N than that in the south of 30°N. The nutrients sourced from the Taiwan Strait had a least influence on the hypoxia off the Changjiang River Estuary.  相似文献   
根据2014年6月和10-11月在西北太平洋公海采集的168尾秋刀鱼样本,基于耳石微结构并结合基础生物学数据,鉴定了秋刀鱼的日龄,推算了孵化日期,并建立了生长模型和生长率。研究发现:耳石微结构从核心到透明区边缘,轮纹宽度由宽至窄,亮度由暗至明,标记轮多分布在透明区。日龄范围为204~549 d,优势日龄组为231~290 d和381~470 d,日龄最小个体体长207 mm,体质量39 g,日龄最大个体体长291 mm,体质量131 g。孵化日期为2012年12月至2014年4月,孵化高峰期出现在1-3月和8-10月,初步推算秋刀鱼主要分为春生群和秋生群产卵群体。体长和体质量生长模型符合Logistic生长模型。体长平均绝对生长率和相对生长率别为0.224 mm/d和0.000 88,绝对生长率随着日龄增加而减小。体质量平均绝对生长率和相对生长率别为0.293 g/d和0.003 25,最大绝对生长率(0.504 mm/d)和最大相对生长率(0.004 86)出现在351~400 d。  相似文献   
Northern Norwegian shelf regions are highly productive, supporting fisheries rich in commercially important species such as cod, herring and capelin. It has been long recognized that the mesoscale jets, meanders and eddies associated with interactions between the North Atlantic Current, Norwegian Coastal Current and regional bottom topographic features such as troughs, banks and shelfbreaks play important roles in transporting and retaining zooplankton. To investigate zooplankton distributions and their correspondence with the physical fields, three large-scale surveys with mesoscale resolutions on physical and biological fields were conducted in northern Norwegian shelf regions between latitudes 68°15′N and 70°15′N in springs of 2000–2002. Survey results provide insights into the relationships between zooplankton distributions and the physical features such as fronts, the Norwegian Coastal Current and eddies related to topographic features. The physical and biological data are integrated and analyzed focusing on water types, estimation of geostrophic currents from direct current measurements, along-shelf transport of zooplankton, and retention of zooplankton by the mesoscale meander–eddy over a typical bank area on the shelf. The estimated mean transport in the upper 100 m on the shelf in the survey region is approximately 6.4×103 tonnes wet weight day−1 northward. High zooplankton abundances were found over both Malangsgrunnen and Sveinsgrunnen banks. The specific accumulation rate from northward–southward transport in the upper 100 m over Malangsgrunnen was approximately 0.08 day−1, while variable currents with an offshore gradient of zooplankton abundance over Sveinsgrunnen implies an offshore dispersion of coastal-originated zooplankton cohort.  相似文献   
In this paper AlGaInP light emitting diodes with different types of electrodes: Au/Zn/Au-ITO Au/Ti-ITO Au/Ge/Ni-ITO and Au-ITO are fabricated. The photoelectricity properties of those LEDs are studied. The results show that the Au/Zn/Au electrode greatly improves the performance of LEDs compared with the other electrodes. Because the Au/Zn/Au electrode not only forms a good Ohmic contact with indium tin oxide (ITO), but also reduces the specific contact resistances between ITO and GaP, which are 1.273×10-6 Ω · cm2 and 1.743×10-3 Ω ·cm2 between Au/Zn/Au-ITO and ITO-GaP respectively. Furthermore, the textured Zn/Au-ITO/Zn electrode is designed to improve the performances of LEDs, reduce the forward-voltage of the LED from 1.93 to 1.88 V, and increase the luminous intensity of the LEDs from 126 to 134 mcd when driven at 20 mA.  相似文献   
As the feature size of the CMOS integrated circuit continues to shrink, the more and more serious scattering effect has a serious impact on interconnection performance, such as delay and bandwidth. Based on the impact of the scattering effect on latency and bandwidth, this paper first presents the quality-factor model which optimises latency and bandwidth effectively with the consideration of the scattering effect. Then we obtain the analytical model of line width and spacing with application of curve-fitting method. The proposed model has been verified and compared based on the nano-scale CMOS technology. This optimisation model algorithm is simple and can be applied to the interconnection system optimal design of nano-scale integrated circuits.  相似文献   
The saddle dolomites occur more intensely in cores closely to fault than that in cores far away from the fault in Upper Cambrian carbonate of western Tarim basin, suggesting that formation of the saddle dolomites is likely related to fault-controlled fluid flow. They partially fill in fractures and vugs of replacement dolomite. The saddle dolomites exhibit complex internal textures, commonly consisting of core and cortex. In comparison with the matrix dolomites, the saddle dolomites show lower Sr-content and 87Sr/86Sr ratios, higher Fe- and Mn-content, and more negative δ18O values. Combined with high Th (100–130 °C) of primary fluid inclusions, it is suggested that the saddle dolomites precipitated from hydrothermal fluid derived from the deep evaporite-bearing Middle Cambrian strata, and the magnesium source may be due to dissolution of host dolomite during hydrothermal fluid migration. Fault activity resulted in petrographic and geochemical difference of the core and cortex of the saddle dolomites. The cores precipitated from the formation water mixed by deep brines at the early stage of fault activity, and the cortexes precipitated from the deep fluid with higher temperatures through the Middle Cambrian later. In summary, the formation of the saddle dolomites implies a hydrothermal fluid event related to fault activity, which also resulted in high porosity in Upper Cambrian carbonate in western Tarim Basin.  相似文献   
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