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The Xiashu Loess, in comparison to the well-studied loess sequences in the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP), provides a good opportunity for studying East Asian monsoon variations from a southern China perspective. Here we present a study of the iron oxide mineralogy of the Xiashu Loess using integrated geochemical and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) measurements as well as magnetic data. Our results show that the free iron oxide (Fed) to total iron (Fet) ratio (Fed/Fet), hematite (Hm) to goethite (Gt) ratio (Hm/Gt) and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) to magnetic susceptibility (χ) ratio (SIRM/χ) all indicate particularly strong summer monsoons during the formation of paleosols PS5 and PS4 (equivalent to Marine Isotope Stage 13 and 11, respectively). However, magnetic susceptibility and Fed/Fet are not consistently reliable indicators of summer monsoon intensity for the whole section. Our results indicate that a multi-proxy approach can give a more reliable summer monsoon intensity reconstruction. The summer monsoon shows a cooling trend and a declining of precipitation from 0.5 to ~0.3 Ma, after which it becomes warmer and wetter towards the top of paleosol PS1 (equivalent to MIS 5). However, PS1 was formed under a relatively cooler temperature and wetter soil conditions in comparison to PS5 and PS4. Such supra-orbital variations in the East Asian summer monsoon superimposed on the effects of glacial–interglacial cycles in southern China are also reflected in the 0.4–0.5 Ma cycle of marine carbon isotopes in the global ocean, possibly indicating a strong link between terrestrial weathering and the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   
格子Boltzmann方法地震波场模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董桥梁  姚姚 《地球科学》1997,22(6):638-642
格子Boltzmann方法是细胞自动机在某些学科中的具体化和应用。它根据微观运动过程的某些基本特征建立简化的、时间和空间完全离散的动力学模型,这种模型的平行行为符合宏观的微分方程。  相似文献   
Internal erosion is the most common reason which induces failure of embankment dams besides overtopping. Relatively large leakage is frequently concentrated at defects of impervious element, and this will lead to eventual failure. The amount of leakage depends not only on integrity of impervious element, but also on dam height, shape of valley, shape of impervious element and water level in reservoir. The integrity of impervious element, which represents the relative level of seepage safety, is not easy to be determined quantitatively. A simple method for generalization of steady seepage state of embankment dams with thin impervious element is proposed in this paper. The apparent overall value of permeability coefficient for impervious element can be obtained by this method with reasonable accuracy and efficiency. A defect parameter of impervious element is defined as an index to characterize seepage safety of embankment dams. It equals the ratio of the apparent overall value of permeability coefficient to the measured value in laboratory for intact materials. Subsequently, seepage safety of three dams is evaluated and the evolution of defect level of impervious element of dams is investigated. It is proved that the newly proposed method in this paper is feasible in the evaluation of relative seepage safety level of embankment dams with thin impervious element.  相似文献   
