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Numerical weather prediction models are increasingly employed for providing meteorological data for urban air quality applications. Model resolution, physiographic parameters and surface-layer parameterisations need to be adapted to the requirements of the urban boundary layer. The Lokalmodell of the German Weather Service was triple-nested down to a horizontal grid resolution of 1.1 km, urbanised physiographic parameters were implemented, and an additional anthropogenic heat source was introduced. Results of a sensitivity study for a spring dust episode in Helsinki show a clear urbanisation effect of these measures on temperature, humidity and the partitioning of surface fluxes, leading to an increased Bowen ratio and heat storage and an urban heat island effect.  相似文献   
通过引人泊松括号,分析了无限维Hamilton的性质,并将其推广到广义Hamilton系统,且从理论和实用角度讨论了这类广义Hamilton系统的辛格式构造问题,从而为辛几何算法在一般的时间发展方程的数值求解提供新的具体途径。  相似文献   
介绍了BP网络的特点,阐述了它在位场资料解释中应用的方法、特点和可行性。通过模型计算证实了该方法在位场异常识别中的效果,正确率达97%。此外,通过修改网络单元的激发函数,增强网络的稳定性和内插功能,使BP网络在多层密度界面反演中得到满意的结果,模型和实例计算证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
西南某坝区中缓倾角结构面具有分别倾向上游和下游的空间分布规律。根据结构面接触情况,首先将结构面分为刚性结构面和软弱结构面两大类。其中,刚性结构面属于裂隙型;软弱结构面根据其物质组成和结构特征,可以细分为岩块岩屑型、岩屑夹泥型、泥夹岩屑型3个亚类。断层类结构面具有垂直于断层走向,由高高程到低高程,由泥夹岩屑型岩屑夹泥型岩屑砾型裂隙型逐渐过渡的发育规律。最后在分析抗剪试验资料和分类及发育规律的基础上,提出了抗剪强度指标的建议值。  相似文献   
Three discriminant function models are raised and cross-compared in order to distinguish geochemical patterns characteristic for the Drava River floodplain sediments. Based on data representing total element concentrations in samples collected from alluvium (A), terrace (T), and unconsolidated bedrock (B) at the border of a floodplain, four element clusters emerged accounting for discrimination between the referred groups of sediments. The most prominent is contaminant/carbonate cluster characteristic for alluvium. The other two are: silicate cluster typical for unconsolidated geological substrate (Neogene sedimentary rocks); and naturally dispersed heavy metal cluster separating terrace from the former two groups. Models introducing depth intervals and single profiles as grouping criteria reveal identical sediment-heavy metal matrices. The second important issue of this paper is possibility of reclassification of samples originally assigned to one of the a priori defined groups of sediments, based on established geochemical pattern. The mapped geological units can be reconsidered by the post hoc assignments to a different group if geological border between alluvium and terrace or between terrace and bedrock can not be established geologically with absolute certainty.  相似文献   
通过对阿克苏中心地震台前兆仪器故障进行相关检查和分析处理,判断产生的各类干扰因素,并提出处理方法,为仪器运行、数据处理及使用奠定基础,保证观测资料的连续、完整和可靠.  相似文献   
By measuring carbon and hydrogen isotope compositions for C1, C2 and C3 of 74 gas samples, natural gases from the Tarim Basin can be divided into six groups on the basis of their origins: (1) coal-type gas derived from coal measures; (2) coal-type gas generated from the T-J lacustrine mudstones; (3) oil-type gas derived from the Cambrian and low Ordovician marine source rocks; (4) oil-type gas from the source rocks deposited in the marine-transitional facies; (5) mixing gas between gas derived from the Carboniferous transitional source rocks and the Mesozoic humic gas, and (6) mixing gases of thermal genetic gas and little deep gas in the Southwest depression of the Tarim Basin. The δ D values of methane in natural gases originating from different type kerogens are affected by both palaeo-environments of the source rock formation (kerogen types) and thermal maturity, with sedimentary environment (kerogen type) as the main controlling factor. Under the similar thermal maturity, the hydrogen isotope composition of methane is more enriched in deuterium in marine environments than lacustrine one. With the increase of thermal maturity and the increase of carbon atomic numbers of gaseous alkanes, the hydrogen isotopes become enriched in deuterium. The δ D values of ethane and propane (δ D2, δ D3) are controlled mainly by thermal maturity and to a lesser degree by sedimentary environment of the source rock formation. The partial reversal of hydrogen isotopes for gaseous alkanes would be related to the microbial oxidation, mixing of sapropelic and humic gases and / or mixing of gases from similar kerogen sources with various thermal maturities. In the oil-type gas, the sulfate reduction reaction would result in the reversed order of δ D1 and δ D2 (e.g. δ D1>δ D2).  相似文献   
荒漠-草原过渡带是草原逐渐被荒漠取代的区域.沿阿拉善左旗-乌拉特后旗调查灌木群落,分析植物群落的结构和物种多样性,以期为生物多样性保育提供理论依据.结果表明:该荒漠-草原过渡带有62种植物,隶属于18科、47属,禾本科、藜科、豆科和菊科的植物较多.植物主要由灌木和多年生草本构成,以旱生植物为主,主要包括红砂(Reaum...  相似文献   
研究了Blazar天体3C 66A光学波段的准周期光变行为.收集了3C 66A光学V波段将近18 yr (2003—2021年)的测光数据,观测数据主要来源是:上海天文台(ShAO)、 AAVSO (The American Association of Variable Star Observers)数据库、Steward天文台.使用了Jurkevich和Lomb-Scargle两种方法分析了光变数据.Jurkevich方法得到了(850±90) d (~2.3 yr)和(1150±140) d (~3.2 yr)的光变周期,而Lomb-Scargle方法在充分考虑了“红噪声”效应之后同样得到了(869±70) d和(1111±90) d的光变周期,它们的置信水平分别为>99%和> 95%.通过与之前的研究结果比较,发现~2.3 yr的光变周期在3C 66A的历史光变数据中是一个稳定的周期,而~3.2 yr的周期则是不稳定的.  相似文献   
江汉平原沔城M1孔的沉积特征与古环境重建   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对江汉平原沔城M1孔湖泊沉积物进行沉积特征、粒度、14C年代、孢粉分析,重建了晚冰期以来该地区古环境、古气候演化的过程和序列:晚冰期后期有一扩张期,气候温湿并出现湖泊相沉积;晚冰期末期气候温凉偏干、河流环境;全新世初期(10-8.9kaBP),气候转向温湿;全新世大暖期(8.9-3.5kaBP),总体上气候温暖湿润,其中6.8-4.9kaBP是最宜期,4.9-4.8kaBP和4.4-4.2kaBP为两次降温事件,4.8kaBP积水湖盆开始形成,3.9-3.5kaBP为云梦泽鼎盛期;全新世晚期(3.5-1.7kaBP),气温较大暖期有所下降,其中3.5-2.5kaBP温凉偏湿,2.5-1.7kaBP较为温湿,湖泊较为稳定,1.7kaBP开始,云梦泽萎缩,钻孔所在位置出露水面。   相似文献   
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