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Enclosure is one of the most widely used management tools for degraded alpine grassland on the northern Tibetan Plateau, but the responses of different types of grassland to enclosure may vary, and research on these responses can provide a scientific basis for improving ecological conservation. This study took one site for each of three grassland types (alpine meadow, alpine steppe and alpine desert) on the northern Tibetan Plateau as examples, and explored the effects of enclosure on plant and soil nutrients by comparing differences in plant community biomass, leaf-soil nutrient content and their stoichiometry between samples from inside and outside the fence. The results showed that enclosure can significantly increase all aboveground biomass in these three grassland types, but it only increased the 10-20 cm underground biomass in the alpine desert. Enclosure also significantly increased the leaf nutrient content of the dominant plants and contents of total nitrogen (N), total potassium (K), and organic carbon (C) in 10-20 cm soil in alpine desert, thus changing the stoichiometry between C, N and P (phosphorus). However, enclosure significantly increased only the N content of dominant plant leaves in alpine steppe, while other nutrients and stoichiometries of both plant leaves and soil did not show significant differences in alpine meadow and alpine steppe. These results suggested that enclosure has differential effects on these three types of alpine grasslands on the northern Tibetan Plateau, and the alpine desert showed the most active ecological conservation in the responses of its soil and plant nutrients.  相似文献   
通过有限元软件ANSYS对土工格栅加筋路堤进行模拟,阐述了加筋土的加筋作用原理。通过一个工程实例分别对不加筋、仅加砂垫层、加一层土工格栅砂垫层、加两层土工格栅砂垫层四种不同的加筋路堤进行了计算。分析了不同加筋方式下加筋土路基竖向位移、侧向位移、竖向应力、剪应力和筋材拉力的规律。  相似文献   
对比研究了养殖粪污厌氧发酵体系中添加针铁矿和/或菱苦土对N、P固定的作用。实验过程中对溶液pH进行监控,厌氧发酵44 d后,对发酵液中氨氮和磷浓度进行了分析,对固体产物进行了XRD和SEM分析。结果表明:单独或同时添加针铁矿、菱苦土的厌氧发酵罐中,发酵液中N、P浓度均降低,其中N浓度降幅小于P,添加菱苦土厌氧发酵罐中P浓度降幅较大,达90%以上。单独添加针铁矿的厌氧发酵罐中,针铁矿发生还原分解,转化为铁白云石;添加菱苦土的厌氧发酵罐中,形成了大量鸟粪石。研究认为在养殖粪污厌氧发酵体系中,由于碱金属离子的影响,针铁矿和菱苦土对N的固定作用不明显;针铁矿对P的固定效果一般,菱苦土对P固定效果显著,固P产物鸟粪石可作为优质缓释肥使用。  相似文献   
位于西秦岭南部的金厂石英闪长岩岩体内含有大量镁铁质暗色微粒包体,包体大多呈浑圆状和水滴状,部分呈不规则拉长状,与寄主岩的接触界线截然或呈渐变过渡关系.石英闪长岩中的磷灰石呈短柱状,而包体中的磷灰石则呈细长针状,反映基性岩浆的快速冷凝结晶.石英闪长岩中的斜长石发育振荡环带,核部的斜长石An低,而边部斜长石An先急剧上升,复又下降;核部与边部之间存在明显的间断,同时斜长石边部包裹有暗色矿物,指示其形成时可能有更基性的岩浆注入.寄主岩中的角闪石大多为普通角闪石和镁普通角闪石,属SiO2饱和型,而包体中角闪石一部分为镁普通角闪石,属SiO2饱和型,一部分为韭闪石、韭闪石质普通角闪石,属SiO2不饱和类型.包体中的角闪石自核部到边部,Al2O3与TiO2含量急剧下降,说明核部和幔部相对于边部形成于更高温的环境.寄主岩中黑云母部分为铁质黑云母,部分为镁质黑云母,而包体中黑云母均为镁质黑云母,在∑FeO/(∑FeO+MgO)对MgO图解上寄主岩与包体中黑云母均落入壳-幔混源区.寄主岩和包体中的锆石均为典型的岩浆锆石,LA-ICP- MS锆石U- Pb定年表明它们的形成年龄分别为212±2 Ma及215±1Ma(2σ),在误差范围内基本一致,证明二者同时形成.综合以上岩相学和年代学证据认为,金厂石英闪长岩和镁铁质暗色微粒包体是幔源基性岩浆和壳源酸性岩浆混合作用的产物,形成于秦岭造山带中三叠世造山后伸展环境.结合区域上的研究结果认为,中—晚三叠世时期的幔源岩浆底侵和下地壳部分熔融在西秦岭广泛存在.  相似文献   
高精度重磁测量在油气勘探中的应用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在某工区进行了高精度重磁油气勘查,推断出断裂体系、密度界面和预测含油气古潜山,取得找油气突出效果,显示出重磁勘查具有的快速高效特点和有效性,对同类或相似地区的油气勘探工作有启迪和借鉴作用。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionIt is well known that interaction between the trop-ical ocean and atmosphere produces the largest inter-annual climate signal, El Nino-Southern Oscillation(ENSO). In past decades many efforts have been madein understanding and predicting ENSO: such as the hy-pothesis of Bjerknes (1969) that ENSO arises as aself-sustained cycle in which SSTA in the Pacific O-cean causes the trade winds to strengthen or slackenand that this in turn drives the ocean circulation changesthat …  相似文献   