The Asian monsoon is an important component of the global climate system. Seasonal variations in wind, rainfall, and temperature associated with the Asian monsoon systems affect a vast expanse of tropical and subtropical Asia. Speleothem-derived summer monsoon variation in East Asia was previously found to be closely associated with millennial-scale change in temperature in the North Atlantic region between 75 and 10 ka. New evidence recovered from East Asia, however, suggests that the teleconnection between summer monsoon in East Asia and temperature change in the North Atlantic region may have significantly reduced during 120 to ~ 110 ka, a period directly after the full last interglaciation and corresponding roughly to marine oxygen isotope stage 5d. This reduction may be due to the low ice volume in the North Hemisphere at that time, which makes the millennial-scale change in temperature in the North Atlantic region less effective in influencing the Asian summer monsoon. This is important for investigating the mechanisms controlling the Asian summer monsoon and the paleoclimatic teleconnection between East Asia and the North Atlantic region, and for predicting monsoon-associated precipitation in East Asia under a global-warming trend.  相似文献   
该文首先采用合成分析的方法研究了江淮入梅前后大尺度大气环流的演变特征和西太平洋副热带高压西伸北跳的可能机制。研究结果表明, 江淮入梅前期的最显著的特征是:副热带高压首先在太平洋中部增强北跳, 而后向西扩展导致太平洋副高西部脊 (120°E) 的增强北跳。进一步分析表明, 在太平洋中部副热带高压的增强北跳和西伸之前, 副热带高压南侧ITCZ中对流和孟加拉湾北部的对流活动明显并且都经历了一次增强活跃过程, 这意味着热带ITCZ和孟加拉湾北部对流的异常活跃可能对副热带高压的增强北跳西伸产生影响。全球大气环流模式模拟结果表明, 赤道中太平洋ITCZ中对流异常活跃不仅可导致副热带高压的增强北移, 而且还可导致副热带高压西伸, 与诊断分析结果相一致。  相似文献   
徐冲  柳林  周素红 《地理科学》2016,36(1):55-62
在无时空考虑的密度估计算法基础上,分别加入了案件点之间的时间临近相似性、空间临近相似性和时空临近相似性的考虑,利用DP半岛2006~2007年的街头抢劫犯罪数据为基础计算无时空临近相似性、时间临近相似性、空间临近相似性和时空临近相似性4种不同算法所得到的犯罪热点图,并以之预测2008年的街头抢劫。通过Natural breaks(Jenks)分级方法和等比例面积选取两种方式来划定热点区域进行预测并进行PAI指数得分比较,结果表明时空临近相似性的密度估计算方法在犯罪预测的优势比较显著。  相似文献   
Based on reanalysis data, we find that the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) plays an important role in the variability of wave climate in the equatorial Northern Indian Ocean (NIO). Significant wave height (SWH) in the equatorial NIO, especially over the waters southeast to Sri Lanka, exhibits strong interannual variations. SWH anomalies in the waters southeast to Sri Lanka correlate well with dipole mode index (DMI) during both summer and autumn. Negative SWH anomalies occur over the oceanic area southeast to Sri Lanka during positive IOD events and vary with different types of IOD. During positive prolonged (unseasonable) IOD, the SWH anomalies are the strongest in autumn (summer); while during positive normal IOD, the SWH anomalies are weak in both summer and autumn. Strong easterly wind anomalies over the southeast oceanic area of Sri Lanka during positive IOD events weaken the original equatorial westerly wind stress, which leads to the decrease in wind-sea waves. The longer wave period during positive IOD events further confirms less wind-sea waves. The SWH anomaly pattern during negative IOD events is nearly opposite to that during positive IOD events.  相似文献   
河北昌黎台地电阻率EW测道2017年6-8月出现快速下降变化,经检测,观测系统工作正常。通过环境调研和辅助资料对比分析,发现该变化与降雨和粉丝厂干扰有一定关系。采用褶积滤波法去掉降雨干扰,EW测道地电阻率仍为下降趋势,说明该下降变化不能完全用降雨来解释,不排除是地震前异常变化的可能。  相似文献   
基于因子分析法的开封市菊展游客满意度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取具有代表性的21个评价指标,利用因子分析法识别出影响开封菊展游客满意度的4个主要因子,按其影响程度从大到小依次为价格因子、景区服务因子、菊花与菊展因子、环境与交通因子.结果表明:游客的总体满意度评价不高,其中游客对菊花与菊展因子的满意度最高,而对影响最重要的价格因子的满意度却最低.最后,针对影响游客满意度的因子分析提出了开封菊展的改进建议,以提高其知名度和美誉度.  相似文献   
周旗 《福建地理》2005,20(3):1-3
绿色农业是一种现代生产方式,具有广阔的发展前景。本文研究了绿色农业的含义、布局条件和地域类型,在分析我国绿色农业生产特点的基础上,探讨绿色农业发展对策。  相似文献   
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