Population genetic structure and historical demography of Chinese horseshoe crab (T. tridentatus) along southeast coast of China were inferred from the sequence data of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) fragment. The sequence analysis for 964 bp COI fragment was conducted in 28 individuals collected from five localities: Ninghai in Zhejiang Province, Meizhou and Zhangpu in Fujian Province, Beihai of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Danzhou of Hainan Province. Sequence variation was relatively low with a total of seven transitions observed. In all localities, Haplotype H3 was the dominant type observed among eight haplotypes defined previously, and was at the center of radiation in Median-Joining network. The prolonged star-like network suggests a signature of population expansions. The level of diversity was low in total, with haplotype diversity (Hd) being equal to 0.765 and nucleotide diversity (π) being equal to 0.001 18, respectively. The genetic structure analysis revealed the significant genetic difference between Ninghai and Danzhou populations. Both mismatch distribution analysis and Fu's Fs test provided consistent inference of historic population expansion. The low genetic diversity of horseshoe crab observed along China coast indicated that urgent measures should be taken to protect this rare marine animal.  相似文献   
海洋碳循环是全球变化研究中的重要领域,它不仅在很大程度上决定了全球气温乃至全球气候的变化趋势,而且还是海洋生态系持续发展的基础,它决定着了海洋生态环境变化的走向。众所周知,碳(C)在海洋中以无机态和有机态的形式存在,在海气系统中,大于98%的C以溶解无机碳(DIC)形式存在于水体中(Zeebe et al,2001)其对海洋碳循环的影响至关重要。 氮(N)和磷(P)等营养盐对维持海洋生态系的正常运转起着至关重要的作用。但是,由于近年来人类生产、生活污水的排放以及滩涂和沿岸水域养殖区的长期施肥,它们也作为近岸海区的主要污染物而导致近海海洋生态环境的日益恶化,影响并改变了一些海域的生态结构。如在胶州湾,由于营养盐浓度及结构发生了变化导致该湾地区浮游植物数量和优势种组成的变化(沈志良,2002)近年来,在海洋沿岸带的河口、海湾等水体较浅的透光层内,以孔石莼等绿藻为主要代表的大型海藻开始泛滥,形成大型海藻的水华。海洋生态环境的改变,必然将导致海洋碳循环的变化,从长时间尺度来看也会影响到全球的气候和气温变化。目前,对营养盐与水生藻类之间的响应关系研究已有大量的报道(王勇等,2002;刘媛等,2004;张文俊等,2004)但对于营养盐与海水无机碳体系之间的耦合作用报道甚少。在海洋环境中、C N P作为主要的生源要素,其变化相互影响,并与海水中所存有的海洋生物密切相关。探讨海水中C-N-P的相互耦合关系对于研究海洋生态环境演变过程及效应,阐明海洋碳循环过程的深层次机理,揭示在过量N P作用富营养化条件下,C的迁移转化行为有重要的科学意义和实际价值。本文作者初步研究了模拟条件下C-N-P的相互关系。  相似文献   
Nelson pointed out that the wave breaking criterion(H/d)_b for gentle slopes(i<1/100),inwhich H is the wave height and d is the water depth at the breaking point,is smaller than that for beachslopes of i>1/100),i.e.,the value of(H/d)_b for gentle slopes may be smaller than 0.6.Goda indicatedthat the wave breaking criterion given by himself is a result based on theoretical study,so it should be alsocorrect and can be used for gentle beaches,i.e.,the value of(H/d)_b for gentle slopes may be still largerthan 0.7.By use of high order nonlinear wave theory,this problem is analyzed in this study and the reasonwhy there is a large difference between different studies is explained.Moreover,the bottom energy loss dur-ing wave propagation is considered and the critical slope for the absence of wave breaking is also analyzed.  相似文献   
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